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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 187 KB, 833x1252, schools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3926701 No.3926701 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ you are so good at math and science but so bad at economics. Why?

>> No.3926716

Because no one is good at economics?

>> No.3926715

Economics sucks, I found that studying in this field, is somewhat sterile and very limited to the creation of artificial value made by greedy humans to serve more greedy humans. Science and math to the contrary bring a concrete progress by discovering new laws and making new products that improve day-to-day life.

>> No.3926717

good troll pic brohemian.

>> No.3926723

Because economics isn't a science.

2/10 for getting a response

>> No.3926727

Because economics isn't a science.

>> No.3926738

economics feels more like ideology and dogma than fact & skeptical evaluation

>> No.3926741
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economics isn't a science.

>> No.3926742

because you touch yourself at night lololol

>> No.3926751

OP has never read Das Kapital.

That's some seriously scientific shit in that document there.


>> No.3926762

that is one hell of a troll pic OP
economics, being a social science, cannot apply universal laws to itself; unlike hard science.

>> No.3926766

BECAUSE the so-called education system is autistic. It forces people to focus, so that they become so unable to function as citizens and consumers and people, that they do stupid things like sign up for $100K in school debt as a "good start" in their lives.

The education wants people who are like idiot savants. That's the next best thing to actually obtaining MACHINES for the labors desired. That's where all possible labor tasks are going: Everything will be done by machine, with a tiny percentage with multiple PhDs running everything, with the hypermajority totally unemployed and unemployable.

Wait, that's not right. The groaning masses will have killed and literally EATEN the PhD elite by then. So society must collapse.

>> No.3926767

Perhaps the very basics of economics are somewhat scientific.

But the most important area, econometrics, is nothing but pure bullshit.

>> No.3926773
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You realize your entire statement eradicates any belief that economics is a science.

Do your belief a favor and stfu.

>> No.3926778


On a board that looks up to socialism so much is it really that hard to understand why they are bad at a science that destroys socialism so easily?


Kapital is a great example of what plebes think is economics. You just proved my point.

>> No.3926789

>Liberty thinking he has a point


>> No.3926796

What is your economics then? The science of greed?

Kapital deconstructs the capitalist system as it is with brutal honesty.

Besides, the purpose for the deconstructions are different in either analysis; you want to maximize profits while we want to liberate society for greater purposes. Collectively we can do much more than as alienated private individuals.

>> No.3926825

its funny because its true.

only few scientific minds manage to dig through all of those bullshit management, accounting marketing and so on courses associated with studying economics.

>> No.3926829

as saying, most modern capitalist economics are just making excuses for their self serving masters to continue to exploit the working class.

For example, in the austrian school, no: profit seeking will not seek new investment unless it's critical. Instead they will continue to decrease wages until it's critical to invest in new capital (machinery etc), and when they do, they will fire ever more people with the capital they invested in machinery to replace what the workers did for a much lesser cost.

Consider the options of your masters, what's the best plan for them? And with that honest empathization, we emerge with the Marxist theories of economics.

Self-serving is self-destruction, even psychologists know that ; and they even practice more of a science than economists do.

>> No.3926841




>> No.3926852
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you don't analyze economics. You just convince yourself that any detractors or conflicting evidence is ignorable.


>> No.3926855

Im not sure any of you know what economics is...

Most of the bullshit that gets flung in these 'economics' discussions is more ethics, political science and sociology than economic theory.

>> No.3926866

>implying psychology, sociology, ethics and politics are not factors in economic systems.

>> No.3926877


austrian econ is god tier in the sense that its based on faith and arm-chair philosophy and has never used empirical data to support its ideas

and its "a priori" approach is hilarious, lol praexology, cause you can use intuition and reason to figure out how markets and humans interact....

hahahah good show

>> No.3926872
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It deconstructs non-free markets (not capitalism). Sure, I agree.

People are trucking stupid, individuals at least have a chance to be smart.


> mixed economy welfare states
> capitalism
> mfw

>> No.3926883

the "free market" is an oxymoron, I have never found anything for free at a market.

>> No.3926885


Didnt mean to imply that. The study of Economics, which this thread is basically bashing, can hardly be judged by the shit-flinging capitalism vs socialism debates. The application of economics, on a macro level, needs to take these into account, but it isnt really economics.

>> No.3926890

>The dumbest among us know not that they are dumb

-- liberty, on the obviousness of the truth

>> No.3926898

so define what economic science is then..

it's basically how we allocate resources and assign policy pertaining to the distribution systems of commodities and services. And those decisions consider ethics, psychology, sociology, (etc..) in their process.

>> No.3926909

>It deconstructs non-free markets (not capitalism)
So in other words it's actually relevant to the real world since there never has been such a thing as a free-market, and market apologists are always quick to point out that the system we have in place now "isn't really capitalism".

Good to know.

>> No.3926913

economics is the study of all aspects of the idea of "value". That's as simple as i can put it. Anybody else want to take a crack?

>> No.3926920

Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

>> No.3926921

yeah, and "value" incorporates what people want and what people want is determined by psychology.

>> No.3926936


Why would you put Austrian School in God tier in a science board? As if there is anything scientific about the approach of Austrian economics.

>> No.3926941


I agree non-free markets fail. This would include the non-free market of socialism/communism/marxism/etc.

>> No.3926945

and all historical and present manifestations of capitalism and laissez faire markets.

your bias is showing.

>> No.3926953


Define a free market to us, and describe, in detail, why it's superior. So we can discuss and criticize it in a scientific manner.

>> No.3926957

Also, describe what a "failed" market is.

>> No.3926961

And what people determine by psychology is based on what they currently value.

Its all one large and complicated homolog of a circular logic.

>> No.3926964

this is liberty, he is basically a fanatic who believes in a truly free market economy that is perfect, and the farther anything is from that the more he hates it, he is kind of aware a real free market is impossible but he believes it would solve everything anyway, i think he is glad it is obviously impossible so he runs no risk of ever being proven wrong

>> No.3926965

because I know of several non-free markets that are doing SO WELL right now, and many "free" markets that are doing piss poor; in fact so poor they had to be bailed out for $700B of taxpayer money.

>> No.3926966
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>Asking liberty to define anything but liberty.

>> No.3926978

No, that's not circular logic. You just re-arranged the sentence to say the same thing that I said. If you can determine one's values, you can determine their psyche - and vice-versa. Two sides of the same equation.

You just graduate from kindergarten, bud?

>> No.3926981

Austrian Economics: Crowdsource it.

Keynesian Economics: Outsource it.

>> No.3926991

I'm okay with this dot jay peg.

Austrian, Keynesian and Chicago Schools of economics should be engaged in a constant and healthy debate over how to deal with issues. Without perfect information transmission, and with the existence of externalities, of the tragedy of the commons, and other issues, no single one of them is actually ideal.

>> No.3926996
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But how do you determine if you determined one's value without interfering with the actual outcome by using your determination?

Did you just miss the bus to the terrible 2s?

>> No.3927008

>"free markets"
>"bailed out by the taxpayer"

You are getting confused about whether the market is free bud. A free market would allow the banks to fail.

>> No.3927028

>austrian econ
>god tier, /sci/

>mfw austrians hate empiricism, data, math, and facts

>mfw austrians simply argue philosophically and don't care about reality

>> No.3927073
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>> No.3927101

>Austrian economics
>hey guys the economy is perfect on its own anything we do will make it worse the only thing we can do is sit back and watch it and it will fix everything

Honestly, if Austrian economists weren't known to be full of shit by at least some people, they wouldn't have a profession, because the core tenet of their belief system is that any economic action will be negative; their only use would be as number crunchers for corporate decision making.

>> No.3927111

>>3927101 if Austrian economists weren't known to be full of shit

Sure, that's how they predicted the current debt and monetary crisis, by being full of shit.

>> No.3927151
File: 695 KB, 832x2313, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup OP. I fixed your picture.

>> No.3927183

Economics wouldn't suck if people quit killing the market over fear and getting bonus points for greed.


>> No.3927197

> post-scarcity
whelp, I'm trolled

>> No.3927201

Welp, you're dumb

>> No.3927203
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>> No.3927208
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I'll admit it's a misnomer. It's really about managing scarcity so well that it never seems real to the consumer.

>> No.3927210
File: 10 KB, 333x331, 1273866586747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mad y

>> No.3927209

Idiocy aside, stocks are based off fear and confidence.
If someone yells to the NYSE 'JP MORGAN-CHASE UNDER INVESTIGATION! (Add random source)', then JP Morgan-Chase's stock will plummet if you can make it believable.

It's sooo easy to troll the economy.

>> No.3927219
File: 76 KB, 681x437, comeatmedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come at me, bro.

>> No.3927220


>Leaves Austrian high tier
>Puts Libertarianism at bottom

Austrian economics is a libertarian school of thought. Looks like babbys first troll attempt

>> No.3927221


Praying mantises are God damned evil

>> No.3927222
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>> No.3927226
File: 8 KB, 541x377, wageandve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just got out of a study group for econ.

Im going to dump some graphs I made for homework.

>> No.3927227


I didn't alter the existing portions. I didn't care to. I was just adding the top and bottom bits and leaving people to argue as they want to over the shit that was already there.

>> No.3927231
File: 1.44 MB, 913x1153, changeindepreciationrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3927237

Are you implying that steady and healthy employment amounts keep wages up?
Are you stating the obvious without taking a psychological route?

>> No.3927259
File: 31 KB, 781x340, chartforECN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these columns is GDP per capita in 1980, and one is in 2007 (adjusted for inflation).

It basically shows that wealthy nations just keep getting wealthier and poor nations dont get any richer. Also, in events like WWII, where wealthy nations (japan, Germany, Korea) end up with nothing, they immediately fly back into wealth.



That graph was for a question about decreasing unemployment by increasing the rate at which jobs are offered.

The textbook was suggesting that one way to decrease unemployment is to encourage job offers. And one way to do that is make the means of communication between unemployed and employer more efficient. For instance, if I am looking for a job, Im not aware of all the jobs in existence. Things like the internet make me more efficient at finding jobs, and effectively lower unemployment. Government job agencies do the same thing, by being a hub for people to find jobs.

However, this is one only side of the story. When I can only find one job offer. I either choose between that one, and unemployment. When I can find more job offerings Im more likely be picky. For instance, if being a cashier is my only option, I guess thats what Ill take. But if being a cashier is my first option, and I might find 12 more offers in the next few weeks, I am more likely to turn down that option so I can hopefully find a better one.

The graph says that, as the job offer rate goes up, people are more likely to turn down jobs. The wage reservation rate is the flat black line. And red line is... something. I forgot. I also forgot why it curves down like that...

>> No.3927266 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah and I was watching this earlier.


My favorite two politicians on TV at the same time.

>> No.3927270
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>> No.3927281
File: 106 KB, 630x548, RON PAUL REVOLUTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice, another video added to my favorites

>> No.3927286

>It basically shows that wealthy nations just keep getting wealthier and poor nations dont get any richer

But... they are all getting richer, at different rates. Is Indonesia considered a wealthy nation?

>> No.3927294

for the love of god, MODS please BAN these faggots

>> No.3927297

too many unpredictable variables. I enjoy the mathematics and mental stimulation incurred from debate with others, I don't enjoy the Extispical nature of it's "predictions"

>> No.3927318


Yeah, they are all getting richer, but notice how America basically doubled in GDP in 27 years, while Ethiopia increased by ~15%

If you look back in time, in the history of economic growth for the last thousands of years. Every nation was approximately as wealth. The income inequality between nations was around a factor of 2 or 3. There was also basically no economic growth. It was only until the last 300 years or so that modern nations took off and started growing. Now the income inequality between countries is massive, because some of them have exploded in technological progress, and others have remained with nothing.

Also Indonesia is not a wealthy nation.


Please dont lump me in with liberty... I find it more insulting to compare me to liberty than it is to call me a faggot who needs to be banned.


Yep, shits complicated.

>> No.3927335

Yes, the United States doubled its GDP. Ireland's tripled. Indonesia more than doubled theirs. So did India. China increased theirs by a factor of seven.

Ethiopia, Mexico, Kenya, and Brazil all have poor growth rates compared to the others, but they are only four out of fifteen. Is your blanket statement based on the whole chart, or just the screencapped portion?

>> No.3927352


I think you could say there is like, a global trend line. Where the economies of the rich nations of the world are growing at. When a nation enters into that trend line, it doesnt start growing at where it was. It flys up into the trend line at a rate faster than the trend, at that point it has joined in the modern economy. I mentioned Japan and Germany and Korea. Basically the same thing happens. They grew at a rate faster than the trend until they reached the trend and then they grew at the trend line.

You could suspect that Indonesia is now joining this trend of economic growth that European countries began a few hundred years ago. Notice how the projected GDP shows China getting far richer. Its not really realistic, because we cant expect them to grow at that rate forever I dont think China's growth of 700% is sustainable.

>> No.3927358

Whoa, the reasonableness.

So he's basically a reverse-communist?

>> No.3927363

Okay, so when you said this:

>It basically shows that wealthy nations just keep getting wealthier and poor nations dont get any richer

What did you mean, exactly?

>> No.3927374


Because historically, in the long term (thousands and thousands of years), there has been virtually no economic growth, with the exception of recent history. And in the short term, there has been immense economic growth. Many of these poor nations are living in wealth/conditions comparable to modern wealthy nations 100 or 200 years ago.

You could suspect that poor nations are just nations that havent entered the phenomenon of economic growth yet.

>> No.3927385

Only four of the nations on that section of the graph have a growth rate under 0.01, so you saying that poor nations don't get any richer confused me. Now I understand the point you were trying to make.

>> No.3927412

Australian school

>G'day Bruce!
>G'day Bruce!
>G'day Bruce!
>G'day Bruce!

>> No.3927435

>bad at economics
>implying economics isn't built on a foundation of shit, and the only contest is to see how much shit you can throw at each other

>> No.3927439

This sounds suspiciously like a description of 4chan.

>> No.3927449



>> No.3927465

>/sci/ you are so good at logic puzzles and chess but so bad at shoots and ladders. Why?

OP, this is basically what you are asking.

>> No.3927466

5 star post

>> No.3927498
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“in any special doctrine of nature there can be only as much proper science as there is mathematics therein”

>> No.3927510

Hell no, capitalism FTW but yeah it needs to be supported by a little socialism. Just like all the succesful countries.

>> No.3927517

>>3927465 shoots and ladders