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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3926681 No.3926681 [Reply] [Original]

This man was making helicopter concepts and solar panel before electricity was even discovered by man. Why can't you be as smart as Leonardo?

>> No.3926706

Because I, for one, am not a homosexual.

>> No.3926704

None of his designed worked so by virtue of having completed a non-fail project i am better

>> No.3926710
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Because I do machines.

>> No.3926718

I am as smart as Leonardo, but like all the greatest minds of our generation, I'm preoccupied with business and marketing.

>> No.3926722

Yes but only because of the technology at the time. Also he made one of the greatest pieces of art in human history.

>> No.3926736

I wish I were even as tenth as awesome as da Vinci...

>> No.3926737

implying art has anything to do with intellect. Well we were going to vote you for worlds smartest man Einstein but then we saw this pretty picture.

Yeah so the tech wasn't that good then. He could have made a sit tier invention that worked yet he didn't

>> No.3926744
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because I don't need to be. I have enough computing power at my fingertips to brute force design just about anything I want.

>> No.3926748

shit, my bad.

>> No.3926754
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Angry Birds.

>> No.3926759

because I do not have a rich benefactor.

>> No.3926769

Leonardo was nothing more than an engineer with a hyperactive imagination and an above-average talent for hand-eye coordination.

Indeed, all he did was dream up cool 'sci-fi- concepts in an age where sci-fi wasn't even a thing, and then tried designing and building them just because.

He was no scientist.

>> No.3926780

he was also a great philosopher if not the greatest of his time and a mathematician AND a musician. Oh and did I mention he made concepts for a fucking calculator.

>> No.3926786

That was part of his genius. He was a charming mother fucker who was ale to appeal to powerful men to get funding. What's your excuse now?

>> No.3926790

>he was no scientist.

No he was just a doctor, engineer, mathematician, philosopher, and a bunch of other shit. So no he was not just a scientist, he had a heap of other talents as well.

>> No.3926797

I don't have a rich benefactor?

I don't think you quite understand the arbitrary nature that is history and reality.

>> No.3926804

Very unrelated, but what was that website that has all those technological predictions/advancements etc?

>> No.3926806

>He was no scientist


>> No.3926808

Never heard that. Pretty sure leibniz did that, well he did the binary based calculator that is the basis for modern computers today. Oh and no he was not by any stretch a mathematician. He has no major theories to his name at all.

>> No.3926813

Oh and philosophy is for fail physicists so i'm not surprised that he was a great philosopher

>> No.3926821

philosophy helps you think outside the textbook. Most scientists follow, people like Leonardo lead.

>> No.3926834

Journals and notes

Renaissance humanism saw no mutually exclusive polarities between the sciences and the arts, and Leonardo's studies in science and engineering are as impressive and innovative as his artistic work.[16] These studies were recorded in 13,000 pages of notes and drawings, which fuse art and natural philosophy (the forerunner of modern science), made and maintained daily throughout Leonardo's life and travels, as he made continual observations of the world around him.[16]

Leonardo's writings are mostly in mirror-image cursive. The reason may have been more a practical expediency than for reasons of secrecy as is often suggested. Since Leonardo wrote with his left hand, it is probable that it was easier for him to write from right to left.[nb 25]

>> No.3926839

....are you retarded?

If you were as capable as da Vinci you could get ask benefactor in today's world by being charming to some rich guy...

>> No.3926849

Well shit joe average likes Leonardo cause it makes them think they are cleaver. How surprising. Science is also about thinking out the box to by the way.

We just don't need to go on about bullshit cause we actually are smart enough to truly understand stuff unlike mr fail i mean Leonardo

>> No.3926860

butt mad teenager detected. What Leonardo to mainstream for you?

>> No.3926864

Sure is ignorant teenager in here...


>> No.3926875

yes im sure you understand the universes perfectly. Just how most people during Leonardos time said flight was impossible and his concepts were insane.

>> No.3926876


No your wrong[1], oh yeah i can make random references to nothing to
And no the philosophy has nothing to do with scientific method. Especially not back then, it was brought into a more logical basis by Rene Descarte. Oh and he actually was a mathematician (a real one)

>> No.3926886

No i just hate people putting a fail inventor on the pedestal of scientist and what not. Well the real sciences anyways chem physics and of course mathematics

>> No.3926892



>> No.3926954

what no more arguments like but pretty pictures, but fly oh how sad

>> No.3927122

Leonardo was fairly good at a remarkable variety of things, but that is the potential of all men who accept that they care more about discovering all their limits than making a single friend.

>> No.3927139
File: 24 KB, 240x336, gene-roddenberry-210819-911024-2x3x96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man was making starship concepts before faster than light travel was even discovered by man. Why can't you be as smart as Gene?

>because if you didn't fucking make it, you didn't fucking design it, you just wrote some stuff and said 'wouldn't it be cool if', then you didn't invent it

>> No.3927194

>making a single friend
>Implying he wasn't a suave mother fucker

"According to Vasari, "Leonardo's disposition was so lovable that he commanded everyone's affection". He was "a sparkling conversationalist" who charmed Ludovico il Moro with his wit. Vasari sums him up by saying "In appearance he was striking and handsome, and his magnificent presence brought comfort to the most troubled soul; he was so persuasive that he could bend other people to his will."

Face it, da Vinci was a rare exception to the human species, where the legend matches reality, a TRUE übermensch.

>> No.3927202

So we have his DNA right? Let's fucking sequence him! Or clone him, whatever comes first.

>> No.3927252


As far as I know, we don't have any DNA, just a fingerprint.

>> No.3927258


How ironic. The only man with the raw intellect to clone someone from a fingerprint is the very man who we are trying to clone from that fingerprint.

It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

>> No.3927303

ITT: a bunch of edgy tryhard intellectual faggots taking honors calc (aka basic mathematics, grade 6 in China) try to belittle Leonardo fucking da Vinci.

>people saying things like "He was just a..."
>hurrr he just created a lot of ideas
>implying that isn't the basis of progress
>implying he wasn't obviously a genius

>> No.3927317
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>> No.3927325

I can develop a non-functional matter transportation device.

>> No.3927332

Basically this.

>> No.3927344
File: 6 KB, 341x314, perpetualmotion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3927348

>play Assassin's Creed II
>miss the reaction command to hug Leonardo
All the man wanted was a hug dammit.

Genetics are only one part of what makes a person who they are. A large part mind you, but not the only one.