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3926248 No.3926248 [Reply] [Original]

I believe Jesus existed. I believe he was killed. However, I believe he was a charismatic paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur and hallucinations.

Everything he said was schizo crap. Seeing as my father is schizophrenic, and so is my grandfather I am familiar with them.

Why haven't people realized this? I brought it up at University and everyone just rolled their eyes. Hearing voices = SCHIZO. God was one of his delusions.

>> No.3926260

Why would that make more sense than just a person who existed and whose existence has been exaggerated by several generations who wished to hold sway over the larger populace?

>> No.3926273


Let's tackle the first part of your statement.

>Jesus existed

Care to show me why you believe this is true. You might not believe he was the son of a god, but believing he was real is just as much based on faith is believing he was the son of a god. Show me a historian that could provide such info... a historian that lived IN HIS TIME.

Then maybe we can go into what kind of person he was.

>> No.3926276

Bias of diponibility, does it ring a bell to you? It is an heuristic rule where you give a judgment based on how easy it is to remember similar phenomenons. You father is schizo, Jesus had some schizo behaviour, therefore Jesus must be schizo.

Obviously, this isn't a valid reasoning.

>> No.3926277

Because he was delusional and hallucinated. Before people knew what hallucinations and delusions were.

>> No.3926284

>implying Jesus wasn't a composite character of other dieties
>implying he existed atall

>> No.3926296


he probably existed and was killed by rome, but his "divinity" is to be argued

>> No.3926302

This is tangentially science related, so I'll respond, against my better judgement.

>notice I said tangentially

You can't be any more sure that he was a schizophrenic than Christians can be that he wasn't. Citing the Dawkins argument from The God Delusion won't make your claim any more reasonable either, because before you're qualified to make that argument, you have to know why it's valid; i.e.- you have to know the science behind it, which I strongly suspect you don't.

>inb4 someone claims that I am a Christf­ag

>> No.3926307 [DELETED] 

Mohamed existed. There's references to him across his time, the shit he did never was referenced.

Sadly, all the sandniggers won't let people enter the gravesite.

>> No.3926304

Shamans in other cultures today would be diagnosed with a psychotic disorder if they lived in America because they hear voices, but lack the insight/knowledge to know the voices are not real.

>> No.3926308

I've never read dawkins. What is the god delusion?

>> No.3926311


Confirmed for troll.

>> No.3926312

So? why would that be more logical that just writing a exaggerated narrative about a folk hero?

We do it today, but in the past, people were more prone to actualize fantasies.

I think you're going off on a occam razor deep end.

>this is what it looks like when well meaning intellectuals try to meet complete and supreme idiots, half way.

>> No.3926314

No, I don't read rants on religion. I just thought of this when talking to my dad today when he went on about how god was talking to him.

>> No.3926322
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>> No.3926320

Okay, how do you know your own beliefs about Jesus's delusions aren't themselves delusional?

>> No.3926326

Atheist or theist, Jesus must have existed. This can be supported by the Shroud of Turin. This shroud has been carbon dated. This shroud also has imprints that some deem may have been caused by radioactivity.

However, for Jesus' psyche, technically you can't prescribe him without knowing what a voice from God is like. Scientifically, you could deduce that he was a schizoid, from the symptoms.

>> No.3926332

Milton Erikson did two, or so I read, interesting intervention with people who believed to be Jesus (maybe schizos, I'm not sure and don't really care now).

To one, he asked him to do some carpenting at the clinic (since Jesus was supposely a carpenter). The guy then was confronted with the truth and question himself.

To several others, Erikson made a group therapy where each person who believed to be Jesus had to talk to the others who also believed to be Jesus. Shit got real.

>> No.3926347
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>Why haven't people realized this? I brought it up at University and everyone just rolled their eyes.

They have. Its just that you are living in america. The land of religious retards

>> No.3926355

The new testament is a book of fanfiction about a guy called Jesus. It's the only source on the life of this person, most of the events described in it are not corroborated in contemporary sources, many of the events described are directly contradicted by, or make no sense in light of, contemporary sources, it itself is written down a generation after the events it describes,so at the least it's not by people who witnessed it, and all the authors have a massive self admitted bias.

To say that the initial kernel of the story was a man with schizophrenia is just as baseless as saying it was a man who was also god. We know absolutely nothing about the true source of the story, except that it fits with being just a story better than anything other explanation.

>> No.3926370
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1) Jesus never existed, take a history of religion class.

2) Hearing voices is indeed a sign of a mental disorder. Believing in imaginary friends as an adult IS ALSO A FUCKING MENTAL DISORDER. Religion is a MENTAL disease!


>> No.3926378


Your evidence of his existence is to take a history of religion class. How bout you provide evidence that we can read and scrutinize right now. This is the age of the internet... we do pretty much have any resource available, online.

>> No.3926382

It's also relatively correlated with all the other creation myths, half of which don't claim to have eyewitness accounts.

The primary summation is that christians and more generally, Judeo-christian belief, has been a culture of anthropomorphising religion/nature, while the reverse is true in many other religions.

>> No.3926387

"shaman's" Do exist, I should know, I am one.
What is a shaman? Its a person that gets fucked right up on hallucinogens.
As a modern "shaman" I know that everything I experience while high is just me being stoned and instead of taking myself seriously and convincing others of my bullshit I just shake it off and go to work until the weekend rolls around again rather then sitting in a hut trying to avoid work and pretending to be important.

>> No.3926399

so..go use them instead of saging if you care.

>> No.3926400

Replace "jesus" with "Muhammad (PBUH)", and Schizophrenia with Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and we have a deal.

>> No.3926413


I have. I've spent a lot of time looking for some evidence of Jesus. There's non of his existence, at least not from his time. Even few examples of historians writing about him 80-100 years after he had supposedly died.

>> No.3926442


Replace 'Mohammed' and 'Jesus' with 'any given prophet', and replace 'schizophrenia' and 'temporal lobe epilepsy' with 'unusual combination of mental illness and charisma' and some degree of 'cynical attempts to build a cult of personality', and we'll have a square deal.

>> No.3926455


Fair enough, deal. Now, what to do about all those crafty manipulators like Paul or Ali who warped the personality cults into political power and warring factions after the fact?

>> No.3926475


The same thing we do with Stalin and Hitler. Work on removing peoples capacity to take arguments on authority rather than merit, and their capacity to take superstition as an authority rather than an opinion.

Then we can all be just like the (platonic) secular humanists, and take whatever good might exist in any of the holy books or traditions, and ignore the rest, and yet have the whole thing be consistent with itself, and less vulnerable to hacking.