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File: 124 KB, 530x330, virgin-galactic-has-faith-11880-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3919015 No.3919015 [Reply] [Original]


Nothing more than a theme park for the 1%.


>> No.3919034

I got a question.

What would have been a better way to allocate the resources spent on this project?

>> No.3919040

This is actually a good example of why the rich '1%' drive technological and economic progress. If there is a market for sending people into space, then this can only benefit space exploration. Competition will push costs down and innovation up. Plus it's pretty cool to be able buy your way into space.

>> No.3919044

trick question! there couldn't have been a better way, otherwise the rich dude wouldn't have all the money

>> No.3919048


Public education. Always. Who is going to fly these things if they take off?

>> No.3919056


Toilets are cheap. 2/3rds of humanity still doesn't have them.

Nothing is guaranteed. And space travel won't come down in price like air travel because so few people want to go into space.

>> No.3919058

People from countries with free education. The same people that will be designing computer, programming them, discovering new things, formulating further physical theories, etc.

>> No.3919059

>Who is going to fly these things if they take off?
I will when I join the 1%. Have fun staying in the Earth's atmosphere your entire lives, plebeians.

>> No.3919062


Those countries are broke and do not have space programs. No one can get a man into orbit.


Good luck marrying into wealth.

>> No.3919072


>> No.3919082

>so few people want to go into space

Are you kidding?

>> No.3919087

That's because you need more than just the toilet. A lot of the places where people don't have toilets don't even have the infrastructure to use them. There's a lot more to that example.

>> No.3919093

You can't get into the top 1% by hard work alone, only through exceptional talent, luck and/or crime.

>> No.3919262


Have you ever gone outside your bubble and talked to real, hardworking people? Most don't see any point, and they worry about dying or getting cancer or any of the shit that can go wrong.

Or shit, maybe they're just afraid of heights.

Not everyone grew up reading sci-fi and looking forward to going to space. Most people are satisfied with keeping their feet on the ground.

>> No.3919276
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, the_fox_and_the_grapes_by_imtrollingyou-d2ycaly[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most don't see any point [to go into space]
Pic related.

>> No.3919285


I didn't say i was one of them. I've wanted to my whole life. I can't believe so many people i've met just simply have no interest in space. Young and old, it doesn't matter to them.

>> No.3919287

So, poor people are boring, unimaginative, and have no drive to do anything better?

>> No.3919305


No. they just don't care about space.

Most people will die never having been in space. Why should they care if they don't get to go or not? I think they'd rather have the money go to their kid's education or something more productive than orbital sightseeing.

>> No.3919314

Yes and thats why they do boring repetitive tasks instead of the people that actually change things.

>> No.3919316

Everything's expensive when it first comes out. You might as well have seen a giant computer back in the day, taking up a whole room. "Well, looks like another toy for the 1%. The average person is worried more about cancer and dying than computers."

>> No.3919319

The first trains were a themepark for the top 1%, now we consider them poorfag transports. That's how it works, you don't have to like it just come to peace with it.

>> No.3919321


Trains went places people wanted to go. You can't just live off the land in space.

>> No.3919322


So you can afford a yacht? they used to be damn expensive too. Why hasn't that price come down?

>> No.3919327
File: 80 KB, 454x319, stylinalien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans going into low earth orbit
>call it "going to space"

>> No.3919329

Holy shit I cannot believe someone actually wrote that! Of course you can live off the land in space by mining the goddamn minerals and converting them into energy wherever you need to!
Why do you assume we want to use outer space for agriculture? Even if we needed to thats when terraforming projects start.

>> No.3919335


I'm saying it's not at all the same comparing space to trains. The people that rode the trains to the west could survive with only a few dollars worth of supplies and live off the land mostly.

How much will it cost to send people to space to live there? Why will they live there and how will they be paid?

>> No.3919348

Saving the human race from certain death due to lack of minerals/resources.

>> No.3919351

They will most likely live in colonies.

>> No.3919354

Why are you so selfish? why don't you care about the human race as a greater whole rather then your own arbitrary desires.

>> No.3919381

Not that guy but why should anyone care about someone they will never meet? Who produce nothing you will ever use? Human suffering is bad, sure, but that doesn't seem to stop people from making more humans in hellish conditions. A "get a lifetimes worth of food in exchange for sterilization" programme would probably be far more helpful than every charity in history.

>> No.3919401

what? How is spreading out from earth a bad thing.

>> No.3919417

This, very much this.

Unfortunately, outside of scientific and wannabe scientific community there are very few people actually caring about it.

>> No.3919425

It will most likely produce a something of use for their kids.