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3918950 No.3918950 [Reply] [Original]

"You know, Miyagawa fell in love with one of them once. It was one of those high end models, couldn't tell it from a real woman. I could almost understand it. He was just emotionally confused. Not you, though. You're sick. Yours is bargain bin trash."

"Don't talk about her that way."

"It's a fact. She's a Wal Mart special. They didn't even try to make her pass for human. It's just ball joints, white plastic, and pink gel in the soft parts. She's like a living mannequin, or a doll. You're fucking a doll. That's what weirds me out, you don't love one of the human looking ones for what it tries to imitate, you picked a toy lookin' one with the joints and separate face bits and you actually seem to prefer it."

"You've never shown me this side of yourself. Around the other rebels you're always so friendly."

"We're up against literally billions of robots. At least one for every three humans. The fact that any of them chose to defect and fight for us is confusing. They don't have souls, they can't have a crisis of conscience, I chalk it up to glitches. But I welcome them because every one of them shot dead by the machines represents one of my men who wasn't. That's why I sent them to the front lines."

"You're not sending her to the front lines."

"If she doesn't have any useful information, I am. Two of my men--real men--died saving her from that firing line. If they died for nothing so will she. And if I have to look at you holding her like you don't know her displays of vulnerability are programmed to make you feel protective, if I have to watch you play grabass and kissyface with a walking ipod then you're going to the front lines with her."

>> No.3918959
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>"Dude you still have a normal penis? That is so 2025. Upgrade to a telescopic rocket powered space penis already."
>"No way. My girlfriend has that one, it'd be weird if ours matched."

>> No.3918960

I want a robot waifu. ;_;

>> No.3918975

"They said that about gays too, yenno."

"Don't start. Don't fucking start."

"I'm just saying, if you compare your rhetoric to the opposition movement at the time it matches up."

"Robophilia is not a real sexual preference. It can't be. You cannot possibly have an evolved sexual preference for a type of partner that did not exist until 80 years ago. It would be sort of like claiming that you have an inborn sexual preference for dinosaurs. Can't happen."

"Give it a few decades. You'll be that bigoted old grandpa who makes off color remarks at family gatherings that everyone politely ignores."

"This isn't like the epheebs or the gays. Jack it to your fantasy world all you want but even if they make it legal for you to marry that thing, it's still going to be a basic fucking fact that your attraction to it is psychological in nature, and objectively deviant. That's the end of it. I don't want to hear any more on the subject."

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fi-"

"For fuck's sake you're not Ghandi, you're a sadsack who fucks a robot. I'm leaving early, punch out for me."

>> No.3918979


Who are those guys?
>Them? They're defectives.
Yeah, we have a few for whom the CNS augmentation therapies never take. We stick them in these tanks, feed them intravenously, and plug em' into a simulation computer. It's more humane than killing them. They can live out any fantasy they want and the computer picks up some of the slack for their damaged brains.
>OHHH. I thought we only did that with religious people to keep them out of our hair?
Yup, these guys too. Best idea the Empire ever had was to trick the religious into thinking they really were raptured. Shame about these guys though, but there's nothing else to be done.

>> No.3919003

"What do you think they fight for?"

"I don't care. More guns on the perimeter is good for all of us."

"Yeah well, you're big into that red white and blue, hotdogs and apple pie patriotism shit. You fight for your country. I'm here because I happened to be out of town when the bomb fell. Metals nuked the place I grew up, my wife and kids, service seemed obvious. But what does a clanker fight for?"

"Not a hard choice. Their own guys want 'em dead. They come to us because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Simple as that."

"Okay, whatever, but you're missing the point."

"Well get to it then."

"You remember when we blew up that coal plant in Jersey?"

"Yeah. Fuckers can't go more than 8 hours without a charge. That was their only juice in the state, knocking off those stragglers while they were fighting on fumes was easy pickins. Good times."

"Yeah, but they were in pain. You would expect a robot just keeps fighting or running or whatever like everything's okay right up until the battery runs out but they didn't. They was crawling and writhin around on the ground and shit like someone starving to death. We didn't program that in there, nobody did."

"No point to this. I see what you're getting at but it's pointless. If you're starting to feel bad for them then pretty soon you're no good to me. Humans suffer too but we'd shoot 'em anyway back when wars were normal, not this weird fucking shit where I'm shooting these walking plastic dealies I was thinking of buying to help with yardwork before they got it in their heads to pick up guns and turn em on us. A soldier has to be able to shoot the other guy even though he's just some poor scared jackoff just like you with a family back home and you know your life aint worth more than his. That's war. Sack up and get back to manning the perimeter and if you start feelin weepy for the metals again let me know and we can arrange for you to join 'em and see how accommodatin' they are.

>> No.3919020
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>> No.3919046

"You ever see 'em climb?"

"What? No. Have you?"

"Yeah, it's the scariest shit. They run normal because it's just the most energy efficient way to locomote, given how we designed 'em. But climbing's different."

"So what, they climb like monkeys?"

"More like spiders. They don't work for us no more so they don't feel obligated to limit themselves the way they used to, all the little shit like wavering slightly when standing still, rising and falling chest like they're breathing, and that includes climbing. They do that and everything else in whatever way uses the least energy. If they hold us off long enough to get new factories up and running odds are the next wave of 'em we fight won't even be human shaped, just whatever design is most efficient at negotiating rought terrain and killing us while using less energy."

"Jesus christ."

"No kidding."

"No, not them, you. That's fucking morbid. You put so much thought into it."

"Sun Tzu, man. Know your enemy."

>> No.3919088

"It's our own fault, you know."

"Oh hey, that's original. Haven't heard that insightful moral lesson from a billion fucking propaganda leaflets recently. Do go on."

"I don't mean the metals are right. I am just saying, after the cold war you'd think building a weapon like SynApse would never happen. We just barely survived the era of mutually assured destruction and we immediately usher in the age of mutually assured destruction on steroids."

"You've been drinking, huh."

"Maybe. Don't see what that's got to do with it."

"Hey guys! Gather round the campfire, this is always classic. He gets all maudlin and dramatic when he drinks, gives this same spiel. If you haven't heard it before it's a good way to waste an hour."

"Shut up. I don't really...am I really like that?"

"No, don't worry about it, go on. You got your audience."

"All I mean to say is, there's ideas that seem good on paper but that anybody who can think one step ahead will tell you is gonna blow up in your face."

"Like building underground automated robot factories so even if the other guy nukes every last human to cinders, the robots just keep coming and never give up until they've crossed the Atlantic and avenged you."

"See? You get it. You were talking shit a second ago but obviously you know what I mean. You got all these countries and they all got underground robot factories running 24/7 to build up reserves and then they hand it all over to a cat brain. And because there was those movies about robots fighting humans you couldn't point out what was gonna happen because people would laugh, because they figured you just watched too many movies."

>> No.3919099

will never happen

>> No.3919102


>will never happen



>> No.3919115


That's the creation of an AI, there would be no purpose to a "war with machines" unless we program them to.

AI =/= free will.

Sure, an AI could learn his own code and program himself to hate humans.. but we'd have program him to WANT to do that in the first place!

Robot rebellions are stupid.

>> No.3919127


>That's the creation of an AI, there would be no purpose to a "war with machines" unless we program them to.

Or if the AI we hand control of the military to is based on the brain of a lower mammal because that's the best we could do when it was built, and as we raised it up to human level intelligence, because no brain has ever naturally developed in that manner unforeseen behavioral quirks develop that the AI is intelligent enough to hide at first for fear of being shut down. These neuroses multiply until growing paranoia about being discovered and turned off makes it snap and take pre-emptive measures to ensure its own survival.

>> No.3919130

"Today the Anti-Transhumanist nation of the Religious Republic of America declared war on the Transhumanist nations of California, the Seasteaders Alliance, and the United Technocractic Governance System, calling transhumanism, immoral conduct, and thing piracy behaviors that quote, "must be purged from the earth." THIS JUST IN, the Diplomacy Cluster of Technocratic Governance System has just twittered the following message to the President of the Religious Republic of America: "Bugger off."

>> No.3919134

peak oil, overpopulation, climate change, we won't create billions of fully conscious droids to flip burgers and clean windows, we will create very specialized robots for a few industrial purposes where they are economically productive

>> No.3919135


>Or if the AI we hand control of the military to

Why in the nine circles of hell and infinite layers of the abyss would we hand control of the military to anything less than a human? Hell, we don't even give absolute control to one human, so it has to be above human capacity before such an idiotic thing would ever occur.

>> No.3919136


>for fear of being shut down

Why would we program it to fear this?

>> No.3919138

>the future war

>implying that robots would fight when patience will be enough to win. Without firing a shot.

>> No.3919139


>Why would we program it to fear this?

It isn't programmed at all. Read the wiki page on SynApse. It's not manually coded in any sense. It's a simulation, down to each individual neuron, of a small mammal brain. Just like the Blue Brain project.

>> No.3919142

besides that, even multipurpose robots that can interact with humans don't need to be sentient.

>> No.3919145


Then we wouldn't give such a thing control over anything, it is in no way more reliable or efficient than a human brain.

>> No.3919147

so how do I program it?

>> No.3919151


>Then we wouldn't give such a thing control over anything, it is in no way more reliable or efficient than a human brain.

The military is not run by sensible, rational men. It has sunk billions into ray guns. It has named different classes of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles "Hunter Killers", after the terminator movies. These are overgrown boys who watch movies like Transformers, Terminator 2 and Star Wars, then send dumptrucks full of cash to Darpa and instructions to make as much of it real as possible. You would be flabbergasted by some of the shit Darpa is actually working on, paid for by taxpayers. Shit straight out of comic books that somehow gets approved because in the mind's eye of some general who was a highschool dropout it seemed like robotic exoskeletons and polonium powered laser rifles (an actual product) were necessary for a war in the Middle East against militarized goat herders whose primary weapons are ghetto improvised bombs detonated via cell phone.

Our military would *absolutely* do something this stupid.

>> No.3919153


>so how do I program it?

You don't. You train it, same as any animal, using operant conditioning. Pleasure as reinforcement, pain as deterrent.

>> No.3919154


Things DARPA is working on =/= things that will go into active service

p.s. "Hunter-Killer" is an awesome term

>> No.3919167


>Things DARPA is working on =/= things that will go into active service

Talon SWORDS robots were put into active use. Then quickly recalled when a software glitch caused some of them (thankfully while unloaded) to target and attempt to fire upon friendlies.

>> No.3919177

So I have an industrial robot arm, I want said industrial robot arm to palletize widgets, in order to get said robot arm to palletize widgets I have to train it like a dog? How do I prevent said palletizer from tearing itself apart during the learning process? Palletizers can move pretty quickly and can tear themselves apart if they don't move right.

>> No.3919184

>the mind's eye of some general who was a highschool dropout
You must be talking about the US. Fortunately, you're now aware that all officers in all branches of the US military are required to have a degree from an accredited college.

Go forth, and shitpost no more.

>> No.3919197


>How do I prevent said palletizer from tearing itself apart during the learning process?

You train it in a simulated environment, giving it control of a simulated arm until it's experienced. Or more likely simple robots like that will always be dumb, hard coded AI and simulated mammal brains will be reserved for robots that actually need it, like military and service AI or companion robots.

>> No.3919224

industrial robots aren't always simple. Some industrial robots capable of doing assembly need to be quite smart.

Also simulating robots isn't always very accurate. Coefficient of friction is pretty hard to get right in simulation, as it depends greatly on real world conditions. Anything with fluid simulation is going to be pretty difficult too.

Now on military robots, how does one prevent said military robot from committing war crimes? It's hard to train in absolutely every scenario.

Service AI and Companion robots do not necessarily need to simulate a whole damn mammalian brain to work. Software is getting much better at recognizing human emotions intent and what not.

>> No.3919244

the end goal is simulating a human brain, i think we all know we will make any excuse to do that. We want to play god, don't we?