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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 99 KB, 1152x639, rse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3918069 No.3918069 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.

>He'll be 43
>Realize nobody respects economists
>Lower his moral standards, fuck a prostitute
>An hero after said event

>> No.3918084

no one cares about your post and no one cares about tripfags, get this shit out of /sci/

>> No.3918101

>doesn't care about post
>cares enough to post in it


>> No.3918105
File: 638 KB, 1031x1106, teslaisawizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the most important thing in life is to "fuck dem hoes"


>> No.3918112

Virgin detected

>> No.3918127

Unfortunately, Tesla's statements are at best conjecture. No formulas to describe it, nor much more than a "they're faster than light, so here's a huge ad-hominem against einstein."

>> No.3919054


>> No.3919071
File: 7 KB, 203x221, facts-v-religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> responding to a teslafan

>> No.3919073


>confusing Neutrons with Neutrinos

>> No.3919097

He will never lose it, although he will try. Kind of scary to think what might happen to some poor girl if he's drunk and she's vulnerable...

>> No.3919105

>confusing neutrons and neutrinos with neurons

>> No.3919109

I love how only the most virginal of people will go around pointing out and laughing at other virgins.

Keep laughing chucklefucks, stay classy.

>> No.3919112

Just giving you a heads up, that guy in the picture is Herman Berghuis, a guy who got famous in my country (Holland) for being one of the biggest losers on Idols (some sort of talent show here).

tl;dr : you were all trolled

>> No.3919114

either tripless /sci/ economist, or a virgin

>> No.3919113



Im calling the police! No one calls me a virgin! NO ONE! Come back here so I can back trace you!

>> No.3919122


>> No.3919157

>>you were all trolled

O rly?

>> No.3919263

Yes. Especially you.

>> No.3919269
File: 27 KB, 493x387, 1287403875366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm curious, what exactly did Resident /sci/ economist do to attract such vitriol?

>> No.3919274


Its because Im jewish.

>> No.3919277

No, really. What did you do?

>> No.3919291


I have no idea. Im as clueless as you are. I wish I knew. I really do.

I think, people just hate econ and I somehow represent everything wrong with economics. Thats my only conclusion.

>> No.3919424

>Its because Im jewish.
waitaminute. i almost posted in this thread earlier just to say how the picture op posted looks way more jewish than you've ever sounded... but you really are jewish?

...not that there's anything wrong with that but... shit, i don't even have a joke to tell. that's just kinda funny.

hey, if it makes you feel any better, i'm asian and i've got horrible eyesight and a small dick.

i seem to recall that he's surprisingly leftist for his moniker but i could be remembering things wrong. i really don't pay attention to trips and their habits.

>> No.3919445
File: 46 KB, 635x480, Photo_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No I was kidding, Im not jewish. Im genetically pretty german.

Also, OP's pic isnt me. I didnt realize anyone believed that was me. Here is a picture of myself I took the other day to show off a shirt I got off ebay to a friend.