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File: 55 KB, 235x291, curse you, colonel!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3913587 No.3913587 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently, meat is the leading cause of global warming.

>> No.3913601

well, cars are, but that's just like meat, right?

>> No.3913606

actually, it is a pretty significant factor.
Cows poop and fart a lot

>> No.3913608
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I would laugh, but I have a feeling they honestly believe this.

>> No.3913611

So if we eliminate all cows, we can save the world?

>> No.3913612

This is true.

I would actually say that it's the best reason to go vegan, out of any. Still not sufficient, though.

Look into weekday vegetarianism. It's basically just cutting out eating meat every day.

>> No.3913615

sure, but if you want a '#1 cause' it's probably pretty difficult to pick one. Too many interelationships to isolate and compare variables.

>> No.3913620

PETA will manipulate whatever statistics they can to make you eat soy-based products.

>> No.3913626


Unless your solution is to kill all livestock, then the majority of greenhouse gasses will persist regardless of whether or not the population eats meat.

>> No.3913627
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Everyone knows 4chan is the #1 cause of global warming.

>> No.3913632


It's actually true.

This doesn't mean PETA isn't a load of shit though.

>> No.3913634

>vegetarians fart more
>therefore they are the #1 cause

>> No.3913644
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>> No.3913681

I can drive less, I can try using alternative energies, I can support ecological regulations...
But I'M NOT going to fucking stop eating meat
Forget it!

>> No.3913688


PETA don't give a fuck about the environment. If killing animals saved the environment, they'd be against that too.

>> No.3913692

Now they're just pulling shit out of their asses.

>> No.3913699


>> No.3913808

>supporting ecological regulations but won't stop eating meat
>not realizing that a stellar ecological regulation will force you to stop eating meat

Nice shot in the foot there

>> No.3913837

Cutting back on meat consumption is one of the easiest way to reduce one's own footprint and at the same time make way for lower food prices world wide.

If all the space and resources that is used for meat production instead was used to grow crops, the emissions would be lower and produce prices would go down, enabling starvation in the third world to go down as well.

In any case, not eating red meat is also good for your health and there are perfectly fine substitutes. I very seldom cook meat for myself or at home in general (when I do it's always game meat) but I won't demand vegetarian food in a situation were meat is the only thing served like at a dinner party.

I have a very hard time to relate to people who absolutely crave meat because I don't really see the appeal, even in pure gastronomical terms. If I was required to give up my favourite food in order to achieve the ecological gains vegetarianism offers I wouldn't have much of a problem with that either. It's just food and it's not like there isn't alternatives...

>> No.3913864

Funny story-- if cows ARE the leading cause of global warming as they state, then after getting everyone to go vegan, we would almost certainly have to slaughter them to stop the problem.

They really didn't think this nonsense through at all.

>> No.3913885

I'm a furry, and I fucking hate Peta.

>> No.3913896

Shut the fuck up, furry.

>> No.3913909


>then after getting everyone to go vegan, we would almost certainly have to slaughter them to stop the problem.

It would gradually reduce.

6 billion people wont change their habits overnight, and I don't think anyone assumes we'll kill off the entire species.

>> No.3913907

>the environment
>you don't realize that animals ARE PART OF THE ENVIRONMENT

>> No.3913903
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Do you really want to start this?

>> No.3913900

I love meat, and very few veggies. Meat tastes good, it gives me protein and fats. The smell of cooked broccoli makes me gag and even corn sickens me.
I'd be just as happy eating lab-grown meat if they got it down just right, but cutting meat out of the human diet at all is just fucking stupid.

>> No.3913902


PETA is reverse psychology, they actually work with the meat industry to make people eat cheeseburgers in their face.

>> No.3913919

If everyone stopped eating cows then they would stop manufacturing cows and they would go extinct.


>> No.3913942

You are now aware that PETA openly admits its PR plan is to say or do ANYTHING to get people talking about them, because they believe that simply bringing the topic up will turn more people vegan.

tl;dr By merely mentioning them, you are their useful idiot.

>> No.3913956

Its not working
When my sister told my family to stop eating meat we laughed

>> No.3913958

I dont think you got the point of what he said.

>> No.3913963

Economic vegetarian here. Production of meat is dirty business compared to non-livestock agriculture. I haven't been able to find entirely reliable figures on the matter, but I find it somehow doubtful that meat is the leading cause behind AGW. PETA is effectively a terrorist organisation, so I don't believe a word they say.

Typical bullshit logic
>Hurr, I like meat, so if you don't eat it you're retarded, durrr.

>> No.3913984



super cool story, bro. no one cares about your jewishness, wouldn't be where we are now if there was no meat intake.

>> No.3913986

That's pretty stupid.

There's no reason for you to assume that everyone has to become vegan overnight. If we ever progress in that direction, it will be gradual.
What changes with now ? simply that that cow that's been killed will not be replaced.

>> No.3913995

> evolve teeth for tearing flesh off animals
> tear the flesh of a fruit
fuck veggies, they don't deserve their place in the food chain

>> No.3914018
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Before there was industrial cattle there were buffalos which is essentially the woolly cows. They didn't cause global warming.
Also cows graze until they're big and fat then they're taken to the slaughter house where they're killed with swiftly with a cattle gun.

>> No.3914040

The problem with PETA is the same as the problem with other environmentalist movements.

They are pro-animal, or pro-environment, but they parse this into anti-human. It's tough to think up policies or programs that really help animals, or really prevent pollution and global warming. It's a lot easier to think up animal or environment themed policies and programs that punish people who visibly make use of animals or polluting industry.

PETA also has some traits from the right, though. They do not compromise, ever. And they aren't interested in discussing compromise. And they are willing to use dirty tricks, up to and including terrorism. The environmentalists have done a good job of marginalising these elements in their movement, but animal rights has not. And since PETA is the core of it, there doesn't seem to be a rational, non-partisan animal rights movement coming up in the future.

>> No.3914041
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>Taking what peta says as fact.

>Forgetting the sea kittens debacle.


>> No.3914051

Can't make that comparison, because there are considerably more cows out there than there were buffaloes.

>Evolve nimble fingers
>Not everyone plays the piano
Fucking humans, they don't deserve a place on this planet.

Sure, hunting was probably quite necessary before we were able to cultivate food, but meat has been quite unnecessary for quite some time now. Its production takes up more resources than non-meat food.

>> No.3914074

PETA is pretty stupid but a lot of the shit ITT is incredibly retarded. Fallacies everywhere.

Agriculture as a whole, especially the raising of livestock, is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. It's true that people in the United States eat more meat than what's average, or required, or safe. This doesn't mean we have to slaughter all livestock and go on a pure soy diet. It requires gradual changes and moderation. If more people started eating less red meat, and bought it locally, there'd be a huge difference. This also applies to many other greenhouse gas contributors. It's called sustainability. We aren't anywhere close to that, so even starting to move in that direction would be a radical change.

>> No.3914087


However, If Americans ate less meat, the environment would be better off as well as their own health.

Personally, I try to eat meat for only one meal a day.

>> No.3914089

If we go by population in the US, estimates put the historic total number of bison at 30 million. Current US cow population is 98 million.

Also, from what I could gather, gas production is greater the rougher the material.

Of course, this ignores a great number of variables.

>> No.3914123
File: 1.23 MB, 700x2613, peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was an Anti-peta sticky on the /an/imal board every day.

But for now I'll just post this here image.

Seriously, peta would be against anything no matter how bat shit as long as it killed animals.

>> No.3914139


Except animals who are members of the species Homo Sapiens.

>> No.3914161
File: 167 KB, 651x448, apetreesafetobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then there's that whole double standard can of worms.

>herp derp animal rights activist
>derp herp care nothing for human rights
>herpus via derpas humans are the least important animal

>> No.3914164

>founder sterilized herself

I'm fine with this, I'd actually like to see it made more easily accessible and affordable to people

the rest is some crazy shit though

>> No.3914189
File: 60 KB, 198x214, sea ktten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit about sea kittens. They're awesome.