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File: 7 KB, 208x251, Goofyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3911770 No.3911770 [Reply] [Original]

maybe the reason we haven't found a 'cure' for AIDS is that HIV isn't the cause of AIDS

>> No.3911776

we're not trying to cure AIDS, we want to cure fucking HIV.

>> No.3911782

You don't cure a virus. You develop a vaccine for that virus to stop the spread of the disease associated with that virus.
HIV causes AIDS. Spend 30s on Google and you'll find that out.

>> No.3911784

we have found some pretty good treatments based on HIV causing AIDS.

so maybe not.

>> No.3911788

You're asking why they haven't found a cure that affects drug users, gay people and poor promiscuous people?

>> No.3911792

HIV is just a passenger virus. And anyway; retroviruses can't do what is claimed of HIV, largely because a retrovirus wouldn't last very long if it killed its host before it could propagate. Also, HIV has not been found in some patients exhibiting the symptoms of AIDS, since AIDS is just a broad spectrum of around 30 or so diseases caused by other agents as Cytomegalovirus that ARE NOT HIV.

>> No.3911807
File: 23 KB, 360x360, hello_doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too have too much faith in google.


1. The appearance of AIDS in the USA and Europe coincided with the introduction of crack cocaine, the use of alkyl nitrites by homosexuals to enhance anal sex, and the approval of glucocorticoid aerosol use to treat inflammation of respiratory systems in 1976.

2. AIDS in drug users and homosexuals in the USA and in Europe results from heavy ancillary use of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressive agents. Physicians prescribe these drugs to treat a wide range of chronic illnesses of the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and other organs.

3. AIDS in hemophiliacs relates to the use of corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents to prevent the development of antibodies for factors VIII and IX, and used to treat other chronic illnesses such as joint disease.

Think before you derp.

>> No.3911821

HIV spreads mostly through promiscuity. Amyl nitrates (poppers) increase the amount of unprotected sex, hence the rate of infection.
I need a citation for this.
Again, citation.
I have access to a few medical journals, so even citations of academic articles would work.

>> No.3911830

The evidence that HIV causes AIDS is completely overwhelming and beyond the point of rational skepticism. HIV/AIDS denialism has been responsible for an extremely large number of preventable deaths and infections. Many AIDS denialists are motivated by religious or political views, I.E. non-rational and non-scientific beliefs that are not supported by available peer-reviewed evidence.

Here are some links about the overwhelming evidence that HIV causes AIDS, and the proof that AIDS denialism is pseudoscience:
>AIDS Denial is Pseudoscience
>Websites that refute AIDS denialists
>List of AIDS denialists that died of the disease

>why so srs?
I know that there will probably be a lot of trolling and homophobia in relation to this topic, but AIDS denialism is something that should be taken very seriously and is probably about as anti-science as you can get. It's one thing that I do feel passionately about.

>> No.3911834


>> No.3911837

The citation is google, derp.

>> No.3911843

>mfw people actually think AIDS isn't caused by HIV and aren't trolling

>> No.3911842
File: 25 KB, 428x469, 1317579817689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accusations of having too much faith in Google.
>Cites Google.

>> No.3911848

These are all things that were disproven as much as 20 years ago. Drugs do not cause AIDS- drug use is a common manner of HIV infection, as well as unprotected sex. The screening of donated blood for HIV has virtually wiped out infections via transfusions- that alone is almost irrefutable evidence that HIV causes AIDS, and is spread by contact with contaminated bodily fluids. Many hemophiliacs died as a result of coming into contact with these contaminated blood products in the early years of the crisis, but when such blood products began to be screened for HIV, the infections stopped almost instantly.

>> No.3911857

Told level:
[] Told
[] Not Told
[] Mega Told
[] Combo Told
[x] Knights of The Told Republic

>> No.3911866
File: 19 KB, 400x325, Betty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a moron? Try reading the references. Start here: >>3911782
Realize, the point was GOOGLE, is not the answer to questions if you're too stupid, as you apparently are, to understand information.

>> No.3911872
File: 77 KB, 594x372, 2qv5vlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my fuck.

You don't even realize that you were the one being told.

This is why the world is in ruins.

Look, google: http://www.google.com/search?gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=aids+causes

Now, tell me, how many of those google hits are real and which are derp that you seem to be clueless about realizing in your 'search google for 30s' answer of a clap trap

>> No.3911877

don't you dare.

>> No.3911893
File: 39 KB, 365x361, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the reason we haven't found a 'cure' for cancer is that cancer isn't real

>> No.3911897
File: 87 KB, 600x600, 1277707418425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3911899

maybe the reason we haven't found a 'cure' for faggotry is because the OP is a faggot.

>> No.3911918

>retroviruses can't do what is claimed of HIV, largely because a retrovirus wouldn't last very long if it killed its host before it could propagate.
it doesn't though. it takes years to kill its host

>Also, HIV has not been found in some patients exhibiting the symptoms of AIDS, since AIDS is just a broad spectrum of around 30 or so diseases caused by other agents as Cytomegalovirus that ARE NOT HIV.
anything suppressing the immune system is likely to cause AIDS like symptoms. this does not mean HIV doesn't cause AIDS. similarly to how the fact that a baseball bat to your face causes trauma doesn't mean iron bars to the face don't cause trauma.

your arguments are childish

>> No.3911934
File: 27 KB, 448x344, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search google for answer
>don't cite google for answer

Derp much tRipfag?

>> No.3911969

2/10 OP