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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3910555 No.3910555 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, I'm a teacher of 4th grade students. I teach Science, Math and History. I have a little Science-related story to tell you.

This one kid, let's just call him John for the sake of this thread, was doing all his work and getting As or Bs on most of his papers. One day, he just started to sit and do nothing in Science class. He wouldn't do his Science homework either. Anytime I asked him why he refused to do it, he would just ignore me, like I didn't even exist. He was still getting good grades in his other subjects, but he was getting zeros in Science.

So we called the mother in for a conference. As soon as she walked in, I could tell she was upset. I went straight to the point, the conversation went something like this.

Me: John isn't doing his Science work.
Her: I know.
Me: What? You know? Well... Have you spoken to him about it?
Her: Oh yeah, I talked to him about it.
Me: And what did he say?
Her: He told me just what you're doing.
Me: Excuse me?
Her: He told me you're trying to teach him the devil's word.
Me: ...What?
Her: He told me you were teaching Evolution in your school and that's the devil's word! We're Christians, we believe in the word of God!
Me: Ma'am, it's just part of our curriculum, there's no need to be upset.
Her: You're trying to teach my son about the devil's tricks and I told him not to do any of your devil Science work!
Me: So you're not going to do anything about him not doing his work?
Her: Hell no, and if you try and force him I'll report you to the church!
Me: Okay then. I'll be sure to see him again when he repeats the grade.
Her: You better not fail him!
And then she stormed out. This conversation happened on Friday. That's pretty much it.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3910563

fail him. see what happens.

>> No.3910564

so just fail him. what's the problem?

>> No.3910568

The problem is the kid is going to suffer for his parents' lunacy.

>> No.3910565

pass him. Maybe in later years when he's faced with the world he'll get it all straight.

Or just offer the mother to take the son under home schooling if she's so protective

>> No.3910570 [DELETED] 
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>mfw that's kids future is being ruined because his parents are bigoted puritans.

>> No.3910571

everyone suffers because of their parent's lunacy

that is part of growing up

fail the little cocksucker, if he couldnt figure out to tell his mother one thing and then actually do his work behind her back, he isnt fit for upper levels of academia

>> No.3910574

>upper levels of academia
Is this really relevant to the conversation? We're talking about failing a fourth grader.

>> No.3910575

principle holds for even high school

>> No.3910577

I smell a witch, trust me Tituba told me.

>> No.3910578

The kid doesn't do his homework so fail him. It's that simple, as soon as you start worrying about what his mother might do the terrorists have won.

>> No.3910580

Can't you take this story to some higher instances? I'm not American so I'm not sure if it's a valid excuse but this kind of situation is unheard of in (most of) Europe.

You are right when you say that the kid should not suffer from the mothers stupidity. If you have no other option you could always try to give the child as much luggage as you can so that he can hopefully make a choice of his own later on.

>> No.3910582

talk to the pastor as he's obviously the only one the crazy lunatic lady is ever going to listen to.

>> No.3910586

>All. Of. My. Fucking. Rage.

>> No.3910588

This. Don't give into pressure. Maybe just drop to the kid something like
>hey, you're smart and always got good grades in my class, I'm sorry but I have to fail you

>> No.3910595


Don't fail him. It will cause him to be angry with you and since he's only a kid and very impressionable, psychologically angry at science because of you failing him. Not to mention his parents reinforcing in his mind that he should be angry, and disregard science. Only believe in the lord. And there you go. You provided the world with another mindless bigot who will repeat his parents actions onto his own kids. And the downward spiral will only continue.

>> No.3910593

I think most fourth graders don't even see the significance yet of doing well in school. Hell, most high-schoolers don't. From his perspective he's got a free pass to blow off part of his homework. The mother needs to be reported.

>> No.3910601

Fail the fucker. He doesn't do the homework, he deserves a zero.

Religious asshattery doesn't even come into it.

>> No.3910605

Obviously OP shouldn't pass him if he doesn't do his work, but both the smart and the ethical thing to do is to consult his higher-ups. Not only will this bring the kid's situation into light, but if the kid ends up being failed OP will be much more prepared to deal with whatever a fight the mother puts up.

>> No.3910606 [DELETED] 
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>mfw OP is creating the next "Dr" Hovind.

give that bitch detention and keep him there til he finishes the homework

>> No.3910651

I say fail him. Thats really your only option. If he isnt doing the work thats what happens.

>> No.3910661

Just tell the kid that he'll have to repeat the grade until he passes. That shit makes kids terrified.

>> No.3910670

Well this saddens me, but if you're going to teach in America I guess you just have to get used to failing people who don't deserve it because of asshat parents.

>> No.3910682

Don't go to the "higher authorities", they may have been infiltrated by the enemy. Just fail him, and explain to others later if you need to. But you must fail him, otherwise you're setting a terrible precedent of "play the religious card and you can do whatever you want". Sucks for the kid, but he needs to learn.

>> No.3910689

Can't the kid just get 100ses on the tests and pass without doing homework?

>> No.3910690

So what's the church supposed to do to you? Bake a bunch of casseroles and have a meeting? Tell the mother that if she can provide substantial evidence, that doesn't involve the bible, to backup her claim her son can be excused.

>> No.3910699

I had that situation at my high school, we had this massive religious fanatic who kept on saying like "HERESY!" "The lord shall make sure you burn in hell!" shit in our science class, whenever we did things to do with the theories of Evolution or The Big Bang.

Now 10 years later, i have finished university and found a job as a Doctor, have a wonderful
wife, 2 kids, lifes been great and i also have a small band set up with my fellow doctors in the hospital.

He developed cancer and refused any help from science believing that the lord will save him, he died a month ago.

>> No.3910705

Op is a lying faggot. I'm a 6th grade student teacher and the most complex thing we teach involving life sciences are the organelles and the state only requires we cover around 6 or so. Next is earth /space science and then physical science. Quit bullshitting OP. Kids don't learn shit in 4th grade. Also elementary school is about the same teacher teaching the same kids all day for every subject, except gym / music.

Oh and btw the future generation is looking fucking depressing in terms of motivation and general know how.

>> No.3910713

Well shit OP, stories like this can make headlines. You need to tread carefully, because outright failing him will do no justice, and exempting him is the reason there are illiterates that pass high school. I would propose a debate between you and the mother and whomever wins determines what the child is taught, but there are also the repercussions of you getting involved in religious affairs because, as a teacher, you are supposed to be unbiased. So you should bring this to your principal and council him and other teachers at a private meeting to determine the course of action. If you lobby enough support, you may just be able to force this kid (who sounds like he is smart) to ignore his lunatic parents and achieve the grades he is capable of.

>> No.3910720

The mother is misinformed like the general public. In the case of a christian, one could say that God created organisms and land formations to change. Why can't the christians accept that things change gradually over time? I can only assume that when they call it "devil world" teachings, they are referring to humans evolving from apes.

>> No.3910725

I bet your teachers thought the same thing

>> No.3910729

Make him understand that science and faith are not incompatible. If there was proof for what was said in the Bible, it wouldn't be FAITH anymore. The Lord rewards those who are faithful, and only the faithful would be secure as a Christian when learning science.

>> No.3910732

You mad I saw through your story? Btw my teachers didn't give a shit about what I learned because they were actually able to teach back rather than babysit because kids were spanked when they fucked around at home and it taught kids to stfu and know the consequences of their actions. Today I have to babysit rather than teacher because fucking parents won't do what my parents did. And if they do, lawl bye kids off to foster home, mommy and daddy need to do some time.

>> No.3910740

I'm not OP

>> No.3910752

>Implying beating kids teaches them life lessons and doesn't just cause them to be scared to come to you with an actual problem out of fear of getting beaten.

>Implying that kids nowadays don't get hit and still act like twats because their parents don't teach them responsibility and use beating as an excuse.

>> No.3910753

Explain evolution without using the word evolution, so talk about survival of the fittest and how that leads to genetic change etc

>> No.3910758

OP, do you live in small city/ country side? If so, you could spend few days with that kid trying to explain to him what is science and that it is not wrong to both believe in spaghetti monster and learn science. Maybe you could show him few tricks with physics and chemistry (look on youtube) to make those meetings more memorable for the kid.
On the other hand, if you live some stressful life already, tell the principal you're dealing with fucktards and fail the faggot.

Also, be lucky for not teaching kids in eastern europe, i've seen parents threating the teachers with guns, breaking their car windows, and kids knocking teachers unconscious and still not be expelled from school

>> No.3910778

Convince him science comes from physics. Try to convince him to try some physics experiments (If he's efficient enough at algebra). Do pendulums or something. Have him see that the results make sense from physics equations. Have him show the results to mama.

>Mama says, physics is the Devil.

Lawl at mom because she doesn't believe in physics. Make son sad. Wait...

...Just talk to her pastor and see if you can reason with him to get him to reason with her. Hopefully he's educated and realizes the son might want to a job other than construction, the church, or the grocery store.

>inb4 he becomes a successful accountant.

>> No.3910788

I never said it teaches life lessons, it teaches them consequences for their actions subconsciously. Therefore when they grow up, before they make a decision regarding something, they thoroughly think about it before jumping into it because it sounds like fun. Wait a minute sounds like fun, count me in? Sounds like every single kid nowadays with their hedonistic lifestyle. Who cares about the consequences? ITS FUN!!!

Kids learn life lessons on their own, but they won't even have the chance to learn those lessons without being capable of LEARNING FROM THEIR MISTAKES. You think telling a kid why they're wrong works? Have you even talked to a little kid when their parent isn't around? Its a joke how little their minds actually comprehend even when it makes perfect sense to you. The only way to get through stupid is to go for the instinct, such as the instinct to remember pain and to stere away from it. Hence, why kids who are spanked for their retarded behavior, will learn over time, through instinct, that doing stupid shit without considering those around them won't fly in life.

>> No.3910790

OP didn't necessarily say they actually teach anything like evolution to the 4th graders, the mother just said it was taught at the school. Could be taught much higher up.

Anyway, I'd say bring it to the HoD or principle, with a view to giving the kid a few warnings and failing him if he doesn't do the work. He doesn't do the work, he fails, it's as simple as that.

>> No.3910853

fail him with a note : your mom is crazy(religious indoctrinated)

>> No.3910984

All My Rage

>> No.3911004

Fail the fucker.
Nice trips btw.

>> No.3911018

recommend his expulsion. thats the only way.

>> No.3911022
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>choosing religion over science


>> No.3911061

it depends on the country, you fucktard.
i live in germany, and we got different teachers for different subjects. even in the elementary school. thats completely normal.

>> No.3911075
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>Her: Hell no, and if you try and force him I'll report you to the church!

>report you to the church

>> No.3911138

Consult with the principle and superintendent, have them sit in with a conference with the mother. They are witnesses, they share your opinion, school will prevail. Either she concedes or removes her child from the school. Either way it's a win-win. This isn't hard.

>> No.3911157

Talk to him. If he still doesn't do homework, fail him.

>> No.3911214

if you wanna do the right thing, talk to the pastor.
If you dont care, let him fail.

Im doing my bachelor in engineering and met someone who doesnt believe in evolution, i was stunned...

>> No.3911230

USA, right? what drives murrikans to be such stringer believers than europe. we both have idiots and smart ones, what makes difference

>> No.3911257

My parents refused treatment for OCD and eventually schizophrenia because going to church would treat me better than medication or therapy. (I preferred therapy as my memory starting declining so I'd forget more).
That was 15 years ago.

I'm making more money than my parents combined, and even though I had to retake a few courses, I'm doing well off now.

Since the kid is in 4th grade, just tell him that if he doesn't do the work, he'll have to repeat it next year, and until he passes. That's it. Nothing else, unless he's got a question, and if you can't answer it, let him speak with a principal.

Fail him if you have to. Eventually, he'll catch on and realize what he's doing.

>> No.3911259

Tell the mother's pastor to talk some sense into her!

>> No.3911280

get the mother on haloperidol, her sub-clinical schizophrenia will be controlled before it goes "full-florid". If not, call Child Protection Services b/c that mother is mentally ill and unfit to take care of herself, let alone her kids.

>> No.3911288
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Coming from someone who spent a greater part of his schooling just flat out refusing to do work, fail him. Really. Tell him you're failing him for not doing the work. Nothing else, you just have to as that's your job.