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File: 883 KB, 916x1373, subhumans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3907935 No.3907935 [Reply] [Original]

So why don't blacks have Neanderthal DNA?

>> No.3907941
File: 6 KB, 220x196, 235434584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3907956

Implying anybody does.
the neandertal dna they analysed was found to be quite different to modern humans. they did recently find a new contempory human species the denisovians and they did leave genetic markers in papua new guinea

>> No.3907964

also with OP's pic, ever realise that 100,000 years ago every person alive was black

>> No.3907963

They didn't mate with Neanderthals, no.

Fun fact: There is more genetic distance between modern Negroes and modern East Asians, than there is between Negroes and our prehistoric sister species Homo sapiens idaltu .

>> No.3907973

there is also more genetic difference between different black populations within africa than there is between blacks and anyother race

>> No.3907974

>every person alive was black
lolnope. SAN BUSHMEN you faggot.

>> No.3907978

That's thousands of generations ago. Your point?

>> No.3907984

>the guy on the right

Italian scum

>> No.3907986
File: 39 KB, 400x599, 400px-San_tribesman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you telling me he's not black

>> No.3907994

Genes are all cool and shit but we should focus on the phenotype.

>> No.3908007

define whites
define blacks
define neanderthal
define DNA
define why
define "?"
define lions
define species
define subspecies
define races
define genes
define intelligence
define genetics
define taxonomy
define biology
define cells
define life
define universe
define singularity
define multiverse

>> No.3908006

well a different point, humans went through a population bottleneck, some estimate that their were only 1000 individuals left, sometime around 100,000 ish years ago. and due to this there is very little genetic difference between people, there is more variation within a group eg white, black etc than there is between groups

>> No.3908012

He's not. "Africans" are not all "one race". Europeans are not all "one race".

>> No.3908019
File: 38 KB, 620x474, 1290122902286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ending with "define define"

>> No.3908024

yes there are more races within africa that anywhere else because humans evolved their and so those that stayed have higher diversity than those small populations that originally left

>> No.3908033
File: 71 KB, 400x334, Albinistic_girl_papua_new_guinea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so skin colour which is caused by very few genes should define all degrees of genetic difference.
mfw albino blacks

>> No.3908035

This. A fucking Arab (the horror) is more closely related to a Chinese, Nordic, Italian than an African.

>> No.3908063

>mocking the use of well-defined terms
>understand science or logic at all

Pick one.

>> No.3908064

To be fair, Arabs have contributed a fair amount to science and technology in the past. We even use their numbers.

>> No.3908072
File: 94 KB, 600x786, 3DPCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can spot an albino black. There are many traits common to all Negroes that have exactly nothing to do with their skin color. If anything, albino blacks just show that race is more than skin deep in an observable way.

<span class="math">\mathbf{But\;even\;if\;the\;observable\;differences\;didn't\;exist,\;the\;genetic\;evidence\;for
\;racial\;variation\;would\;be\;equally valid}[/spoiler]

>> No.3908082

looks like a bleached little niglet to me

>> No.3908084


>Arabs have contributed a fair amount to science and technology

No, Middle Easterners (Persians and Egyptians) have.

Arabs didn't do shit but constant war and creating Islam.

>> No.3908086
File: 16 KB, 349x285, notevolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3908100

but the majority of differences are surface features, suggesting sexual selection was the main contributer.

>> No.3908107


Iranian detected


>> No.3908109

>because when they were trying to steal it they were arrested
>were arrested
>wtf i don't even...

>> No.3908113

haha made me chuckle.
but to set the point straight every single living organism that is alive today is just as evolved as every single other one

>> No.3908114

Funny that you posted a Papuan. They are actually one of the most genetically distant races from black Africans. The only race more genetically distant from black Africans are Australian Aborigines (who also have dark skin). Skin color != race, because in science, race is defined genetically, not phenotypically.

>> No.3908122

exactly, i just used that pic becuase it was the first on wiki under albinism

>> No.3908127

just as evolved for their specific environment. and a niggers environment is certainly not my neighborhood.

>> No.3908138

and your neighbourhood is certainly not the specific environment for your genes either

>> No.3908170

because homo sapiens in Europe decided to breed with subhuman neanderthals resulting in a subhuman race, meanwhile blacks remain pure master race.

>> No.3908174

thats homo sapiens sapiens, not homo sapiens (duh)

>> No.3908175


>> No.3908185

>larger brains than modern humans

choose one

>> No.3908189


Larger brains

Pick One.

The reason we're so "intelligent" is because of the physical capacity of the brain to work in such a complicated management of systems, and because of evolution of culture and languages for communication of education.

Human brain = 28% developed at birth. More time to develop the brain physiologically to adapt to its environment.

More gyrate and grooves in the brain, signifying folds, and dendrites nerves, a key sign of intelligence.

>> No.3908193

this is what subhumans actually believe

>> No.3908203

>More gyrate and grooves in the brain, signifying folds, and dendrites nerves, a key sign of intelligence.

[citation neeeded]