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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3904336 No.3904336 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ I'm a 3rd year EE and don't have a great gpa (2.735, though that's around average for the EE's at my school) and I want to land an internship at a solid company.

My first two years weren't that great but I was doing a lot of extracurricular stuff and outside projects like a project with NASA last year that ate up a lot of my time. Now this year I'm devoting myself wholly to school and raising my GPA. I'm pretty confident that I'll be getting a solid 3.4 or so at least this quarter and year but all companies seem to want a 3.0 now before considering even interviewing you.

My question is, if I get a solid GPA this quarter (say 3.5), should I just write on my resume Fall Quarter 2011 GPA: 3.5 just to hopefully land an interview? The hardest part seems to be getting companies to even take me seriously without a 3.0

>> No.3904359


>> No.3904398

see if your major gpa is any better. If not, this is a good time to consider an MBA. the gpa for only one semeter is worthless, I doubt even a 4.0 would help you there.

>> No.3904417

You need to seriously re-evaluate your time management and work ethic; once I got to college I locked my shit down tight.

I don't go out and I don't party. College isn't for fun, it's an endurance test.

I'm not saying you do any of these things, but if you do, stop.

Also, try and get as much tutoring as possible. If you really buckle down in your last year you can pull a 3.00. Maybe take some shit courses to fluff your gpa?

>> No.3904475

sorry for long response, but I have this year and next year to get my shit together. If I get a 3.5 this year (or a 3.75 for 2 quarters) I'll be up to a 3.0 cumulative. I have no doubt I'll graduate with a 3.0, I'm very confident in that. I'm just looking to get an internship this summer before I do my last year

>> No.3904478

If I wasn't clear, I have 2 years left to get this 3.0 (in third year, have fourth year from 2012-2013). I just want an internship this upcoming summer

>> No.3904480

Maybe try and do some company sponsored competitions? I did a bunch of those in high school and they helped me land internships very early on without even having taken my core classes yet.

>> No.3904486

i got a job with a 2.74 graduating GPA in EE

ignore the faggots itt. drink, smoke weed, go out, party, screw around, etc. this is literally the last time in your life you will have this much freedom. don't waste it reading text books.

>> No.3904498


Also, how in the fuck did you even graduate with that low of a GPA? My school makes you retake engineering courses if you get below a B.

>> No.3904511


salary is 58K. C- or worse we had to retake. i had good grades when i got into the program but

> dat courseload

i wasn't about to waste my time doing 5-10 hour homework assignments

>> No.3904515

Also, I just realized OP's pic. That is absolutely true. We had that shit happen all the time in circuit analytics in HS. That second one is kind of BS though, I mean I really doubt the instructor wouldn't go over how to solve a simple parallel circuit. And 3 is based of 1 and 2, but assuming you haven't been taught nodal, thevenin, Norton etc. That would be impossible.

>> No.3904522
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Where is your engineering spirit buddy?
To get any engineering job, just use the "engineers method"

1) Put on your best suit and tie on to your interview

2) Mention that you are really good at swallowing


4) You got the job as the senior engineer!
10 dicks a day starting!

>> No.3904521

Alternately, the classical approach isn't all bad either. Land a job, build your income, invest wisely. You'll end up with vacation time as your seniority builds and have the money to spend on what you want.

Trouble is, your buddies won't be around anymore by then.

>> No.3904524 [DELETED] 

>wasting time on HW
>get high C average
>yfw they do this to you so you don't fuck up at your job and cause hundreds of people to die from your product

No wonder you're at the bottom 14% in the bell curve for EE pay.

>> No.3904525


this isn't really funny anymore. sorry.

>> No.3904531 [DELETED] 
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> yfw anyone with a bachelors is allowed to actually design anything
> yfw you know jackshit about engineering

> mfw i can buy everything i want

>> No.3904534

>implying that post was supposed to be funny

>> No.3904536

>current GPA 2.735

>expects to get a 3.4 by the end of this year


that explains it all.

you would need to get As in every class, and take at least 1 extra class (eg: if normal is 3 classes, take 4 or 4 classes normal, take 5) for the entire year.

that might give you the ability to bring your GPA up that much, but I seriously doubt it.

its not hard to do the math, and I would have done it for you, except I have no idea if you are Quarter or Semester, and how your school grades an A (is an A 4.0 or is a 3.9?)

my UC did A ==> 16 GP units, divided by 4 == 4.0

thus a B ==> 12 gp units, divided by 3 ==> 3.0.

>> No.3904542


>2.4 gigabutthertz

>> No.3904543

He could take a women's studies class or a speech class.

Seriously those classes are jokes; not because of subject matter, but you must be brain dead not to get an A.

>> No.3904546


inb4 gay pics

>> No.3904547



>> No.3904549

>implying engineering classes are not a joke

Womens studies while extremely easy, is actually harder then engineering.

>> No.3904551



>> No.3904552
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I think I found your problem OP. You are fucking retarded.


>> No.3904554
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>> No.3904556
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also, i had a 2.44 in-major GPA

>> No.3904561

>but all companies seem to want a 3.0 now before considering even interviewing you

but thats wrong you retard.

typical engineer.

>> No.3904564

I was saying I only expect to get a 3.4+ for this year. There's literally no way I'll get a 3.4 cumulative, I realize that. I'm mostly concerned about getting a solid 3.0 cumulative this year and maintaining grades for grad school

>> No.3904570

If you have a 3.4 for your major but a lower one for your overall, what in the fuck classes NOT in your major screwed you???

>> No.3904584

Never said my major GPA was a 3.4. My major and cumulative are actually about right in line, I do better in the actually EE classes, and worse in anything with programming

>> No.3904590
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>expect to get a 3.4
>concerned about not getting a 3.0
>there's literally no way I'll get a 3.4

Contradictions in every sentence. What are you trying to say?

>> No.3904598

>Currently have a ~2.7 cumulative and major GPA
>Want to get a 3.0 cumulative and major GPA by the time I graduate
>Can do this by getting a 3.5 for this year alone

Make sense breh?

>> No.3904604

Oh okay, much better.

Maybe, but why aim for a 3.5 when you could get a 4.0? Go for it man, work for your goals.

>> No.3904629

Oh I am going for a 4.0, I'm pretty much cruising through classes right now beasting all my homework, quizzes, and tests. But there's always planning for what happens if shit hits the fan and for some reason I fuck up on a final

>> No.3904700
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I'm kind of in a similar situation, op. 'Cept I'm not doing EE because a shit subject is a shit subject, now matter how much I'm paid to do it. In any case, my dick is like an incinerator, an incinerator of love.

>> No.3904706

that pic, that's how I felt at my last analog integrated circuits exam.

>> No.3904748

Don't care too much about the pay (though it's a nice addition) but rather the places I can work with it

Definitely felt that way before, I have my semiconductor midterm on Wed, definitely feeling like I'll dominate it

>> No.3905792

ME here.
Experience shows that people we hire with high GPA aren't worth shit. But I mean that in a nice way.
I look for someone that builds things. Hot rods cars, builds knives, builds (not writes code) computers, has made a Tesla coil.
Extra points for growing up on a farm.

>> No.3905812


Did you fall asleep before deciding to respond to this thread?

>> No.3905896

OP's pic is every math class I've taken.