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File: 117 KB, 400x311, 961_20_Teleporters-Star-Trek-weapons-and-gadgets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3903704 No.3903704 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say I take a person and destroy them, right down to their atomic bonds. Simultaneously I create an exact duplicate that is indistinguishable from the original by all conceivable methods of measurement. This copy looks, acts, and thinks exactly like the original. Can it really be said that this isn't the same person?

>> No.3903712


>> No.3903715

End thread.

>> No.3903710

why does it matter. admins please ban

>> No.3903718

no cuz theres no soul in the second one and wont live

>> No.3903740

It's another instance of that person. Just like how instancing works for software.

>> No.3903760

The person in question is not strictly the same from one moment to the next. So an exact copy is also not the same person.

But the question is irrelevant. Grow up, disregard philosophy and acquire currency.

>> No.3903770

Say I print out a document, they I burn it.
While I am burning it, I print it out again.

Is it the same doucment?


>> No.3903773
File: 93 KB, 485x563, you_fail-12825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3903774

Yes. It contains all the same information.

>> No.3903782

I always wondered about this is the teleporter is KILLING everybody that uses it but the copies dont know any different so to them its all fine but the original did of course die horribly IT FREAKS ME OUT MAN Kirk #95643 gets green bitches in space and original me can barely get my wife to blow me shit is not fair

>> No.3903791
File: 56 KB, 525x790, 1312509884235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, if that is your reasoning, then the "copy" of you is actually the same person.

That is the right answer. Your prize is tits!


>> No.3903803

The copy is you to the observer. But for you yourself, being the original, from your point of view you are gone. You cease to be.

>> No.3903812

Insomuch as the copy thinks it is the original, yes.

>> No.3903889

>Can it really be said that this isn't the same person?

Not the same person.

Don't worry, though. The concept you're trying to understand is a non-issue. You technically aren't the same person you were a moment ago either.

>> No.3903895

Same person.

>> No.3903896

How do you know it doesn't disassemble them down to the atomic level and then transport the atoms over a space @ or faster then the speed of light through the use of a worm hole? Maybe atoms have the innate ability to pass through space time?

Perhaps in a De-materializing, worm hole extension gate?

>> No.3903897


The Star Trek teleporters clearly just kill the person and then produce a perfect duplicate on the other end. Watch the episode of TNG where they go to the abandoned space station where Riker used to work. It turns out theres a clone of Riker still there where the teleporter was able to transmit Rikers data about but malfunctioned before it obliterated the original.

>> No.3903900

Unclear definition of "the same". Yes, it is identical to and "same" as the original, no it's not "the same" individual, because his conciousness vanished when you destroyed him.

>> No.3903903

work safe board .jpg

>> No.3903924

The mechanism is unimportant. All that matters is that the original is destroyed and a perfect copy is made.

>> No.3903938

I'm tired of seeing this shit. Clones aren't you. That's it. Stop making these threads you samefag. You do this every month, stop it. If you "destory" something, it doesn't exist. If you create a copy of the thing you destroyed, it is literally a copy. That's it. It's a copy of the thing you destoryed. It isn't the same person, its a copy of the person you destroyed. A copy, not the same, the other one was destroyed. For a conscious to be kept, you must take it apart slowly and leave at least more than half because a brain cannot operate without at least 51% of itself existing. Not that hard people.

>> No.3906566

キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! †