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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3903252 No.3903252 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking earlier in the shower today about the fact that everything i think is a response of matter interacting with more matter, so what exactly are our thoughts made out of? If i image a photo and i see the face of a person with my imagination, what is the face made out of?

And if you imagine a song, what are the tones made of? It really is mind boggling if you just think about how incredible this organism we call brain is.

pic unrelated

>> No.3903270
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And modern scientists think it developed all by chance!

>> No.3903275

>developed by chance
I don't think I've ever heard a scientist say that.

>> No.3903278



That is not a scientific word

>> No.3903280

It's made of nothing except interpreted electricity. When you recall an information, it's really that parts of your brains are activated, and since brain activation is really electric signals (along other basic nutrients needed to survive and function), you could say that the images you "see" in your head are made of electrons.

That's why you can hallucinate if someone stimulates a part of your brain (in an open surgery for instance or if you push your eyes with your palms for a few seconds).

>> No.3903285

if you store a picture on a computer and you open it, whats the pic made of, same thing, ones just biological. its all just information, and that can come in many forms.

>> No.3903299

What is a jpg made out of?


>> No.3903318

op here, i decided to just learn neuroscience, this shit is the most interesting shit there is in science.

And its also the most important science branch because, if we manage to create a computer program consisting of values that emulate a brain operating, then we would reach a technological singularity

= computers figuring out all the problems in the world for us etc..


and for your information i began reading this book

>> No.3903327

Is it correct to say that none of us have free will because we are matter which can only do certain things because there are laws of physics?

Like when the universe began, its course was ultimately set?

>> No.3903331

IBM is developing brain-like processors. Don't know if they've gotten anywhere with it though.

>> No.3903342


If you consider free will to be the decision making process of avoiding systems.

No other form of free will is logically possible. I mean, what else could it be? The ability to do something you wouldn't do?