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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3901208 No.3901208 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why do humans of African ancestry have such low intelligence?

>> No.3901213

dats racismt

>> No.3901223

Same reason that "asians are so smart".

Cultural pressures.

>> No.3901225

Before the shitstorm starts, let me just point out that the social pressure even applies to black kids adopted by rich white folks.
Because it's not like you can see on the outside what their skin color is.

>> No.3901238


Where did the black guy touch you. Show me on this doll.

>> No.3901241

How do we know blacks have low intelligence? Because
> if blacks were dumb, they'd score lower on IQ tests
> blacks score lower on IQ tests
> therefore blacks are dumb
is a fallacy.

>> No.3901247

Blacks are just dumb and lazy

Asians are genetically more intelligent than all Western races as well as culturally more hardworking

>> No.3901248

All the black males in my AP classes that went off to join black fraternities have suffered from this.

The only ones that maintained their demeanor were first generation nigerian immigrants.

>> No.3901254

they arent, there are lots of africans on my course in university who moved here for university who are very intelligent and much more hardworking than myself. its all cultural

>> No.3901262

This so fucking much. The image that's been floating around /sci/ about how since blacks score lower on the IQ test means that if we allow ANY black person to stay in the country it means the end is fucking bullshit.

I'd rather take a black man with an IQ of 120 than white trash with an IQ of 100.

>> No.3901273

How do we know blacks have low intelligence? Because
> dumb people score lower on IQ tests
> blacks score lower on IQ tests
> therefore blacks are dumb
is not a fallacy.

>> No.3901280

Yes it is. Its a bad generalization.

On the AVERAGE, blacks on the same percentile score lower than other races, but that doesn't mean that in the same percentile Black guy 1 can't score higher than white guy 1.

>> No.3901283

>why do humans of African ancestry

>he still thinks "African" is a racial term
>doesn't know about 'dem genetic variations in african ethnic groups
Stay retarded, stormfags. Stay retarded.

>> No.3901284

this is why /sci/ needs at least some basic mods

In b4 wah wah censorship

>> No.3901297


yes. It is. affirming the consequent... again.

>> No.3901313

Anyone have any links to legit statistics showing a decent estimation of white/black/azn scientists?

>> No.3901314

Intelligence: 3

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 2.5

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 3


>> No.3901317

this is why we need /new/ back

>> No.3901323

Creativity = Intelligence. Asians are very well creative.

"hurr durr I see no hurr durr asians making stuff"
Stop being a numbhead, stormfag.

>> No.3901324


Don't be a racist, all Asians aren't necessarily creative.

>> No.3901326

It's your fault OP. They're using you as an example.

>> No.3901329

this is probably the worst board on all of 4chan

>> No.3901330 [DELETED] 

because niggers like to monkey around

>> No.3901333
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>> No.3901355

inb4 Algebra is an Arabic word (al-jabra)

>> No.3901356

Creativity is correlated with testosterone. Asians have low testosterone.

>> No.3901364

Your ass is not a scientific source

>> No.3901369
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>law abidingness

>> No.3901405

fuck you /sci/, you're not smarter than the other boards, you won't even answer my legitimate question but this gets 100+ replies

>> No.3901521


that is bullshit

>> No.3901550

>Asians are creative

Really? then why do 95% of them turn out to be either doctors, pharmacists, or dentists?

>> No.3901552


Why do we even make use of IQ tests, then? You stand ready to give Blacks a 15-point correction factor, purely because they are Black. But you're not ready to, say, give me a correction factor for MY socio-economic conditions, if I just happen to score lower on the scale.

If your measurement contains arbitrary (I'd argue, POLITICAL) correction factors that are themselves applied arbitrarily, then the metric itself is USELESS.

It's like conducting financial audits on companies, but giving Enron a pass because it was connected to the Bush family, or giving Solynbdra a pass because Obama gave it money. Audits like that are WORTHLESS to determine anything.

>> No.3901558

> Why do we even make use of IQ tests, then?
Because of the deductions that aren't fallicious.

>> No.3901566


let's be fair here

>> No.3901575


>> No.3901579

i don't doubt that you can find differences in any average trait in any group of people you select based on some innate predispositions common to that group.
i just think it's very wrong to judge people based on averages as opposed to personal accomplishment relative to what they had to start with.

>> No.3901588

since blacks have higher self esteem and a higher impression of their own intelligence than whites, the claim that blacks are stupid because society expects it is bunk.

next argument that isn't shitty, please.

>> No.3901596


Kruger effect.

>> No.3901606

I don't think you know the feeling of being in a group of people and knowing they all think of you as some kind of inferior animal, and that nothing you can do or accomplish will change this belief for many of them. It can be enough to affect people's motivation in such a way that it consumes their life, it's all they think about.

I used to think it's a load of shit when blacks talk about how other people can just 'never really know' what it feels like. I thought, "no, everyone feels inferior at some time, it's not so terrible". But after you actually experience it, racism feels like shit, like you could not have guessed before hand.

The inverse is also true. When people hold you up with extra high expectations and make you feel like you were born superior, you feel motivated to take on the whole world.

>> No.3901609

>I don't think you know the feeling of being in a group of people and knowing they all think of you as some kind of inferior animal,

neither do niggers, since they have higher esteems than whites.

if anything, it's whites who are doing worse because of low self esteem.

>> No.3901610

> Because of the deductions that aren't fallicious.

I posed a rhetorical question, retard. You've totally destroyed any meaning in an IQ test result by giving Blacks 15 more points just to put on parity with Whites. What's frightening is that you don't even understand that you're DOING THAT.

>> No.3901615

That's racist.

>> No.3901624

I don't recall doing any such thing. I'm not involved in testing IQ, or assessing the results of said tests.

>> No.3901627

i think you're mistaking having higher self-esteem with being more motivated.
having high self-esteem may very well mean that they have accepted the inevitable, that they will never be viewed on the same level regardless of what they do.
and i'm not saying it's white people's fault, their own communities may very well be at fault for bringing them into this spiral of selfdestruction

>> No.3901636


he didn't say anything like that.
logical form:
if A then B
therefore A
is an invalid deduction. Period.

>> No.3901631

>I don't think you know the feeling of being in a group of people and knowing they all think of you as some kind of inferior animal,

White men feel this every day ever since minority empowerment became the norm.

>> No.3901635


This. Definitely this.

INB4 samefag.

>> No.3901638


'minority empowerment' makes you feel bad?

beta faggot.

>> No.3901640

>east asians
why do all IQ test scores for US residents neglect to mention the values for the rest of asia (slavs, arabs, middle eastern jews, central asians, indians, etc etc.)?
i know it's not one race but those three categories hardly cover all of the population of the US.

>> No.3901641

We aren't risk takers. Lowered testosterone likely makes us naturally conservative, less prone to aggression, more accepting of the status quo. All of these are inhibitions to creativity, but doesn't indicate a lack of it.

Clearly the solution is to pour steroids into our water supply.

>> No.3901648

When you're told from birth that you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, intolerant bastard who enslaved black men, beat women, participated in the Crusades, and should be wiped off the face of the earth while everyone else are people who can do anything and deserves special treatment, then yeah, I can see where low self-esteem comes in to play.

Not me personally, of course, because I was lucky to be born in a time before this bullshit.

>> No.3901649
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>> No.3901650

I SERIOUSLY hope you guys are trolling.

>> No.3901651

>Cultural Achievements
>Blacks: Low
>Whites: High
>East Asians: High

How the fuck can East Asians be equal to whites on cultural achievements? If whites are the benchmark, everything else must be several leagues behind.

>> No.3901653

> I don't recall doing any such thing. I'm not involved in testing IQ, or assessing the results of said tests.

O RLY? Scenario:

1. You meet a Black on the street. You already know that HALF OF THE BLACKS IN YOUR POPULATION score at the level of "mentally retarded". So you ALREADY KNOW that it's likely you're facing a person who is dangerously stupid.

2. What do you do? How do you approach this likely-to-be dangerously stupid person?

We already know the answer. You approach that person AS IF HE WAS NORMAL, meaning you already assigned him 15 more points on his IQ.


>> No.3901656

Scientifically speaking, why is OP such a flaming faggot?

>> No.3901658
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>How the fuck can East Asians be equal to whites on cultural achievements?

I dunno, bro.,

>> No.3901666


i think it's important to learn about history accurately, and all those things you mentioned did happen.

but it's not extrapolated to you; do you even understand what racism means?
nobody would treat a white person based on this history. Nobody teaches that white people are inferior as a result. Nobody thinks that, and you're obviously grasping for straws.

>> No.3901679

if we list inventions as contributions to human civilization, it would go:
whites >> middle and east asia >> everyone else - africans and australians (blacks) >> (blacks)

>> No.3901681

>nobody would treat a white person based on this history.

So why are whites still punished and forced to apologize for things that happened 200 years ago? Why does all minorities act like every white person personally owned slaves or killed Muslims or whatever crime you can get the most pity for?

>> No.3901683

> You already know that HALF OF THE BLACKS IN YOUR POPULATION score at the level of "mentally retarded". So you ALREADY KNOW that it's likely you're facing a person who is dangerously stupid.
If I knew that, it would only be because I accepted fallacious reasoning, as already outlined. While I am not perfect, when I am aware of fallacies I do try my best to avoid using them.

>> No.3901684

>but it's not extrapolated to you
>what is affirmative action

>> No.3901688
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>modern music
>Blacks: Low Cultural Acheivements

>> No.3901698

Most black music today is gutter trash.

And even then, 100 years of blacks making good music (since the 1900s) doesn't absolve them of the two millenia of them doing shit all culturally.

>> No.3901702

affirmative action isn't to punish whites you egomaniac, it's because black people were enslaved, prevented from going to school, participating in government, and were ghettoized in the US and they deserve some reasonable means to help accelerate their community's cultural evolution through education to catch up.

the white community doesn't loose anything, i think being enslaved to support a nation based on free labor is enough of a contribution to warrant a slot or two reserved in a university to better educate their community.

>> No.3901705

>guy thinks white people are worth a shit
>doesnt realize asians are superior


>> No.3901706

>isn't to punish whites
>punishes whites

>> No.3901707

all modern music comes from black culture ou silly boy
aside from all of the other retarded shit on that chart, the other really dumb one is the one claiming east asians have better mental health than anyone else.

>> No.3901717

it punishes whites like buying a soda punishes your wallet.

>> No.3901720

>affirmative action isn't to punish whites you egomaniac

It punishes everyone, because it sticks unqualified baboons in positions that may actually be important to people's welfare, solely because they were born with more melanin.

>> No.3901719

>obvious troll

>> No.3901723

>and they deserve
first, demonstrate this.

then demonstrate that theft is the means to do it. i have a feeling you think the social contract is a "contract", which isn't the case.

>> No.3901744

So many shitty, dumb racists on this site.

I've seen the study that keeps being cited, and I distinctly remember there was a large discrepancy between a black persons scores when in a room full of black people versus their score when mixed with other races.

All in all, I think it's all bollocks and you racist idiots would gobble up any cumstain that comes close to proving your racism right.

>> No.3901747


Generally, blacks are doomed to be stupid.

>> No.3901752

people deserve equal opportunities for success.
we can all agree this is the case.

white americans, culturally and communally, are at a move advanced position that black americans, and it stands to reason this is because white americans, at one time, were able to take some relative advantage of the black community without providing fair compensation.

as a result the black community in the US, and black culture, has had its development stunted. One way to to correct this imbalance is to help the community catch up, which affirmative action does.

It's not punishing white people, the white people of America have already taken benefit from enslaving blacks. Now perhaps it is right to re-compensate the heirs of the black community in the US.

>> No.3901753
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stop posting that vid.
no1 has 220 spare minutes to listen to racist claptrap!

>> No.3901763

African American culture is really damaging.

That isn't to say a lot of Caucasian culture isn't either, but more African Americans seem to gravitate to it.

Africans though, don't seem to have a problem. I've actually heard of Africans abstaining from associating themselves with African Americans due to the fact that a lot of them are uncultured and throw and terms like "nigger" for no good reason.

It's just a minority/majority thing, and has more to do with your socioeconomic background.

>> No.3901778

>your ancestors fucked blacks over, so niggers today deserve your wealth

sorry, but your talks of "rights" and "equal opportunity" is just bullocks.

>> No.3901787


Because becoming anything else will bring great shame to famiry

>> No.3901831

> If I knew that, it would only be because I accepted fallacious reasoning, as already outlined.

It is not "fallacious reasoning" to conclude that half of the shitskins you meet on the street are dangerously stupid, since that's exactly what highly-confirmed IQ testing states.

You keep applying a "correction" factor in accordance to POLITICAL reasoning. So you're just a propagandized idiot. The conclusion from the evidence so offends you that you just deny the conclusion outright.

Quite DERPING here since the rest of us don't want to fucking hear it. We hear it all the fucking time in the Jew media and we're fucking TIRED OF IT.

>> No.3901832


>> No.3901836

allow me to quote:
You don't need to email Moot.
You don't need more janitors here.
Every single time I see a religion trolling thread, there is ALWAYS some faggots that are arguing with the troll. IGNORE THE THREAD 100% OF THE TIME. You stop feeding them, they stop coming around. Why can't you stupid fucks get this through your heads!?

I think that will help with your rabbit infestation problme.

>> No.3901842

i'm glad these topics are made. i've seen a growing number of 4channers starting to question if blacks really are equal just because the higher-ups tell them so.

for christ's sake, a guy in this thread is arguing i owe blacks just because they were fucked over in the past. what a joke.

>> No.3901852

Why can't /sci/ go two minutes without a '200 posts and 83 image replies omitted' thread?
Are the trolls really that bored? We all know you're just procrastinating. So go off and play xbox or something. You don't need to feel guilty. It's not like your doing anything constructive here anyway.

>> No.3901854

I couldn't agree with your more.
or is that less?
I think I must be at least 3 SD's away, so it doesn't even effect or affect me.
I like them for the Jazz, you see.

and as someone so eloquently said on anohter thread
What you have to understand, OP, is the power of belief.
You see, you are no "Blank Slate." You constantly construct an interpretation of the world around you based on experience. Then, once you have constructed this belief, your brain rewards you when you find evidence that supports it, both strengthening the belief, and your willingness to only look at evidence that supports this belief. Science is the best tool we've got that can combat our meaning-making brains, and prevent us from making Type 1 and Type 2 errors as frequently as we would if left to our own personal devices for constructing meaning.
However, it can still take a long time for paradigm shifts in science, but this time is shorter than for other methods of understanding the world (eg. religion).

So this girl on the radio is only falling prey to humans' natural history of how we construct meaning. I'll bet you do it about something as well, OP. Probably politics.

I think grilled cheese would be nice.

>> No.3901856


This is still segregation..

>> No.3901861

Start playing bluegrass, really loud. Very few blacks will hang about.

>> No.3901872


I feel like you are talking to me. Personally. I don't have an Xbox. But I am watching guitar instruction videos on YourTube.

>> No.3902066

> Start playing bluegrass, really loud. Very few blacks will hang about.

Classical music is also a very effective Negro repellent. I'm not making that up; google it.

>> No.3902096


Especially Wagner.

>> No.3904043
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