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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 600x450, inappropriate-science-fair-minorities-in-heaven-mormon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3900971 No.3900971 [Reply] [Original]

So moot has said that he wants to shut this baord down because he's sick of all the reports.

We must all email moot and tell him we want tio become janitors to clean up the ness the trolls are making.

Anyone who doesn't have time for this,, I can understand. But if you have a few hours in your day to help clean up this board it will be a better place for all us /sci/ducks :D

pic related: It's the type of inane rubbish the trolls keep posting

>> No.3900982

Go clean my shit urself

>> No.3900986

>Implying I should believe you.

>> No.3900991

>implying this board has a higher troll count than others like /v/ and /b/
Yeah, nah
The worst you get here are the occasional christian/creationfags trolls
And that biology isn't a hard science bullshit

>> No.3900996
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>hard science

>> No.3901002


We get EK.

That's pretty bad.

>> No.3901013
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>> No.3901014

/sci/ has somewhat fallen victim to the closure of /new/. The obvious HW/religion rule breaking may only be part of the problem with this board. When it comes to complaints I rarely bitch about the religion trolling and never whine about the Home Work.
I do get pissed off with the bigoted racists and retard misogynists and I can understand why people complain about the inane shit they post. My advice is just hide and ignore it.
The issue for Moot is the complaining and whining.
DON'T go crying to Moot/Admin with every thread that pisses you off. This is 4chan and you should expect some retarded threads nobody is forcing you to be here.

>> No.3901027

ill be a mod

i hate all the fucking stupid threads here

also you fucking autistic faggots who spam reports are cancer killing this board

>> No.3901036

This young man's project is obviously about the total living and dead populations of the world.

>> No.3901043

Better: a religion and philosophy board.
/Sci/ will eventually be closed down anyway because there would be nobody once the trolls leave

>> No.3901045
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>real drug

thats you.

>> No.3901047

>I do get pissed off with the bigoted racists and retard misogynists and I can understand why people complain about the inane shit they post.
Maybe I'm here at wrong parts of the day, but most of the racist posts I've seen here were the closest to science that is available on /sci/.
Religion and homowork threads though...

It's better for /sci/ to get deleted than to get nazi /int/-style mods.

>> No.3901054

No it's not.
Without starting an argument, science isn't quote mining, it isn't about finding obscure papers that seem to support your point.

>> No.3901069

Racist threads are usually linking to shit that is nowhere near obscure.
Available on wikipedia even.
Either we've been on totally different threads or you have a totally biased view of them.

>> No.3901070

first /r9k/
now /sci/
where will I go now...


>> No.3901076 [DELETED] 

/v/ if you want shitstorms about everything and nothing.
/fit/ if you want /v/ with less kids, but more internet tuff guys. /fit/ had high-quality greentext stories before it became shit filled with shit threads ("alpha stories", height threads, reposts, relationshit). Now some of fat people stories are still good.
/int/ for all the science that's still on /sci/ ("Is she white?").
Textboards if you want actual discussion and high-quality humor.
Other website, preferably semi-obscure if you want something that isn't shit, but still has images.

>> No.3901079

Nobody reports all the 1st year physics and chemistry homework threads but as soon as I made a homework thread with a 3rd year thermodynamics problem everyone flips shit and says *reported*

Apparently /sci is full of a bunch of highschool seniors and college freshmen.

>> No.3901085

im not going to IFF but i will say WHEN this board is gone, where will we all go?

>> No.3901086
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The reason this keeps on happening is because autists like yourself keep on replying to trolls. Get off of /sci/ and let the real people post their stuff.
If he won't do it for ponies, do you really think that he'll do it for you?

>> No.3901092

I say if moot shuts this board down we all move to /x/.

>> No.3901102

Easy enough if the board gets shut down we all become trolls on /x/ deal?

>> No.3901106

>"Ignore stuff you don't like"
Advice moot
>deletes boards and posts he doesn't like

>> No.3901110

>So moot has said that he wants to shut this baord down because he's sick of all the reports.
Where did he say that?

>> No.3901120

[citation needed]

>> No.3901146
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>> No.3901164

> But if you have a few hours in your day to help clean up this board it will be a better place for all us /sci/ducks

I applied for the job of /sci/ janitor a while back, but never got a response. I guess moot simply doesn't give two shits about this board and its trolls, since there doesn't seem to be an active mod/janitor around here.

>> No.3901173

>implying moot didn't get only radical leftist mormons as mods/janitors to troll us all

It took almost 3 years to get a decent mod on /o/.

>> No.3901196

For fucks sake. MOOT has be 100% clear.
The problem is COMPLAINTS.
FFS stop being a cry baby.
Your constant reporting is like spam and it is fucking people off.

>> No.3901255

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>shitposting tripfaggot on /k/

i told you i would follow your shit and hunt it down

>> No.3901270

/sci/ is shit now.
It can be helped with mods (that are nowhere near /int/ mods - this would fuck shit up even more) or deleted.
At the moment, it's pretty much worthless.

>> No.3901282

>waaaaa this board waaaa
Well fuck off then.

>> No.3901288

he wont shut the board down. shutting the board wont sop the reports, the report spammers will just migrate to different boards and keep reporting random sit anyway.

>> No.3901290

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.3901291

Everybody seems to be complaining about /int/ having shit mods but as far as I can tell they haven't gotten rid of many of the shit threads. It's still all "HURR DURR YOU'RE NOT WHITE I'M WHITE LET'S ARGUE ABOUT WHO'S THE WHITEST." I mean seriously are people even entertained by that? I don't get it because they seem to make the same thread over and over and be completely serious about it. Even if you are totally racist, how does that shit not get just pathetically boring after a while?

>> No.3901309

Doesn't 4chan gets thousands of new posters per day? I think most of them get bored of it eventually but then they're replaced by a new generation of retards.

>> No.3901316

Well I hope we do get more janitors.

I would certainly have the time, but my impartiality would be suspect.
Shortly put, in a few weeks I would probably be deleting anything that I didn't like.

>> No.3901315 [DELETED] 

>go to /int/ to see what's the deal
>look at the page
>"Why don't you have a nordic girlfriend /int/?"
>crots white?
>"i hate niggers"
>"are these white"
>"Can someone tell me which "races" exist? The one I know are: 1. Black 2. White 3. Slavs 3. Aborigines, Native American, Eskimo
4. Asian 5. Hispanics 6. Muslim race (?)"

Oh god.

>> No.3901319

That's because they ban for all interesting threads.
"Am I white?" threads aren't bannable, so they stay on front page.
Politics threads soon contain the dreaded word for one of Choosen People and thus get banned. If they aren't banned for that word, they are banned for free market vs communism (and everything in between).
Threads about language are quite safe from mods (unless they contain anything describing anything Hebrew), but don't get enough replies to survive.
Threads about "which country is better" are worse than racism threads and devolve into flamewars before the end of OP's post, but they don't seem to be bannable.

The problem with /int/ mods is that they only delete the interesting stuff people want to talk about. The boring shit is left alone for everyone to ignore.

>> No.3901320

moot is an incompetent faggot. There's no wonder why Reddit is more popular now (I assume).

>> No.3901322

I remember when /new/ turned to shit(even more shit than it was in the beginning) and I was wondering what board I'd end up keeping my base camp in and some people said that /int/ seemed promising.

So of course most of the white trash that had plagued /n/ and /new/ soon migrated there.

While I hate seeing retarded racism- and religiontrolls here, at least we don't have it as bad as /int/.

>> No.3901325 [DELETED] 

i hate all of you cancerous niggers

>> No.3901341

wouldn't the logical response be to crack down on the faggots making all the annoying reports?

problem solved?

>> No.3901349

crack down how?
ban people who make reports that are technically legit reports, albeit whiny faggot shite no1 cares about?
can't really be justified...

>> No.3901350

>people complaining about reports instead of the shitty meme/spam threads and complete lack of mods on 4chan

What's wrong with you people? 2ch has like 100 times as many mods.

>> No.3901352

threads can be saged and hidden. people report far too easily.

>> No.3901361


I'm guessing whoever complains about complaining are the ones who most like to post in the troll threads.

>> No.3901362

and faggot mods can ignore reports even easier, as if they don't do that already.

>> No.3901366

>saging better than reporting
EK being intelligent as ever.
Enough sages and OP will bump the thread himself. Don't respond or do the whole combo (sage, report and hide). Otherwise you are just feeding.

>> No.3901368

they do. but it still pisses them off having to trawl through 100 "anon is a troll/racist/irritating/likes_things_that_i_dont_like reports, to find the 1 CP report that is actually worth their attention.

>> No.3901371

if you hide the thread, OP bumping is irrelevant. you will never see it again.
secondly, if everyone sages or no1 responds, eventually OP will give up.

>> No.3901374

>I'm guessing whoever complains about complaining are the ones who most like to post in the troll threads.
NO you dumb cunt MOOT has said too many complaints.

>> No.3901377

saging and hiding WITHOUT reporting is sufficient. if the thread is genuinely harmful and worth mods attention in some way, THEN report. use reports sparingly.

>> No.3901378

I knew moot was an anti-science jew

>> No.3901380

Then they could add a CP checkbox if the illegal thing doesn't work. It's not my fault this site is run by dipshits and hasn't been updated in years.

As if breaking the rules is OK. /v/ is completely useless now. It's full of new meme spammers who think this shit is hilarious.

>> No.3901382

Yeah, because there is no red, shining "CP BUTTON DO NOT ABUSE OR BAN" that results in red, shining "CP REPORT, TOP PRIORITY RED ALERT" on report list.

>> No.3901376

make it socially unacceptable to be a snitch

snitches get stitches

oh, and you suck

>> No.3901383

thats why we have the categories. 'rule violation' is 99% whiny faggot shit no1 cares about. the 'illegal content' choice is the one worth watching.

>> No.3901386

and moot posts in shitty troll threads and makes awful stickies and posts on the top of 4chan every time he goes on a date....And spends his time explaining ancient memes to normals instead of improving his website. Fuck moot.

>> No.3901387

'illegal content' is basically for shit like that.

>> No.3901393

i like moot. if you dont like his methods or the way he runs his website, feel free to fuck off and use other sites.
he's offering a free service, and owes you nothing, and has no obligation to you at all.

>> No.3901395

and that's why 4chan is dying

Also you have shit taste and are dumb

>> No.3901396

>saging and hiding WITHOUT reporting is sufficient.
Sufficient to attract OP's attention.
The whole 90 posts and 20 images omitted is enough to attract clueless bumpers.
One bump is enough to cancel 90 sages.

>> No.3901397

it isnt dying at all, its more popular than ever.

>> No.3901400

I was being sarcastic.
That's because such a button would (does) completely invalidate >>3901368.

>> No.3901403

and yet if you hide the thread, you will never notice.
as long as you remain oblivious to useless shite, who cares if other morons are shitposting?
intelligent people find intelligent threads, having a few shit threads to distract tossers from good threads probably isnt a bad thing

>> No.3901409

yes having 99% shit threasd is a bad thing....You're dumb.

Also, 4chan is not more popular than ever. It's been dropping fast the last year. You can check alexa rankings.

>> No.3901419

of course it is. but then instead of complaining, your efforts are spent better making good threads yourself.

>> No.3901420

it doesn't matter when the posters are shit and will prefer to bump off topic and shitty threads. Shitty threads and memes all over attract retards and 4chan isn't coming back.

>> No.3901424

Heart EK.
I think a posting reporting guide in the sticky might be helpful.
MOOT could add a post to the sticky telling us what is fucking him off.
Threatening to ban frivolous reporters might be a good start.

>> No.3901426

>and yet if you hide the thread, you will never notice.
Until next such thread.
And one after it.
And suddenly, there's one thread on page 0 and it's a sticky.
I went through "hide and ignore" phase when /tg/ was especially cancerous.
It's a temporary solution. Fags not getting banned encourage other fags to post retarded shit.
I'd rather get banned a few times and long for the un-ban than to have such a shitty board all the time. I got banned on /v/ once for replying to repeating digits thread and forgetting my sage (not sure if mods spare people who sage, though). It's a good thing that mods do such wide-angle ban nukes. They inform everyone in the thread that the shit will not slide, even if the ban is just 3 days in length.
Ignoring the thread? There will be 2 tomorrow at the same hour. And then 3 the day after it.

>> No.3901430

It doesn't matter what ultimate fagjob that moot is planning. We're still not going to move over to his Pegboard or Eraserboard or whatever other faggy new website that he created to be "better" than 4chan.

>> No.3901431

When you're the webmaster, you dont have to piss around with hiding shitposts.

Thats how he ignores things. Dont like it? Make your own board.

>> No.3901433

So all we have to do to literally troll sci into oblivion is report alot?


>> No.3901437

I see your point but there is a simple solution to your "And suddenly, there's one thread on page 0 and it's a sticky." problem.
Make a good thread of your own.

>> No.3901439

granted, some people are fucking retarded.
however, i find that there is usually enough people who are interesting, intelligent and funny that make the board worthwhile, even if they are a few sparkling gems in a sea of turds.

>> No.3901440

>implying you aren't cancerous tripfag shit that just responds to the religion troll threads without saging.

>> No.3901444 [DELETED] 

>Thats how he ignores things. Dont like it? Make your own board.
Actually, the one thing that moot is doing right is making new boards for pressurized shit to dissipate into.
/soc/ and /vp/ both allowed other boards' quality to increase, at least for a moment.
/new/ was great at keeping trolls who like certain threads in one place. When it was deleted, /int/ and /sci/ were the closest boards, so they flooded those.
We need a greentext story board, alpha/beta board (/fit/ SUCKS lately because of lack of this), relationshit board (/r9k/ worked, /soc/ is too pathetic for "alphas", who are cancering /fit/ up), /trl/ for race threads and /phi/ for religion.
Even banning those is temporary. Allowing the steam to vent makes those threads less interesting. Forbidden fruit, novelty of not-yet-overused threads etc.

>> No.3901461

Fuck yeah, 0 replies and "please respond" because of 10 pages of religion and homework threads push everything back.
If there were no shit threads, only good threads would survive. It's how it worked on /prog/ when it wasn't shit. Yes, there were actually no shit threads there.
Of course such balance is delicate and requires either Kimmo-like moderation or high minimal intelligence of posters (old /prog/).
With a boardful of retards, the best I can hope for with my good thread is that it becomes a flamewar with occasional good post, so that it doesn't die under the flood of worthless flamewars and yet contributes something.

>> No.3901467

Homework threads that involve advanced math like calculus should be ok. The cancer is in the econonmics/religion/racist threads. Report those and /sci/ will greatly improve.

>> No.3901469

go suck kimmo's dick somewhere else, faggot

>> No.3901470

I welcome the death of this board.

>> No.3901473

another fucking snitch heard from

how can you look at your snitch self in the mirror and not think your mom made a huge mistake by not just blowing your dad?

>> No.3901476

some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.3901480

Agreed, I made one such thread that wasn't even homework actually related to sci/maths and it got saged to death by a total retard. Meanwhile religion threads are 100 posts starting.

>> No.3901483

econfag detected

reported for faggotry

>> No.3901484

It's had it's run and sci/maths has been proven to not work with the anonymous format. Troll threads everywhere, nobody replying to actual science threads, and tripfags who are huge faggots (EK and friends).

>> No.3901486

mod only bans anti capitalist threads

>> No.3901489

it might occur to you that people browsing a /sci/ forum on 4chan might actually not have any scientific or mathematical skillz whatsoever, with a few exceptions

>> No.3901490

econfag is redundant

reported for redundancy

>> No.3901491

I know, and that's why it's so shitty. I realised that only a few know even simple algebra many months ago.

>> No.3901496

I do see your point and I have not been suggesting that we don't report occasionally but it seems that it is happening too much and pissed MOOT off. I have seen people reporting because they see a nipple.
We need to report less. A few HW threads are no biggie. I have reported when the board is obviously being flooded by Christians but that is not too often.

>> No.3901498

>implying christians aren't the best posters on /sci/

>> No.3901501

>upset about recent increases in moderation that keep getting him banned
>how can I stop people from reporting my QUALITY atheists-vs-agnostics, bio-not-a-hard-science, and niggers-sure-are-dumb threads?

>> No.3901502

>talk about vector products

>make religion thread
>300 posts starting
Such is life for a person who frequents the shittiest board on 4chan.

>> No.3901504
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How did you misinterpret my post so hard?
Do you actually have Asperger's or something?

>> No.3901507

how can you post with so many dicks coming out of your mouth?

>> No.3901510

4chan is chronically understaffed. If you want to solve this problem, hang out on IRC and chat people up or something.

>> No.3901513

>talk about integration by parts

>make economics thread
>300 posts starting
Such is life for a person who frequents the shittiest board on 4chan.

>> No.3901514

I think you do not get it. You seem to think the problem is with mods.
You are wrong. The problem is with the complainers.

>> No.3901515

>shittiest board on 4chan.
visit /soc/

wait... don't.

>> No.3901516

snitches get stitches

change the philosophy, change the outcome

>> No.3901517

because people don't know how to troll.
if every other thread is a troll thread then anyone worth trolling, as in people who are actually here seriously, are just going to leave and not return.
it's just one fucking thread after another of the same shit spammed.

>> No.3901519

Well, if it was homework/basic shit, you deserved it.
If it was "how does n-dimensional vector product in euclidean space look like", you'd get 0 replies and no sages instead.

>> No.3901524

>thread about being ronery or how black people are inferior
>any board I want
>300 post starting

>> No.3901528

IMO the right standard is whether the OP shows what he's tried so far.


>> No.3901531

>homework/basic shit

what the fuck is wrong with asking for homework help? oh wait, it bumps your shitty econ thread off the front page

>> No.3901532

because it's usually retarded as shit. Don't shit up the front page of a whole board because you're too aspie to ask your teacher for help.

>> No.3901536
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>> No.3901541

and discussing econ/religion/race isn't retarded? it is and so are you

>> No.3901544

Can someone explain how sageing works?

>> No.3901547

EK is not bad. You just don't get her.

I wouldn't mind being a janitor and cleaning this place up. No more off-topic would happen.

>> No.3901548

>The problem is with the complainers.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Retards everywhere, shit threads, but the reason that the board is shit is people who notice it...
A basic logic course should be mandatory for everyone everywhere.

>> No.3901549

I never said that.

And what's wrong with econ? Maybe if you kids were literate and could post studies to back up your retarded ideas, the threads would be better.

>> No.3901553

thanks for proving my point that you're an econfag.

>hard science


>> No.3901554

if you think the problems with trolling, shitfestmongering, and generally spamming the same inane shit over and over again are problems of people being illogical on this board then you have no idea what the problem really is.

>> No.3901556

>implying this is /sci/ - hard science & math

econ is more interesting than 90% of the shit on here and I'm an engineering homosexual

>> No.3901557

There needs to be a board with religion threads specifically within it's remit.

And because science is, in real life, a lot better than religion, it must be the same board as for science, or else any science board will be flooded with trolling.

The problem was making it /sci/ - science and maths; when it should have been /phi/ - philosophy, maths and religion

>> No.3901559

>what the fuck is wrong with asking for homework help?
95% of it can be solved with wolframalpha.
There's lots of it.
It gets a million of bumps from OP.
It is pretty much trash, like ronery threads on /v/.
>oh wait, it bumps your shitty econ thread off the front page
Kids and their ad-hominems and generalizations...
Stop being angry, it doesn't help, it doesn't make me angry in return. It only makes you look stupid and hurt.

>> No.3901560

stupid kids thinking reposting memes and other people's jokes is funny? Maybe having /b/ and /v/ the face of 4chan with no moderation has something to do with that...

>> No.3901561

Engineering homosexuals have no say in science topics.

>> No.3901565

>implying /sci/ - economics and no homework threads

>> No.3901594

This board may close because there has been to many complaints.
My solution - STOP COMPLAINING you fucking children.
Your solution - COMPLAIN MORE because mods are useless.
Your solution is retarded.

>> No.3901599

>implying there is a problem

>> No.3901601

I'm going to complain even more because it further proves this site is run by dipshits.

>> No.3901603

Go away, OP. We're discussing how to improve /sci/, not your shitty troll.

>> No.3901613

No we are discussing the closure of this board. Do you know why it is being closed?

>> No.3901618

Yours is more retarded.
I have 2 solutions better than yours:
-keep complaining until /sci/ gets deleted or improved (both of which are preferable to status quo)
-GTFO /sci/ and let it rot
I'm choosing the second one if it doesn't stop getting shittier every day. Maybe /sci/ will eventually get the standard 4chan board resurrection cycle thing on - contributors leave, fags leave once even they notice the board sucks, contributors check back, the window of non-shittiness is created, board gets back to shit.
This happened on /tg/ 2 or 3 times and on /fit/ once or twice.

>> No.3901621


>> No.3901625

do you know that it is NOT being closed? if MOOT wanted to do it he would have by now. it's very easy to do.

>> No.3901628

>it's very easy to do

How many 4chan imageboards have you managed?

>> No.3901632

Because people complain about it being worthless.
Moot as a parent:
>babby cries
>tranquilize babby
>no more crying
>problem solved

>> No.3901665

It wouldn't be so bad if the boards rules were actually enforced and mods did their damn job like they're supposed to.

Also, other boards like /v/ get trolled way more often than this one with /b/ shit.

>> No.3901715

You don't need to email Moot.
You don't need more janitors here.
Every single time I see a religion trolling thread, there is ALWAYS some faggots that are arguing with the troll. IGNORE THE THREAD 100% OF THE TIME. You stop feeding them, they stop coming around. Why can't you stupid fucks get this through your heads!?

>> No.3901728

you can't expect the users of a board to self-moderate. We need mods BECAUSE there are fucking retards who ignore the rules and respond to shitty threads all day. Telling them to stop doesn't do anything.

>> No.3901743

ignoring them does

>> No.3901751

Here's why it doesn't work:
>durrhurr sage does nothing
People with unwarranted self-importance who think anyone cares about their opinion.
Raging kids who don't know how to sage, but feel the need to insult (feed) OP.
New kids who don't know this, the rules, sage or (the most important) logic.

4chan is more intelligent than most internet communities, but most of it is still quite stupid. I've seen some good communities - /prog/ was one for some time. 2-3 years ago I felt like I was among people like me when browsing /prog/. Now it is shit, so I can't provide examples of it not sucking, though.
Communities like that don't need any mods. Until the rest of the Internet arrives. One spammer could rape the entire board, 5 shitposters dominate the front page.
Conclusion: if you have only intelligent people, trolls aren't fed. /sci/ has lots of non-intelligent people, who don't even want to learn how to act intelligent.

>> No.3901896

It wasn't a homework thread, and even if it was it's far preferable to shitty economy/religion/dick-waving threads (and the rest).
My issue with this board is that whilst homework threads are against the rules they get a FAR more hostile reaction than economics/politics/religion threads. That shouldn't be the case... at least homework threads are related to the board topic.

>> No.3901901

plz listen to him

you go to the playground and call kid A a boogerface buttsniffer. He laughs and continues playing on the monkey bars. You tell the same to kid B, who retorts, "well, you're a stupid dumb turdeating monkeytesticle!"

You tell me, who do you go back and keep making fun of.

>> No.3901905

No because there is always a retard that replies to the troll topics, like a retard who actually thinks putting sage in the e-mail field will make it OK to post in such a terrible thread. How to make /sci/ better
>don't post in troll threads ever even if saging
>report economics and other non-board threads

It won't happen because people enjoy coming for economics shit.

>> No.3901938

>My issue with this board is that whilst homework threads are against the rules they get a FAR more hostile reaction than economics/politics/religion threads.
Desensitization and interest.
We had so fucking many religion threads, people are already used to ignoring most of them. BAWWW SPAMMING REPORTFAGS THAT GET THE BOARD DELETED report those, most people ignore, some trolls and morons respond, so the thread thrives.
Troll threads thrive on flamewars, homework threads do not.
Also, there's a rule specifically forbidding homework threads.
Homework threads are also often trivial shit. Imagine someone on /g/ asking for "How to install Windows" tutorial or someone on /fit/ asking what is a squat. That's how trivial many of the questions are. They are also often solvable by just copy-pasting them into wolframalpha.
And the most important part - helping people with trivial shit makes them ask for more help with trivial shit. It RUINED few boards back in the history of 4chan.
I'd be happy to help with good homework threads, if they weren't against the rules (I'm a bit of an autismal rulefag, except without autism). I think I will soon disregard all 4chan rules, as they are made and enforced by people who fail at both.
While I agree with most of this post, sometimes sage helps. Sage-less posts feel "cleaner". If 3 of 5 posts are sages, a newcomer might immediately notice that the thread is shit and will die.

>> No.3902108

It's rarely the case though. I asked "what are the physical applications of a vector triple product"? I got one decent reply, rest were sages crying "no homework faggit" etc. Board is shit/