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File: 40 KB, 321x323, cannabis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3896229 No.3896229 [Reply] [Original]

Arguments against legalising cannabis please.

Pic related, it's a leaf teenagers get overexcited about.

>> No.3896235

I had fun once and it was horrible.

>> No.3896245

You're my favourite namefriend on /sci/, what's your specialty, mathematics?

>> No.3896247

I don't like it.

That's an argument, right?

>> No.3896252

Sorry, I'm just a lowly EE.

>> No.3896256
File: 8 KB, 230x219, images-7..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3896263


Eventually poor people/general statists will support theft of labor from me to pay for the use by another.

>> No.3896267

intredasting, if my opening post had been
>420 420 smoek weed every day
I'd be swamped in responses condemning the thing.

>> No.3896270

Only Tripfags posting.

You are everything wrong with this board, I hate you and I hope you die.

>> No.3896275
File: 63 KB, 508x595, 1317989940964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me more.

>> No.3896278

Legalization will damage the economy! Cannabis is healthier, more pleasurable, and less addictive than tobacco or alcohol. Think of the industries!

>> No.3896284

>only anons and liberty posting without sage on

>> No.3896283

We already have a problem with people drinking and driving. Pot would just add to those problems.

>> No.3896290

god ya every time i drive on pot i turn the radio up way too loud and start drumming on the steering wheel

>> No.3896328

Need you really go any further than the legislative changes and the huge strain on the legal system it would cause? Legalisation implies regulation, which no one wants. It would need to be much more heavily policed if it were legal, since there would be companies trying to make money off the stuff so you'll need to shut down all the dealers, enforce licensing, etc, etc. As it is now you're as good as free to smoke it, you can grow it yourself or get it from your mates, there's no political uproar, everything is smooth.

I'm a regular smoker yet I could imagine nothing worse for your average smoker or for the 'system' as a whole than legalisation. Between people getting their knickers in a twist over it and regulation I can't see how it would be anything other than aggravating and unnecessary.

>> No.3896535


no, it lessen this problem. people drink alcohol, because its the only easily obtainable legal thing that gets you fucked up. if weed was legal, alot less people would be driving drunk, and many more would be driving high. people drive high all the time, and you would never know it. i know people that drive better when they're high.

incorrect assumption sir.

>> No.3896555

>i know people that drive better when they're high

Anecdotal evidence? In a weed thread?!

>> No.3896572

Might make me sound like an elitist fag, but: Canniabis, alcohol, etc are all depressants -- they reduce the activity of your brain. Anyone who feels the need to temporarily lobotomize themselves to have a good time needs to take a good look at their life.

>> No.3896574

>stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.3896605

Weed doesn't 'reduce activity in the brain'. It increases activity in the hippocampus.

>> No.3896614


I always try and stop my friends from driving after they've been over at my house for a smoke. They always claim they drive better when they're high. Bullshit - I've been a passenger sober with them before, they usually do ~5km under the speed limit and are constantly checking there rear view mirror, speed, etc. If anything they usually pay less attention to what they should be.

>> No.3896622

> Arguments against legalising cannabis please.
The only reason it wasn't legalized is because the potheads didn't vote for it. They had a chance but then got all paranoid that some "big corporate" growers would put them all out of business.

>> No.3896639

>have ADHD
>less activity in PFC
>implying stims reduce brain activity

>> No.3896642

I can already get it within 5 minuites of a phonecall, be fucked walking to a shop to buy it or worse getting a bus into town. thats an argument against legalisation.