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File: 151 KB, 423x350, stellerator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3895083 No.3895083 [Reply] [Original]

Nuclear fusion. Is cursed to always be the energy source of the future?

>> No.3895101

Where the fuck did you learn how to write?

seriously, you must either be an ESL student or you must be in one of the lower levels of english class in your high school.

4chan is only for people over 18.

>> No.3895138

Any serious responses would be appreciated.

>> No.3895155


>Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter.

Where did you learn how to write?

>> No.3895161


You used that colon incorrectly buddy. You might want to work on that. You sound retarded
but yeah, 4chan is an over 18 board. watch out because you can get reported. I already know you are underage b&, but I will not report you because I am feeling generous.

>> No.3895165


We don't do it that way anymore.

>> No.3895185
File: 87 KB, 449x371, 1239278822449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't tell the difference between a stellerator and a tokamak

>> No.3895204


agreed with this. take your 3rd world writing somewhere else.

>> No.3895235

That's some nice samefagging you got going there.

>> No.3895378

> Any serious responses would be appreciated.

After 50 years of trying, with no particular lack of funding and smart White guys thrown at the problem, we just can't solve it. That's because technology can't solve every fucking problem.

Fusion needs to be contained in order to keep the reaction going. That's easy for a star to do, since it has a trillion trillion kilograms of material available to provide the pressures necessary for that. But lacking a trillion trillion kilograms of matter by which to provide containment pressure, we just can't do it.

It's a dead end. We can't do fusion. So I advise that you stop blowing through all the petroleum, looking foolishly for the future to save you.

>> No.3895429

its called solar.

>> No.3895430


>technology can't solve every problem
>implying we can't build a star

>> No.3895444

MCF instability isn't a matter of pressure. A linear system for instance doesn't exert any more pressure than a toroidal system but is much more stable.

>> No.3895449

> Nuclear fusion. Is cursed to always be the energy source of the future?

Maybe. I'd suggest LFTR.

>> No.3895450

>Internal combustion. Is cursed to always be the energy source of the future?

After 50 years of trying, with no particular lack of funding and smart White guys thrown at the problem, we just can't solve it. That's because technology can't solve every fucking problem.

Combustion needs to be contained in order to keep the reaction going. That's easy for a mine to do, since it has a hundred thousand kilograms of material available to provide the pressures necessary for that. But lacking a hundred thousand kilograms of matter by which to provide containment pressure, we just can't do it.

It's a dead end. We can't do combustion. So I advise that you stop blowing through all the coal, looking foolishly for the future to save you.

>> No.3895455

> MCF instability isn't a matter of pressure. A linear system for instance doesn't exert any more pressure than a toroidal system but is much more stable.

Sorry, but you're a moron for trying to talk around the problem. The containment is unstable since IT'S NOT FUCKING CONTAINED. Enormous pressure from all directions DO FUCKING CONTAIN IT. That's why stars successfully fuse, and that's why we CAN'T.

Stop assuming I'm one of the Great Unwashed who can be warded off with some acronyms and a stiff upper lip. I know what the problem is, and it's the same fucking problem that fusion has ever had: CONTAINMENT. The reaction can't be contained long enough to produce a power producer. PERIOD.

God DAMN how I fucking hate science propagandists like you! KILL URSELF NAO!

>> No.3895462

> Combustion needs to be contained in order to keep the reaction going. That's easy for a mine to do, since it has a hundred thousand kilograms of material available to provide the pressures necessary for that.

Whoops! In trying to be clever, you ended up shooting yourself in the foot!

Combustion was EASILY contained. Combustion containment in order to keep a "reaction" going was pretty easy to project, and at no one's particular surprise, it was accomplished.

Anyone looking for an engine during the advent of the industrial age, could see that mass was not an issue.

Stop defending the indefensible. And stop pretending you're clever. The facts are wholly against you, and once again I have to remind you faggots that:


P.S. And you weren't even that clever about it in the first place. What are you, 14 years old or something?

>> No.3895474

stop being a dick. Why dont you participate in his discussion instead of being a cock smoker.

>> No.3895483

magnetized target fusion
look it up

it's pretty early stuff at the moment, but looking at the straight up numbers, it seems relatively feasible.

>> No.3895484

Wasn't really being clever, and I'm aware it's a rather poor analogy, but seriously you are being such a fucking shortsighted prick about this it's fucking pathetic. Never is a long fucking time, I wouldn't even come close to feeling confident saying we'll never develop FTL travel and that straight up violates the current laws of physics, let alone saying something's absolutely impossible forever just because it's far beyond current technology. You're just so ignorant and willfully fucking retarded it's hard to let you wallow in it, but whatever, continue. If you start an argument with a closed mind, you lose no matter what.

>> No.3895513

You have it backwards. The plasma escapes containment when it becomes unstable, which can happen for a variety of reasons.

>> No.3895527

General Fusion or Polywell approach might succeed.

>> No.3895569

yep, very far away

inb4 lol daily mail. first search result. the news itself is credible and it seemed this thread might need something with pictures.

>> No.3895571

All we need to do is get that goddamn small black hole. If we can make gravity take care of fusing our shit together we'll be fucking golden.

>> No.3895580

What if we projected plasma longitudinally at near c in two opposing tangential streams, in pulses, each pulse being mutually destructive, creating a backpressure that could fuse the Deuterium-Tritium causing a hard decrease in pressure with a (hopefully) delta E above the power needed to accelerate the plasma.

>> No.3895811

The problem is ERoEI (Energy Returned over Energy Invested).


>> No.3896808

> You have it backwards. The plasma escapes containment when it becomes unstable, which can happen for a variety of reasons.

No, you people are so propagandized by hope and your own track record of cleverness, that you can't even see what you're saying.

If the plasma escapes containment, THEN IT'S NOT FUCKING CONTAINED.

Stars get around that problem by providing a trillion trillion kilograms of mass WHICH IS A CONTAINMENT THAT FUSING MATERIALS CAN'T ESCAPE. As it turns out, a trillion trillion kilograms of mass is the ONLY way to contain a sustained fusion reaction.

We don't need to try to invent the impossible anyway; we already have a perfectly functional fusion reactor 93 million miles away, blaring outward at far too many watts to bother googling up. Instead of continuing to chase the IMPOSSIBLE, we should instead be chasing PERVASIVE SOLAR CAPTURE SYSTEMS. That means passive and active solar captures, which we got a very good start on, and can go very far with, provided that we STOP WASTING MONEY ON CHASING THE FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.

After 50 years of chasing fusion and STILL being unable to CONTAIN THE REACTION WITH ANYTHING, people who keep at it are PRECISELY as brain-damaged about the matter as is any religious freak. People who keep working on fusion are ACTING ON FAITH, not on science. Time to de-fund those morons and put the money towards what we know WILL WORK: Solar captures.

>> No.3896850

lol @ Brits trying to take credit for a LLNL project. It's not a joint project, it's our fucking project, you cuntish fools.