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3893905 No.3893905 [Reply] [Original]

Heya guise. I was sick past few days so this thread is few hours late.

Have you watched Unit 1? Thoughts?
Personally, I was hoping for paint + camtasia kind of lessons, but paper in front of camera is quite fine too. Quiz bugs are gone for me, although unfortunately leaving me with a 80% quiz success rate. Thanks bugs.

Just started unit 2, any CS fags here, I'd be delighted if you could explain me the tree search - from what they said, it sounds disgustingly inefficient.

db-class is up and running although I didn't start with the videos yet.

Open up, questions, answers, comments, it's an official 4chan Stanford 2011 thread.

>> No.3893920

Started it, love it.
Anybody knows what homework will be about?

>> No.3893925

I have only watched half Unit 1.
I'm fine with the lessons like that. They are easy to understand.
The bugs killed me, too.

>> No.3893926

>he's actually doing the homework

>> No.3893932

nothing wrong with tree searches, 20 questions is a tree search, it's very good

>> No.3893945

Homework is like quizes in existence in regular course, it's just that it's graded. Don't worry, it should be easy to pass, albeit a bit more challenging for folks that want 100% at the end of the course.

Advanced course has graded homework assignments.

Tree search they are describing includes going up and down the tree, which means (if I understand correctly) that you are liable to waste time going paths you already went.

>> No.3893960

That's unavoidable if something cannot be directly evaluated, like the position in a board game. Every possible legal move is a node, which has more possible legal moves, etc. When you have searched to your depth and you're not happy, you have to backtrack and choose a different branch somewhere.

>> No.3894010

Gonna go to sleep and I'll read a bit about it tomorrow. Still sounds horribly inefficient.

>> No.3894026

the close ups on that one guys face with his pedo smile is kinda freaking me out

>> No.3894054
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AI class is nice. The problem solving part had the first question that stumped me: Out of all possible hard questions, this was that one about the number of possible states in the ten-room vacuum world. I tried EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!

The homework was mostly easy, it was just questions, no code excercises. I've yet to do the last excercise, and I changed a few answers as I went. Some of the questions get ambiguous, but in doubt, always bet on discrete!

>> No.3894059


Also, the ML class is crazy fun!

>> No.3894418

Taking all three of the classes at advanced level. (because I am 'taking the semester off' from school anyways)

Ive read up to chapter 13 in the AI class's text (in the weeks preceding) and really enjoyed it. I tried watching the vids but compared to the later material Unit 1 is boring as shit so I just did the quizzes.

So far my only 'incorrect' on a quiz is that I marked driving a car as adversarial (which, by the book's definition, it is: other agents will take actions to hinder you. In some subdomains, driving becomes a zero sum multiplayer game).

I have really enjoyed the 1.5x button on the db/ml classes... usually lectures make me want to fall asleep, but prestissimo lectures have the opposite effect!

Also, trees and tree-search can be comically efficient IF the tree is properly built AND you are using an appropriate algorithm. Unfortunately, exploring an unknown, expansive state space allows little luxuries, and certainly none like turning the tree into a heap...

>> No.3896126

I like the format of the ml class, the 1.2 and 1.5 speedups rule.
The ai class has bad sound quality, and didn't really like the format so far.

>> No.3896152

Yeah since I am pressed for time I am actually thinking about just focusing on the ml/db classes and read the ai book at my leisure.