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File: 318 KB, 1280x887, periodic_table-1280x887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3892040 No.3892040 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite chemical element and why.

Hard Mode:
You can't name one that has been named and explained in this thread - if your favorite is taken you have to take your second favorite and so on.

You might post neat periodic tables if you have one.

>> No.3892042


reasons are obvious

>> No.3892046


Because it's related to what I worked on for my thesis.

>> No.3892047

Oxygen, you can burn things with it.

>> No.3892049

because it has pot and ass in the name and i have the mentality of a 6th grader

>> No.3892051

what is C21H30O2

>> No.3892052


Cause I give 0 fucks.

>> No.3892053

Plutonium, because it's the heaviest metal... On earth! *bangs head* \m/

>> No.3892076

Cobalt. Because I like Star Trek and they said 'Cobalt tipped war-heads' once and I didn't understand why Cobalt would be used in a war-head in a futuristic setting so I read hundreds of pages of research on Cobalt. Now it is the element I know the most about.

>> No.3892084

Silver. It precipitates, isnt a "real" transition metal and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.3892096

Quicksilver because liquid metal fuckyear.

Also, Quicksilver sounds way cooler than Mercury.

>> No.3892105

Titanium. This will probably be the plating for future spacecraft and I'm quite amazed this is an ingredient for the white coloring in paints, etc.

Palladium comes a close 2nd. In the film Iron Man 1 Tony Stark made his mini-Arc Reactor as palladium-based.

>> No.3892107

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.3892116



>> No.3892115

inb4 bromine

>> No.3892119


It is the slut of all elements

>> No.3892127

Silicon. Because computators.

>> No.3892164

Flawless Victory

>> No.3892168

Osmium because it is heavy.

Cobalt, when used as a shielding tamper, creates a doom's day warhead as in lots of long lasting fallout. I know because wiki told me so!


>> No.3892180
File: 361 KB, 753x2120, bouletelements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3892186

>so fucking heavy lolollo

>> No.3892189

hardest metal ever

>> No.3892196


>> No.3892198

One fucking atom of bombastium turns a whole barrel of water into ice cream.

>> No.3892201


because computer

>> No.3892200


>> No.3892209

Boron. It is a really interesting metalloid. Especially Aminoboron chemistry.

>> No.3892240


because It's a very expensive metal that's only good making jewelery.

>> No.3892248

>implying that there aren't any industrial uses for a fantastic conductor that is also extremely resistant to chemical reactions

>> No.3892250

mind = blown

also, tungsten. because melting point.

>> No.3892296

Mother fucking Wolfram

>> No.3892303


>> No.3892312

Rubidium its fun to throw in water if you're bored.

>> No.3892325

Mercury and lead because they make me invicible to radiation

>> No.3892333

Europium cause I made an awesome OLED with it in the lab

>> No.3892344

Asdf, i don't see >>3892250, but for the same reason.

>> No.3892370

Because it's alpha, brah.

>ba dum tsssh!

>> No.3892367

Boron taken, must go with sulfur because of cool electron orbital fuckeverythinguptheass ing.

>> No.3892374
File: 217 KB, 1600x900, periodic table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st year chem major, I don't really have a favorite element but i do have a snazzy periodic table wallpaper and am enjoying this thread

>> No.3892414

Platinum because its the most valuable and expensive metal right now

>> No.3892476


Used in epic bike frames, high end welding so all my computer cases don't look terrible and fall to pieces and was used in the cold war in missile heads so they did not obliterate when they needed to be fired through ice.

>> No.3892536

Bromine is my bro.

>> No.3892558


It makes me feel like magneto to melt a metal in my hand.

>> No.3892573


because a metal named after the god of thunder is fucking badass

>> No.3892610


Because uranium 235 is a fucking miracle.

It's the one and only natural fissile isotope, and the open door to subatomic physics.

>> No.3892623

It's my fucking savior and shit

>> No.3892640


Pure potassium fucking explodes in water.

>> No.3892664

Technetium. Sneaky fucker is the only light element that has no stable isotopes and will always decay.

>> No.3892691

Gallium. You can make spoons out of it that melt in hot tea, and when liquid it forms an amalgam with aluminum like some kind of nanovirus. Mercury would be my favorite, but it's guilty of making too much seafood dangerous so I hate it.