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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongtosci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3890540 No.3890540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3890557

nope to all of them except exercise ;_;

>> No.3890561

brofist, same here

>> No.3890568

1. Nope
2. Nope
3. Very VERY rarely
4. Nope
5. Nope
6. Nope
7. I enjoy sci fi, wouldn't call myself a 'fan' as such
8. Nope
9. Physics major here

Feels good that I belong here :)

>> No.3890570
File: 87 KB, 320x248, i-cant-explain-why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to break the rules

>> No.3890577

Being a Biology major does not make you cool.

>> No.3890579


wrong, asshole!

>> No.3890585
File: 37 KB, 500x243, 1316880008009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. no
2. not really.
3. maybe once, twice a year
4 yup
5 yes
6 don't be silly
7 does carl sagan count as popular science? well fuck you then
8 UK system. i'm in top 10
9 joint physics and maths

pic related to thread

>> No.3890589

yes on 2-6
don't be mad, virgins

>> No.3890601

Fuck you, I am mad.

>> No.3890640
File: 114 KB, 1076x1654, dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3890660
File: 266 KB, 1083x539, spamifyouare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont reply to spammers, the only winning move is not to play

...or copy paste printscreens of the spam into a collage and post it in the spamthread, but I've already done that

>> No.3890671

>Feels good that I belong here :)
>Believes necessary = sufficient
>Thinks he belongs on a board who's name includes the word math...
>Condition was not only not necessary for belong here, but sufficient for not belonging here since it proves he's a child
>Doesn't belong here.

>> No.3890694

oh hoh what do we have here? Someone jelly?

>> No.3890703

No, I just think that science and mathematics are both topics adults should be able to discuss without having to include the kids.

>> No.3890705

ek's response is better than yours

>> No.3890708

tripless EK, it has to be.

>> No.3890711

no, just an independent observer.

>> No.3890731

definitely tripless EK. Nobody has any respect for him at all.

>> No.3890738

1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes, also having one currently
6. /fit/+/sci/ Masterrace
7. No
8. Germanfag, doesen't apply to me
9. I'm what you would call "between high school and uni" at the moment, at the top of my class

>implying you can make me leave

>> No.3890740

>between high school and uni


>> No.3890747

1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Went to a CC first, now at University
9. Business

You mad?

>> No.3890748

Yeah, isn't high school shorter than "gymnasium"?
I'm not absolutely sure about that.
Anyways, I'm currently in my last yea

>> No.3890749


1. No
2. Yes, but minimal lately due to time.
3. Sometimes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes (But I'm also a debate nerd so I think we can cancel this one out).
7. Yes
8. Fuck No
9. Yes (Studying commerce/law -- I like money, what can I say.)

>> No.3890760

Is Medical Science soft?

>> No.3890763

Shame you're studying commerce/law then.

>> No.3890765

\sum_{i=0}^{N} 2^i

>> No.3890767

yes, now gtfo

>> No.3890770

<span class="math">
\sum_{i=0}^{N} 2^i

>> No.3890773

<span class="math">
\int_{0}^{\inf} e^{-st}.dt

>> No.3890771
File: 179 KB, 640x480, 1304844528723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By guys ;_;

>> No.3890775

<span class="math">
\int_{0}^{\infinity} e^{-st}.dt

>> No.3890776

Of course it's not. If it was soft you'd place as much trust in it as sociology. get sick go to the hospital and we'll see if you trust your doctor.

>> No.3890778

<span class="math">
\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-st}.dt

>> No.3890779

<span class="math">
\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-st}.dt

yeah sociologists don't belong here, go back to
studying something usless like what certain ethnic minorities eat fr breakfast if they are also gay

>> No.3890781

1. No
2. Not really
3. Not anymore
4. Have had sex, but didn't cum.
5. Few
6. Used to
7. Not a fan
8. Going to 2nd best/prestigious University in my country.
9. Majoring in Electrical Engineering

Do I belong here?

>> No.3890784

I guess it's safe to say that Social sciences are all soft?

But the thing with Med is that it's biology centred. Well mostly. Well so far it feels like it.

Who the hell cares, I'd still be a yes to one of those questions

>> No.3890926

1. nope
2. not anymore
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
6. not anymore
7. nope
8. nope

this doesnt really fit me at all.

>> No.3890981

i'd rather call them social studies since it only aims to but can't apply the scientific method. having the intention to be something doesn't make you that thing so we shouldn't call social studies social sciences at all.

biology is very different from social studies. that's why i prefer to group it with the sciences

>> No.3891006

1. No
2. Not as much as I would wish, but yes.
3. Not recently (during semester) but do when occasion presents itself.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. No.
7. Not really.
8. No.
9. Mathematics.

>> No.3891055

No one fullfills 1-9 therefore everybody belongs here.

>> No.3891101

>1 nope
>2 yeaup
>3 yeaup
>4 nope
>5 yeaup
>6 yes
>7 no
>8 no, real university
>9 what about quantitative finance? somewhere between business and math i guess, so half on this one.

total: 4.5/9

>> No.3891125

>Yes. Pop sci you should like. Stop thinking you're too smart for it, you utterly revolting pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>> No.3891153


> can't apply the scientific method

Why does people have to go full retard on /sci/, all the fucking time? You should have said "I don't think they can apply the scientific method" instead of being cocksure.

And that's not to begin with that there's several different scientific methods; I'm assuming you're talking about the hypothetical-deductive one. Me as a sociology major have no problems with those.

>> No.3891165

it can't be applied in its entirety. it's a work around approach to science because of double hermeneutic. That's all I meant. I didn't mean to offend or seem arrogant. I'm a social scientist as well lol

>> No.3891177

In high-school, love /sci/ because normal science at school is fucking drab.

>> No.3891194

I don't know who either are... fml

>> No.3891199

Threads like these are the reason that I wear at least 3 polo shirts at all times.

>> No.3891243

I play deus ex occasionally, does that count?
Yes, biology student. Haters gonna hate - biology and chemistry benefit mankind more than physics. Deal with it, you pretentious autistic assholes.

>> No.3891281

> biology and chemistry benefit mankind more than physics. Deal with it, you pretentious autistic assholes.

So what? If you want to "benefit mankind", go into agricultural engineering or something. Come to think about it, I'm not sure whether supporting more people on this planet is beneficial.

>> No.3891320
File: 105 KB, 747x561, oh look it's this thread again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3892499

After I went to community college, they now want to make it a University

>> No.3892532

1. Nope
2. To some degree
3. Nope
4. Yep
5. Yep
6. Yep
7. Nope
8. Nope
9. Nope

>> No.3892550

1. Nope
2. Not really
3. Three or four times a year?
4. ...
5. Nope
6. I used to.
7. Why be a scientist if you aren't a fan? And what is the definition of transhumanist?
8. Attending a community college, but I already graduated from a state university.
9. My major was physics, praise me!

>> No.3892715


OP Is a myopic and narcissistic nerd that suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect who has no social capability, one of which is required in today's society and is a living failure that cannot live so he tries to make himself feel better about his poor performance (but its all relative hurr durr) by making this thread.

OP is a giant faggot.
Do you think all the great influential figures were like this? No, fag. Now get teh fuck out and get some emotional and mental wellbeing, like Einstein and Heisenberg AND EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE DID YOU PIECE OF SHIT SHITSTAIN ON HUMANITY AUTISTIC FUCK.