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File: 205 KB, 425x412, 1._all_cats_have_aspergers_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3888944 No.3888944 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading books on a condition I got diagnosed with, Asperger Syndrome, and I realized,I need some social skills help.

I've taken the semester off, so I'm going out in public a lot more. But I still can't understand social queus because of Asperger's Syndrome.


1. What does it mean when a girl looks at you and licks her lips? I've had people tell me this was a social que or signal for something, but I'm not sure what it meant or means. This has sometimes happened in nightclubs or bars when I've been dragged out to those, usually when I was dancing with a stranger that asked to dance, I was kind of nervous but got pressured into it by the person I went with, I won't say he's a friend really because I don't hang out with him that much

2. What does it mean when someone is clasping hands with you when they're talking to you? Again, this ha mostly happened almost only with girls, I'm not sure what it means though.

3. What does it mean when someone, especially someone you just met or don't know real well, like what does it mean when they put their hands on you and rest their head on your shoulders? I was at a concert at this cafe once where a girl did this but I'm not sure what this gesture or body language means, I keep getting told that thse are obdy language queus I should pick up better, or that I'm stupid or a coward if I don't, I have to explain, because I have Asperger's, I really don't understand what any of it means, it's like if I got airdropped in an Asian country but I couldn't understand the language because I spoke only English.

>> No.3889112


(Automatic detection)

>> No.3889141

1.They just finished eating something sticky, like peanut butter and they're trying to get it off.

2.Your hands are cold and they're concerned so they're trying to warm them up for you.

>> No.3889378

When would you do the same to someone else? I'd do this, when I was freezing. So your best bet is to offer her your coat or something.

>> No.3889600

Dude, go to
I'm an Aspie and I get a lot of my answeres thre.

If you want an Aspie forum, go to

>> No.3889615
File: 25 KB, 600x280, check-em01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> believes op
> I'm an aspie
no kidding

>> No.3891928

Never mind me. Removing the fields that have to be removed before I forget and post them again.