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3888233 No.3888233 [Reply] [Original]

I have my geography midterm tomorrow and I haven't attended a single class.

I have my textbook for the class. What do.

>> No.3888259


>> No.3888271

If you can't BS a geography midterm you can't succeed at life.

>> No.3888274

Drop out, then get a job or kill yourself.

>> No.3888301



>> No.3888306

doesn't matter if you attended or not, but did you study a bit each day that's the important part

>> No.3888310

>don't go to any classes
>wait until the day before
>lol guys what do

>> No.3888311

I know that feel. I had a paleontology midterm the other day and completely fucked it up. I took it as an elective, but regret it entirely because it is based on memorization so goddamn much. I don't know if "geography" is like this, but in the paleontology tests, you cannot reason your way through questions like you can do in physics, engineering, or (to some extent) chemistry.

>> No.3888327
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 316392_10150322296980942_175868780941_8513958_26374081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat the book and acquire it's power

>> No.3888383


>> No.3888394


"in a crazy world you'd have to be crazy to stay sane"

>> No.3890618

sleep with the book under the pillow

>> No.3890643
File: 35 KB, 380x251, roosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now you'll just have to wing it as best you can, skim through that text book and try to absorb as much as you can, use your initiative and common sense during the mid-term. You're fucked but you might be able to scrape a C- just so you don't get thrown out by your professor.

Most importantly you need to look at the bigger picture. How did you miss every class? I can't really help much more here, I can only assume that there are some emotions involved, could be anxiety, depression or rage, or an undiagnosed mental illness like ADD.

Let Roosevelt inspire you. Most people are idiots, they will misunderstand you and vent their own fears on you, if you want this you can go right ahead and do it, I hate to say "just do it", you need to stop caring about bullshit I guess.

>> No.3890650

This world has so many problems the most intelligent people turn into apathetic illogical bohemians.

>> No.3890653

1. Fail
2. Learn life lesson

>> No.3890661

I already know what will happen when I make a mistake. What am I supposed to learn?