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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 896x526, perry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887696 No.3887696 [Reply] [Original]

I think Americans just don't know sometimes which Mitt Romney they're dealing with. [scattered applause] Is it the Mitt Romney that was on the side of ... against the second Amendment, before he was for ... the Second Amendment? Was it was before he was for the ... social programs, um, from the standpoint of he was for, uh, standing up for Roe versus Wade, before he was against vers- uh, Roe versus Wade, uh, hi- he was for Race to the Top ... Uh, he's ... [long pause] ... for Obamacare, and now he's against it. I mean, we'll wait until tommorrow and and and see which Mitt Romney we're really talking to tonight. [scattered applause]

GOP Orlando, Florida
September 22nd, 2011

>climate change deniers

>> No.3887716
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What the hell is Mitt Romney taking notes on while Perry is spewing?

>> No.3887714
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>> No.3887765


He's drawing Rick perry smoking a massive joint

>> No.3887785


I think it takes a lot more than pot to come up with shit like this:


>> No.3887859

There is something to that pray for rain business I tell you what. It got about 1000% worse and everything caught fire after it started. I personally think that Perry was praying to Satan, but that's just me.

>> No.3887888



>> No.3887890


>I tell you what.


Oh, and I believe Perry is planning to cut some funding to volunteer firefighters and forest services. Reminds of that Simpsons episode with the asteroid.

>> No.3887934


Now that I really look at it, Romney looks like he's about to burst into laughter. That's actually very classy of him to hold it in.

I cannot believe one-third of the electorate is actually going to vote for this guy. Yeshua bam Yosef

>> No.3887948

Highlights of the debate:



>> No.3887951

Whats it the john kerry who was before he was before he was before?

I can't remember when this exact line was (perfectly executed) used on John Kerry, but it was.

>> No.3887953



> Silly humans

>> No.3887983


The problem isn't Rick Perry flubbing a line or stuttering for a few seconds. He went on for whole fucking paragraphs. Most of his entire debate performance looked like the this:


Even Fox News commentators agree that he fucked up the debate enormously. And whatever your political leanings, the idea that John Kerry is the intellectual equivalent of Rick Perry is downright absurd.

>> No.3888018


> former die hard democrat


>> No.3888035


Holy shit dude are you actually defending Rick Perry?

I thought you were for "free markets and small government" and not "retards in office"

>> No.3888046


Rick Perry is a former die hard democrat.

Also, I do not support free markets, small gubbmints, or retards in office. Perry also does not support small gubbmint or free markets. He supports huge government control, just like you.

>> No.3888055
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>American politics

I'm amazed it's gotten this far. Here's hoping Perry takes rightful charge of your sinful nation.

No matter who wins, you lose.

>> No.3888100
File: 15 KB, 270x260, un-fucking-believable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3888104


>He supports huge government control, just like you.

You know what I really hate? The fact that my poop is regulated

You see, poop is a natural emission from my body. And the government HAS SEEN FIT TO REGULATE MY BASIC BODILY FUNCTIONS. Where is our freedom to shit? Nowhere to be found; our freedom is curtailed and we can only take a dump in the most restrictive conditions, behind locked doors and into a single receptacle. We even have to pay taxes for the Satanic pipes that carry our waste!

This cannot stand! Smash the toilets! Blow up the water treatment plants! Don't pay taxes to municipalities that claim to perform witchcraft such as sanitizing sewage and turning it into clean water

>> No.3888117


>I do not support free markets, small gubbmints, or retards in office.


So what's wrong with free markets? Are small governments too large? Would you prefer zero government?

>> No.3888131


It is regulated. See: food. See: water allowance per flush. See: money to purchase food to shit. See: etc

>> No.3888138


Free markets include rape for hire, murder for hire, etc.

The gubbmint is indeed to large, and indeed any gubbmint is.

>> No.3888142

America is doomed, I need to jump this sinking ship

>> No.3888139
File: 984 KB, 280x164, 1315155808583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in America we derped so hard that the second law of thermodynamics failed and now we are in eternal loop of derp.

Forgive our trespass on the 2nd law rest of the world of science.

>> No.3888140

I think you missed the point.

Perry was attempting to lift the exact same line that was used against kerry to embolster the peception he was a flip flopper.

If I had an archive, I could find the near exact line that perry was trying to use on romney.

Thats why it's fucking hilarious, because it was a completely rehearsed line, and not just rehearsed, but lifted from a prior political attack on john kerry.

Wisen up slob.

>> No.3888151

You know, I really wanted to like this guy, honestly. At first I thought he was basically a more polished version of Bush, with a spine. Considering that I actually liked Bush, this was a good thing. But he hasn't given me a real reason to vote for him over Romney. Romney might be something of a RINO but he's just better organized overall and that's all that really matters. Both men are decent administrators but Perry is just too abrasive to really get shit done at the national level it seems.

>> No.3888157


It wasn't a line from some pundit used against Kerry per se, Kerry actually said it about himself.

>> No.3888163


>It is regulated.

Yes, I know. That's kind of the whole point.

Will you join me in my quest to rid the world of shit regulations? I'm preparing some bombs right now.

>> No.3888169 [DELETED] 


>> No.3888178

Shit, shit shit shit shit. That is all our country has to offer for leaders? Fuck, I'm sure a bunch of coked up children could offer better.

>> No.3888187


No, it is actually regulated. Your silly post attempted to say otherwise. I am glad I was here to correct you.

>> No.3888222


But if we get rid of all traces of gubbmint, then who will stop murder-for-hire and so forth?


>Perry was attempting to lift the exact same line that was used against kerry to embolster the peception he was a flip flopper.


To me it sounded like pure verbal diarrhea. But I'm sure your interpretation also has some truth to it. How do you account for him stuttering and sounding like an idiot for the rest of the debate?

And correct me if I'm wrong, but you're supporting Rick Perry yes? I mean this is /sci/. Rick Perry is the antithesis of this board. His undergraduate GPA was 2.5 and for extracurriculars he was a male cheerleader. He denies evolution and climate change. His solution to massive drought was to pray and defund volunteer firefighters. If elected, he promises to defund federal science agencies like NASA and NOAA. And you're still saying you'd vote for this guy? Why Mr. Anderson, Why? Why do you persist?

>> No.3888228


They do not stop it now.

>> No.3888243


>No, it is actually regulated.

Yes. This is the third post in which I will repeat that claim. Sewage is regulated.

But isn't that wrong? Shouldn't we stop this campaign of oppression? And where the flying fuck is your reading comprehension?

>> No.3888263


I'm sure you have stats that show that contract killings has increased with more police effort to stop contract killings, or expertly analyzed counterfactuals that show how contract killings would be rampant with or without government interference.

OTOH if you're one of 'em von Mises types you don't even need numbers

>> No.3888289
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> wrong


>> No.3888337


I said nothing of the sort. I simply pointed out the gubbmint does not stop the activity.

I wonder if you would accept 50,000 murders with a gubbmint or if you would rather take 50,001 and one with no gubbmint.

>> No.3888426


>I simply pointed out the gubbmint does not stop the activity.

So? Crime or poverty or pollution can never be 100% eradicated. That doesn't mean we shouldn't make any attempt to govern these things.

>I wonder if you would accept 50,000 murders with a gubbmint or if you would rather take 50,001 and one with no gubbmint.

All other things held equal, it appears the gubbmint saved one life. So in utilitarian terms I suppose we must choose gubbmint over no-gubbmint.

>> No.3888429


I would prefer consensual gubbmint instead.

They are not equal though as regulation causes death.

>> No.3888509

how is this related to science and/or math?

>> No.3888595


This post is not science. Saged and reported.