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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongtosci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887018 No.3887018 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3887033

I'm a woman and I'm neither gonna post tits nor will I leave.

U mad?

>> No.3887040

why don't transhumanist, futurists and science fiction fans belong here?

>> No.3887049

2,3,4,5,6,7, apply to me.

And I'm majoring in liberal arts, Russian, psychology, English and law right now. So what?

>> No.3887055
File: 67 KB, 800x586, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm schroedinger's woman.

Behind the cloak of the internet, I am simultaneously both genders.

Problem, quantumfags?

>> No.3887059

Finding out your gender would take me about 5 minutes. So, just no.

And that pick scarred me for life. I won't be able to sleep tonight. And I'm supposed to me a doctor -.-

>> No.3887078

>soft science

Bitches don't know bout mah biochem.

Ecology =/= Biology, you high school faggot. :3

>> No.3887089

biochem is chemistry, not biology

>> No.3887117

I'm not sure why you believe Liberal Arts, more in particular the study of language, isn't of a scientific origin. Math in itself is a language of sorts, and studying how the language comes together furthers our understanding of all things. The same could applied to spoken language, silent, or body language. Instead of understanding all things it more specializes in understanding ourselves, a step in our evolution which will help us progress to the next level.

Please omit the study of language from your list. I find your opinion to be an oversight of the most disrespectful kind.

>> No.3887129
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>> No.3887136


That's an arbitrary distinction that allows you to claim everything you want for your beloved "hard" chemistry and leave the rest to shit on to make yourself feel better.

Your hatred for the guys who used to / still do terrorize you every day in high school has become a pathology. You hate them so much that the distinction you drew between their social science classes and your science classes became so ingrained in the way you look at the world that you started to apply it to disciplines within science.

Boo hoo, get over it.


>> No.3887139


You Chomsky nuthuggers are the worst.

>> No.3887140
File: 22 KB, 277x277, 1318286762722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impling I'm not alpha as fuck

>> No.3887168


You're omega as fuck and trying desperately to come up with a retort but failing.


>> No.3887192

>generative grammar

>> No.3887207
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>> No.3887216


You guys sound quite mad. If so, I submit you stop using any form of communication wherein is already established and create your own to prevent any further hypocrisy, which you are obviously undertaking. Let's see how well your negative outlook on the science of language bares you then.

>> No.3887225

>Are under the age of 18.
Why is this obvious rule never included? Oh, I know; because the people who make these shitty lists are underage themselves

>> No.3887232

>are in high school
Retarded Imbecile

>> No.3887241

>thinking you hol final authority on participation in /sci/

>> No.3887244

all of 4chan is 18+
go away

>> No.3887246

Where did you read that? It's not in the pic, retard.

>> No.3887248

7 and 9 are retarded. You should welcome everyone who is intellectual regardless of discipline. It's how you learn.

>> No.3887261

>sci fi, transhumanism, pop sci

choose one

>> No.3887257

Did you read my post?
>Why is this obvious rule never included?
>rule never included?
>never included?
Silly boy

>> No.3887258

he's suggesting it, you fucknugget. learn to read.

>> No.3887268

No, he didn't. This inference is a product of your weird aspie mind.

>> No.3887277
File: 62 KB, 467x497, FrogandToadFuckthePolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a political science undergrad.
>Attend parties.
>Have a girlfriend that I care about very much and have sex with every day (shit is SO cash).
>Have an active social life when I feel it's necessary. Not opposed seclusion when I'd rather not socialize.


>> No.3887282

I meant more about pop sci fans as they may be weak in the science department but smart in other areas like literary critique. Hitchens isn't a scientists but the world would be substantially worse off without his intellectual contributions. I guess I just can't see why you would want to limit your learning experience so dramatically.
Also I am not discounting the idea that sci fi writers and others you mentioned cannot be smart. This is all tantamount to holding back progress.


see: >>3887257

>> No.3887287

Implying it's worth it when you will just graduate to work at Starbucks

>> No.3887288

Rule 8 is supposed to read:
8. Have ver attended a community college for any reason

Somebody clearly changed it because they were mad that this pic said they shouldn't be here, but they transfered from a community college.

>> No.3887294


>> No.3887299

The idea that there are no jobs for bachelor of arts is a myth. There are tons of job. Contact your careers service at your educational institution

>> No.3887312
File: 20 KB, 400x267, zapatista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that most of the benefit of going to an upper level college is the joining of social networks for later employment.

Someone hasn't read up on their sociological theory. It's all about whom you know.

Also, >Implying I want to participate in this economy.

Man it feels good to be a [spoilersdon'twork]Marxist[/spoiler]

>> No.3887319

It's true, my friend, and you can too.

Protip: It's all about networking. If you're too afraid, take a couple of shots. The first five people you know connect you to a myriad of other networks and from there it's easy.

>> No.3887321

>weak in the science department but smart in other areas like literary critique
That doesn't belong to /sci/ but to >>>/lit/

>sci fi writers and others you mentioned cannot be smart
We don't have "writers" here, only underageb& children with poor intellectual skills who are posting this sci fi bullshit.

>> No.3887338
File: 5 KB, 239x258, 1311177700580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a /fit/izen and work out

>> No.3887336

>>That doesn't belong to /sci/ but to >>>/lit/

haha I just dismissed the 'you dont belong here part' because it's childish. I was just referring to /sci/ disparagement of other nonscientific intellectual engagement in general.

>only underageb& children with poor intellectual skills who are posting this sci fi bullshit

Monitor their contributions but banning them is hardly enforceable so the rules are ridiculous.

>> No.3887358

do you do much science to discover optimum calories intake and exercise frequency/intensity?
If not, then get out. I do apologise for the abruptness but I feel I have refined the requirements outlined by OP. Nuanced and fair. You can't complain.

>> No.3887359

1. I am a man
2. I have a social life (I have friends, people I talk to)
3. I do not ever attend parties, unless they're with my closest friends only
4. I have lost my virginity
5. I have had girlfriends, and I currently have one now
6. I go to the gym 4 times a week
7. Pop science is fun like fantasy football is fun
8. I fit into this category but I'm going to a decent university soon
9. I'm majoring in something science

So I guess I don't belong here. Oh well. I guess I have no choice but to have sex with my girlfriend and hang out in her vagina instead of in the 4chan forums...

>> No.3887362

>/sci/ disparagement of other nonscientific intellectual engagement in general
That seems to be mostly trolling. At least I for myself have interest in many non-scientific subjects as well, yet I keep them out of /sci/, because this board is for science.

>banning them is hardly enforceable so the rules are ridiculous
Religiousfags and spammers are also b& sometimes. It wouldn't be hard to expand the rules. The problem is more that the mod is one of the shitposters.

>> No.3887363


pick one

>> No.3887376

too obvious, Mr Troll

>> No.3887384
File: 90 KB, 714x1460, blowitoutyourass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


different guy here, learning about anaerobic threshold right now

>> No.3887390

I exercise and I like science fiction.

>> No.3887407

Obviously proper exercise requires a lot of trial and error, and making conclusions based on the observations of how certain exercises \ foods affect your fitness

That being said, I think fitness is as much of a hobby as vidya, if not more. You shouldn't persecute someone for trying to improve themselves other ways than mentally

I do see how you would be mad tho, since virginity and a lack of social life are both on the list, I can only assume that you're quite butthurt

>> No.3887460

fuck this list, so i found one girl who was willing to have sex with me while i was in high school, it was over a year ago and not happening again in the near future, i know it really sucks to have the social label of virgin attached to you but honestly, my life is empty and desolate enough to make up for not having that

>> No.3887544

1. Man, but women have a right to be here if they're one of the rare few that are interested in science.
2. I have a social life. I am both smart and fun-loving.
3. I attend parties. I attended one last week. People like when I party with them because I explain science in a fun way when i'm drunk.
4. Unfortunately I am a virgin. 18 so there is a chance.
5. I've had a girlfriend and I've been "talking" with several.
6. I live in a rural area. The woods are fit for excercise, and I run a mile a day. You'd think /sci/entists would understand the value of excercise.
7. I love thinking about what the future holds. Every fucking scientists does. Science fiction? I was raised on Jurassic Park and Star Wars, both of which inspired me to study astronomy and paleontology.
8. I spent the summer at a comm. college, and I am joining the Coast Guard to help me pay for the rest of my college, which i plan on being a university.
9. I am either majoring in psychology or biology. Anyone who isn't as retarded as OP knows that biology is a very complicated branch of sciece.

OP go fucking kill yourself, you invalid faggot.

>> No.3887556
File: 14 KB, 234x200, laughing traders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biology is a very complicated branch of sciece.

>> No.3887586

>4. Unfortunately I am a virgin. 18 so there is a chance.

Brotip: Nope, there's not.