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3885893 No.3885893 [Reply] [Original]

My friend gave me a timeline of how technology will evolve this century. Do you think it's accurate?

>2019: Astronomical research is reinspired and a NASA mission to the moon is scheduled for 2027.
>2025: The United Nations passes an international law that the internet is to be used as a free resource to all humans; a global wireless internet project is started.
>2027: NASA goes to the moon.
>2031: You can now access the internet virtually anywhere on Earth, for free.
>2033: Medical research has progressed far enough to understand the causes of some more obscure cancers.
>2034: A few variants of AIDS are cured.
>2039: Pocket computers are widely used.
>2048: The first bionic human transplant is performed and is successful. A person can now replace full limbs and have complete control over them with their mind.
>2056: Stem cell research has led to discoveries that now allow scientists to grow red blood cells, making it no longer necessary for humans to donate blood to others.
>2068: Global warming is officially under control as the world discontinues use of fossil fuels as a source of energy and instead uses nuclear energy primarily.
>2072: Humans are able to moderately influence weather to the extent of breaking up large storm formations (i.e. hurricanes/tornadoes) using chemicals in the air.
>2079: First landing on Mars by humans.
>2086: Brain waves can be picked up and interpreted by mechanical devices, allowing for simple mind-controlled objects, such as turning on lights.
>2099: Due to increases in nanobot technology, the Queen no longer needs to poop.

>> No.3885911

who knows. Life is but a series of events loosely dictated by probability.
And i don't think nobody on /sci/ has the future of earth written down. We'll just have to wait and see.

>stop with the futurists threads.

>> No.3885910

>>2039: Pocket computers are widely used.
Well, it's 2011 right now, and my phone can do nearly everything my computer can do

>> No.3885912

ur silly

>> No.3885919

>October 15th, 2011: China attempts a nuclear first-strike against America and Russia, fails to eliminate all counter-strike capacity, world consumed in nuclear fire
>2020: mankind extinct

Future can't be predicted accurately.

>> No.3885924

Seems quite deluded about the reality of things.

>2039: Pocket computers are widely used.
>2033: Medical research has progressed far enough to understand the causes of some more obscure cancers.
We already have these unless you want to warp the definitions of computer and cause.

>> No.3885925

No, it's not. Here's closer to how it will go:

2011+: The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and all the while the rich will work towards keeping everything the same as much as possible. Nobody, including the rich, see any benefit in space travel or off-world colonies, so the rich won't spend any money on it, and the poor don't have any money and won't vote for tax dollars to be spent on it, either. We all stay here, enduring endless cycles of poverty, famine, and eventually war, which just sucks up resources and money, makig everyone except the rich poorer and poorer. Eventually there aren't enough poor people to sustain the unsustainable lifestyles of the rich, and the human race in general goes into it's final decline. One final war, likely with nuclear weapons lauched by the most desperate of the desperate, will bomb mankind back into the Stone Age, and radioactive fallout will doom the survivors to horrifyingly painful deaths due to radiation poisoning. The scattered handful of survivors who escaped the bombs and the worst of the fallout will either be sterile, or bear children so badly mutated that they won't even be human beings anymore. With no one to guide them, they become just another species of strange animal on this bombed-out radioactive hell that once was called Earth.

>> No.3885931

Thats not even a prediction its just pants on head retarded. "fails to eliminate counter-strike capacity"


>> No.3885934


Hey, you forgot to mention how we were all violent simians this time. There was a great opportunity for it in the last sentence, too.

>> No.3885939

>2086: Brain waves can be picked up and interpreted by mechanical devices, allowing for simple [blahblahblahblah]
2048: The first bionic human transplant is performed and is successful. A person can now replace full limbs and have complete control over them with their mind.

Those are pretty much the same.

You + Friend = Mentally retarded
Oh noes.

>> No.3885941

>2099: Due to increases in nanobot technology, the Queen no longer needs to poop.

>implying she poops already

>> No.3885945

>2048: The first bionic human transplant is performed and is successful. A person can now replace full limbs and have complete control over them with their mind.

We can already grow back entire limbs that are organic. Extracellular Matrix

>> No.3885950


Hey, maybe the Chinese thought they could do it. Bravado doesn't have to be logical.

>> No.3885979

>2101 War was beginning

>> No.3885987

fuck how could i have missed that?

>> No.3886003

Why is it that you Western faggots can't ever admit that the Cheap Oil that runs all of your high-tech is running out? Arguably, the cheap stuff that was easily pumped out, ran out around 2005, so you're in the post-Cheap-Oil era.

Around 2045, you'll be lucky to have a fucking JOB. If you do have a job, it's very likely you'll be bicycling to it.

At least the Euro-weenies will still have public transit. Americans are totally dependent on the gas-guzzling automobile and will simply stop using it, but there's effectively no pubtrans infrastructure at all to replace it.

>> No.3886018

>2056: Stem cell research has led to discoveries that now allow scientists to grow red blood cells, making it no longer necessary for humans to donate blood to others.
We can do that. Fuck, we can grow every organ on a chip as well.

>2068: Global warming is officially under control as the world discontinues use of fossil fuels as a source.
Being done now with sulfur sprayed in contrails

>2072: Humans are able to moderately influence weather to the extent of breaking up large storm formations (i.e. hurricanes/tornadoes) using chemicals in the air.
We can already create storms, not sure about breaking them up.

>2086: Brain waves can be picked up and interpreted by mechanical devices, allowing for simple mind-controlled objects, such as turning on lights.

They already did that with a monkey. Stay up on your discoveries

>> No.3886025

That's my birthday, fuck you bro

>> No.3886042

Females neither poop nor fart. Fact of life

>> No.3886048

can /sci/ explain why

>> No.3886052

Wait wait wait.

I was told I was an idiot to actually expect a cure for AIDS to ever appear. Why the change of heart?

>> No.3886089

A monkey? They've already done it with people.

>> No.3886110
File: 64 KB, 518x457, brainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to wear one of these all day so that I could turn the lights on with my brain power.

>> No.3886115

>still having a queen

>> No.3886125

>2079: First landing on Mars by humans.

Yeah, no.

>> No.3886148

We'll go to Moon and Mars as soon as China becomes a serious competitor.

>> No.3886172


>> No.3886181

You are correct sir

>> No.3886320

They're not only the same, they already exist.

>> No.3886362


>> No.3886380

>2019: Astronomical research is reinspired and a NASA mission to the moon is scheduled for 2027.
>2045 Nasa goes to the moon


>> No.3887114

>NASA going back to the moon

...but why? What is the significance?
Maybe if it was like, the first permanent residence on the moon or something.

>> No.3887204

>2079: First landing on Mars by humans.
How about no. 2040 at latest.