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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3884566 No.3884566 [Reply] [Original]

>a hard science

>> No.3884575

>hard science

>> No.3884590

>a soft science

chose both options.

>> No.3884593


>> No.3884591

pick one

>> No.3884594


>implying you're not a high school student

>> No.3884597


>> No.3884598


>> No.3884600

> a

>> No.3884602

>OP's dick

choose one

>> No.3884609



choose both

>> No.3884631

biology is for stupid people.

>> No.3884640

biology is for people too stupid for science and too straight for engineering

>> No.3884648

>molecular biology and genetics
>not a hard science


>> No.3884655

ITT: People who haven't done anything more in biology than memorise the nitrogen cycle

lol@high school fags

>> No.3884657


couldn't do engineering even if they wanted to, there's way too much maths.

anything more than basic arithmetic and percentages gets biologists in a flounder

>> No.3884658

>molecular biology and genetics
>not just memorization

>> No.3884664

>genetic engineering
>not engineering


>> No.3884668

no,its the same process of discovery as they do at CERN

>> No.3884671


I don't really consider it engineering, just like I don't really consider jumping up and down physics.

>> No.3884686

Nope. Theoretical physicists first make a serious mathematical theory and then think of an experiment to test it.
Biochem is memorization and application of a large repertoire of possible experiments, mostly trial and error.

>> No.3884710
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>This thread
>For the 50th time

>> No.3884706

How did they come up with the experiments in the first place? Prediction and theory. the fact that they have a large repository is just evidence that biology is a science that WORKS BEST.

physics fails.

>> No.3884711

>implying most of the experiments weren't designed by physicists and chemists

>> No.3884715


>physics fails

you wouldn't be on a computer without physics. please, never talk again because you're bound to embarrass yourself.

little baby.

>> No.3884722


Moar like 1000th. You're not often on /sci/, are you?

>> No.3884730

You or your family wouldn't be alive this moment without medicine. please, never talk again because you're bound to embarrass yourself.

little baby.

>> No.3884732
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Can't say I am too busy watching re-runs of the greatest show ever made

Pic related

>> No.3884737

medicine =/= biology

If troll, try harder.
If stupid, educate yourself.

>> No.3884738


I'm pretty sure we would. You do know that people were around before modern medicine, right?

Don't, ever, talk again.

>> No.3884748

many more also died. by all probability you would have been among them


wtf am i reading


regardless, the point was that all sciences have unscientific aspects. humans do science and humans are fallible. therefore science is fallible. Simples.

>> No.3884751

>I honestly don't get why /sci/ doesn't think biology is a real science.

It's a troll

>> No.3884749

effective medicine wouldn't be here without biology. However, you are right that medicine =/= biology.

Your mother would probably be dead due to childbirth. I exaggerated a bit there, but you see my point.

I honestly don't get why /sci/ doesn't think biology is a real science. Sure, chem and physics are more math based, but you guys honestly think it's all bullshit that is being spit out

>> No.3884756


more people have always lived than died. therefore, your argument is invalid.

>> No.3884757


>I exaggerated a bit there

Is that what biologists say when they are wrong?

>> No.3884761

I know but it's get my mad anyway.
But what the hell, I'm too good at getting trolled.

I wasn't wrong. Much more people in his family(or any other family, for that matter) would be dead. I exaggerated for the sake showing how the point that this anon stated.

Also I'm not a biologist anyway.

>> No.3884763


You were wrong actually.

But nobody's wrong in biology, is that it? Everyone's a winner?

>> No.3884764

biology is a science by definition of the world science. deal with it. if you want to invent your own definition that's fine but it's not how language operates and biology would only be considered by you and other who share your definition (ie. morons and trolls on /sci/)

>> No.3884769

OP didn't question biology being a science. He said it's not hard.

>> No.3884770


>hard science =/= science

>> No.3884771

>But nobody's wrong in biology, is that it? Everyone's a winner?

obvious conclusion detached from the premise is obvious

>> No.3884773
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>A hard science

>> No.3884774


So you accept you were wrong or would you prefer to live in a fantastic fantasy land where everything you say is right?

>> No.3884776

you are talking to a different person and what you are saying doesnt make sense in the context of this discussion

>> No.3884775

Also note that I exagerated due the fact that I presented the 'you would be dead' matter as a fact, where in reality it only would be a chance.

How am I wrong? I simply told that if it wasn't for biology/medicine that he or his family might very well be dead.

that is not me

>> No.3884780

you are talking to a different person and what you are saying doesnt make sense in the context of this discussion

anyone who thinks biology isnt a hard science has never been made aware of palaeontology

>> No.3884783
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>implying trolling isn't the hardest science

>> No.3884778

>that is not me
I linked the wrong person.

>> No.3884779


A chance less than 50%, so why bring it up, unless to say "you would probably not be dead"?

>> No.3884784

Because less that 50% (possibly a number that you pulled out of your ass) is still damn significant.

>> No.3884785
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This thread. Again?

I will study biology to spite you now!



>> No.3884786

> Start Bachelor in biology
> First year is literally nothing but maths, physics and chemistry
> Depending on further choices you'll have maths, physics and chemistry until graduation
> MFW I can master in biology, biochemistry, biotech, biomed, molecular and cellular physics, molecular biology, geology, geography, bio-engineering and nanotechnology
> I can even get a master in physics, chemistry or astronomy, after a single semester of supplementary classes.

>> No.3884789

without any medical intervetion, a lot more than half offspring die. why the fuck do you think animals have such huge litters??

>> No.3884792

>that's what biologists actually believe

Protip: algebra is not hard math

>> No.3884794

poorer humans are, the more children they have

>> No.3884791


prove that that is the case for humans or gtfo

you're wrong, btw

>> No.3884796

still math.

when we talk about hard in this context we dont mean difficult. you are extremely ignorant

>> No.3884800


just like english literature degrees have maths in them because you have to remember which page you were up to?

>> No.3884802


that's not proving anything

>> No.3884803


What a silly example

>> No.3884807


still math.

when we talk about hard in this context we dont mean difficult. you are extremely ignorant

>> No.3884809

Since all math is rigorous, "hard" in the context of math always means difficult.

You don't seem to know anything about math. Maybe that's because you're a biologist.

>> No.3884811

The debate should even be between hard and soft sciences it should be between useful inferences and intellectual wankery. All sciences and studies have both. Focus on rooting the sshit out of your own discipline before criticising and comparing another.

>> No.3884812


Notice that maths isn't one of the masters listed. As a biologist you need about a year of extra classes for that

>> No.3884814


"f-focus on rooting the sshit out o-of y-your own discipline"

>> No.3884815

Difficulty is an entirely different subject.

>> No.3884820

oh no a typo. suicide is my only option to rectify this grave error
that comment confirms you are a troll

>> No.3884822

Difficulty is something biologists cannot talk about, because they are too stupid.

>> No.3884824


>> No.3884825


Sorry, I just suspect you are a bumbling moron in real life, just like you are online.

>> No.3884826
File: 105 KB, 747x561, oh look it's this thread again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3884828

Just no, mate, just, no.

The greatest form of intellectual wankery is the discussion that goes on ITT and it's perpetuated more by physicists and mathematicians than biologists.

>> No.3884831

I like how you really took issue with what I siad instead of just insulting me. That was really well done.

>> No.3884832

>proving my point

>> No.3884834

Explain how. Oh wait you can't.

>> No.3884836


There's a lot less shit in my discipline than yours. How's that, Mr. Shitty?

>> No.3884838

You don't even know my discipline. LOL

>> No.3884841


But it's probably not mine. So I can make my comment with a good degree of confidence.

>> No.3884843

whatever discipline you are in, i hope it doesnt involve this kind of speculating without any shred of evidence. because that would make it shitty. In fact, the probably makes the discipline shitty just be sheer misfortune of having you in it

>> No.3884849


You just proved my point, silly child.

>> No.3884857

Again explain how. oh wait you still can't. Why do we keep going through this? Oh yeah, because you're an idiot.

>> No.3884893


Again? the last time wasn't me dumb child