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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3883236 No.3883236 [Reply] [Original]

What are your life plans, /sci/?

>get degree in biology with a minor is psych, or vice-versa
>get into neuroscience program
>get doctorate in some branch of neuroscience
>get a bonobo as a baby, and raise is to learn sign-language, but the right way, not that Koko "a few hours a day"
>speak with that fucker all damn day

that's about it. I'll figure the rest out along the way

>> No.3883247

Live as long as I can.

Enjoy myself as best as I can.


>> No.3883251

>get degree in biology
>turn myself into a baby bonobo
>get adopted
>slowly learn the ways of language to create a plan to take my owner's wife

>> No.3883259

finish degree
dodge student loans by going to asia
teach english, travel, explore asian women
self-study what I'm interested in, write books

>> No.3883254


OP I actually want to do something very similar, minus the bonobo part. Is biology major + psych minor the best combination to have to go to graduate school in neuroscience?

>> No.3883262


Acquire knowledge.

Aid the less fortunate with my surplus income.

>> No.3883264

depends on the program.

You can get into (nearly) any program with (nearly) any backing.

But psych, bio, chem, or anything that resembles those would work in theory. Talk to your advisor

>> No.3883270

>take science courses for next two years
>sell out and get a PharmD instead of pursuing a degree in pure science
>hope that I'm good enough so I don't have to work at Walgreens

>> No.3883275


maybe if you just want to get in and never really do anything productive, never discover anything and make little to no contribution to the field and your own understanding...

theres two ways, if you are actually serious and not just dicking around:

get a degree in physics/math/computer science, minor in biology (lol psych, nope)...

everything is computational, mathematical and physics is super important...

2nd path is to get a good undergrad go to med school and then into a phd program for neurology

pretty sure Ramachandran did the second path

>> No.3883280

Computer science, math, statistics, physics, biochemistry, chemistry, (shit even electrical engineering) are all more relevant to neuroscience. Neuroscience is very little psychology, a small bit of biology and a lot of brain imaging to determine the concentration of blood flow in various parts of the brain. Think about it. There are two paradigms viewing the brain's function: chemical and electrical. Evolutionary ties are second thought and complex analysis of behavior is something that is done in collaboration with experts devoted to it (not neuroscience).

tl;dr Biology is almost as gay as neuroscience.

>> No.3883288

awwww yeah. fellow pharmd guy here.

after taking pure science I must say that this is a horrible, horrible place. you memorize tons of things that not interesting or enlightening just so you can regurgitate them off the top of your head in order to keep some grumpy old bastard from waiting in line for 1 more minute.

it's basically chemical engineering without knowing the concepts, along with some basic business terms and knowing a shitload of drug names

the only reason to keep a high GPA is so that you don't have to work at CVS and get a chance to work in industry making drugs and shit... another option is to go into health care management through business or math route

>> No.3883289

>somehow work my shit out and get a degree in math, physics or cs with econ
>get a job making 50k+ working with computer modeling, preferably relating to economics or finance
>work for 2 years, get valuable experience and save up for grad school
>masters in quantitative finance
>250k starting with 2 years relevant experience
>lots of money and hookers and blow for the next few years
>ridiculous amounts of money to pick up a loyal whore, a trust fund for my kids, and basically whatever else i feel like buying
>die miserable and alone knowing the only real human relationships i had were based on me having lots of money and other people wanting it

>> No.3883306

>Study physics, chemistry, biology, and everything I can
>Master every science in the universe and learn all of its secrets
>Bend the universe to my will

Bow down to your new God, plebs.

>> No.3883312


>> No.3883334

I agree with this. I'm finishing up a neuroscience degree right now and looking to go to grad school in biochem or comp sci. I have a pretty large research background in computational neuroscience though, so I'm feeling alright. Just a bit disappointed with all the piss-easy bio work I wasted my time on.

>> No.3883342

>Get BA
>Compete with a million other kids going for the same job and who are probably a lot more capable than I am
>End up in dead end job for a fraction of the pay I was expecting
>Retire at 70

>> No.3883357

I want to go to graduate school for neuroscience that deals with things like recognition and memory. Would that fall under Cognitive Science: Neuroscience or Biology: Neuroscience? Does anyone the difference?

>> No.3883375

>live with my parents as long as possible.
>eventually get kicked out.
>become a hobo.
>go out into the wilderness.
>dig a hole and live in it.
>manufacture drugs for personal use, maybe sell some for extra cash.
>steal supplies from local stores.
>live this way as long as possible.
>maybe move around occasionally.
>become increasingly detached from society.
>go to prison/mental hospital/die.

Feels good man.

>> No.3883424

>Finish BA in ethics and BSc in biology (one more year)
>Either post grad in bio-ethics or evolutionary psychology
>Hopefully i can further develop my ideas by then to the point where they are recognized
>Use these ideas to improve society in many areas
>Improve lives
>Alpha as fuck

>> No.3883433

>get a job drafting shit in solidworks(or similar program)
>have a kid that isnt a waste of space (as long as he dont grow up to kill me im good)
>make something that people use in everyday life (if i personally designed something and i see it in real world i happy, doorknob, car, dont matter just designing something would be amazing)
>not inherriting a seizer disorder from my dear ol dad

if i get 2 of em im happy, the rest of life is just icing on the cake.
and dieing without ever being raped would be nice too

>> No.3883441


Did you yourself pursue the path you laid out there?

>> No.3883445
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>What are your life plans, /sci/?
Get to Mars or die trying.

>> No.3883459

>finish chem degree
>meanwhile decide what my focus is going to be for my doctorate
>nanotech, organometallics or pharmacology. wat do.
>hope i can get a job that isnt simplified to "god tier plumber"
>if not herp derp around in academia

>> No.3883464

I want to invent a drug or procedure to permanently (or temporarily with maintenance) change a person's brain structure so as to increase intelligence. The method should also be very cheap, for the most widespread dissemination. I believe that intelligence is the path to a brighter future for man.

If I cannot accomplish that for whatever reason, I will an hero in disgrace.

>> No.3883479
File: 136 KB, 345x194, Fuckyeah..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your life plans, /sci/?
Live forever, or die trying.

>> No.3883482 [DELETED] 

>dresden codak


>> No.3883488

>study economics
>maybe doctorate
>try to make the world better

>> No.3883496

>Finish up my physics B.S.
>get nuclear engineering Masters
>work at a a nuclear plant in any state with lax gun laws
>buy tons of cheap property b/c nobody wants to live near a nuclear powerplant
>well-dressed nuclear engineer earning 6 figs by day
>"get off mah property!" by night
>eat meat
>proceed to give no fucks about the 99%

>> No.3883499

But would it be YOU in the computer? Or just a copy? Are YOU even YOU moment to moment? You don't act like your past self.

>> No.3883518

>Get PhD in genetic engineering
>Transfer my consciousness into a little girl
>Live happily ever after

>> No.3883523

>Finish my biochemistry & biotechnology degree
No idea.

>> No.3883526

>get masters or PhD in biomedical engineering
>start HRT/get a bunch of cosmetic surgery
>go to law or med school, whichever I decide
>acquire influence as I work to achieve immortality
>solve energy problems caused by the inherent nature of immortality
>give poor people psuedo-cheaper version of immortality
>begin to uplift species, starting with Octopuses
>give octopuses immortality
>send immortal octopuses into space
>make copies of myself whenever the technology becomes available

That's a rough outline.

>> No.3883539


If the brain was copied onto a computer it would not be you, it would be an identical copy. However if the change was gradual (perhaps starting with neural augmentations like external memory and such) with your consciousness remaining intact throughout the entire process, it should be fine. Your body is made up of different matter than it was 10 years ago. You shed dead cells and make new ones all the time. However, since this is a gradual process and the information stored in your brain is preserved you feel no subjective difference. In a mind-uploading scenario you're not somehow removing consciousness from your body and transferring it into a computer - you're swapping out organic parts for artificial ones one by one until there's no organic left. Since your 'mind' is preserved in the 'brain' throughout the entire process, there should be no subjective difference.

>> No.3883580
File: 141 KB, 602x866, braininajar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking neural uploading is the only path to indefinite preservation of consciousness

>> No.3883600


>identical copy
>not the same thing


>> No.3883616


A bunch of people incorrectly associate a particular branch of research or science with a particular application.

literally half of the posters here are talking about getting a Ph.D. in something that has absolutely no relationship with their intended goal/plan.

here is a real one:

>get a Ph.D. in chemistry (organic, few schools offer a specific degree in Organic Chemistry)
>Do a Post Doc somewhere in europe
>get a job working as a generic research team leader at big pharma or get an associate professor job

>after several years of stability and saving
>begin building a clandestine laboratory in my backyard
>dig out a trench
>build a bunker or lower a prefabricated steel structure into the hole
>construct all of the relevant sparkless fans and ventilation systems

>begin slowly accumulating the solvents and reagents I need

>manufacture kilograms of fentanyl

>sell the fentanyl at a "Steal" of a bargain for $250,000 a kilogram

>do this 3-4 times per year

>never get caught or killed because I am selling it so cheaply that no organized crime or gang would ever try to take me out for giving them such icredible bargains.

>> No.3883620
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>a hard science

pick one

>> No.3883623


reported for underage

>> No.3883643
File: 7 KB, 222x227, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But memorizing all of the proteins for my signal trans course was really hard. Biology is a hard science!

>> No.3883651
File: 17 KB, 300x400, constanza_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rote memorisation
>not retard-tier

>> No.3883660

>biotechnology isn't important or significant in my life in any way


>> No.3883665

>wants to talk to monkeys
>[easy racist joke]

>> No.3883670
File: 30 KB, 444x445, constanza_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not for morons who can't do math

choose 1

>> No.3883677

right now I'm a high school senior, so I'm probably going to change my mind down the line, but...

Get some kind of degree in Biology, I'm thinking environmental bio/conservation. If it turns out that i'm not really into it, I'll get into law and specialize in environmental law.

>> No.3883684
File: 2 KB, 126x126, constanz_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>soft science

choose both.

>> No.3883705


at first I thought you were serious

Ever had a vaccine? Biology. Ever used antibiotics? Biology. Ever used medicine? Biology. Ever used corn-related products? Biology. Enjoy having domesticated animals? Biology.

>> No.3883714
File: 109 KB, 445x445, constanza_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>relevant at all except so stupid people can feel important

>> No.3883734

>finish college in 3 months give or take
>have good grades so get on a nice phd program for astrophysics
>get phd and go work at an observatory
>watch the stars all night
>write papers and probally do guest speaking at university's
>maybe write book
>get married to some hot young piece of ass because i will have a good chunk of money
>fuck her every night. it will be her only job

>> No.3883743
File: 60 KB, 250x250, constanza_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not the biology of of the physics world

>> No.3883753

>phd program for astrophysics
>get married to some hot young piece of ass
>have a good chunk of money
I am sorry to see someone so optimistic about something unobtainable like this, but I really don't think you thought hard enough when choosing your major, I don't think your plans are going to work out :(

>> No.3883780

>finish college in 3 months give or take
Dude what.

>> No.3883796

>3 months


>> No.3883799

he's taking an extra semester.

>> No.3883856
File: 159 KB, 800x637, Problem Halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constanza face
>reaction images for intelligent people
pick one

>> No.3883948


>not mad

pick one

>> No.3883972


Mad or not, he's certainly right. I've never seen an intelligent comment paired with a Constanza reaction pic.

>> No.3883981

>get a degree
>get a job
>troll /sci/ in my free time

Sky's the limit.

>> No.3883987
File: 67 KB, 445x445, costanza-Toph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making an inductive implication about the totality of a population based on a selected and limited experience range