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3878827 No.3878827 [Reply] [Original]


Macroevolution says otherwise. Macroevolution is not science because it contradicts science. Science experiments trying to prove macroevolution and the big bang by constructing things together completely contradicts evolution.

Majority of evolutionists believe evolution is random. If it wasn't there is an intelligent designer behind it. God. By creating instances by manipulating cells and DNA, they are playing god/intelligent designer.

If evolution is true and we are nothing but cells,
>we have no free will
>everything we do is predetermined
>we are acting the way we are supposed.

I don't even need to begin to get into this. There is absolutely no empirical evidence of evolution. Macroevolution requires more faith than God.


>> No.3878832

hurr durr lactose tolerance

alos, enjoy your reported

>> No.3878831

The mod is so funneh

>> No.3878834

With regards to the whole free will thing, life is like being in love. You can't stop yourself from feeling that way but you can choose whether or not you rape the object of your affections.
You have a certain degree o manoeuvrability within the system of constraints.

>> No.3878837

Lactose tolerance isn't something new, we can all produce lactase as children. It's just something that goes away in adulthood if the gene isn't mutated to make your body keep producing lactase even past childhood.

>> No.3878840

>if the gene isn't mutated to make your body keep producing lactase even past childhood.
well there you go

>> No.3878843

That isn't evolution, just a gene getting damaged.

>> No.3878846

How about we remove God from the discussion, and work from there like sensible people?

>> No.3878848

It's a genetic mutation leading to an adaptive trait.

>> No.3878849

op stop yelling and being retarded

>> No.3878850

Which is random mutation, which leads to evolution.

>> No.3878851

and people who have it from birth? and inherit it from parents?

>> No.3878852

What the fuck do you think evolution is?

>> No.3878857

>That is evolution, just an environmentally favourable genetic change spreading in a population.

>> No.3878859

None of this shows us coming from bacteria and fish like Darwin said. Evolution is still crap.
Also we could have been designed with mechanisms in place that let our digestive systems adapt, it doesn't mean we "evolved"

>> No.3878861

A lot of our "junk" genes are left-over viral strands that our species survived.

>> No.3878864

evolution doesn't happen in the blink of an eye dumb ass

>> No.3878872

Darwin and Einstein stole most of their work from other people.

Bad example, dood.

>> No.3878867

"And then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey... and that made you!"

>> No.3878866

Just because you don't know anything about it, doesn't mean it's not true.

>> No.3878873

We evolved to keep said mechanisms past adolescence. And if we did not evolve from bacteria et al, riddle me this: Why does nigh-everything on Earth have DNA and/or RNA?

>> No.3878875

The old evolutionist stand by, "time did it!"
How does passing the buck to time make you any different than creationist who pass the buck to god?

>> No.3878876

Darwin took what was a hypothesis put forward by others and verified it with his observations of finches. He stole nothing.

>> No.3878881

incremental biological variations + time + environmental differences = big changes.

>> No.3878886

it's nothing like the god hypothesis. because it can be experientially verified.

>> No.3878888

Prove it.
You can't thought. That's why after a century and a half evolution is still just a theory, or speculation

>> No.3878883

And when we took a closer look at his work, we had to discard his "natural selection" for "evolution".

>> No.3878889

evolution by natural selection. He discarded nothing.

>> No.3878890

He may have proved it, but he did not give credit where credit was due.

>> No.3878892

>None of this shows us coming from bacteria and fish like Darwin said.
I didn't bring it up to show the whole story of evolution. Just to refute the quoted point you made.
>Also we could have been designed with mechanisms in place that let our digestive systems adapt, it doesn't mean we "evolved"
Yup. That's possible. A ridiculous notion, but possible nonetheless. The whole universe as is could have come into existence ex nihilo just five minutes ago. There however is no evidence to suggest this is the case though. And so we cut away superfluous explanations by means of Occam's razor.

>> No.3878894



>> No.3878898

more than enough evidence of micro evolution . macro evolution is what you get from that little sum I typed above. Thats why it's called micro and macro.

>> No.3878903

theory does not = speculation theory is a scientific term u r dumb

>> No.3878905

A theory is speculation. Look it up in the dictionary.

>> No.3878921

not knowing the difference between hypothesis and theory

>> No.3878936

i don't see how they are mutually exclusive

god could have created the thing to evolve, for example

>> No.3878947
File: 31 KB, 375x500, archaeopteryx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is retarded in here
Tell me OP
Why did dinosaurs have feathers?
Why do male mammals have nipples?
Why do pythons have vestigial spurs?
And of course then there's the fossils
Pic related

>> No.3878971

he could have
but in his infinite wisdom and knowledge
couldn't he have just made us ideally?

>> No.3878975

why so many godfags on /sci?

>> No.3878981


that is ideally

what would the world be without change? how to appreciate daylight without darkness?

how to appreciate spring without fall and winter?

>> No.3878996

well being god i would make it so those things wouldn't bother you
or just fuck it all since were all just trying to get to heaven just put us all there instead of giving us this stupid litmus test first

>> No.3879002


we will return eventually

but if existence were invariant we would simply take it all for granted; life wouldn't really exist

>> No.3879004


Then perhaps you should look into the Venus Project it was a plan proposed by a man by the name of Jacque Fresco...and he has very insightful ideas about our Future. Look up Future by Design.

>> No.3879007

Assuming that he's omnipotent, he could surely make it so that everyone does not "take it all for granted," no?

>> No.3879010

Its the age old question, same reason why the Religious folk hatin on science and progress i guess

>> No.3879012

Banned? Snazzy. Kudos to you, mod.

>> No.3879014
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>> No.3879018


or why can't god make a rock so big he can't move, eh?

whereas my concept of god is not as a separate presence, but the entire thing; the natural system, us included, as one

it has its own rules of self-organisation like the 4 seasons

and male and female coming together

i don't know why beyond because and i don't know any better reason

>> No.3879020

you base your ideal off of your already prescieved notion of religion
if you stopped to think for a second that hey maybe this god shit is all bull, you might realize that your argument is invalid

>> No.3879024


i don't hate on science, but the prejudice goes both ways; you should ask yourself why so many here hatin on religion

they need not be in conflict. lashing out is a sign of insecurity; what about your science leaves you feeling so vulnerable?

for me, i would prefer we mind the forest, not just the trees

>> No.3879034

your concept of god goes against every other concept of god in religion so y not just accept that you are no longer part of religion and leave out the god part

>> No.3879035


religion is a fairy tale taken as real, and people behave according to a fairy tale, I can't respect that, maybe you can, I will never because I want a reason based society

>> No.3879040

Because religion will whole-heartily deny scientific studies/facts/etc... if it conflicts with their ancient stories
They will happily deny science if it gets in the way of their beliefs
Of course there are exceptions to this, but you asked, there's your answer

>> No.3879043


my ideal is based on the universe, on the laws of nature, and on the idea of god; religion is not at odds with these ideas, nor is science; get it, there is no absolute separation

even the idea of god can be see as a departure from the one (blasphemy); the same can be said for god's absence (atheism). all parts of the puzzle

the tao te ching would say: "Tao endures. Your body dies. There is no danger."

we could get swooped by a supernova or something; being without self-reflection

and extend again physically once we cool off and start getting twisted

>> No.3879047

thanks geddy

>> No.3879052

think u have greater problems than philosophy. if you can accept that many faiths you cant believe in any of them enough to have conviction. just pick your path already

>> No.3879053


carlyle would say religion is like the clothing we wear; like the bodies we inhabit; life has a unity underlying it; a shared source; our differentiation is only apparent, in that sense (like our cells form organelles, which form organs, which form bodies, which form species, etc.) one can connect the entire thing together

religion is a metaphor of sorts, but at its core it is not inconsistent with the idea i put forth of god

you just have to read it right

or, let me put it another way; a day is both the part of a day with daylight (as opposed to night). but a day is also 24 hours (including day and night)

they do not contradict one another, but rather complement

>> No.3879059


our reason is rooted in the most immature part of our brain; our unconscious/subconscious (our emotions, our instincts, etc.) is arguably much more powerful than our self-consciousness

everything in its right place and again, they need not be in conflict

>> No.3879064

Yeah we have no free will so what? Man up pu-

oh he was banned ablready

>> No.3879065


religion doesn't

some religious people do

oersted, newton, etc. were able to balance them; i don't see any reason to allow yourself to define a religion based on its most superficial/partisan adherents; this goes for both sides

>> No.3879076


i have conviction, but it's a simple conviction

i believe in god, in love, in life

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."

"And certainly we should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no presonality. It cannot lead, it can only serve; and it is not fastidious in its choice of a leader. This characteristic is reflected in the qualities of its priests, the intellectuals. The intellect has a sharp eye for methods and tools, but is blind to ends and values. So it is no wonder that this fatal blindness is handed on from old to young and today involves a whole generation."

"life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values are subordinate"


>> No.3879083
File: 115 KB, 700x490, VamPope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampope believes in evolution.

>> No.3879092


cont. insofar as a day = 24 hours and daylight

I believe in God both as everything and the good part of God

it is no accident Good and God are only 1 letter apart. The same is true for d/evil

>> No.3879104

i loled hard

>> No.3879118


finally, i should add, religion is obviously provincial

99~ or whatever % of saudi arabia is muslim, for example

and i like how in say scandinavia and england they admit as much in the names of their churches: church of iceland, church of norway, church of england, etc.

in that sense too i have a proclivity for christianity simply out of cultural/genetic affinity, even if i'm not actively christian myself

in t hat sense, i do wonder and worry sometimes whether the decline of christianity is a sign of a greater decline of the west in general, and how far that process will go

then again, again, the night and winter are part of life; we go full circle

>> No.3879127



if god is one, and we are extensions of god, then a society losing its faith in god is a reflection of a people losing faith in themselves.