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3878006 No.3878006 [Reply] [Original]

>Young people anticipating practical immortality look at me like some kind of raving mad Luddite when I try to convince them that if they are to have any meaningful chance at truly long term survival, they are going to have to act, work very hard, and have a hell of a lot of luck in the bargain. This sense of complacency isn’t due only to Ray Kurzweil, and it would be very disingenuous to suggest that this is so, Rather, it is the result of a multiplicity of factors, not the least of which are the sense of entitlement which is a side effect of affluenza, coupled with the sad reality that onto two generations of people in the West no longer actually MAKE THINGS, or work with their hands. All of the “dirty” and “hands on business” of wrestling with matter to MAKE it OBEY us, has been shipped away to remote corners of the globe where pathetically ignorant and credulous people have been willing to exchange their blood, sweat and tears (literally) for worthless chits of green paper.
Mike Darwin, cryonicist

>> No.3878017

Is there a tl;dr version? Really don't feel like reading all of that, sorry ;_;

>> No.3878024
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>> No.3878025

> kids these days

>> No.3878036


>The Singularity is a counter-productive concept

>> No.3878041
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>a hard science

>> No.3878044

>raving mad Luddite
>Mike "not Charles" Darwin, crybabycist
just heartbreaking

>> No.3878057


I felt he was more saying that the singularity, like anything else, will only be reached through hard work and young people today don't understand this because nobody here works with their hands or makes anything, thus there's a disconnect between work and results for them since they never see the fruits of their labour, not having engaged in any labour to begin with.

>> No.3878073


>Read it
>decided he was a Baby Boomer
>Wiki: Born in 1955
>Baby Boomer belittling his sons and grandsons, acting like he's the best that humanity will ever come out with

He doesn't actually think that Gen X or the Millennials have actually been given much opportunity to do any of the shit he's talking about, right?

>> No.3878093

> boomer thinks younger generation is shit
haha, good catch

god they can't die fast enough

>> No.3878191
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This is the best statement I've seen about the singularity.

Yudkowsky has yet to program his magic AI waifu which will breastfeed us all knowledge and fun forever.

We've done some cool shit, and I certainly hope I can access something that will expand my intelligence in the next decade or two, but until then I have to settle for caffeine pills and that warm fuzzy feeling I get from watching TED talks. Also, I shall need money and social skills to access whatever cool toys come down the pipe.

For the foreseeable future, I have to feed myself, and that means doing something which encourages others to give me green paper, 'cause for the moment handing green paper to people makes them happy enough to let me take possession of some of their food.

I expect to die of some accident or disease in the next 50 years. I hope to die of old age after the year 2100.
Enjoy the qualia (wiki that word if you don't know it) of red, blue, orgasm, cookies and filthy jokes until then, at which point my atom-molecular will destabilize to the point where my brain no longer supports the coherent information process that is me.

Enjoy the qualia kids. Even if the world doesn't totally go to shit, yo' probably gonna die. Like Steve Jobs.

>> No.3879698
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