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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3874564 No.3874564 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you have to study math or physics

Do you guys really enjoy them? I find them boring, just numbers and letters together trying to explain logical things.
Why do you like them? Perhaps you can motivate me to try and study them for my next uni exam.

>> No.3874574

why is that feel/alien guy topless?

>> No.3874578

>complain about shitty sciences
Good one.

Now study politics and Sociology, psychology and English language.
Tell me how it feels.

>> No.3874599

Some people just find it interesting. It's very hard to explain why.
Better question is why the fuck some people like rocks?

>> No.3874597

>that feel when you placed to high in your assessment test and you are now in calc and never even passed prealgebra

>> No.3874604
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>Implying one day we won't all get bored of this bullshit and go back to living in caves

>> No.3874605

>that feel when you don't the american math learning progression (prealg--> calc?) because your school sucked at math teaching

>> No.3874606


Because they're shiny and rare to find :3

>> No.3874613

I got a perfect score on my english / reading / comprehension tests, and I don't know shit about english.

But i guess its cool because I never have to take an english / reading / writing class ever.

>> No.3874616
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>That feel when you're the only one in your family to pass maths more complex than at year 10 level
>That feel when you didn't actually need those two years of maths classes even though your teacher told you that every computer-based university subject required advanced maths
>That feel when you have to take two semesters of maths in the first year of the course and aren't even remotely good at maths.

>> No.3874625

Yeah, I was failing that shit, wasn't funny.
Now I'll never know the feel again since I'm out of school.
So fuck you.

>> No.3874631

yes, I do really enjoy maths

maths and physics let you explore the universe without leaving your room

>> No.3874640
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>That feel when you posted all this on /v/

>> No.3874644

I loved it. Learning math, physics, and basically anything else that isn't Arts or Languages since I fail in that.

Except, I failed through math and physics and every course in highschool because of schizophrenia and OCD, and because of how fucking conservative people were, including my parents, they made it worse.

So now, I'm on leave from university for another two months until I can get medication, since therapy is not as effective anymore.

>> No.3874645


>without leaving your room

do I smell shut in?

>> No.3874647


lol you're the opposite person to me.

>> No.3874655

They are inherently dull most of the time. Nou doubt many people in high school don't like them since it's just plug and chug and solve for x. But the further you advance you find relations connecting stuff that is beautiful for some people, for me, in physics for example, the beauty resides in its ability to predict things given certain conditions.

I don't really know how to explain it

>> No.3874674


do I smell shut in?

>> No.3874680

you smell someone who doesn't own a spaceship

>> No.3874688

The thing about math is that it's used for everything. Take a look around you and think of all the objects you see. Computer, table, tv, glass, walls. At some point during the creation of these things somebody sat down and calculated that it was going to be that way.

I hated math until i started realizing just how fucking huge it is. Schoolbooks often try to liken it to a different language but i'd say that's just how we make math understandable and logical, There's a lot more to it.

Currently studying physics and finishing up on my final course before i can start heading into theoretical mathematics.

>> No.3874701
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>> No.3874697


but as a forestal engineer I won't need more than highschool maths =/
but they make me study something more advanced

>> No.3874708

I think studying pure math or physics can be boring. But to see those subjects applied is blissfull.

>> No.3874717

So you're studying to become something but already know exactly what kind of math you're gonna use?

A lot of the hard parts of math come from the feeling that things are taught and then discarded and it's not until far later that things start clicking and by that time many weaker willed folks have given up already.

>> No.3874719


>> No.3874736


The reason I enjoy Physics and Maths is that with a few principles and ways of approaching things, you can work out a hell of a lot about a hell of a lot. Also, thinking about things in these terms, it's amazing to find that so much ends up being basically the same.

As an example, try applying the second law of thermodynamics, "order decreases", to things like hard drives. You end up with information theory, even though you started with a theory that describes steam engines. Amazing stuff.

(Note: I find that for recreational purposes, you only need to bring in numbers and calculations when you want to compare things; eg. "this will increase due to ABC, but decrease due to XYZ". If you calculate estimates for ABC and XYZ you can see which one is more important. Other than that, just think about things informally or else it becomes boring. Formalism can be brought in later if you want to.)

>> No.3874759

I have a maths degree
I don't know the times tables
I can't subtract numbers very well
>mfw it's arithmetic that puts people off of maths

>> No.3874765

>I don't know the times tables
Are you me?

I've always been embarrassed about that shit. I never fully memorized the 1-12 times tables (I only know a few and have to brute force the ones I don't, which I do slowly)

>> No.3874774

I always get people assuming that a maths degree means you can do big sums in your head
it's pretty much the exact opposite, most maths graduates I know can't do sums all that well

>> No.3874776

Fucking multiplication and substraction.
The more further I go in math, the more my ability to do mental math decreases.

>> No.3874778
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>> No.3874780

He can't be you, he's me.

>Can't do head calculations for shit but have a real easy time finding patterns and seeing connections.

>> No.3874790

cant explain why OP, i personally hate physics because it was taught badly to me and we never got to look at the REAL shit only spoonfed facts to remember, never had the time to look at it on my own and now its just too late.

Maths is ight though, something about getting the final answer after all that work makes my dick grow.

>> No.3874794

should look into more mathematical physics then
highschool physics is a joke

look up derivations of classical mechanics from the principle of least action

>> No.3874812

Physicsfag, I have the exact same problem.

>> No.3874891
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I've always been taught to use my head and not a calculator

Known the table since I was 10 and can easily multiply large numbers

How does it feel to be pathetic?

>> No.3874923
