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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3871408 No.3871408 [Reply] [Original]

Hello there, I have been invited to take the Mensa exam by a very intelligent women who thinks I am capable of passing and gaining admission to Mensa.

The test will cost me £17.50 (about $27 as of the 9Th of October 2011) however I will be taking an invigilated home test so I don't have to drive about 100k to the nearest test centre.

So, do you guys reckon it's a good idea? I'm terrified my score won't be sufficient though I only really want membership so I can put it on my CV.

Also, which test is best? The Progressive Matrices or the Stanford Binet?

TL;DR: Asked to take Mensa test, costs a fair amount of money, worried about failing. What do?

>> No.3871417

Why are you even interested in joining a club with a bunch of circle-jerking social outcasts fapping to their Mensa diploma?

Go get a PhD at university if you really need to boast about your IQ

>> No.3871418

>implying you didn't google the answers to that test

>> No.3871421

>costs a fair amount of money

any textbook costs twice as much

>> No.3871425

Honestly, I don't think your Mensa material, you can't even use the correct 4chan board. >>>>>>/adv/

>> No.3871433

you forgot a word after material

or you really need to learn the difference between you're and your

>> No.3871443

Why do you want it on your CV? If I saw Mensa on someone's CV I would consider somewhat of a minus because it's fucking gay.

>> No.3871450

Not looking to boast about my IQ. I think IQ and psychometrics in general are a bad representation of intelligence. Unfortunately, many schools and colleges in my vicinity take these tests very seriously. (got the pic from google)

>> No.3871459

>I have been invited to take the mensa exam by someone with a financial incentive to convince people to take the mensa exam
good luck

>> No.3871461

around here they confuse it with nambla

it is best to leave off of a cv

>> No.3871470

>Also, which test is best? The Progressive Matrices or the Stanford Binet?

ravens if you are autistic
stanford otherwise

>> No.3871484 [DELETED] 

Stanford Binet has cultural bias since some questions depend on prior experience.

Raven's Progressive Matrices is 100% legitimate. Take that one.

>> No.3871491 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3871564

yo sorry man, never claimed to be mensa material myself bro, no need to get so hostile man.

>> No.3871602

>fair amount of money
Why would the thought of failure scare you? If you can't pass it, it's not like that's some scathing indictment of your intelligence. Most people can't.
And you probably can, honestly.

Just go for it and stop worrying, faggot.

>> No.3871604

Cultural bias is only an issue if the test taker is from a different culture, which the OP, being from britain, is essentially not.

>> No.3871619

Don't join Mensa. They're pathetically depressing.

>> No.3871623

Real intelligent people that actually do things, don't join Mensa.

>> No.3871742

MENSA is one reason you could use against eugenics.

>have high IQs, still be retarded.

>> No.3871751


OP got sold some real handy snake oil

>> No.3871758

For what it's worth, I've heard that Mensa members get handy discounts for car insurance and such.

>> No.3871779

having a high IQ doesnt mean you're a genius. the only true form of a genius is a highly functioning autistic savant. watch this shit and try not to cringe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvUcs-BNWV0

>> No.3871810

that video

>mr knowitall

>> No.3871817
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fuck fucking fuck fuck what the fuck how do you fuck fuck FUCK.

>> No.3871828
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>mensa level

I see what you did there...

>> No.3871840

It's only a good idea if you like the idea of being given free money.

>> No.3871851 [DELETED] 

Wow, a lot of subtle jealousy ITT. Take the test, OP. See if you are good enough. Do it faggot.

>> No.3871919



>> No.3873839

Jeez, the people featured in that video seemed highly pretentious and somewhat up their own anal passages.

>> No.3873866

My mom made me take Mensa entry test when I was younger.
Now the diploma is just hanging in the dining room.
I. Fucking. Hate it.
Don't join mensa. It doesn't have any benefit other than frolicking around with your mensa licence and shoving it up other people's anuses.

>> No.3873898


Have you done anything substantial. ...or are you another case of the assumption that scoring high on an arbitrary test yields a superior life?

>> No.3873915

No I don't. I only later realized how stupid it actually was.
I'm far more proud of my worthless 5th place diplomas from math olympiads in middle school.

>> No.3875387

So, what's the verdict on Mensans?

>> No.3875399

if I ever saw someone put fucking mensa on their resume I would fucking throw that shit in the trash.

>> No.3875422

chris langan


>> No.3875449

what if the sun turned into a black hole? would we get sucked into it?

>> No.3875456

> Join MENSA
> Fap at how intelligent you are.
>Get a desk job.
> Die without contributing to the development of society as much as a manual day laborer.
>"I am superior!"

>> No.3875458

I took an administered Mensa test recently. It was progressive matrices, don't remember the exact test type. Pure matrices anyway. It was 45 problems in 20 minutes.

Also, don't put Mensa on your CV. A lot of people are very hostile towards the idea of measurable intelligence. They find it offending. The general public does not understand what fluid and crystallized intelligence is, and most likely neither will anyone looking at your CV. A pity, but that's how it is.

Intelligence and IQ is a taboo in our society. If you decide to join Mensa, I'd recommend you keep it to yourself. As I said, most people are very hostile.

>> No.3875459

It's fucking retarded. According to mensa's online test, I could have a chance of becoming a member, but pretty much everyone in there are immature, arrogant, smug pricks and you'll most likely lose respect from your peers by joining, not opposite.

>> No.3875460

That org is a catch-22

People who are stupid enough to give Mensa money just to take a test are too stupid to join Mensa.

>> No.3875464 [DELETED] 
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>The number of stars on the US flag in an arbitrary year
>knowing how to identify poison ivy
>Trivia knowledge having anything to with intelligence

I'm hoping the journalist was just not understanding something

>> No.3875491

>what if sun turned into black hole

>> No.3875500

so it seems to me that there's a lot of practical knowledge required.
and also verbal/quantitative/etc intelligence.
but they don't require a writing sample or anything, they don't test for creativity, which strikes me as odd.

>> No.3875535

Its because their target is not specifically "the smartest people" but rather "people who want to be identified as the smartest people". By allowing the test to be something you can study for, the type of people who really want to get in will take the test perhaps multiple times, maybe paying someone to help them prepare for it, and thus mensa gets more money

>> No.3875560

I don't know what the situation is in the US these days, but Mensa chapters in Europe, Scandinavia and most of Asia use only so called culture fair tests which consists solely of matrices. These type of tests measure fluid intelligence (the ability to understand complex relationships and solve novel problems) well.

The test can be taken only twice.

>> No.3875614


Precisely why you see so many strange people. They have nothing else to feel good about.

The test apparently doesn't contain much that can't be memorized.

>> No.3875720
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I know myself well enough to know that I didn't put full effort in it, and I did the test in a relaxed state with music and food and whatever.
I can't help but to feel dissapointed somehow.

>> No.3875750


If you know you're intelligent, never let one test invalidate all the experiences you've ever had.

>> No.3875761

You're right. Thanks
Also, on the curious side: How legit is this test actually? It's quite popular but isn't it quite...one-sided?
It does test various things but it feels like the test misses something.

On a side note:
Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.3875776

Don't give a shit about iqtest.dk. Last time I took that test I scored 143. Nevertheless, I almost dropped out of hs.

A number can't define you, your achievements define you

>> No.3875783

That is true, but dropping out of high school is not really evidence that you don't have a high IQ. Performance in school/college and actual fluid intelligence are only very marginally correlated

>> No.3875791

Academic succes depends alot on motivation and discipline.
And some subjects are simply memorization.

Thanks, that's some good insight you got there.

>> No.3875810

iqtest.dk is the internet test of Danish Mensa. The official test uses similar problems, but of course has more of them and less time to solve them. If anything can be said from the result it is that you won't score higher in the official test.

>> No.3875881

too bad your achievements are constrained by the number to a degree.

>> No.3875936

>would we get sucked?

>> No.3875943

Also, the thing about the iqtest.dk thing is, it's based on the answers of other people who have taken the test.

I doubt very many stupid people are looking for ways to test and challenge themselves.

>> No.3875950

Is that so?
That surely is interesting.
I imagine some people quitting 3/4 into the test because they found it too hard, only to justify it later to themselves.

>> No.3875952

So it's supposed to impress me that people with jobs like a plumber have a high IQ? That's called wasted potential. I'll take a dumbass who works hard to contribute to society over some lazy,naturally gifted jackass who jerks off to his high score on some meaningless test. Those people piss me the fuck off. Don't join that shit OP.

>> No.3876007

>naturally gifted
>meaningless test

So, which one is it?

>> No.3876084


A high IQ is simply not an accurate predictor of success in life. This has been verified by decades long studies, not just the employment of people who scored well on the Mensa test.

The fact that they're not millionaire astronaut cowboy break dancers doesn't make them stupid... necessarily.

Having said that, these people sound and look like complete fucking tards. I have an EXTREMELY hard time believing even a small fraction of them have an IQ above 130. No legitimate IQ test would be so obviously culturally biased as to ask a question that necessitated knowing the number of stars on the American flag on some arbitrary year.

These people are good at memorizing things. Like those tards and their tard kids who think knowing 15 decimals of pi makes them a genius.

FUCK these people are annoying.

>> No.3876095

>by a very intelligent women

let's hope grammar isn't on the test

>> No.3876121

why did they put a bunch of shitting anuses in the background of that website

>> No.3876271

Wow fuck... I got like 115 on that. I think I missed the last 10 at least.

WTF are you looking for at that point? I couldn't see any patterns in repetition, movement, addition, retention like fuck I couldn't see anything.


>> No.3876508


>> No.3876540 [DELETED] 

>go to /sci/
>eugenics threads laud IQ as the most perfect indication of intelligence ever, use it to prove the superiority of asian/white race
> MENSA/general IQ thread
>mfw i don't have a face for it

>> No.3876567


Some of them have the two lined figures being combined but with any lines that overlap disappearing from the combination.

The one with large circles with little circles either inside or outside the large circle meant for you to add small circles that were inside and subtract those that were outside. So if the first large circle has 1 little black cirlce inside and the second has 3 little black circles outside the third should have 2 little white circles outside because you have negative two. At least I think I'm explaining that correctly. That was the pattern I just might have mixed details somewhere.

The very last one everything is shifting to the right, and the symbols are changing. If I remember correctly, the triangles are changing into x's, the o's into triangles and the x's into o's. So everything shifts over one to the right and the symbols change. That's the pattern.

Sometimes there's an arrow pointing in one direction. That usually means the shape is being stretched in that direction.

The ones with circles, triangles and squares follow a top right to bottom left diagonal pattern such that the large shape that's in the middle of the top and the left of the middle is the one you have to choose plus the little shape inside it you can usually see the pattern for that more easily.

If you just relax and clear your mind you can usually see the pattern. Don't freak out. Just let your mind find the pattern and don't let it hang on the one it saw first if it's not right.

>> No.3878546

Mensa is a circle-jerk and has never really accomplished anything. I qualified for Mensa, then looked up what is so good about paying to get into Mensa, and realized that there are literally no benefits.

Your employers would just feel threatened and it wouldn't help you get a job; grad schools honestly don't give a shit about your Mensa status (grades, MCAT, LSAT, etc. are way more important).

Better idea: fill your CV with ACTUAL accomplishments.

>> No.3878584 [DELETED] 

Nobody likes niggers so it's easy to band on them and use IQ studies as halfhearted ammunition.

But when the subject of the discussion shifts to us, it's a different matter. We are the ones targeted. Suddenly everything is serious. Most of us are of average intelligence and feel threatened by the concept of IQ and the idea of measurable intelligence. "I'm not a number!" we shout, trying to reassure ourselves.

I believe a discussion about IQ could be possible here if we stuck to the definition of g-factor, fluid and crystallized intelligence and to discussing IQ tests themselves, not the people who take them. But alas, this is /sci/. Personal attacks are our daily bread.

>> No.3878754

I didn't know it was possible, but the 133 IQ the mensa test gave me is actually higher than the IQ any random online one gave me, which usually averages out at 123-125.

I thought online tests were supposed to inflate your IQ?

>> No.3878773

That's because of assholes that listen to televised Jewish crap about IQ tests instead of common sense.

>> No.3878779


On the lower ends they can actually deflate your iq depending on the test.

Since most of the people taking IQ tests online are in the top 50 percent intelligence wise , if the test self-adjusts for the average then it's going to hurt your "true IQ"

On the other hand it can inflate scores on the upper margins since they tend not to have extremely hard questions for the upper margins and cap at 140-150.

>> No.3878781

>I thought online tests were supposed to inflate your IQ?

No. They're just unreliable bullshit.

>> No.3878785

No, Mensa tests are known to inflate IQ scores. They are often on the verge of bankruptcy and are struggling for money. They know most people who qualify will join and pay dues. So why not make that a little more possible by making the tests a bit easier?

If you want a legitimate test, go to a university psychology (yes, lol psychology) department and ask if you can schedule a test for a fee.

>> No.3878796


Thread over.

>> No.3878805

Or, you know, you can ignore this worthless crap and fucking study instead.

IQ is shit, psychology is shit, and people that believe in magic are shit.

>> No.3878811

I will invent a drug or procedure to vastly increase intelligence.

Just you watch. This is my life's goal, because I believe intelligence is the one way to enhance the future of mankind. I also want this so that I myself can be much more intelligent than I am (IQ of 119).

If I fail, I will an hero. Seriously. You have my word, /sci/. If/when I do actually develop the intelligence booster, watch me drop the keyword "marble." That will be how you know a /sci/tard was behind it.

>> No.3878818

just dont test your drug on any monkeys, James Franco

>> No.3878896


eh, I already had an official percentile test applied to me in I believe grade 9 or 10, I think it was because I did fucking no work whatsoever and they wanted to figure out if I should be in one of the learning disability classes.

can't remember the exact score I got, but it was between 95 and 98 percentile; they basically told me to stop being a lazy piece of shit.

canadafag btw, failed grade 10 twice purely due to never doing the work. graduated with principals honours eventually then did not go to college. Took mostly applied classes despite them being brain numbingly easy and me getting 80's-90's in the academic classes I did take.

>> No.3879130


Bunch of pencil neck nerds

>> No.3879148

Are you familiar with dual N-back studies? If not, you might find them useful on your quest.

>> No.3879150

shut the fuck up.

seriously, shut the fuck up. If I ever own a business and I see someone putting their "IQ" on their CV, I will make sure they never work with me.

and by the way, I'm not mad or jelly or something stupid like that, I'm a math major and hope to do a Ph.D.

>> No.3879171
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Why are you so offended by the idea of measurable intelligence?

>> No.3879198

iq tests do not measure intelligence.
if you study iq tests, your score will improve dramatically.
however, you have not gotten smarter all of a sudden.

>> No.3879199


Intelligence is measurable. The IQ tests currently do not measure intelligence.

>> No.3879203

Psychology is a shitty measuring stick.

>> No.3879208

>scores high on IQ tests


>> No.3879211


Do provide proof for your statements. I'm intrigued, for example, as to why you think matrices do not measure fluid intelligence when numerous studies show otherwise.

Present your facts.

>> No.3879221



>> No.3879222


You do know that spread is about 60 fucking IQ points, right? As in, the difference between a highly intelligent person and a retard?

>> No.3879225


Why are blacks dumber than whites?

>> No.3879280

IQ and intelligence can be studied empirically. If you have nothing concrete to back your statements with, then perhaps you should refrain from commenting on the matter.

If you do, however, have solid data to support your premise, then by all means do present them.

>> No.3879284

>replies to a troll, misinterprets trolls point anyway.

Your're are an pathetic, needy troll.

>> No.3879294

Ad hominem accomplishes nothing. All you have presented so far are opinions that you seem to be unable to support with any evidence.

>> No.3879315

Your reply to my post did not prove me wrong, so god exists and you're a incomprehensible idiot.

>> No.3879323

the only IQ test currently 'accepted' by anybody who matters (ie steven pinker) is the ravens IQ test, and it's wildly different from the shit that passes for IQ tests nowadays.

>> No.3879332

Most European, Scandinavian and Asian Mensa chapters use pure matrix tests for that very reason.

>> No.3879333 [DELETED] 

>mfw richard feynman had a 125 IQ
>mfw when he rediscovered major theorems of calculus independently as a teenager, and used his own notation

>> No.3879350

Hard work > Jew-Q tests.

>> No.3879367

I recommend you do a bit of background checking on that "Feynmann had an IQ of 125" statement.

As a partially unrelated note, expressing IQ as number without giving it any context---namely the standard deviation used---is quite meaningless.

>> No.3879370



>> No.3879385

Well, shit.

Work > implied brains.

>> No.3879389

well honestly i believe it's both. my point is that most IQ tsting is bs.

>> No.3879396


You are not getting the point.

The point is that IQ tests do not validly measure intelligence.

>> No.3879397



>> No.3879398


Now that you both agree...

>> No.3879401

>knowledge of american history = intelligence

>> No.3879410


You cannot lump the wide variety of bogus and valid IQ tests under the same label and then claim them all unreliable. That is plain silly.

>> No.3879416
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join the freemasons instead.

it's better for your career.

>> No.3879421

I randomly answered some in the end, know i'm 99% wrong but i couldn't be sure about it, your IQ is 105 FML

>> No.3879422


Don't worry about it brother. There's a guy I know who's doing a Ph.D in physics, his IQ is 103.

>> No.3879437


Im a free mason.

I dont recommend joining.

>> No.3879439

I.Q tests are only a measure of how good you are at I.Q test. I take one about once a year for the lulz and my I.Q has apparently increased by 30 points...

>> No.3879446

I'll also add that the very idea of Mensa and specialized clubs in general are retarded. They serve no practical purpose except to allow one to believe they are superior. It's just a name you can attach to yourself for bragging rights.

>> No.3879459

A typical hostile, narrow view characteristic of a low IQ. Incapable of seeing the bigger picture, the multitude of other reasons one might have. Truly the statement of a simple-minded man.

>> No.3879463

Please enlighten me on the practcal benifits of Mensa, then.

>> No.3879470

>iq test does not measure intelligence

This is what low iq idiots actually believe. With the current definition of intelligence then yes iq test is a pretty decent measurement.

>> No.3879472


No it's not because it doesn't correlate highly with academic or real-world achievement.

>> No.3879474

To join one of the tens if not hundreds of special interest groups? To find like minded people? To make new friends? To take part in the online forums which actually provide a fertile ground for debate unlike your typical internet forums? To attend dinners, eat and drink well and have fun with other Mensans?

>> No.3879491

>special interest groups?

BSDM and dildos in your ass.

How to be a sub.

BSDM and electricity.

BSDM and needles.

BSDM and hemp ropes.

The African swallow.

BSDM and the African swallow.

BTW, -all- groups are discussion & support groups.

>> No.3879521

>IQ doesn't correlate highly with academic or real-world achievement.

I take it you're basing this argument on this Wikipedia snipper:

>The American Psychological Association's report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" states that wherever it has been studied, children with high scores on tests of intelligence tend to learn more of what is taught in school than their lower-scoring peers. The correlation between IQ scores and grades is about .50. This means that the explained variance is 25%. Achieving good grades depends on many factors other than IQ, such as "persistence, interest in school, and willingness to study" (p. 81).[38]

Did you actually read that? It's about children in elementary school, but you're using that text as a basis for stating that there is only weak correlation between IQ and all kinds of academic achievement, including master's and doctoral level studies. You do understand how silly you're being?

Honestly, trying to discuss this matter with you is fruitless. I have to point out elementary mistakes in your logic after every single post. I think it is clear by now for everyone why you're so hostile towards the concept of intelligence.

>> No.3879526

odd. i i've taken it several times and get roughly 120.

i'm happy about it. can't wait to take an actual test though.

>> No.3879531

>>IQ doesn't correlate highly with academic or real-world achievement.
>I take it you're basing this argument on this Wikipedia snipper:
>implying it wasn't a deductive statement

>> No.3879532

fucking thank you.

>IQ correlates with income and general life achievements

fucking strawmen.

>> No.3879533

122, but this IQ test only tests visual pattern and pattern recognition so the result is useless to gauge any form for intellectual ability.

>> No.3879535

>pattern recognition
>not the most important "form" of intelligence

>> No.3879542


You obviously don't know what you're talking about, since you put "form" in quotes.

>> No.3879548

i wasn't able to use patterns to aid in remembering proper terms.

sorry bro, but i'm stupid. stop trying to stick up for me.

>> No.3879561


an IQ of 120 does not qualify one as "stupid."

>> No.3879567

Pattern recognition (matrix) tests are one of the most reliable measures of fluid intelligence (the ability to understand complex relationships and solve novel problems).

>> No.3879577

And IQ doesn't cover all aspects of intelligence. He can very easily have that high of an IQ and be a totally ignorant shit-headed fool.

>> No.3879589

Do not confuse fluid intelligence with crystallized intelligence, "wisdom" and common sense.

Using intelligence as a general term when discussing IQ and IQ testing only leads to misunderstandings and petty meaningless arguments.

>> No.3879590

>He can very easily

is it the case that individuals with high IQs are generally ignorant? just because it's possible doesn't mean it's plausible.

>> No.3879925

>Fluid intelligence (Gf ) is a complex human ability that allows us to adapt our thinking to a new cognitive problem or situation (1). Gf is critical for a wide variety of cognitive tasks (2), and it is considered one of the most important factors in learning. Moreover, Gf is closely related to professional and educational success (3–6), especially in complex and demanding environments (7). There is considerable agreement that Gf is robust against influences of education and socialization, and it is commonly seen as having a strong hereditary component (2, 8, 9). Gf can be compromised as seen in the effects of certain manipulations that threaten one’s group membership (10).

1. Carpenter PA, Just MA, Shell P (1990) What one intelligence test measures: A theoretical account of the processing in the Raven Progressive Matrices Test. Psychol Rev 97:404 – 431.
2. Gray JR, Thompson PM (2004) Neurobiology of intelligence: Science and ethics. Nat Rev Neurosci 5:471– 482
3. Neisser U, et al. (1996) Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns. Am Psychol 51:77–101.
4. Rohde TE, Thompson LA (2007) Predicting academic achievement with cognitive ability. Intelligence 35:83–92.
5. te Nijenhuis J, van Vianen AEM, van der Flier H (2007) Score gains on g-loaded tests: Nog. Intelligence 35:283–300.
6. Deary IJ, Strand S, Smith P, Fernandes C (2007) Intelligence and educational achievement. Intelligence 35:13–21.
7. Gottfredson LS (1997) Why g matters: The complexity of everyday life. Intelligence 24:79 –132.
8. Cattell RB (1963) Theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence: A critical experiment. J Educ Psychol 54:1–22.
9. Baltes PB, Staudinger UM, Lindenberger U (1999) Lifespan psychology: Theory and application to intellectual functioning. Annu Rev Psychol 50:471–507.
10. Steele CM, Aronson JA (2004) Stereotype threat does not live by Steele and Aronson (1995) alone. Am Psychol 59:47– 48; discussion 48 – 49

>> No.3879937
File: 146 KB, 900x796, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Gf, aka. fluid intelligence, is exactly what is measured with pattern recognition/matrix reasoning tests. Gf forms the core of human intelligence, picture related.

>> No.3881729

>Real-life accomplishments

>Average adult combined IQs associated with real-life accomplishments by various tests:[6][80]
- Neurosurgeons, research scientists, university professors 135+
- MDs, JDs, or PhDs 125 (WAIS-R, 1987)
- College graduates 112 (KAIT, 2000; K-BIT, 1992), 115 (WAIS-R)
- 1–3 years of college 104 (KAIT, K-BIT), 105-110 (WAIS-R)
- Clerical and sales workers 100-105
- High school graduates, skilled workers (e.g., electricians, cabinetmakers) 100 (KAIT, WAIS-R), 97 (K-BIT)
- 1–3 years of high school (completed 9–11 years of school) 94 (KAIT), 90 (K-BIT), 95 (WAIS-R)
- Semi-skilled workers (e.g., truck drivers, factory workers) 90-95
- Elementary school graduates (completed eighth grade) 90
- Elementary school dropouts (completed 0–7 years of school) 80-85
- Have 50/50 chance of reaching high school 75

>Average IQ of various occupational groups:[6]
- Professional and technical 112
- Managers and administrators 104
- Clerical workers; sales workers; skilled workers, craftsmen, and foremen 101
- Semi-skilled workers (operatives, service workers, including private household) 92
- Unskilled workers 87

>Type of work that can be accomplished:[6]
- Adults can harvest vegetables, repair furniture 60
- Adults can do domestic work, simple carpentry 50
- Adults can mow lawns, do simple laundry 40

[6] IQ Testing 101, Alan S. Kaufman, 2009, Springer Publishing Company, ISBN 0826106293 ISBN 9780826106292
[80] Kaufman, Alan; Lichtenberger, Elizabeth (2002). Assessing adolescent and adult intelligence.

>> No.3881730


>> No.3881865

In his book The g Factor (1998), Arthur Jensen cited data which showed that, regardless of race, people with IQs between 70 and 90 have higher crime rates than people with IQs below or above this range, with the peak range being between 80 and 90.

The 2009 Handbook of Crime Correlates stated that reviews have found that around eight IQ points, or 0.5 SD, separate criminals from the general population, especially for persistent serious offenders. It has been suggested that this simply reflects that "only dumb ones get caught" but there is similarly a negative relation between IQ and self-reported offending. That children with conduct disorder have lower IQ than their peers "strongly argue" against the theory.[75]

[75] Handbook of Crime Correlates; Lee Ellis, Kevin M. Beaver, John Wright; 2009; Academic Press

>> No.3882105
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got bored and guessed 2 or 3 questions but im ok with results. didnt expect mensa level, tbh