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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3866932 No.3866932 [Reply] [Original]

The girl you like is out right now having her vagina destroyed by an alpha male while you're at home on a Friday night. She's probably in extacy, calling out his name instead of yours.

>> No.3866936

>implying /sci/ isn't asexual

>> No.3866946

I have a cold right now.

>> No.3866955

>implying asexual isn't just another word for giving up.

>> No.3866953

yes i hope she is. she'll be more experienced when we get to have sex

>> No.3866956

Why would i expect a physically attractive girl to like me if I am not physically attractive?

>> No.3866962

Get fucked, eh?

>> No.3866965

>implying there is a girl I like
>implying every girl ive ever met doesn't annoy the shit out of me
>implying 2D isnt better
>implying Im not asexual
>implying ive ever met a girl
>implying im not to busy with studying
>implying my waifu would alow me to think of other woman
>implying she isnt the type of girl that stays home and reads a book
>implying im not that alpha
>implying she isnt sitting next to me
>implying I can just lucid ream about a girl I like
>implying implications

>> No.3866979
File: 38 KB, 600x439, slaman_rushdie_padma_lakshmi_BPE_20070115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would i expect a physically attractive girl to like me if I am not physically attractive?

because you're alpha as fuck, you give them a good time, you make them laugh and you got a lot of cool things going on in your life

>> No.3866986

>vagina destroyed by an alpha male
>alpha male

this is giving the kind of girls /sci/ likes (the ones they believe might have a chance with) way too much credit.

>> No.3867008

I wish the girl I liked was at home, watching NTSF:SD:SUV:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7We-er03p_s and happy instead of at home on 4chan raging. ;-;

(it's an awesome show btw!)

>> No.3867020

It's her birthday

But why is this thread on /sci/ and not /v/?
Hit the wrong board OP?

>> No.3867030

"Destroyed" is right. Within 5 years the bitch is going to be fat and demoralized from the 1-2 kids that some alpha bums have stuck her with. Who wants that?

>> No.3867029

For some reason, genderbending this scenario into 'the guy you like is somewhere nailing somebody else' doesn't impart as much gravity.

Well, /sci/, why do you think OP's scenario feels so devastating to some guys? We may as well approach this topic with the intent to understand, anyhow, since that's what science does, and thus what /sci/ may as well do.

>> No.3867028

/v/irgins are slowly shifting into /sci/ as /v/ becomes more like /b/.

>> No.3867031

>hates all women, doesn't like one, they all annoy him

Yeah, I thought like that once, too.
Then I turned 11.

>> No.3867037


I just wish that I were better,
and not so fucking blind
to the beauty all around me
not wearing this disguise
in the confines of my bedroom
I finally come to realize
all this time I've loved you
but put up a wall of lies
I can't ever have you
so I'll hide behind dead eyes
pretending to be happy
while you're fucking other guys

>> No.3867064

>The girl you like is out right now having her vagina destroyed by an alpha male while you're at home on a Friday night.

Cool, hope she's having a great time.

Hopefully she's not late tomorrow morning for our game of Mouse Guard though.

>> No.3867074

No she's not, they probably had another fight and he's not getting any from anywhere for a while. There's a reason I never went after her in spite of my feelings.

>> No.3867085

For a second I really thought I was on /v/
bravo OP, making /sci/ shittier one thread at a time.

>> No.3867102

Well, the girl I like is sleeping, but the general idea doesn't bother me so much. Cheating seems to be rampant among both sexes no matter what you do, so the best thing is to just swing with it and have an open relationship.

Stick with someone because they mean more to you than simple sex.

>> No.3867104

jokes on you, all the girls i like are animated!


>> No.3867108

>Well, /sci/, why do you think OP's scenario feels so devastating to some guys?

The thing that surprises me about that whole narrative is how much it's both a turn on and a turn off for some men.

I'm pretty convinced a structuralist approach would wield great results here, but can't seem to find the right angle to tackle it (and given the material, feel rather unwilling to submit myself to more data so that I can find one).

>> No.3867114

First of all, OP,

>implying a woman can be trusted when she rates sex with anyone

>> No.3867121

I wonder if she is, for most of you.

Generally speaking, it's quite common for successful 30 year old professionals to date someone significantly younger. Girls like success and drive. Guys like pretty, and that's often synonymous with "young" .

So, /sci: assuming you are actually doing something with your life, how old do you think that special someone is right now? she might not even be legal. If she IS getting laid, it's probably not by some don juan who knows what he's doing. It's either another stupid kid, or it's a pedophile.

>> No.3867130

Why do you have to post this shit all the time? You have to be way more pathetic than anyone else on here to do this.

Also this shit has seriously fucked me up more than being a loner/introvert.

>> No.3867128

>moaning in ecstasy

sounds like she's happy, and I'm plenty happy right here

>> No.3867138 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 244x251, 1314992893872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female gender
>hard science
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3867142

I wish I could spoiler on /sci/
I'm not even going to bother since I can't

>> No.3867173

>Well, /sci/, why do you think OP's scenario feels so devastating to some guys?

Because they're stupid so they can't realize that most females(and males) belong to group of individuals whom share a huge list of common properties, besides the obvious outliers(individuals on the extreme edges of the bell curve ; the wealthy,the mentally handicapped, etc...).

The same tricks(or appeals if you prefer) work on most women and men. That's why people who are attractive are attractive most places. They have mass appeal.

As an aside, pop culture(likely even culture in general) is the ultimate matchmaker, people can go on and on about inane shit if I presents a mating opportunity. It makes people comfortable around others if they know they like the same things(like being part of a a tribe). Comfort(breaking the ice) is the first step.

They best way to understand how people work is.............getting to know some.

I know my thoughts are disconnected, deal with it.

>> No.3867180

>implying I'm not a 35-year-old, divorced, crippled morphine addict with zero libido

>> No.3867187

/fit/izen here,
I'm too busy training for next race season to be bothered with time-wasting things like females. They're nothing but trouble anyway.

>> No.3867200

I don't understand this. I haven't met a science nerd who's had trouble with relationships or sex... in college or grad school.

>> No.3867205



>> No.3867216

It's probably not the ordinary science "nerds" who have trouble with relationships

I've learned there's a difference between the smart kids who take all the advanced courses but know little to nothing about computers, and the kids who know a lot about computers

>> No.3867220

OP posted this thread in every board.

>> No.3867230

>I don't understand this. I haven't met a science nerd who's had trouble with relationships or sex... in college or grad school.

>> No.3867244

Hah jokes on you the internet turned my taste towards dfc and no guy who can approach a girl goes for the flat chest.

>> No.3867245
File: 65 KB, 641x682, sad sad negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you right?

>> No.3867256
File: 14 KB, 335x278, 1311947280380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl I'm talking to on Skype right now?

Holy shit, she's good. Doing it right in front of me so I don't suspect a thing.

>> No.3867286

Am I the only one that gets rilled up every fucking time by this improper use of ethology ?

Human social structures being multivalent the alpha/beta/omega scale is mostly useless unless used to assess voluntarily simplified to the extreme situations. And it sure as hell doesn't work the way those that use "alpha male" seem to believe it does anyway.

>> No.3867316

It's clear that you're not busy studying if you're reading this thread.

>> No.3868169


>implying I don't fap to that thought and go back to studying

>> No.3868173

Good thing I don't like girls, uh?

>> No.3868188

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3868513

>Implying I'm not a serial killer
>Implying I'm not going to make her rape him with a strap on in my basement while I whip them and masturbate

>> No.3868520
File: 57 KB, 464x704, 1313803248696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mai waifu's vagina has already been destroyed enough

Pic Related

>> No.3869420
