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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3865978 No.3865978 [Reply] [Original]

Why is physics so overrated although it is practically useless as it's a science focused on understanding? while biology,chemistry and engineering, which are the sciences that might one day make you immortal are not considered a "real" science and they're being underrated by many.

>> No.3865981


>implying immortality is useful

>> No.3865984

Why is trolling so overrated? It is practically waste of time and a form of procrastination. While contributing to the board's topic and learning about science are the activities that make you happy and maybe even more successful, they are way too underrepresented here.

>> No.3865986

Implying engineering is a field of science.
What are you in the eighth grade or something.

>> No.3865990

Physics is extremely useful so I wouldn't consider it overrated. An understanding of physics has enabled humanity to develop many technologies.

>> No.3865997

such as....

>> No.3866007

Discovering how the world works is what allows us to exploit the world with engineering, chemistry or biology.

>> No.3866011

Airplanes and vaccuum cleaners, you idiot.

>> No.3866018

>implying they weren't invented by engineers

>> No.3866019

Those were invented by engineers thanks to math.

>> No.3866022

I would say that ALL modern technology is the result of applied physics. But if you want some concrete examples; Electron microscopes. They wouldn't have been invented without quantum mechanics. Solar panels would likewise have been impossible without knowledge of the photoelectric effect, and lasers are also due to quantum mechanics.

>> No.3866027

...who invented them by applying recently discovered physics. No physics -> No modern engineering.

>> No.3866034

Physics will make you immortal, according to neurophysics.

>> No.3866036

Now, you're getting into very specific fields of physics and yet, they all depend on engineering in order to be applied. But yes, physics in general, is useless.

A world in which everyone is a physicist will be the same as a world in which everyone is INTP; they know shit, but can never accomplish something.

>> No.3866047

Engineering depends on physics, not the other way around.

>> No.3866052

I don't know any physicist who goes to an engineer to design his apparatus.

>> No.3866055

Well I think you could argue that every engineer is also a phycisist to some degree. He/she just doesn't probe the universe to discover new physics, but rather focus on applying what he/she knows.

>> No.3866061


Think of any technology in existence and it is because of an understanding of physics.

>> No.3866062

You know it to be bullshit.

Engineering isn't just about physics. It's also about chemistry, biology, computer science and such.

>> No.3866065


engineers require a knowledge of physics to create technology.

>> No.3866074

Lol soooooo ironic, you wouldn't have been able to make a post on in the internet saying how useless physics is, if not for physics allowing the internet to be invented.

so much fail.

>> No.3866079

Most modern chemistry depends heavily on quantum mechanics, which is borne out of physics. And since biology depends on chemistry, it indirectly depends on physics. Computer science is mostly logic and mathematics concerning software, but the hardware could not have been designed without physics.

>> No.3866081


inb4 your witty retarded remark on how physics didnt allow the inventing of the internet


this ^


>> No.3866090


And if you're too dumb to read it, just read this part:

"The first electronic digital computer was built in the basement of the physics department at Iowa State University in 1939 by Professor John Atanasoff, who had a Ph.D. in theoretical physics"


how long did you think this retarded argument would last?

>> No.3866156

By that time, physics wasn't the faggotry it is today. lrn2history

>> No.3866174

Physics : how shit works
Engineering : applying physics to make practical things

End result : applying how shit works to make practical things.

Yep, we could totally get rid of physics, no problemo.

god damn, you are stupid op.

>> No.3866194

Nope. I was just pointing out that physics is overrated and some faggot believe it's the only "real" science

>> No.3866198


Of course it's not the only real science.

Wow. gtfo off of sci, go troll on /b/

>> No.3866203

You're the idiot who is saying:

(a) physics is practically useless
(b) other sciences like biology and chemistry are not considered real sciences by other people

neither of your claims are true.

>> No.3866215
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>other sciences like biology and chemistry are not considered real sciences by other people
>neither of your claims are true.

>> No.3866223

Physics is the only "real" science, though. Everything else just takes results from physics and applies it to make better-fitting tampons, or whatever.

The more you dumb down the actual science work, the less a science it is. Otherwise you could call moving furniture around a science; you're applying laws of physics (inertia, momentum, gravity, force) to do a job. Just like biology and the rest...especially engineering.

OP is just now coming to grips with his homosexuality :)

>> No.3866226

Physics is not overrated.

>> No.3866241
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>Low IQ
>Below 6' tall
Let's go. Let it all out.