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3864660 No.3864660 [Reply] [Original]

Any good IQ tests I can do online for free?
Don't feel like paying for those.

>> No.3864686

I'm gonna post one here.

Question 1:
Do you believe in the reliability of online IQ tests?
A) yes
B) nope

If you chose A, your score is approximately 60.

>> No.3864695

>IQ test

>> No.3864699

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.3864701

estimated IQ just dropped 10 points to 50.

>> No.3864706

Online IQ tests tend to only test using only one or two types of questions, so they won't be as reliable as one administered by a professional.

>> No.3864713

>No argument

>> No.3864714

Good answer is:
C) I don't give a fuck if they are reliable or not because even if they reliably compute my "IQ", it's a useless quantity.

Problem with B) is that it implies that "reliability" means "reliability in ranking humans by intelligence". And that involves that you think it's possible to rank humans by intelligence.
(not saying there's no order, but there's clearly no total order)

>> No.3864729


>> No.3864732

European and Scandinavian Mensa uses only Raven's matrices type of problems in their official tests.

>> No.3864742

In Mensa's online test in my country, you get a score higher than 120 if you just answer the questions randomly.

>> No.3864744

>European and Scandinavian Mensa
And by this I mean country specific Mensa chapters in Scandinavia and Europe. I believe Indian Mensa chapters also use the same kind of test.

>> No.3864752

Why bother? It's meaningless.

>> No.3864757

I suggest you read the message shown to you in a bit more detail. What they say is that your IQ is _at most_ 120, meaning that you're below 90th precentile. You get that message whether you score 70 or 119.

>> No.3864776

As someone who has taken a real Mensa test I can tell you that those tests are quite close to the real one. The thing is there's more questions and less time in the real test.

Anyone can solve the problems given enough time, but in the real test you have so many problems almost no one manages to answer them all. You have to think _fast_ to score above the 98th percentile which is the Mensa requirement.

>> No.3864819

To add to this, when grading your answers, they don't just look at how many you got right. Their psychologists go through each test individually and look for patterns in your answer strategy and whether you chose to guess the answer or move on the the next without answering. Little things like that affect your score. Don't as me how. I don't know now.

>> No.3864827
File: 520 KB, 1536x2048, 4ixnQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does it say?

>> No.3864832

Click the green "Aloita testi" button on the bottom. If you finish before the timer ends, click "Tarkista testi nyt" link on the left to get your score immediately.

>> No.3865404

Fluid intelligence is defined as the ability to understand complex relationships and solve novel problems (Martinez,
2000). It is the closest second-level factor to general intelligence in Carroll’s (1993) hierarchical model of intelligence. Martinez argued that it should be viewed as a “close cousin” of general intelligence (p. 19). Cognitive tests that do not rely on acquired knowledge are viewed as good measures of fluid intelligence, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Raven,1998) and Cattell’s Culture Fair Test (Cattell, 1973).