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3860691 No.3860691 [Reply] [Original]

>liberal logic

>> No.3860704

>Corporations going bankrupt.

More like corporations making record profit because of reduced regulations and taxation.

>> No.3860703

>nchTRi looketh

>> No.3860715

And how is that a bad thing?

>> No.3860728

Its a bad thing when the majority of the country is becoming poorer and a small few are becoming extraordinarily wealthy. That's not a good system.


>> No.3860739

Better than nobody getting wealther and everybody getting poorer, which is the outcome that hippies propose

>> No.3860743


>> No.3860745
File: 35 KB, 345x209, regulator jobs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying regulations aren't being massively ramped up
what the fuck am i reading

now go read about corporatism, and realize those hippie fucks should be protesting both parties of congress and the president.

>> No.3860748

Welcome to Capitalism, the best socioeconomic system we have right now.

>> No.3860755

Clinton and Bush were socialists?

>> No.3860756


Weird, guess it's 2006 and I imagined the last 5 years.

>> No.3860760

>Obama socialist

If only, OP... Socialism is only possible in science fiction now. Enjoy working for others the rest of your life...


>> No.3860763


A few percent isn't being massively ramped up.

And the question is up from what, not necessarily by how much.

>> No.3860794

>wall street destroys economy with abusive practices and predatory lending
>job creators

eye row knee

>> No.3860912
File: 28 KB, 750x464, regulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3860921

>tea party logic

>> No.3860928

life isn't about monetary wealth

>> No.3860940 [DELETED] 

Mfw capitalists like it when the median wage is falling while the wages for the richest keep rising even now.

mfw they think this is the logical outcome of a good, healthy economy.

All that is needed is for people to have some fucking control over the companies they work for, but democracy anywhere other than the political sphere is evil and would paradoxically lead to a totalitarian state apparently.

>> No.3860947

>Liberal logic

>Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom") is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.

Why do you partake in slandering such an admirable word because of silly gits?
Its like mocking science as a whole because of water memory etc

>> No.3860950
File: 17 KB, 600x394, b2394_chart2_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how their shit changes by billions every year, even with the same real dollars

>> No.3860970

OP, you sound like you really know what you're talking about. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter about how Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist giving our children autism.

>> No.3860971


Not true the median household income has decreased over the last 15 years however the median individual income has increased. A common misconception. I'd caution everyone to notice how emotional people against capitalism are. Makes sense I suppose, when you are a failure in that you can't support yourself without a goberment job or assistance it's only natural to hate the way things are in reality.

>> No.3860972

where does it say what year your chart is indexed too? the fact that all of the numbers are lower by the same amount seems to indicate a different index year, and it does not specify there.

>still not understanding the difference between capitalism and corporatism

>All that is needed is for people to have some fucking control over the companies they work for, but democracy anywhere other than the political sphere is evil and would paradoxically lead to a totalitarian state apparently.
if you invest money to start a business up, why should the workers have any say other than agreeing to work or not? they didn't risk capital on the venture. what's to stop them from 'voting' more money for themselves until the company collapses?

>> No.3860975
File: 63 KB, 186x140, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/, /fit/izen here. seeing as how this is the only other board i check every now and then i was wondering if any chemistry majors could tell me if it would be semi easy to extract most of the ephedrine from bronkaid, dont feel like looking up how to do it if its going to be beyond what a college student can get his hands on.

>> No.3860982

fuck too many tabs open....

>> No.3860992

Are you an idiot?
Why the fuck would you go through the bother? Just get some adderall like a normal person.

>> No.3860994


Great argument. Very insightful glad you took the time to study the issue and presented a well thought out argument. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter on eugenics, affirmative action, and why every business owner is a self serving asshole out to destroy humanity.

>> No.3861001

Its for dieting purposes, not for keeping awake. Just forget it, i give up on posting for the next week.

>> No.3861008

I win

>> No.3861013

>This is what capitalists actually believe

>> No.3861031 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 251x239, 1309568742072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw at the root of it all everyone is selfish and is out to seek their own benefit so that most people who strongly believe in capitalism are rich and are looking to stay rich and people who want socialism are poor and want to become rich but the rich people's political power is equal to or greater than that of the poor so the situation remains unchanged