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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 671x556, Homo_erectus_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3855843 No.3855843 [Reply] [Original]

Africans and people of African descent are less intelligent (on average) because they have a higher incidence of having the Homo Erectus version of alleles that encode for intelligence. This is due to being relatively confined from the eurasian genetic superhighway and a recent mixing event with H. Erectus 30-60 kya. If an individual has just a few of these erectus alleles it will significantly reduce their intelligence and even mixing with white/asian/amerindian populations will only average the intelligence of the offspring at best. The archaic h. erectus had the mixing event AFTER the out of Africa migration, meaning quite simply that many africans (if not most) possess the archaic versions of genes, including ones that encode for intelligence traits.


>> No.3855853


>> No.3855864
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>> No.3855886

>producing viable offspring between two different species
>having to change the definition of species rather than admit neanderthals were also humans.

>> No.3855898

>posting biology
>on a science board

you must be new here

>> No.3855907

What's with all the fucking christfags in the comments section?

>> No.3855910

actually most hominoids can make fertile hybrids with member of their own genus. Sumatran and Bornean orangutans do, as well as chimpanzees and bonobos. It has something to do with the way the hominoid X chromosome works. Gibbons are capable as well.
Just because these hybriding events are possible doesn't mean we consider them the same species, because the events are unusual and there are typically different environments both species occupy. Humans are unique because we were so successful that we where able to expand to just about any environment and these hybridizing events became much more common.

>> No.3855920
File: 24 KB, 750x577, HomoErectus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttmads everywhere

>> No.3855921

Individuals can have offsprings with other species, heck even with different genus. Sometimes, the offsprings are even fertile. Plus, the Neanderthal was a human if you consider Homos human. Plus, it's more likely that there was more than just sapiens, neanderthals, erectus, flores, habilis and ergaster.

>> No.3855925

Not really.
Your thread just isn't interesting because
>listing facts
Nothing to discuss here.

>> No.3855928

still uses highschool defintion of species, thats even worse than thinking that hs science is correect such as the borh moddel.

>> No.3855940 [DELETED] 

>>two paragraphs
>>claim to be /sci/entist

>> No.3855941

According to physical anthropologist Carleton Coon--in his multi-regional development theory--"racial traits" may be due less to evolution than admixture when pre-existing proto-hominid groups in various regions around the globe.

>> No.3855946

You ain't lived till you had sum H. Erectus pussy!
Ass like a starving boy, flappy tits like empty purses and the jaw!!
Dat jawbone!!!1!

>> No.3855956

sounds like the average section 8 inhabitant about 4 blocks away from where I live.

>> No.3855958
File: 167 KB, 634x734, Liberlismworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit OP. Yeah. Look we've already been through all this several times before. This conversation is getting old, and emotional. Sour emotions gotta stop. Facts suck, deal with what you got and stop caring about it.

>> No.3855959

too bad this type of research will never get any funding because it violates pc orthodoxy. beware the inquisition.

>> No.3855963
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>> No.3855969


>Implying Black females

>> No.3855970

I'm thinking that all the early "races" (subspecies) are long gone; extinct.
All the current races are new; mixtures and refinements of older varieties.
Ergo: All the extant races will become extinct and new types will go on.
How does that affect the ________ supremacy point of view?

>> No.3855973

Libtards will go against you no matter how valid a scientific hypothesis this is.

>> No.3855985

this is true because nature does not select for intelligence, it selects for breeding capability (just look at the average virgin /sci/fag. What this means is that the 'people' of the future will likely be less intelligent than the people today. There will be new mixed and highly fecund races about the globe but there probably won't be any significant civilization and certainly nothing like today. The future is poor, dumb and brown. Most likely 100,000 years from now Earth will be populated by a few million 'african' hunter gatherers and there will be some human-robot hybrids on Mars scratching out a living.

>> No.3856003
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> brown.

>Implying the future will be conquered by mixed-race peoples.

>> No.3856014


>> No.3856022

they have the most babies, so unless someone kills them all (which is very unlikely) they will form the majority in the future.

>> No.3856024


>implying Chinese and Indians are retarded
>implying the real fail is not allowing neckbeards with 0 social skills to breed
>implying iq hasn't been goin up since foreve

>> No.3856029

It's not even about being PC or a libtard.
People in power/knowledge/authority lie to the masses for the same reasons parents lie to kids. Some of those are good reasons.
I want every speck of ignorant ghetto trash out there to try their best to assimilate and be useful.
Best for them, best for the rest of us.
If the local news announces "Science proves ya'all Niggahz 'tarded; film at eleven." that would be bad for them, bad for the rest of us.
Besides, the overlap for IQs is like >80%.
Can't let the dumb white people think they can take it easy; they need to buckle down too.

>> No.3856039
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I partly agree, actually; It will most definitely apply to America's future, I don't know what will happen to the rest of world.

>Most likely 100,000 years from now Earth will be populated by a few million 'african' hunter gatherers

That is unless they're declined for future foreign aid.

>> No.3856045

>inb4 liberal detected
>inb4 anti-white detected

Please take your butthurt to >>>/b/

>> No.3856046

I said nothing of indians and chinese. most of them likely have the same average intelligence as other eurasians because of the 'genetic superhighway' across the euro-asian land mass. Oceans, Deserts and small land bridges likely prevented most of these genes from getting deep into Africa. Disease likely also played a role.

>> No.3856058

so we should let them breed out of control until it utterly collapses our society, and America and the West go down the shitter never to rise again?
sounds like a great fucking idea.

>> No.3856075

If you believe in evolution you are a RACIST!

>> No.3856089
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>Implying we actually evolved directly from apes.

Pay attention in scho.....Oops sorry, I didn't see you there, troll.

>> No.3856090


I'm black and I can do tensor calculus and advanced quantum mechanics.

Also, I'm self-taught.

You jelly, shit tier biologist OP? (:

aww y u mad, shit tier biologist OP?!?! ): ): ):

>> No.3856091
File: 36 KB, 450x600, Men-Led-Ancient-African-Exodus-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3856098

there something wrong with these pictures black people have massive forheads

>> No.3856102
File: 197 KB, 512x921, OccsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science should be silenced because it hurts people's feelings

how about this. with the emerging evidence on the high heritability of intelligence and positive character traits like perseverance, conscientiousness, and future time orientation we can stop all the bullshit that tells people that if they don't succeed it is automatically because they are a victim of someone that did succeed.

instead of making the only metric of success a college degree and white collar job, we frame success as doing the most with your natural abilities- as in someone with an 85 IQ working hard and becoming an electrician or carpenter is praised just like someone with a 125 IQ becoming a doctor. i fail to see how encouraging people into realistic career paths for their ability is somehow massively destructive.

>> No.3856104

"im not racist im a realist" detected

>> No.3856109
File: 16 KB, 302x148, 468829325_98bc4ef24f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm black and I can do tensor calculus and advanced quantum mechanics.
somehow you skipped over statistics 101 and never learned what a normal distribution was i guess.

>> No.3856110

well you are obviously buttmad but congrats on being the 1% (I'm sure you are aware of this being good at math and all). It's a good thing some white put his genes into your great-grand-mother 100 years ago in South Carolina. Or some Arab put his genes into your ancestors 500 years ago in Nigeria. You probably have alot less of the negative H.Erectus alleles. Hope you still don't have any though- It might cause the occasional chimpout on some random image board.

>> No.3856125

everyone know science, crime stats, and reality be raciss as shit. discussing hate facts is about the most raciss thing you can do nowadays.

>> No.3856131

> well you are obviously buttmad but congrats on being the 1% (I'm sure you are aware of this being good at math and all). It's a good thing some white put his genes into your great-grand-mother 100 years ago in South Carolina. Or some Arab put his genes into your ancestors 500 years ago in Nigeria. You probably have alot less of the negative H.Erectus alleles. Hope you still don't have any though- It might cause the occasional chimpout on some random image board.
stormfaggot detected

>> No.3856144

I really, REALLY hope you don't believe that image is accurate.

If you do you, you need to be slapped.

>stop posting this utter bullshit all the time, I'm so sick of seeing these asinine, baseless hate images posted a hundred fucking times a day.
Go to fucking /new/ for that shit, you delusional scumbag.

>> No.3856150
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 1316765655226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's a good thing some white put his genes into your great-grand-mother 100 years ago in South Carolina. Or some Arab put his genes into your ancestors 500 years ago in Nigeria.


In that case, why aren't all Black-Americans intelligent?

>> No.3856158
File: 6 KB, 250x202, chap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It appears to be trying to communicate using simplistic symbols and signs.

Perhaps it can understand us?


>> No.3856162
File: 72 KB, 445x668, 1317621200210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> on some random image board.
>image board.

Are you new here?

Follow me to /b/>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.3856163

isnt it lovely when "realists" shift goalposts beacuse apparently there is a liberal/pc/jew conspiracy to hide the truth. the only fact that remains is asperger neckbeards shouldnt be allowed to breed

>> No.3856164
File: 42 KB, 602x208, med school acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, it is. blacks are about 1/6th the population of whites in the US, and the black IQ average is 85 with the white average being at 100. both are a normal distribution, which is shown in the image. it's almost like that difference explains so much about our society and puts the lie to this 'pervasive institutional racism' bullshit that can never be proven.

you know what real racism looks like? pic fucking related.

deal with it faggot.

>> No.3856181

> um, it is. blacks are about 1/6th the population of whites in the US, and the black IQ average is 85 with the white average being at 100. both are a normal distribution, which is shown in the image. it's almost like that difference explains so much about our society and puts the lie to this 'pervasive institutional racism' bullshit that can never be proven. you know what real racism looks like? pic fucking related.deal with it faggot.
Citation needed

>> No.3856182

james watson, one of the most renowned scientists in all of human history, says that evidence points towards africans not being quite as intelligent as europeans- which is objectively true. he is fired from his own organization, his book tour immediately cancelled, and vilified by the mainstream press.

now, does that look like a society with some nebulous racism? or one that oppressively obscures facts?

>> No.3856187

random chance, if the average IQ is 85, and the S.D. is 15 then about 1% of the population will have an IQ of 122-130.
this a million times.

And by the way OP is an Indian-American, not a stormfag.

>> No.3856189


i mean, those sample sizes are only in the tens of thousands, surely there is some kind of sample error.

>> No.3856191

> james watson, one of the most renowned scientists in all of human history, says that evidence points towards africans not being quite as intelligent as europeans- which is objectively true. he is fired from his own organization, his book tour immediately cancelled, and vilified by the mainstream press. now, does that look like a society with some nebulous racism? or one that oppressively obscures facts?
YEY!! appeal to authority!
did you KNOW that einstein believed in god? therefore god exists!!

>> No.3856197
File: 40 KB, 1357x628, fertility_rate_world_map_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3856204

this basically describes why civilization will collapse in the 21st century

>> No.3856207


>> No.3856209
File: 89 KB, 688x549, worldgenetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic genetic distance proves the existence of race(sub-species). To claim otherwise is ignorant.

>> No.3856210

the argument is not "watson said it, so it must be right" dumbass. the argument is "an overwhelming amount of evidence points to one conclusion, and watson had his career ended because he was foolish enough to talk about that conclusion in public, and this shows the priority of our culture and media."

>> No.3856216
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>> No.3856228


>and watson had his career ended because he was foolish enough to talk about that conclusion in public, and this shows the priority of our culture and media."

Who cares about facts and science when you have emotional arguments and rhetoric you FUCKING RACIST!! RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3856232

Except that's fucking retarded and you're retarded for thinking it.

A goddamned CHILD could see that birthrate declines as modernization occurs and a nation becomes more developed.
Look at Brazil. Or ANY population, really.

Fuck off with your stupid racist fearmongering.

>> No.3856243

Sure. It's always a snow-as-white libtard or a black genius who self taught tensor calculus but never learned basic statistics

>> No.3856256

there is an easy way to test this hypothesis- do people from high birthrate countries still have high birthrates when they immigrate to low birthrate countries?

>> No.3856262


Hihhi, I'm a 9 foot tall white aryan man with a 52368296829 IQ. YOU JELLY??? YEAHH YOU ALL JELLY PROOOOF ME WRONG LOL!!!

>> No.3856282
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>> No.3856284

the libtards will just ignore any evidence you throw at them.
the Soviets did this too- and claimed it was science.

read this shit. if you libtards claim to love science as much as you say you do you will shut up from now on.

>> No.3856301

ITT: Facts and Buttmad

>> No.3856331
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>> No.3856333

you will notice that the race realism deniers are the first ones to demand evidence, yet never seem to have any of their own that is not from gould- who was hilariously shown to have falsified all of his data.

remember this the next time someone who leans way left tries to crow about being in the party of science. they are really no better than the young earth creationists.

>> No.3856348
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>> No.3856350

Ah race, the taboo of our era ;_;

I still don't understand why those on the left won't accept this. It's a gigantic black hole in their whole "we support science" stance.

>> No.3856355

I taught in a public school in tennessee for 4 years. There is something wrong with those children that can never be fixed with ANY amount of schooling.

>> No.3856379
File: 241 KB, 1003x900, homo.ergaster.j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread looks like a college basketball team

>> No.3856392


>> No.3856397
File: 339 KB, 859x828, Om Nom Nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah race, the taboo of our era ;_;

The term racist is like the term heretic, except modified for the modern era. Rather hilarious.

>> No.3856400


maybe you could just shut the fuck up? mmkay?
you are extremely annoying, painfully dull and pathetically stupid. Go to some fucking brainless Wailin Fer Palin board and leave the science to people with at least half a brain and something to say. Typical fucking teabagger jerk.Run along Jethro. mmkay?

>> No.3856403

Yep, it is. The hysteria is priceless. The lost sleep over this for people is also priceless.

>> No.3856414
File: 82 KB, 500x726, gsdegsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying anyone here is a republican

Hey dumbass, how's it like having cognitive dissonance. You claim you're so pro-science, but act like a zealot when it comes to race(sub-species) and genetics?

Refer to this image,


>> No.3856438

>I like making shit up to make me feel better about my aspergers

>>>/news/ faggot.


>> No.3856468

Ok I'll bite though. Question. What is the significance of having genes from genetic drift versus evolution within a population. I.e. why would one group of alleles automatically be better than the others?

>> No.3856503

>>implying anyone here is a republican

ahhkay. I assume you are a teabagger because every bit of drivel you post talks about "libtards" and "the left." Also because you are an uneducated asshat, so yeah, there's that.

>>You claim you're so pro-science, but act like a zealot when it comes to race(sub-species) and genetics?

Hm. I said no such thing. I don't disagree with the content of the articles mentioned in op, nor most of the conversation contained within the thread. It is mostly obvious, common sense, and logical to assume the various races of humanity were due to interbreeding of different species of hominids as much as environment. That intelligence is just one of many traits that are inherent within these modern groups is a no-brainer (no pun intended). My only point was that you are an asshat.

Go beat up a fag or shoot an immigrant or something, dickstain. Nobody in here wants to listen to you, and nobody replies to the shit oozing from your lips. So have a nice cup of Shut the Fuck Up.

Fucking useless jerk.

>> No.3856545

>ahhkay. I assume you are a teabagger because every bit of drivel you post talks about "libtards" and "the left."
so anyone who hates the PC mainstream left is a teabagger?

>Also because you are an uneducated asshat, so yeah, there's that.
ah, always with the ad hominems.

>> No.3856579


It's not the alleles themselves that are better, it's their effect on the entire body/mind. Cold environments require more intellect to successfully survive in. Such an environment selects for it more.

>> No.3856585

>I hate my own race
Go back to /a/ weaboo faggot.

>> No.3856599

Only if you go back to /new/, stormfaggot.

>> No.3856628

Anyone who has to endure encounters with Blacks on a daily basis knows full well that their practiced intelligence is clearly substandard. The trouble that the leftist fucks are giving us, is that the Black environment sucks. So instead of recognizing that shitty skins result in a shitty environment, they believe that it's happening in reverse. Hence all this progressive garbage, which of course never works, since a shitty skin is the next best thing to mental retardation.

Leftists will try to uplift the un-upliftable shitskins forever. Expect to be taxed for shitskin support, forever.

>> No.3856632

the alleles in question can affect intelligence.

stop with the name calling

OP is an Indian (Hindu) American.

Stormfags aren't welcome in this thread, and are unscientific themselves.

These are facts, if you can't handle them then you are probably stupid or immature.

>> No.3856641 [DELETED] 


dude. read your posts. you are a hateful, predictable, sad man. You are textbook typical angry foxtard. The shit that comes out of your mouth is the exact same shit that comes out of the mouths of every one of your kind. Nobody in here is talking politics, left/right, etc... ohhh. But you. YOU see "the enemy" in every conversation, in every situation. Your vitriol and spite are always right there just beneath the surface, ready to be hurled at something in which you see "the enemy." You are everything that is wrong with this country and with the world. You are a sad, sad man.

Maybe there is hope for you, but probably not. You will spend the rest of your life hating, blaming, pointing...

the fags! those niggers! fucking liberals! illegal immigrants! welfare scumbags! idiot teachers! left wing professors!! dirty muslims!! fuckfuckfuckhatehatehaterahrahRAHRAHRAH...

you will be one of those guys. one of those old, angry, lonely sad men.

good luck with that, Killer.

and poof!!! You're gone!

buh bye

>> No.3856662

There is some serious liberal butthurt in this thread. There is some stupid liberal fucker who is so butthurt he is ignoring blatantly obvious science. Are you really a scientist dude? OK go live in Oakland, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta for a few years. It's an EXPERIMENT- the basis of all science. Tell us what you find.

>> No.3856684

And you'll be one of those people who inserts expletives in their speech constantly and blame the white society for everything.

>> No.3856699

While I',m here for the fun and treats I have a question, did heidelbergensis have red hair and pale skin? Also, is it true they were very tall on average?

>> No.3856724

> Stormfags aren't welcome in this thread, and are unscientific themselves.

There is nothing more scientific than direct observation of shitskin behavior, which exhibits roundly unintelligent factors, like the prevailing failure to anticipate future needs. Watching the leftists scramble to cover up the perfectly obvious, is a spectator sport in the USA.

>> No.3856728 [DELETED] 

how is this thread political? how is this subject a left right thing? EVERY SINGLE one of your posts is the same. you have a problem. i almost feel sorry for you. probably would if you weren't such a jerk.

why dont you go post on glen beck's board or quilt a confederate flag or something?

the funny thing is i am NOT butthurt at all. and i DONT disagree with the gist of this thread. at all. its just.you. i just cant stand idiots such as yourself.

have anything interesting to say, anthropologically? Would love to hear it. Incapable of saying anything without obvious hatred of those niggers and libs? Well, you probably belong on a glen beck board, or oxycontin limbaugh, or maybe a kkk board
>>shitty skin is the next best thing to mental retardation.

i dont even know why i am engaging you. you arent smart enough to think any differently. you dont think like regular people do. you dont FEEL like normal people do. its pathetic. you people are all the same. you cant change. just how you are. hmmm.... how does it feel to be a nigger, you poor fuck of an excuse?

>> No.3856751

LOL the buttmad is strong with this one. Any more facts and this little girl's head might explode.

>> No.3856753


>>And you'll be one of those people who inserts expletives in their speech constantly and blame the white society for everything.

wow. speechless. you are FUUUUUUCKDUPP, man. worse than i thought. i thought you were just your average bigoted teabagger. no. YOU... you've amazed me, sir. I am humbled.

>> No.3856754
File: 340 KB, 802x1174, Gandhi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP is an Indian (Hindu) American.


>"Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilised—the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals... The kaffirs' sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness. They're loafers... a species of humanity almost unknown among the Indians."

>Writing on the subject of immigration in 1903, Gandhi commented: "We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do... We believe also that the white race in South Africa should be the predominating race."

>During his time in South Africa, Gandhi protested repeatedly about the social classification of blacks with Indians, whom he described as "undoubtedly infinitely superior to the Kaffirs".

>> No.3856756

there are at least 3 different people who have responded to you that you seem to think is one person.

>> No.3856761


just stop being butthurt dude. take a chill pill.

>> No.3856766

we all knew that OP, most people here are in denial because they dont want to seem racist in the eyes of black people.

>> No.3856769 [DELETED] 


I fucking hate the way you type. It's like a retard with atricious grammar trying to convey their point.


>> No.3856770

Yes, I am aware of what Gandhi said and did.

>> No.3856772


I fucking hate the way you type. It's like a retard with atrocious grammar trying to convey their point.


>> No.3856773

take a chill pill dude.

>> No.3856776
File: 140 KB, 800x600, rtjrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is he wrong?

>> No.3856784

just take a chill pill dude

>> No.3856799
File: 194 KB, 688x800, homo.ergaster.m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're part black you'll always be just a little bit slower. Always.

>> No.3856801
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>Expect to be taxed for shitskin support, forever.

>> No.3856804


Mulattoes are generally better than the pure ones.

>> No.3856806

Too bad there's such a high childhood fatality rate in most of those pink countries eh?

How's that famine goin for ya?

>> No.3856810
File: 156 KB, 883x615, 1301368059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brain can change a lot in 40,000 years. Science-minded individuals should be able to understand that. I guess skin color also makes one reluctant to accept that they're not special or superior anymore.

>> No.3856811

they usually are a little bit better behaved than fullbloods but they still act fucked up.

>> No.3856813
File: 256 KB, 1280x1024, 121680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That famine rate isn't stopping their growth. sub-Saharan Africa went from like 100 million in population to over 1 billion today. They're all starving and they have like 10 children.

It's biting them in the ass actually. More growth = more requirement for resources. Their need for more resources has led to them cutting down all of their jungles, which is turning Africa into a continent-wide desert.

>> No.3856816

the problem is when you go and make fertile hybrids with some holdover H. Erectus population in some isolated part of tropical west africa. It's like making all of your descendants travel 300,000 years into the past, from an intelligence standpoint.

>> No.3856827
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x1200, Mensai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess skin color also makes one reluctant to accept that they're not special or superior anymore.

If you're as well versed in science as you claim, you would know that race(sub-species) is not just based on skin tone(melanin levels). Only ignorant fools actually think so.

Differentiation ranges from muscle density, skeletal structure, bone mass, neurochemical reactivity, hormone levels, blood types, disease susceptibility, and so on and on. It's a very long list.

>> No.3856832
File: 389 KB, 1300x654, 1311110395534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3856839

And which one of those genetic variations directly determines intelligence? The idea that one race is smarter than another is mostly based on test scores and circumstantial evidence.

>> No.3856847

What's the point of these threads? I don't really understand what you guys are trying to accomplish...

>> No.3856858

It's based on millions of examples of what you call circumstantial. I observe the difference every day.

See this study. It confirms that after the Out of Africa migration, h. sapiens in Africa mixed with holdover h. erectus (which were obviously less intelligent).
It was done by a guy at the University of Arizona, so its pretty mainstream.

>> No.3856860

< i dont even know why i am engaging you.

It's because of your leftist ideology, which is just a dressed up form of mental illness. Whites know full well that Blacks are an affliction upon civilization, which is why they insist that they aren't near them at work, in school and most especially in their neighborhoods.

The reason why Blacks score consistently low on IQ tests is not because of White programming. It's because Blacks really are of lower intelligence. If it was just a few points, that wouldn't make any difference worth mentioning. But the trend is a CONSISTENT lowering of 15 point, which pretty much puts the average Black man into the "retarded" range... much like any leftist.

Blacks are just less intelligent, and significantly less. That's the fact. Deal with it.

>> No.3856866


Statistical data while not always 100% accurate is definitely more accurate than going "EVERYONE IS EQUAL BECUZ I SAY SO!!!!"

>> No.3856877

> What's the point of these threads? I don't really understand what you guys are trying to accomplish...

We're trying to wake you up from the demented leftist dream of impossible equality. Blacks are not the intellectual equals of Whites, much like Whites are not the intellectual equals of Orientals. The 21st Century can't keep running on the provably false assumption of racial equality... much like we can't keep filling up Europe with Muzzies and expect society there to remain peaceful.

We in the West must return to the social stability of formally acknowledging the inferior positions of Black intelligence. Blacks are free to leave the West if they don't like that fate.

>> No.3856888

>Be Black
>138 IQ
>buttmad whities everywhere

But seriously, what do you guys make these threads for?

>> No.3856889


>> No.3856893

just take a chill pill dude

>> No.3856897

Why are you guys generalizing though? I know black people that are very intelligent. The valedictorian in my high school was black (in a mostly white school with about 1300 people).

>> No.3856905

What for? I'm not mad or anything.

>> No.3856911

because of every 300 blacks only 1 is as smart as you. Out of the rest 150 are basically criminals/retards and another 100 are barelly cut out for our 21st century technological life. If the other 50 are encultured to white society they can be productive. Now of 300 whites/asians/other roughly 150-200 are cut out for 21st cent. technological life. A person with a claimed IQ of 138 should understand why that is so important.

>> No.3856919

just take a chill pill dude

>> No.3856932

hey black valedictorian guy, see

>> No.3856937 [DELETED] 

OP is Indian. You illiterate lying nigger.

>> No.3856947

normal distributions must be racist as fuck, even genius level blacks don't know how they work. protip: the 'race realist' model does not assert that high intelligence blacks do not exist. in fact, it accurately predicts their existence.

>> No.3856950

Fine. I see where you're coming from.

>> No.3856963
File: 8 KB, 166x221, 50500_332561550002_3894078_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh sweet, internet IQ fights.

9 FOOT TALL ARYAN WHITE MALE HERE. My IQ is 547, beat that ya negro. Why you mad?

>> No.3856984

> Why are you guys generalizing though?

It's called statistics. We make rational decisions based on statistics, just like happens every day when a White person rationally looks at the stats and decides NOT to work with Blacks and NOT to send their kids to school with Blacks and NOT to live near Blacks.

Why do leftists know how to handle stats, UNTIL those stats illuminate racial differences? It's because they're leftists and can't handle the truth.

>> No.3856991
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_Multiracialists_are_Crazy&#44;_Part_3_IQ_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's nothing that says high IQ blacks don't exist, they're just a VERY rare occurrence. Pic related.

>> No.3857053

wow 1 black is like a bunch of whites and asians. meanwhile the other 100 blacks rape/mug/shoot/kill me.
I'd be a retard to live amongst blacks.

>> No.3857078
File: 9 KB, 90x120, masterrace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dirty console peasant race always fucking up our /sci/.

>> No.3857080

Finally a thread free of boring physics and math faggotry.

>> No.3857086


Yeah, but it's full of biology and genetics faggotry.

We need some psychology and sociology threads.

>> No.3857096

Are my negro genes the reason why my IQ is 120 and not 140?

>> No.3857098

>We need some psychology and sociology threads.


What we need are some good old religion threads.



>> No.3857106
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>> No.3857128
File: 27 KB, 593x631, custom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like scientists have never asked that question. Pffft.

"Nuclear fusion only requires the proper elements (hydrogen/helium) and heat and pressure to start & then tends to continue until the fuel runs out.

Combustion requires fuel (hydrogen/gasoline/wood) and oxygen plus enough heat to start a reaction. The burning continues until the fuel runs out or no oxygen left."

Source: Google it.

>> No.3857140
File: 83 KB, 256x256, 1317601404219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, off topic. Troll detected.

>> No.3857159

I will archive this /t/.

>> No.3857213


yes. that and you didn't pay attention in school.

>> No.3857226

Oh well

>> No.3857408

>implying iq hasn't been goin up since foreve

IQ is normalised you fucking moron. By definition it never moves.

>> No.3857482

inb4 Ancient Aliens

>> No.3857511

>Africans and people of African descent are less intelligent (on average)
Citations needed that account for economic and cultural pressures.

>because they have a higher incidence of having the Homo Erectus version of alleles that encode for intelligence.
Citations please.

>This is due to being relatively confined from the eurasian genetic superhighway and a recent mixing event with H. Erectus 30-60 kya.

>If an individual has just a few of these erectus alleles it will significantly reduce their intelligence
Citations please.

>and even mixing with white/asian/amerindian populations will only average the intelligence of the offspring at best.
You don't seem to understand how genetics work. Maybe you meant first generation only?

>The archaic h. erectus had the mixing event AFTER the out of Africa migration, meaning quite simply that many africans (if not most) possess the archaic versions of genes, including ones that encode for intelligence traits.

>> No.3857525

>143 posts and 37 image replies omitted.

hory shit /sci/ loves to get trolled on. off to better boards.

>> No.3857538


>> No.3857568

/sci/ never learned the part of science where you are required to actively ignore data because it is statistical noise.

/sci/ tends to treat every anecdote as if it's god's own word. This is likely because they're aspies.

>> No.3858559

>/sci/ never learned the part of science where you are required to actively ignore data because it is statistical noise.

>sample sizes in the millions
>statistical noise
pick one

it's like you faggots have some sort of magical shield that perfectly deflects all data so long as it disagrees with your predetermined conclusion.

>> No.3860718

good read

>> No.3860731

>off to better boards.