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3854646 No.3854646 [Reply] [Original]

First time I'm openly admitting to someone else.

For the past 10 years ever since sixth grade, my life feels like a dream.I'm not trying to be deep by comparing life to a dream but i have these weird feelings
>Everything around me feels unreal and everything i see feels unreal
>Keep thinking i'll be waking up any second
>Have these weird moments once year when i look in the mirror deeply at myself and forget what/who/where am i

Its like those dreams where you're watching yourself do something that's what the past 10 years of my life have felt like.

Anyone know what's wrong?

>inb4 red pill blue pill
>inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.3854659

you seem to have a severe case of mind fog, eat less sugar.

>> No.3854667

OP inb4 is a degenerate case.

>> No.3854713


>> No.3854779

> Anyone know what's wrong?

Yes; you haven't gone on your killing spree yet. Once you do start the killings, you'll see exactly how unreal this milieu is, and will be able to detect and shift into a higher level of system, where you will be like unto a god.

Anytime you're ready.

>> No.3854793

what if we are all mere creations of this ops brain? what if we are living in his dream?

>> No.3854810

Fuck it makes so much sense, i only remember the last couple of hours and i dont care what I am

>> No.3854815

Try sleeping earlier. I suggest sleeping at 10pm and waking up at 6am.

>> No.3854816


Maybe you are naturally immune to the General Hypnosis. Such people sometimes feel like they've landed on the wrong planet (me included).

It is important that you 'keep your feet on the ground'. In a few years you will be able to stay sane when most of the people around you will go postal.

>> No.3854822

1) the world isn't a dream (occam's razor)
2) if it was, id wouldn't matter, as there's no difference between dream and reality.
You cannot 'perceive' reality directly, everything has to go through your brain anyway.

>> No.3854868

What these guys said. Maybe you should start relaxing more. Or go get yourself checked. I experienced severe depersonalization during a particularly stressful period of my life. I felt like I was the main character in a videogame and when I looked in the mirror I thought "Wow, is this me? This is me!"

>> No.3854889


> when I looked in the mirror I thought "Wow, is this me? This is me!"

not op but,

>> No.3854934

i felt like i was on drugs all the time before i got a healthy diet
also find some medication

>> No.3854950

Normally OP it is an over exposure to media, being on the internet to long, watching TV ect.

Your mind slowly develops to start processing real life similar to they way it processes when watching films ect.

Stay the fuck away from TV and the internet and get out more.

>> No.3854975

OP, you are an alien from a foreign universe sent here on a mission. Unfortunately, your fellow aliens have failed to inform you of the nature of your mission or even the fact that you are on it.

I am one of those aliens, and I have decided to send you a multi-dimensional envoy via 4chan.

Are you prepared to do as I say? (Sorry about the last 10 years, but we had to wait for you to come to us before we could brief you. Everything will be explained in due time).

>> No.3854987
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>> No.3855003

post structuralist bullshit

>> No.3855153

OP google this

>> No.3855161

Try not being a teenager

>> No.3855168

Since I was 6 I've felt disillusioned with the world. Wat do?

>> No.3855384

purgatory, your in it we do stuff to forget it, you've lived this life before we are stuck in fractual patterns of fragmented reality and there's nought you can do about it apart from find love, the fragmented is discordent find harmony :)