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3853591 No.3853591 [Reply] [Original]

Homo sapiens has existed for at least 150,000 years, yet only in the past 10,000 has technology and culture developed rapidly. Is there some event that caused this relatively sudden development? Are there at least hypotheses?

If I had to guess, I'd that population reached a critical point at which it was feasible for any given tribe to reliably have neighbors within walking distance. This allowed for the free exchange of memes, and therefore the rapid evolution of memes. That, and possibly the invention of some fundamental technologies that were necessary to further discoveries.

>> No.3853607

the interbreeding with the neanderthals.

>> No.3853613

>yet only in the past 10,000 has technology and culture developed rapidly
domino effect.

one great advancement leads to another. there's plenty of great minds out there.

>> No.3853618
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>yet only in the past 10,000 has technology and culture developed rapidly. Is there some event that caused this relatively sudden development?

Short answer: No.
Longer answer: No. You've got a hindsight bias, for starters.
Longer longer answer: No. Here are some things which suggest that technological change increases at some rate (exponential, hyperbolic, logistic, etc) and that it is related to human population growth.

"Technological change is a combination of more and of better technology. A recent study in Science (journal) shows that the peak of the rate of change of the world's capacity to compute information was in the year 1998, when the world's technological capacity to compute information on general-purpose computers grew at 88% per year.[65] Since then, technological change has clearly slowed down. In recent times, every new year allowed mankind to carry out roughly 60% of the computations that could have possibly been executed by all existing general-purpose computers before that year. This is still exponential, but shows the varying nature of technological innovation avenues." (Wikipedia)


(Picture from)

>> No.3853619
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i think we know where this is going

>> No.3853615

The end of the last ice ace, retard.

>> No.3853620
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>> No.3853622

>An ice age or, more precisely, glacial age, is a generic geological period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.

Dude, we're in an ice age.

>> No.3853626


this. The last ice age ended 10000 years ago and allowed tribes to become less nomadic, and civilisation to develop.


>> No.3853627

74000 years ago a supervolcano erupted. Only a few, may be less than 2000 Homo sapiens survived, obviusly the more skillfull.
Afther that you start to find fosil records of things as art, religiuos rites and developemnt in their tools

>> No.3853630


I mean a fully blown ice ace, right now we're at the pussy end of an ice age. So if you're going to be anal, then 10000 years ago wasn't when the last ice age ended but when the ice age was near enough to it's end to allow civiliation to develop.

>> No.3853634
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>implying such pointers of civilisation were found 74,000 years ago


>> No.3853636
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>sub-saharan africa still not progressing in anything by themselves (natives)
>no evidence of any inventions apart from a few spear heads
>By "coincidence" homosapiens with neandethal DNA have invented absolutely fucking everything, built the biggest shit in the world and put a flag in that dusty muthafcukin rock up there in space, also probe in mars.

Totally not racist

>> No.3853642

People started to move around and settle everywhere. This is a self-imposed selection mechanism for adaptation and flexibility.

It's also why modern high-tech society is based in temperate climates. There's a good balance between agricultural possibility to support large scale societies, and ball-freezing terrible shit weather that makes every man miserable and hunger for comfort that motivates innovation and improvement, combined with twelve feet of snow preventing you from leaving your house forces you to take a while and think about things.

>> No.3853650


Your points are right but your' conclusion isn't.

It's all about resources;
>ice ages ends
>Europe and Asia no longer covered in ice
>allows Homo sapiens from Africa to migrate north
>Homo sapiens that migrate find resources find incredible resources, build empires
>Homo sapiens that stayed in Africa find sticks and rocks, build mud huts

>> No.3853663
File: 63 KB, 600x659, 1313071632372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with that, statistically asians and whites have the higher IQs, and the tests of adopting an african and raising in a white family still indicate no change in IQ.

But whether you take IQ seriously or not isnt the point, as it shows a differential between the races and perhaps contributing factors. But africa has all the resources to build an empire, today its the richest in resources in the entire world.
They didnt even invent a boat brah

>> No.3853672

>But africa has all the resources to build an empire, today its the richest in resources in the entire world.

Referring to diamond?

Because they can totally dig miles under the ground and break apart diamonds with their bare hands.

That's really the only part I feel like disagreeing with you on though...

>> No.3853676


True i believe there are genetic differences in IQ and intelligence, I've seen the studies. But theres a fine argument in saying having the resources created a selective pressure for the ability to use them, meaning intelligence. There was a selective pressure within migrated Asians and Europeans to use there new found resources, whilst in Africa, an intelligent niglet wouldn't have as much as an advantage, but the fast/strong ones would.

But i agree that interbreeding with Neanderthals also played a part, the evidence is plain.

>> No.3853678

If you can't see the bias in the IQ tests being skewed towards whites (in this research setting), you're either a retard or a stormfag.
Even an adopted black kid gets stigmatized by society. There are societies other then the US. Turns out that the results in those countries are radically different. The relative difference shows that underperforming blacks in the US is caused by stigmatization, not by race.
I'm not saying that this implies that whites and blacks must therefore be equally intelligent, I'm just stating that almost all (if not all) researches in this issue are biased.
Also, this is why social sciences < real science (even biology).

>> No.3853696
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The ancient celts were extracting gold using tools and extraction methods.
The ancient greeks had a rotating pipe that drew water from out of the mines so the workers could dig further.
And the vikings redirected rivers so they could dig in certain spots.

There is no excuse mate, there is a genetic difference. and no its not just diamond, they are rich with fruit, vege, live stock and grain. But they are exporting that resource internationally for a price, and the locals obviously cant afford it as the majority are very conservative and tribal up to this day.

Dont get me wrong, but id rather sound racist than to delude myself into believing we are all equal and the africans just had it so hard when everyone had it so easy, because its not true.

>> No.3853710

You sound like someone who won a lottery, and then feels better then poor people. Because you have more money, you must've done something right. They could've done the same thing as you, and bought a winning ticket, right?

>> No.3853717

Gold is soft metal, it's not that fucking hard to extract with rudimentary tools. It's nothing at all like trying to extract diamond.

>> No.3853719


and yet Herman Cain is still richer and smarter than you are.

>> No.3853720

1:4:9 happened

>> No.3853729

>the africans just had it so hard when everyone had it so easy, because its not true.

It could actually be the opposite. They still have to this day the ability to live completely off foraging and hunting. Solid homes and lots of clothing are detrimental in the heat of Africa. They have no need to look for better ways of acquiring the resources they need.

>> No.3853773

This, plus GGS. Civilization is a mistake if you think about it. Today, 10,000 years after we first created it, we still don't know how to run it without corruption and inherit evil.

About blacks I don't care if they join the modern world and throw their genetics into the melting pot, I find them to have alot of creativity and health.

>> No.3853791

When you say civilization you clearly mean a ruling body (government/religion) which I can agree with.

>> No.3853792


The reason there's corruption and evil is because many great, honorable civilizations have failed to completely wipe out the treacherous snakes that are the jews.

>> No.3853795

Africa has plenty of gold too.

>> No.3853804

They never started digging in the ground, they had no need to so. Besides they wave their dicks by actually waving their dicks.

>> No.3853809

>There are societies other then the US. Turns out that the results in those countries are radically different.

[citation needed]

In b4 it turns out you're full of shit

>> No.3853821

Lol, you need a citation to see that there are societies outside of the US?

>> No.3853846
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Agriculture lead to large populations with free time, which allowed technological progress.

>> No.3853868


>assuming human evolution related to cognitive development didn't change within that 150,000 year time period

nb4 hate

I know, human beings DNA exist in a magical dimension where all evolution related to cognitive functioning, and cognitive functioning only, stopped 150,000 years ago, or all mutations for such were teleported by wormholes to every population despite genetic isolation and afterwards magically effected all groups in identical distributions despite difference in reproductive success or environment

>> No.3853871

God came down from heaven and gave us brainsmarts.

>> No.3853884

Awesome I lawled

>> No.3853898


What jews call oppression is nothing more than leaders of the most advanced civilizations and nations trying to end corruption and slavery of the people.

>> No.3854056


Yes, clearly that's the part I wanted a citation about. Thanks for confirming yourself as a retard.