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3845430 No.3845430 [Reply] [Original]

>PH.D in mathematics
>Any Quant Finance job I want
>300k starting


>> No.3845435

>get a PHD in the most beautiful subject around
>get a job using it in the most boring way around

>> No.3845433

What do you spend 300k a year on?

>> No.3845443


>> No.3845446


>> No.3845441
File: 176 KB, 640x427, Untitled-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in particle physics
>any lepton i want
>511KeV starting

>> No.3845449
File: 942 KB, 1353x3447, PhD Quant Jobs - QuantFinanceJobs.com_1317684980127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3845454
File: 45 KB, 330x357, 1317181961208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>700k a year
Why are people allowed to make this much money? If they make that much per year they must be making their company millions.

>You will never be worth millions of dollars to your employer

>> No.3845455

>implying neutrinos have more mass than that

>> No.3845456

yep, fuck physics

good thing i'm still in undergrad baby

>> No.3845470

>Thinking you're going to be smart enough to learn the material needed to become an expert in quantitative finance, one of the hardest most rigorous subjects to study, requires mastering computer programming, statistics, calculus, lin alg, economics etc.

>> No.3845464

neutrinos are for master's students so stfu

>> No.3845481
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>> No.3845483

Imagine the pressure of a job like that. One wrong move and you could lose your company millions. At that point they would kill you more likely than fire you.

>> No.3845488

Well, good thing we don't have to many people like you around because if we did nothing hard would ever get done.

>> No.3845489

>requires mastering computer programming, calculus
you lost all credibility

>> No.3845497

>requires mastering computer programming
i know six languages, have two favorites
both general and equilibrium/non-equilibrium statistical physics
babby math, already took RA and CA

>lin alg
took on the side at a community college during high school

haven't touched this one

>> No.3845499

>London - £600K
That's about $1m pa.
And you guys laughed at '$300k starting'!

>> No.3845525


Nah, you wouldn't get killed. At most you'd get sued, and that's if they can prove negligence. Chances are nobody else at the company understands your work, and so they can't prove shit.

On top of that, hedge fund managers and the like often make decisions in committee, since they are moving so much money trusting the decisions to one dude would be a horrible mistake. In other words, you are somewhat insulated from mistakes.

>> No.3845517

the reason I >>3845489 didn't mention statistics or linear algebra is because they actually are deep and complex fields. Calculus, in comparison, is pretty much by definition "analysis minus the hard parts". Of course, that doesn't mean economists actually need to know the subtleties of either of those fields - he probably means "able to find the inverse of a matrix in matlab"

>> No.3845516

It's not just about learning it. It's about knowing it so well that you can jumble it all together and apply it to the real world and disassemble it and reassemble it to pull out abstract ideas of it on command.

You faggots actually think shit like particle physics and other 'hard sciences' are so bees knees, but in reality shit like quant finance is way more complex. It's a dynamic world and you have to constantly stay on top of it to be able to succeed. There is no set formulas or reoccurring behavior

>> No.3845528

I was referring to elementary linear algebra, nothing beyond the complexity of that.

>> No.3845540

If you think it's so easy then go do it, faggots.

>> No.3845551

>lin alg took on the side at a community college during high school
Wow that is without a doubt the dumbest thing I have read all day. That is like a medical student telling his professors that he shouldn't have to read any physiology and anatomy at medical school because he did a course on these topics in his undergraduate years. Believe it or not there tends to be more to subjects than what is discussed in first year courses at community colleges.

>> No.3845554

I don't think its easy necessarily - just sooooo very boring

>> No.3845587

yet again, i refer to elementary, one semester-length linear algebra. nothing more complex in the field. again, i took it along with calc i -> iii as i had the opportunity and interest to do such. i'm in a uni now which accepted it as credit, so its all irrelevant in context nonetheless.

>> No.3845696
File: 284 KB, 411x379, panhandler3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> OP
> Only job he could get
> Gets to blow all the hobos he wants to.

>> No.3845771

>thinks making money matters when you have a hard job

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.3846399

>BS in Economics from Wharton
>Any IB job I want
>3 years of hell then $10 million in PE starting
Umad phdfags?

>> No.3846409

lol upenn fag, wharton is the mba stop leeching off the name

>> No.3846422

5 star post, op

>> No.3846448

I will bet $ 4.142+6.251i that in less than 12.5% of all parallel universes, OP is not a fag.

>> No.3846474

What I dont understand about Quant Finance is that, most experts say their models don't work, they don't have predictive powers with any sort of reasonable accuracy...a lot are disillusioned with the field (emanuel derman one of the first Quants)...

yet, there seems to be demand for Quants, and they still get paid a shit ton..

why, and how??

>> No.3846481
File: 31 KB, 495x134, Screen shot 2011-10-03 at 8.45.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a few stats courses
>this job
>800M after 2 years

>> No.3846486

>BS in finance
>job at oppenheimer investments
>150k + limitless bonuses based on performance starting

>> No.3846491


800M is the trading power of the hedge fund

>> No.3846500

you realize the firms income is 800m not the salary right

>> No.3846514


>introductory basis statistics 101 for retards
>this job
>8000B starting