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3845338 No.3845338 [Reply] [Original]


Does reincarnation exist?

Also, before you sage this post; let's also discuss possible proofs or counterexamples for the existence and smoothness of the Navier-Stokes Equations, or anything else relative to hard science or pure mathematics you'd like to discuss.

>> No.3845347

>Does reincarnation exist?
Insufficient data. Given the fact that births outpace deaths, highly unlikely.

Given that our consciousness is a product of physical factors, even more unlikely.

Sage, because FUCK YOU.

>> No.3845355

You didn't even watch the video, man. Smoke some weed, get laid, relax, do something.

>> No.3845365

When you ask a question that requires weed to analyze properly, you're wrong.

>> No.3845366

Turbulence usually occurs below a Reynold's numbers of 3000. It causes increased energy loss (as heat), more drag (on the moving body), and generates sound wave (noise).

He's out there, man <3

>> No.3845375

Well, obviously you're not an Andy Kaufman fan.

>> No.3845381

Well, yes, of course, but how do we discretely or exactly explain the phenomenon of turbulence

>> No.3845385


the universe knows how to incarnate you

whats stopping it from doing it again? God?

lol...no sorry, nothing can stop it from doing it again...

you might get reincarnated as something horrible, oh well

theists: 0
atheist getting reincarnated: 1

>> No.3845389

Also, I don't believe in reincarnation, it was just a striking resemblance, in mannerisms and facial structure, I noticed, and it's freaking me out, man.

>> No.3845398

Well, I'm no expert in mathematics, but some sort of stochastic quantifier of some sort, I reckon.

>> No.3845402


>> No.3845408

Stochastic quantifier just sounds outright contradictory, I'm sorry.

>> No.3845412

the video says nothing of reincarnation.nevermind providing proof

>> No.3845415


Lighten up, geez.

>> No.3845416

chances of the shape equaling your mind in a different physical form are slim to say the least

>> No.3845423

resemblance to WHAT

>> No.3845431

the guy in the video looks like andy kaufman ? Are you mental?

>> No.3845429


we don't know what the chances are, it might be a necessary feature of the universe to recreate minds, it might never do it, we dont know

but it did it once, so it has the tools to do it again, what the probability is, is unknown

given infinite time, it should happen again, forever...

>> No.3845425

Andy Kaufman, hence the picture.

>> No.3845437

Yeah, look at how he carries himself, his facial expressions, and his eyes, especially.

>> No.3845444

>it might be a necessary feature of the universe to recreate minds

it has never happened before, or least we have no evidence for it. Why would we live our lives assuming something to be true when there absolutely reason to do so?

the chances of it happening are the same chances of any other potentiality

dont see it but, dont worry, i see resemblances in people that others dont see as well.

>> No.3845461

> Why would we live our lives assuming something to be true when there absolutely reason to do so?

There being absolutely no reason to do so is you assuming something to be true with absolutely no reason to do so.

>> No.3845469


how about the chances of it happening again are the same chances that it happened at all...

you can't figure out the probability, there is nothing stopping the universe from recycling minds indefinitely.

Not you or your God.

>> No.3845472


if you have to live until you are perfect, you will live endless lives never being perfect

if you could be perfect, someone would already have been perfect

it's a lie; there is no second chance

this is it

>> No.3845474

OP suggests talking about Fluid Dynamics alternatively, argue about reincarnation instead.

Stay classy, /sci/

>> No.3845486

> if you could be perfect, someone would already have been perfect

What's perfect? Only absolute nothingness is perfect. For every thing that exists, the opposite of it exists to bring it back to nothingness.

>> No.3845498

okay give me a reason


No the chances of it happening are the same as any other stoner hypothesis. In short, I don't care.

>> No.3845503

ITT: Wikipedia Buddhists

>> No.3845514

It was your assumption not mine. I only make assumptions with supporting reasons.

>> No.3845561

what you said was either alie or a simple tautology.

there is no reason to believe it. So i don't. the fact that I see no reason to believe is not me assuming something with no reason to do so. Mostly because I am not actually assuming anything at all. I'm not assuming it's true, I'm not assuming it's false. also the fact that i see no reason to believe at present cancels out the 'no reason to believe the assumption that there's no reason to believe it' bullshit you just said.

>> No.3845570
File: 20 KB, 240x230, 1289459767298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, mate.

>> No.3845574

Assuming something is false is assuming its converse is true. You're still assuming something is true without a reason to do so.

>> No.3845585

>Assuming something is false is assuming it's converse is true
Eh... no.

I didn't assume it's false though. I just said I don't have reason to believe it's not false. Give me a reason and I'll believe it's true

>> No.3845610

>Assuming something is false is assuming its converse is true.

That would mean that if I assumed reincarnation was false, i would also be assuming it's converse (reincarnation between true) is true.

wow talk about conflicted