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3844327 No.3844327 [Reply] [Original]

So, there is no doubt that there are flying objects, able to travel at various velocities, with unknown origin.
[citations ahead:]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkEUWcox2WA -ufo hovering over chile military base
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hObI12DD3-Y - washington incident
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MQVox6MkLg UK UFO decalssified reports (radar confirmed)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=273jcsMQu3M UFO shot down missiles
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNObDdZPsY8 Hessdalen lights

And on and on. So it leaves us with very few plausible explanations

1. Man made crafts
2. Man made crafts from future
3. Alien crafts

1. It means that we have technology to defy gravity, very good power source, frequent flights beyond LEO, and all of this is kept hidden, probably because of crude oil, or riots/damage that could be done with it in wrong hands. That means we are kept in the dark and will be until they decide to release it

2. We dont know how can time travel be possible, but if it is, its certainly interesting idea

3. Well you know the story, we are visited by aliens !! And maybe we have been even contacted...

Presence of these crafts is irrefutable, so are the outcomes, overcome your butthurt /sci/ and accept that we are either puppets for our governments or puppets for the aliens

>> No.3844343

OR the more plausible non /x/ explanation:

4. Objects in the sky misidentified as crafts.

>> No.3844353

radar confirmed, in formations, destroying missiles.. sure, riiight...

have you even looked at the links ?

>> No.3844365

You are arguing with atheistic edgy teens from /sci/ who think if something can't be reasonably explained in ways that suit their personal godless world views it obviously cannot exist. Even if evidence proves them wrong, it cannot exist.

>> No.3844371

phoenix lights were a military test operation that was suppose to be classified, but they didn't do a very good job keeping it secret.

the chilean one was a smoke burst from a military cannon, anti air flak makes can make such a patern

the washington one was a reconstruction of the event, there were only a few stills taken of the actual incident

radar malfunction explains the 4th

military testing explains the 5th, the military commonly tests weapons and claims it was a ufo to keep their weapons secret

hessdalen lights are just meteors burning in the atmothspere

>> No.3844376

>have you even looked at the links ?
I did. It's all your standard blurry images that doesn't mean shit. Until you have an artifact of some sort that the scientific cannot make heads or tails of, your hypothesis is unnecessarily complicated.

>radar confirmed, in formations, destroying missiles.. sure, riiight...
System failure is infinitly more probable than any of your explanations.

>> No.3844381

What evidence? All I see is blurry youtube videos.

>> No.3844383

Yup, we're all a bunch of faggots.
Now GTFO to

>> No.3844388

op, it can usually be explained by an incredibly more plausible explanation. Science can't rely on shady stories by fame grabbers, or amateur video.

>> No.3844401

Well as I am atheistic myself, I have no problem with that godless thingy, my problem is absolute denial of UFO phenomenon.

[citation needed] - so they chose to fly over populated areas and then deny it ?

washington where it was again radar confirmed, thousands people confirmed ?

meteors creating plasma and moving in not a straight line ?

blurry images for a fact of clearly visible object, hovering and flying, radar confirmed, which happens to be a swamp gas, with radar malfunction...

Depends on how you use Occam's razor, alien life is highly probable, as well as means to travel in short time across universe. As well as military cover-up

>> No.3844412
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Just some secret army projects that aren't that good.
>Make super stealth plane
>Get detected by amateurs
Pic related.
Jet engine bi plane.
Weird shit

>> No.3844431

It's a cropduster btw.
Usable for grain, carrots, potatoes, and capitalists.

>> No.3844442

There are indeed more then enough non-blurry images.

However there is a line where most people call a photo too good to be true, and are dismissed as a fakes, even though they cant be confirmed as a fake, but implications are too great for simple photo to prove.

So even if I put here thousands of images of saucers, all can be claimed as a hoax, even though we have no means to prove they aren't.

These planes however, should be reported on radar with ID, and nobody lets unidentified planes to fly through their airspace.

>> No.3844443

>alien life is highly probable
We don't know that but sure.

>as well as means to travel in short time across universe.
We have NO IDEA if that's even POSSIBLE. How can you say that it's probable?

>As well as military cover-up
Of what? I can see the military keeping technology secret. But aliens? Why the hell would they? And if they wanted to, HOW would they do it? They'd have to cooperate with militaries in every coutry in the world. Not likely.

>> No.3844449

It's the army bro.

>> No.3844455

no, no, and no.

>> No.3844459

Dude, I would LOVE to be wrong. Aliens have visited us? That would be AWESOME! Thing is, given how easy photographs are faked these days, you'd need an ARTIFACT to prove anything.

>> No.3844488

explanation then ? Again swamp gas with radar malfunction ?

Well we know space can be bent, with enough energy, which matter/antimatter annihilation can provide, which we know is possible to harness, you can put those two things together.

As for cover up, military coverup of technology so advance it would make oil, cars, and every other current source of energy and transportation obsolete could have good as well as catastrophic outcome, given the idea it could be used as a weapon.

Alien cover up... well you know the prime directive...

If we accept the idea of alien visitation, and if we accept that all those claims of hundreds retired high ranking officers are not made up, all physical evidence would be confiskated, and everything we can get would be only those claims, some papers, and some videos.

We have all of it. We even have video of grey alien interrogation, although it falls into category too good to be true, even though we cant prove its fake

>> No.3844531
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>> No.3844540

>and everything we can get would be only those claims, some papers, and some videos.

>We have all of it.

And all of it is utterly useless. Sorry, but if the conspirators are competent enough to destroy all evidence, they win.

>> No.3844584

even though statistic is on my side.

Even one of those hundreds of thousands sightings and indirect evidence is true, it means that either we have key to utopia in our hands, or we are visited by aliens

>> No.3844601

>hundreds of thousands sightings
Eyewitness testimony is worthless to a scientist.

>indirect evidence
What evidence would that be?

>> No.3844618

photos, documents, testimonies, instruments readings (radar, spectrograph...)

Still, statistic, one sighting that is not a weather balloon but a hovering military/alien craft able to go from zero to several machs in split second proves more than first look can tell

>> No.3844622

Before Osama was killed nobody knew about that quiet helicopter they used to bring in the Seals.

So, yeah...

I'd LOVE for us to have been visited by aliens. I just don't see any really hard evidence for it. Believe me though, I really hope I do in my lifetime.

>> No.3844629

>craft able to go from zero to several machs in split second

Most likely explanation: sensor malfunction.
2nd most likely: military decoy tech.

>> No.3844648

Its not only on radar, its in many videos and many sightings, very rapid movements of and flying object...

>> No.3844660

didnt even read the thread but what the FUCK is the thing in ops pic

>> No.3844666

>videos and many sightings
To judge how fast something is accelerating or moving, you must know its distance. Which is impossible to tell without radar or laser tracking.

>> No.3844685


why would aliens come all this way, and not make proper contact, so much bullshit

>> No.3844689


First of all, OP is making a huge logical error in the assumption that all unknown things have the same explanation.

Anyway, of course I can't personally explain every mysterious thing in the sky. Long experience has taught me that most seemingly fantastic mysteries have mundane explanations. I expect those things do also, though I don't pretend to know what they are. I remain open-minded and highly skeptical, which contrary to kooks' popular opinion are complementary stances, not opposing ones.

(obligatory Qualia Soup video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T69TOuqaqXI))

>It means that we have technology to defy gravity, very good power source, frequent flights beyond LEO, and all of this is kept hidden, probably because of crude oil, or riots/damage that could be done with it in wrong hands.

I wouldn't say it means any of that. First, again, don't conflate different phenomenon. Second, if something is observed that seems highly improbable, it is always more likely that the observation is flawed, than that the improbable is happening. Third we DO have the technology to "defy gravity." Several different technologies, in fact, if all you mean by that is flying craft. Fourth, OF COURSE there are things that are kept hidden, though they are almost certainly not as fantastic as you imagine. Fifth, I really don't see how an advanced aircraft would cause riots, or how (or why) oil companies could keep such things secret (I assume that's what you mean by "because of crude oil").

>> No.3844697 [DELETED] 

+1 for qualiasoup

>> No.3844866

I do not claim all these UFO are caused by same phenomena, but if you put all those believable cases together, you get a picture.
The flying craft that is on radar, and destroys a missile with a fucking beam observed by military personnel brings some shadow on our skepticism.
They dont even had to provide us with this story, nobody would now some missiles got destroyed.

Let me put you in to a picture what would happen if they would release a technology for cheap energy and cheap way of travel.

What would you do if you knew your car, your power plant in your town, would become obsolete ? They would say we have the technology, fully developed, to replace every car and every energy source with something 20 times better at 20 times lower price.

Would you buy a new car ? Would you buy something that would just got twenty times better for cheap ?

We know that there are states which rely on manufacturing one type of product, or get most money of crude oil, or are Dependant on natural resources, which become obsolete from day to day.

Nobody buys oil, nobody buys cars, nobody buys new planes, everybody is waiting. So we have Russia with no money, USA with no oil money, middle east poor again, states which rely on car making and such collapse, everybody is in debt, hyperinflation occurs, mass riots, big unemployment, sudden technological jump causes a monopoly of certain companies, while other bankrupt, more unemployment, anarchy, chaos...

>> No.3844869

Lets make things worse, the aliens do exist and they were keeping records of our history. No Jesus, no Krishna, Muhammad was just tripping ballz, maybe they were even our long forgotten gods. There are very few atheists on this planet. All butthurt religiousfag nations collapse, more anarchy, more chaos... and those are only direct implications...

Many conspiracy theories say that this inflation spiral was created to bring the world on verge of collapse, and then unite us under socialism, where these new technologies could be presented, and make this world a paradise...

A man can only dream...

>> No.3844899
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Oh crap, I didn't activate the TARDIS cloaking mechanism.

>> No.3844923

>but if you put all those believable cases together, you get a picture.

But you shouldn't. That's the same thing as a God of the Gaps argument.

>Let me put you in to a picture what would happen if they would release a technology for cheap energy and cheap way of travel

That picture is completely inaccurate. If such a thing were to exist, it would create a massive economic stimulus, not a crash. Spending resources to create something literally useless "for the economy" is just the Broken Window Fallacy, and even idiots in government know it.

>> No.3844964

Look, I have brought enough cases that cannot be explained by system malfunction and someone eating too much magic mushrooms. There are more reasons to accept military technology or alien visitation than to create overly complicated theories of why something is dancing around a missile and shoots it down.

And you certainly dont know how our current economy works. It does not work for people, it does not work logically. You put a technology jump to the world, you get a situation when they introduced machines in to the manufacture. Workers burned down machines and blackmailed the employers. Rioted because the machines took their job.

This jump would cause multibillionairse to have no further income, this patent web would implode, there is simply too much money and we are too conservative...

>> No.3844992

Man made crafts from future


>> No.3844996

why would you want to make contact with our species?

if anything we'd be a horrible influence

>> No.3845008

>It means that we have technology to defy gravity

Welcome to 1903, please enjoy your stay.

>> No.3845013

>confirmed for edgy teenager

>> No.3845026

we have got FTL particles, cmon !

>> No.3845063
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