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3842384 No.3842384 [Reply] [Original]

I find it amazing that proponents who argue that the whole 'alpha male beta male' pecking order is over simplifying humanity, and yet these same people aren't competitive at contact sports, nor do they have good looking girlfriends. Thoughts?

>> No.3842408

>Alphas and betas.
It's a generalisation, obviously.

For it to be anything more, you have to quantify something, e.g. come up with a measurement of "alphaness" or "betaness".

>Number of girlfriends
>Number of kisses from random women
>Longest period of time spent in the wilderness armed with only a toothpick
>do you use the urinal or cubicle in a public bathroom

>> No.3842419


>> No.3842424

>Longest period of time spent in the wilderness armed with only a toothpick

To be honest this is the kind of petty stuff that I believe was written out of your personal frustration. It's also illogical to quantify Alphaness and Betaness. Some people are threatening (Alphas), others learn to become manipulative (Betas).

Denial is a very predictable human response. You do not want to be seen as the bottom rung of the pecking order, and will thus will be quick to write off all scientific evidence against Alpha and Beta humans, when it has been self evident with other animals.

>> No.3842428

Most of those who could actually be defined as alphas have never heard of the term "alpha male".

>> No.3842443

The point I was making, was that "alpha" and "beta" are broad concepts, so if you want to use these terms you need to define what you are measuring.

>Some people are threatening (Alphas), others learn to become manipulative (Betas).

How do you measure "theatening".

Remember: this is /sci/.

>> No.3842444

Threatening and manipulative? Wtf that is not the definition of those terms.

>> No.3842464

See that's a common misconception. Obviously you haven't spent much time conversing with Alpha Males so you quietly judge them. The truth is a lot of Alpha Males are actually pretty smart. They're just too busy thinking about their dicks to care about pursuing scientific achievements. Most of them either have a trade or work in business (both jobs highly paid and need to work hard for survival). Just because they know they are Alpha males, doesn't necessarily mean they care and they want to discuss it with people on /sci/.

>> No.3842478

Alpha Males are threatening because they have confidence they can dominate the situation by being aggressive.

Beta males are manipulative because they are not confident and resort to passive aggressive tactics

>> No.3842484

OP seems angry about something, I'm not sure what.

>> No.3842487


>> No.3842491

Nah its all bullshit, just be a confident cocky asshole and your alpha anyone can just stop giving a fuck.

Feel like your a beta? Stop giving a fuck and just go get any cute girls number that walks past you, some dude laughs at you just punch him.

Any fucker can do this, as soon as you stop giving a fuck and realise your going to die so just do what the fuck ever, you become alpha

>> No.3842509

>implying women will not smell your beta ass a mile away
>implying punching the guy isn't going to make you look like a freak
>implying you have ever 'faked it to make it' successfully.

>> No.3842519
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>Some people are threatening (Alphas), others learn to become manipulative (Betas).

If im threatening someone because i know theyll succumb doesnt it then become manipulation anyway?

>> No.3842527
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Enjoy being beta brah, feel free at any time to stop giving a shit

>> No.3842533

You do not understand the Alpha Male psyche. It's hard to explain to a beta so I'll try my best. Basically alpha males do not care if they succumb, whereas for a Beta ass like yourself, it means everything to twist the situation in your favour. An Alpha male will move on, a Beta cannot let go

>> No.3842540


Sure is beta in denial here

>> No.3842545

says the most beta dude of all

>> No.3842546
File: 94 KB, 325x267, thatshilarious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you take yourself for an alpha, since you were so quick to label me beta after reading a hypothetical situation.

>> No.3842560
File: 37 KB, 412x416, 1314201084319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible for a skinny nothing to be too alpha for his own good? no. A skinny nothing will not go up to a jacked guy and try and be aggressive, no one has ever done this to me unless they were my size also, he would go "beta" as you put it, therefore the whole alpha/beta/omega thing is bullshit.

There is a reason big strong guys are aggressive, because we can be, he knows hes big and strong, its my mentality when im drunk, i do what i like and often end up nicked.

>> No.3842563

>herp herp u beta , me alpha
>derp derp I alpha , u beta
>herp derp
alpha men are busy making the world a better place, while betas sit on 4chan

now it doesn't mean it's too late to become alpha

>> No.3842565

extreme neckbeard detected

>> No.3842571
File: 73 KB, 600x750, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if alphas make the world a better place, while all the betas are on 4chan...does this make moot alpha or beta?

>> No.3842573

>i shave every day

>> No.3842582

Why do you talk about alphas so much? I think it's obvious you're not an alpha, so just answer.

inb4 "lol ur a beta"

>> No.3843111

ITT: betas gonna beta