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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3842054 No.3842054 [Reply] [Original]

I think that women, in general, tend to be more dense then men. A lot of women that I know are not only stupid but have reprehensible personalities. Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like appearances and will be straightforward... and a significant majority of smart people that I know tend to be men.

>> No.3842068

Society programs women, from birth, to think that the only thing that matters is for men to find them attractive. Don't act surprised when most women only care about making themselves attractive to men.

>> No.3842069

because if you're attractive you don't need to do anything to succeed at life (reproduce)

if you're not, you have to be "smart" to gain money or other social status

>> No.3842097

Men who dont care about their appearance are fucking disgusting

>> No.3842100

the vast majority of a mans apperance is innate genetics and can't be changed

>> No.3842105
File: 199 KB, 550x510, robert de niro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that women, in general, tend to be more dense then men

>A lot of women that I know are not only stupid but have reprehensible personalities
Anecdotal evidence. Irrelevant.

>Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like appearances

> and a significant majority of smart people that I know tend to be men
...More anecdotal evidence.

So what was the point of this post, anon? Why have you wasted our time?

>> No.3842159

God dammit. this thread is so fucking stupid.

>> No.3844652


what you mean is.. you are a fat nerd who can't get laid.
guess what: nobody gives a shit.

>> No.3844655

>14 hour bump
>nobody gives a shit

choose one

>> No.3844659


>implying I don't bump things off page 15 deliberately

U Mad?

>> No.3844662


Oh the lul.

and OP I think the first comment said it all.


This is here makes a lot of sense.

>> No.3844665

Thanks for doing so. This is one out of three threads on page 0 which I haven't hidden yet.

>> No.3844669

society doesn't expect them to be smart. so they aren't. they adapt to survive. it's all evolution, baby!

>> No.3844673
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Obligatory post in a misogyny thread.

>> No.3844681
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mysogony thread yay

>> No.3844683



You know, instead of negating his general claims you should actually give them some consideration. In general, especially in the United States, I agree with this statement. I don't think it is a trait that is inherent in Women, obviously. I think the behavior is better described by this Anon: >>3842068

If something offends you don't disregard/negate it. Give it some consideration and look for the deeper meaning.

>> No.3844703


how can you know bits false that he thinks that?

>> No.3844706 [DELETED] 


>> No.3844712
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>> No.3844713

You don't need to be embarrassed for being a whore. Just make money with it.

>> No.3844715


Just out of curiosity, how much does the attention that you get from /sci/ satisfy you? Is it enough to cover the empty hole left by your daddy issues?

>> No.3844717

You don't know shit.

I (male) am affiliated (infiltrated) two feminist organizations (foundation and anti-trafficking) in two countries and still don't know shit.

>> No.3844735

>"Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like appearances"
>OP pic is blatant sex object valued solely for appearances

Cute. 2/10

>> No.3844749


OP meant "Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like their appearances"

>> No.3844755
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And the "Completely missed the point" award goes to... this anon.

>> No.3844757

somewhat right

Men and women get roughly equally rewarded for knowledge. Men and women both tend to get punished at about equal rates (both from the Ogre "NEEEEEEERRRDDDDD!!!!!" type of people) but in slightly different ways. Women get ostracized, men get violently abused.

What's different is our cultural reward system. If a girl pretties herself up and dresses slutty, she's showered with attention and praise. That doesn't work for guys. Women in the US can either work really really hard to get skilled and intelligent, or they can put on makeup. Generally the makeup gets them more money and prizes and gifts and blah blah blah.

What feminists refuse to realize is that the drive for all of man's behavior is to obtain a woman, and that women are the ones who have the inherent power of their gender. They only frame things from their perspective, where they're looked down on for being ugly but smart, and they can't fathom that guys get the shit kicked out of them for expressing emotions, and are ostracized as "fags" and "players" if they try to look nice.

>> No.3844791
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>Society programs women, from birth, to think that the only thing that matters is for men to find them attractive. Don't act surprised when most women only care about making themselves attractive to men.

Because good looks and youth are what mainly determine the reproductive value of a woman. They signal both fertility and genetic health.
A woman's attractiveness fades in tandem with her fertility. This would be more apparent were it not for makeup and various products that delay and obscure aging.

A woman's fertility start to decline when she hits 20.

>> No.3844800

You're an idiot, OP.
That's all I'm going to bother saying

>> No.3844809
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>Because good looks and youth are what mainly determine the reproductive value of a woman.

Speak for your self

>> No.3844812

This Anon is correct. Women aren't stupider than men, but they are bombarded from an early age to always be preoccupied with their appearance and attractiveness. Often with conflicting imagery. Be a smart, independent, career woman but at the same time be submissive, an object of desire, a doting mother, a stay at home wife etc.
In dealing with the nude in art history, John Berger writes pretty well on this that: "Men watch women, while women watch themselves being watched". Not even just being watched by men, but also probably by other women too. It's a product of their environment.

>> No.3844818

Don't forget two things: mate attraction and selection bias. The first is relevant in that you will pay attention to the women who are attractive and spend more effort on that - so predictably the women who are less intellectually motivated. The second is that you see what you expect to see; every time you see a woman being dumb, you mark that down to women being generally dumb. You will also see the attention-seeking women more, because they are seeking attention. The quiet ones are more likely to be intellectual, in exact parallel with the male division between jocks and geeks. In the same way that geeks try desperately to be more masculine to compete with jocks, quieter or smarter girls try desperately to be more feminine and girly to compete with the cheerleaders and other attention-seekers.

The fact is that society expects different things of men and women, and particularly during teenage people play to those expectations as part of mate-finding or preparation for it.

Genetically there is nothing in the Y chromosome that would make women less smart, so any actual bias is likely to be societal rather than genetic in origin, meaning they are not less smart, rather they have been educated differently.

>> No.3844827

theres never been a woman world champ at chess and fucktons of bitches play that sport,

they are a lot better than blacks at the game though so thats something, theres only ever been 1 black grandmaster, theres tonnes of bitch grandmasters

>> No.3844841
File: 182 KB, 1600x1263, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and a significant majority of smart people that I know tend to be men.

It's a well known fact that the more hard science the field is the less women you have in the field. Inside the fields you have the fraction of women drop off even further when the demands increase. It's not a secret that the cream crop of mathematicians or physicists are dominantly male.

These are fields where achievement can be more objectively measured than in the soft sciences where you have more women, so don't give me any bullshit about unfair treatment.

The math gap in SAT tests has persisted. There are innate differences in men and women.

>> No.3844846


theres no reason to equate math with intelligence and the fact you do makes you a misogynist

>> No.3844849
File: 99 KB, 400x314, 1287515811860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to read OP's post and the next.
This :
is observation. Statistics say this one and therefor it is true.

is its imaginary counterpart. You can see the statistics and use it as a bad proof of the contrary and use false logic to connect those to in order to make yourself and enough people believe that what you cannot possibly prove is true.

This is basically the classic clash. Lemme make this short. Don't be sexist, bitches hate that and you gon' stay virgins.

>> No.3844851

That's the evolutionary basis for attraction. You can twist it around but that's the framework with which you have to work with.

If you find a culture in which a woman's desirability among men increases with more age and ugliness, give me call.

>> No.3844856

I think you're the problem if you think succeeding at life is reproducing.

>> No.3844863

Read "Gender Trouble," by Judith Butler, and then come back and talk about this.

>> No.3844870

>women not stupider than men

Then why do women do so shit at the international maths olympiad, the international maths competition for highschool students?

Since the IMO began 60 years ago, only 800 female students have been good enough to qualify for the competition

whereas there have been over 10000 students participating in total

In any given year, most countries will not be able to find a single girl good enough to get on their team of 6.

>only 4 girls in the top 100 contestants

Furthermore, teh fact that the IMO is an international competition with countries competing all over the world invalidates the excuse that female shittiness at maths is due to social attitudes, since we can see that even countries like Sweden and Norway, whose education systems dogmatically hold the belief that males and females are mentally equal in every way, such that they even discourage kindergarten teachers from using gendered pronouns, typically struggle to find to a single girl good enough to get on their team of 6, and rarely find more than one girl good enough, if that.

Females possess a lower mean ability for the logical, rational reasoning required for mathematics, as well as physical sciences and technology (both also fields that women are not as good at so work in less frequently than men).

>> No.3844871

OP only posted anecdotal evidence, though. Personal experience. Maybe only dumb women are willing to hang out with OP.

>> No.3844872

>female author

cool a whole book of female woes and how the man keeps the sisters down

no thx

>> No.3844879

But it's not even about that, and in fact criticizes a lot of the ideas of third wave feminism.

>> No.3844881


since when does math equate to intelligence, thats just an opinion, mostly spouted by people who do math to feel superior

>> No.3844900
File: 99 KB, 600x401, 075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres no reason to equate math with intelligence and the fact you do makes you a misogynist

That was fucking rich.

>> No.3844903
File: 34 KB, 810x1080, 15_seconds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like appearances and will be straightforward.
read: I don't know how to dress and act around women

>smart people that I know tend to be men.
read: people that I know tend to be men

The first one leads directly to the second, which leads directly into the worst sin in /sci/entologists these days.
Observational Bias.

>> No.3844904

Math forms the very rules and truths of the universe. Nothing else does. Everything else is a subjective waste of time. Have dinner ready by 6.

>> No.3844911

>that something is subjective automatically means that thing is a waste of time

>> No.3844919

Better get cooking, 6 o'clock is almost round the corner.

>> No.3844924

Women have sexual value and life on easy mode. They don't have the internal or external motivations to become wizards even if they are just as good on math tests and the like. I'm not going to get into it much more than that. If you disagree, you are mad and should try to deal with it.

>> No.3844926

I'm in a time zone where it's already 6:01.

>> No.3844928

>Many posters put forth the opinion men are smarter than woman
>post sat scores etc as 'proof'
>sci is down with this

>solitary poster puts forth opinion that whites are smarter than blacks
>posts iq scores as 'proof'
>RAWR RAWR racist gtfo ban ban ban

stay classy guys,
might come back in 30 years, maybe then it won't be cool to hate on woman

>> No.3844930

Shit your late!!!

>> No.3844937

I always thought it hilarious that some feminists go as far as to say that math and science are sexist because women have different ways of determining truth and finding evidence, ie. saying whatever makes them feel good is right.

>> No.3844939

>maybe then it won't be cool to hate on woman
It will be because /sci/ will still be whiny neckbeard virgins. Only instead of being 20, they'll be 50 and still living in their parents' houses having gotten falsely diagnosed with depression so they can get bigger welfare checks.

>> No.3844941
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"School Continental philosophy, Third-wave feminism, Critical theory, Queer theory, Postmodernism, Post-structuralism"

"Notable ideas Sex and gender as social construction, Gender performativity"

I'd rather not dear anon. Who the fuck made her an expert and on what basis? This philosophical bullshit is so wonderful. Some dolts write stuff on paper and don't even try to be scientific about it.

These people don't understand how badly our modern understanding of biology and human nature undermine their schools of thought.

>> No.3844943

You're. The word is "you're." It's a contraction of "you" and "are."

Are all men this bad at English?

>> No.3844947

>the logical, rational reasoning required for mathematics,

"Yeah we women are every bit as intelligent as men, we just aren't as good at logical, rational reasoning"

Deal with it, cunt.

>> No.3844951

>These people don't understand how badly our modern understanding of biology and human nature undermine their schools of thought.
>human nature
This is a loaded term that means "whatever model I want to shove people into that would support my opinions."

And she doesn't even argue that women are, on average, as good at math, for example, as men.

>> No.3844954

Hey now...

>> No.3844955

Let's say, hypothetically, that the average woman has an IQ that's ten points lower than the average man. Just to play devil's advocate.

That's still a far different thing than saying intelligent women don't exist.

>> No.3844962

I'm just screwing around. I know /sci/ is full of sexists, and I know that not everyone on /sci/ is a misogynist. Hell, I hang out on here all the time and I'm a woman.

>> No.3844972
File: 38 KB, 650x658, 1317112470233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>theres no reason to equate math with intelligence and the fact you do makes you a misogynist

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.3844987

I'd have to do no more than bat my eyelids and smile and I'd have any one of you at my beck and call

>> No.3844988

That's what I like to hear!

>> No.3844995

>theres no reason to equate math with intelligence and the fact you do makes you a misogynist
I agree that there's no reason to EQUATE the two, but I think you were implying there's no reason to say there's any correlation.

If that's what you were implying, then you're an idiot.

And I'm a chick.

>> No.3844997

Facts are not misogynistic. Somehow i just know that this "achievement gap" will lead to more affirmative action.

Curiously almost no one gives a shit that boys are a minority in many fields all they care about is stamping out the last vestige of male tyranny! I'm sick and tired of all this third wave feminism and political correctness.

>> No.3845001

>you will never be a girl and able to do that

>> No.3845019

>Facts are not misogynistic. Somehow i just know that this "achievement gap" will lead to more affirmative action.
I don't think facts are misogynistic. I think that women should be given equal chances to men, but not greater chances. Fuck affirmative action.
>Curiously almost no one gives a shit that boys are a minority in many fields all they care about is stamping out the last vestige of male tyranny! I'm sick and tired of all this third wave feminism and political correctness.
"Feminism" is a really, really broad term. But 90% of the "feminists" with blogs aren't feminists at all. Just angry assholes who want an excuse to hate men. Earlier I suggested Judith Butler. I still recommend her. Even people who say they "hate feminists" have told me she's the one feminist writer they like.

>> No.3845025


I was saying just because John is better at math than Jane does not mean he is more intelligent.

>> No.3845032

Probably because she's really an egalitarian rather than a feminist.

>> No.3845035


no girls on the internet, more sexism, srsly have you no shame

>> No.3845044

In fairness feminism was and is one of the most important , needed, and successful social movements of the last 100 years, it has made the USA a better place

>> No.3845045

Don't come to 4chan expecting shame

>> No.3845047

I can see that, since she does also include sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

Queer theory isn't feminism; it just builds on it.

>> No.3845051

I seem to recall reading quite a few articles from comprehensive studies showing that men in fact do have more white matter than women, but the guy who conducted the studies got fired or something because the institution got a LOT of negative attention as a result of their "misogynistic" research.

Nowadays one is only allowed to conduct research on things that puts women in a good light and men in a bad light. Such as: "How many percentage of men are rapists in comparison with women" etc.

>> No.3845054

If it weren't for MEN inventing the birth control pill for you bitches we might still have a society where the women weren't all lewd, shameless, undignified whores.

>> No.3845057


>Why have you wasted our time?

What do you call being on this site, dipshit?

>> No.3845059


So it's the research that puts men in a bad light, and not the men raping errybody.


>> No.3845062

>I seem to recall x study
>doesn't link to study
>proceeds to make an assertion with that study as a premise

I don't believe you.

>> No.3845066

>men don't care about unimportant things like appearances

Oh... is that why >>>/s/ is full of people discussing how lovely the personalities of the girls they post are?

>> No.3845075


he meant their own appearance rtard

>> No.3845080

Is that why >>/fit/ and >>/fa/ exist?

>caring about other people's appearances is important
>caring about yours is not

>> No.3845093


He used a bad example but he's right. The broader scientific community does not allow you to arrive at results that make women or minorities look bad.

You have to make white men look bad.

>> No.3845108 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 860x992, 1316375885133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People claiming men being smarter than women is an anecdote
>mfw its true at my school.

>> No.3845118

do you know where they get the numbers for the "wage gap"? They compare weekly/monthly/yearly earnings.

When they compare hourly wages (or salaries for workers with the same education/experience and job) they find no discrepancy. However, when you look at pay period earnings, the fact that men work more overtime, men are more willing to travel for a better paying job, and men are more willing to work in dangerous conditions for better pay, as well as the fact that men are less likely to take long periods of time away from the workforce, men earn more.

Damn near every feminist study in the US has a very heavy anti-male bias, and yet feminism is seen as a holistic gender rights movement.

>> No.3845122

It doesn't bother me if guys are smarter than me, as long as they use the smarts to earn money i can shop with

>> No.3845123

Why is anecdotal evidence bad, anyway? I used anecdotal evidence one and it worked

>> No.3845125


>> No.3845133

Woman here. Shut the fuck up.

I don't care if a man is smarter than me. I don't care if a woman is smarter than me. I care when a man assumes he's smarter than me just because he's a man. If we're going to continue to use standardized tests as an example, I scored a 2030 on the SAT. Yes, women probably scored lower on average than men, but I scored well above the average man's score.

tl;dr don't use statistical tendencies as an excuse to generalize

>> No.3845134
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There's so much of this on 4 chan, it kills me. That's because most of the channers posting statements like that are underaged Socialist fags who don't understand how the real world works.

Most common response to your statement?

"Well I'm too tired to find the study but bla blablashitflyingoutofmymouthidontevenbelieveinthisshitbutitmakesmefeelbetterdoingsoandtheendsjustify

Give a source to your claim, and one that's NOT an article from a journalist giving their bullshit opinion either! That doesn't fly in the real world, it won't fly with us either.

Normative Statements =/= Studies and reserch

>> No.3845135

Not saying its bad, just pointing out that its true.
I honestly have only met 8-10 girls that were actually smart. Most of them drown themselves in studying.

>> No.3845140

Oh... you were serious...

My post was a joke...

>> No.3845152


>the fact that men work more overtime
or are offered more overtime.

>men are more willing to travel for a better paying job
not an issue, wherever they are travelling to woman also exist i would imagine .

>and men are more willing to work in dangerous conditions for better pay

well lets work on that and make these places safe for woman

>> No.3845153

I was serious. And don't call me "Oh"

>> No.3845154
File: 5 KB, 628x126, My SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only scored a 2030

Hahaha, women.

>> No.3845165

Well, then you're a dumbass. What's true at your school implies nothing about the rest of the world.

It also implies nothing about the true intelligence of women vs men. I can think of a billion reasons why women would be dumber than men in high school without needing to involve genetic inferiority

>> No.3845177
File: 61 KB, 480x640, every channer ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>don't use statistical tendencies as an excuse to generalize

>> No.3845182

Damn. Good job.

If we are using statistical tendencies as an excuse to generalize, then it's fair to say that white men are all serial killers.

>> No.3845183

>or are offered more overtime.
that's a fair point, and one that needs to be explored. Just because men work more overtime and blah blah all the other stuff doesn't mean they're more willing to, it means they may get more opportunity. If that's the discussion we're willing to start, then feminists should go there. Unfortunately, they're more interested in holding women's awareness rallies and hosting the "day of equal pay" to show the day women would have to work til to get the same pay. Course, they could just say "hey ladies, work more overtime", but making men feel ashamed for being male is the feminist prerogative.

>well lets work on that and make these places safe for woman
can't tell if that's a joke... it's not like there are robots with guns that only shoot women, they're jobs like working at a highrise construction site, or rappelling down the side of a skyscraper to fix something. Women tend to avoid those jobs because they don't seem to need the money as badly.

>> No.3845188


They're dangerous because they're dangerous. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman.

>> No.3845191

That's because like any woman, you're capable of using mental gymnastics to provide any number of unlikely excuses for any evidence for a conclusion you do not like.

>> No.3845203

>it's not like there are robots with guns that only shoot women
You are now aware that /sci/ would build these if they could because they're afraid of women taking their jobs.

>> No.3845215

scoosie sugartits, your strawman is showing

>> No.3845217


Don't try to be funny now that you know you're losing, lady. :3

>> No.3845225

I know for a fact I'm more intelligent than most women and most men, but I also know that proportionally there are more men who are more intelligent than me than women who are more intelligent than me.

>> No.3845230

>well lets work on that and make these places safe for woman
then they cease to be dangerous and don't command the higher pay. are you fucking retarded?

let's also ignore that the claims that women make less don't control for things like type of career/degree, hour worked, time off for maternity, etc. let's also ignore the fact that single women make more than single men.

let's also ignore the fact that if women were really getting paid less for the same work, a single non-sexist CEO could dominate the market by hiring all women and paying them 76% of what they would have to pay men and producing a much cheaper product. the total lack of logic and common sense applied by people claiming sexism against women is hilarious.

>> No.3845240

it would be interesting to see data on the pay of transgendered

>> No.3845242

>I think that women, in general, tend to be more dense then men.

That's easy to test, just get enough people and weigh the volume and mass of each one.

>> No.3845243
File: 2 KB, 402x117, My SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3845246

>bawww a babysitter should make the same salary as an astrophysicist! Fucking sexism!

>> No.3845249

>then they cease to be dangerous and don't command the higher pay. are you fucking retarded?

that was a joke, obviously, spannerhead

>> No.3845254

men have a very slight but statistically significant edge in average IQ over women (at least for european descended populations). what really causes this is that male intelligence has a higher standard deviation, causing there to be many more low IQ men but also many more high IQ men. as you move into the IQ levels 2.5 sigma and above the average, these small differences lead to huge differences in the number of each sex with a given IQ.

this is why you are usually going to see more men in high IQ fields than women, and why people shouldn't get asspained that the ratio isn't a perfect 50/50.

>> No.3845271

If the employer knows? Either "not employed" or equal to whoever else would do the same job, depending on whether the employer is a bigot.

>> No.3845273

>since when does being good at a subject that requires a lot of critical thinking and reasoning ability mean you're intelligent?

>> No.3845300


there are many subjects that fall under those categories, you could be below some one on one but above them on many others.

try using a bit of reason yourself.

>> No.3845299 [DELETED] 
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the funnier thing... I was blowing people away in calc, multivariable calc, programming, biology, etc... not because of my reasoning skills that gave me some incredible ability, but because I worked to really visualize and understand what was going on

In other words, the artistic and stereotypically female side of my brain is what made me so good at math.

>mfw I finally understood the level surfaces of a fifth-dimensional equation as nested time progressions of the level surfaces of a three dimensional object and was explaining it to the rest of the class only to have them stare back at me blankly

>> No.3845329
File: 24 KB, 518x399, boobs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true, men have a lower body fat index than women in a general sense, and fat is less dense than muscle.

I bet you wouldn't even float in the dead sea

>> No.3845333

It's a sad consequence of evolution this one:
>single women make more than single men.
>women make less

Yes. Women try to find a spouse. The spouse takes care of them. If they fail they have to take care of themselves. The male population making less than single women is the losers women didn't want in the first place.

You must find the source of this and the source is not that single women make more than single man as in they are being oppressed by being in a relationship but the fact is that women tend to stick to guys that make more money taking the rih fellas out of statistics.

Chimpansees were proven in having a sex for meat trade of going on for all part of life, I wont quote studies because it's almost general knowledge and you can google it.
Guess what. Women need all the essential amino-acids and they couldn't hunt until some male developed bows for the hysterical tittycutting amazons. And that is a woman. She has to make someone need her.

The main problem here is not that the political correct version is just overlooking statistics but it's in fact working against it. Statistics say men are smarter but we have to say women are being opressed and in lot of cases some fairytalelike creatures as in the one I first quoted like to prove that women are actually superior to men in....living basically.

>tl;dr yes men are smarter and women are prostitutes by their structure and capabilities

>> No.3845334

I'm a dude who was being silly.

>> No.3845343

>Is mad

>> No.3845346

>go into the dead sea
>have rash on crotch
>the balls hurt for days
>all my friends make fun of me

Feels badman.

>> No.3845349

>doesn't believe in evolution

>> No.3845352

What if feminists sought to stop crime against women and situations in which women WERE looked over for jobs as a result of their sex, instead of working to even out the statistics, when there are a lot of variables they fail to consider?

Isn't it better to strike at the root of the problem than to even out the numbers so that we can pretend there isn't one?

>> No.3845356

if that's all they did, there'd be damn near nothing for women to do

>> No.3845359

>doesn't believe in Our Lord and Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ

>> No.3845362


(There are feminists like you're proposing, and in fact probably the majority are, but you won't hear about them on 4chan because anon's strawman argument against feminism requires them to believe that only the man-hating assholes exist.)

>> No.3845367

Why do girls on 4chan get mad about this? It's just a fact of life. Like how males are more aggressive and will rape your shit or try to punch you bro if they're drunk. And females are stupid bitches because they can get away with it.

>> No.3845370

>crimes against women AND situations where women were overlooked for jobs
Rape. Female circumcision. Situations where rape is used as a tool of war in parts of Africa. Not to mention general informational stuff.

>> No.3845374

I have to say it's a combination of the fact that girls grow up in a world where their bodies are the main thing they expect to be judged by, as well as the fact that girls and boys become able to learn different concepts at different times (but are taught them at the same time in co-ed grammar school).

>> No.3845376

for every murderer, child rapist, and serial killer in the world, there is a woman who knows who he is, and does not call the police

>> No.3845383

>I have to say it's a combination of the fact that girls grow up in a world where their bodies are the main thing they expect to be judged by

It's this, folks.

>> No.3845384


>> No.3845391 [DELETED] 

>mfw my penis was mutilated but only faggots in San Fransisco even care ;__;

>and situations in which women WERE looked over for jobs as a result of their sex

That's pretty dangerous territory bro. I don't want people worrying about getting sued and promoting bitches and whores. If they are good employees, companies should do what makes them the most money.

>> No.3845395

>Female circumcision
so... male genital mutilation is okay in your book, but female genital mutilation is not?

also, a consequence of a 2006 study on prison rape by the DoJ was that more men are raped than women in the US, and it wasn't even a headline or anything like that, but women's groups called it ridiculous and had the study pulled

>problem affects women
>problem affects men

>> No.3845399
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>> No.3845413

I want EK to join this thread.

>> No.3845442

Different people have different issues they consider important to them. It's ridiculous to expect everyone in the world to spend all their time on every issue. That's like saying, "you're trying to cure cancer? What about HIV, you monster?!" No one can do it all.

That said, I think circumcision on both sexes is horrifying. But good luck getting male circumcision outlawed since it's such an integral part of Judaism, and we all know if you don't agree with everything every Jewish person ever does, you're a horrible anti-Semite.

>> No.3845447

We don't have the testosterone that can easily drive men to be more competitive in school.

We're natural empathizers, so even the smart women will choose dumb fields in school that either focus on people or emotion (psychology, sociology, art, etc).

In our society, a woman who doesn't know 2+2 is "cute," but a man who's bad at math is a dumb ass.

>> No.3845460


post your boobs :3

also what's your major?

btw it's SO moe when a girl says she wants to help people and become a nurse or something like that

>> No.3845463

exactly, feminism was never about 'equality' because it never sought to equalize the areas where women had advantages, only to equal and surpass areas where men had advantages by any means necessary and damn the consequences.

>> No.3845466

you're assuming the woman in question is actually pretty, if "she isn't, she is worth far less than even the worst man.

>> No.3845471

if she looks like ops pic i don't give a fuck how smart she is, she can have me

>> No.3845479

Not the same person (I think there are three women in this thread) but I'm not posting my breasts. I'm studying to become a medical assistant, and eventually an RN (moe as fuck).
Emma Goldman was a feminist and was against women's suffrage because she figured, if women are equally intelligent to men, giving them the right to vote won't really change anything. You'll still have the same average intelligence at the polls.

>> No.3845484

>>accuse everyone of not giving real evidence
>>when they give real evidence, call them names

>> No.3845487

Mech engineering.

I'll concede that, I was speaking in broad terms.

>> No.3845495

>if you don't agree with everything every Jewish person ever does, you're a horrible anti-Semite.
I agree with you completely, but you must understand that right now, this is what it's like to be a white male. If you disagree with ANYONE else's view on equality, you're just racist and/or sexist.

And as has also been mentioned, men's problem largely go completely unnoted. Nobody gives a fuck about the US's male-only conscription, or that the vast majority of homeless people are male, or that men are behind women in public education by miles and miles.

We're expected to just take it because that's what being a man is in today's society... all the burdens, none of the benefits.

>> No.3845496

I find your post number aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.3845505

women who are so absolutely horrendously ugly that they receive zero attention whatsoever are on the same level as the vast majority of men. They just see all the attention other women get, and think they're being persecuted, when they don't realize that men don't get a millionth of the reinforcement that the average woman gets.

>> No.3845509

Ignore idiots. Say what you think makes sense. And please realize that most people on the Internet who claim to be feminists don't actually understand feminist theory, and can safely be ignored without fear that you're missing out on learning anything valuable.

>> No.3845512

you don't seem to get out much do you?

>> No.3845522

but men DO care VERY MUCH about appearances... the appearances of women!


>> No.3845523

>If you disagree with ANYONE else's view on equality, you're just racist and/or sexist.

no way, getting accused of being sexist for spouting women are dumb, what has the world come to

>> No.3845526

I am disappoint.

>> No.3845527

but women ARE dumb. I've seen it with mine own eyes

>> No.3845537

By which part?

>> No.3845538

actually, I experienced far, far more of that while I was at college and now in my teaching job than I did on 4chan... not to mention most people who spout shit like that here are just trolls

>it's unfair to have a male-only draft and this is a social issue that needs to be addressed
>women are dumb
I was referring to the former, but your strawman is exactly what I'm talking about. Disagree with popular feminism and you obviously just think women are dumb and you're a jackass misogynist.

>> No.3845545

>Say what you think makes sense.
even if you have ample statistical and anecdotal evidence and zero hate in your heart, broaching issues of race or sex in anything but the most glowing, positive terms regarding the various grievance groups makes you an evil racist nazi who is blinded by patriarchal white privilege, regardless of how poor you were in childhood.

it is the original sin of the religion of orthodox secularism, and no heresy will be tolerated.

>> No.3845552

Fair enough. Though I do suggest reading actual feminist theory, as it's not at all what you get from "popular feminism," as you put it.

And I agree about male-only conscription being sexist.
Check this out. A lot of feminists hate male-to-female transsexuals.

>> No.3845563

>it's unfair to have a male-only draft and this is a social issue that needs to be addressed

unfair to who ?

>> No.3845564

Medical assistant.

>> No.3845572

And eventually RN. I may eventually become a hematologist.

>> No.3845583

>And I agree about male-only conscription being sexist.

cool, we can feel good about how pc we were with the 50/50 conscription as we are getting ass raped by our enemies because we lost the war.

You field the best army you can, war isn't a fucking joke.

>> No.3845584

You're cute.

>> No.3845590

It has been shown that men take more risks when fighting amongst women. Keeping women and men separated in the military saves lives.

>> No.3845599

trust me, I've read quite a lot of feminist theory. I'd say 40-60% of it boils down to "I just want to be seen as a human, not a woman"... some of it's a bit misguided, but I'd say that's at the heart of half of the feminist theory I've read.

Problem is, you HAVE to take the bad with the good of a movement. For every person saying they want to be equals, there's the anti-male person who calls men who choose not to marry and settle down "man-children", or who thinks that the only problems that matter are the ones that affect women. In a lot of cases, even a mainstay of feminism is a pretty blatantly manipulated statistic (see the "wage gap" stuff I'd mentioned earlier in this thread).

The problem saying something along the lines of "well... that stuff doesn't count because it's not *real* feminism" is that it IS feminism, it's just the dark, sexist, vengeful side of feminism.

>> No.3845600

>no comfort women in the military

what a bunch of goobers

>> No.3845611

Have you read up on queer theory?

>> No.3845614

definitely not as well... why?

>> No.3845620
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Women here, this.
I dont understand why men are so fucking butthurt.
No one is arguing we aren't physically inferior to men in almost every way. I think it's faggotry men are expected to shave their heads when women don't have to though.

sage because this is just a misogyny thread and isn't even entertaining real questions of merits of the sexes.

>> No.3845633
File: 10 KB, 246x360, 110425204817_contemptcostanza_220110725-22047-14znb8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female gender
>a hard science

>> No.3845636

It incorporates the "good part" of feminism into a wider theory of social equality for -everyone- that, as far as I can see, doesn't support trying to make the numbers work (such as with affirmative action) and then ignoring the problem.

If you're in the mood for something more academic, check out "Gender Trouble." For something that's more of an easy read, try "Undoing Gender."

>> No.3845641

sorry, can you elaborate? you're not making any sense. maybe you misquoated

>> No.3845644

>selling body on backpage
>any dick I want
>150k starting

>> No.3845650

Why would one want to undo gender?

I hate feminists and the like because it seems they're trying to take away my moe.

>> No.3845656

my worry there is that, like with all feminist theory I've read, queer theory tends to actively exclude a straight male perspective. Or worse yet, they tend to paint a straight white male perspective as one that's inherently hateful or discriminating.

>> No.3845663

"Undoing Gender" talks a lot about that kid who was born male but got his dick mutilated during circumcision so they gave him a sex change and tried to raise him as a woman but he wound up having severe dysphoria and such.

Also, even without strictly enforced gender roles, some women would naturally fall within the roles that are now assigned to women and some wouldn't. You'd still have your "moe." In fact, queer theory is more friendly to the idea that a woman can still be a stay-at-home mom if she personally chooses to than feminism in itself is.

>> No.3845668

>A lot of women that I know are not only stupid but have reprehensible personalities.
i blame a lack of proper parenting. these... females are driven by fear and denial of their looming sexual expiration date, and know that if they are not what society deems is 'fuckable' that they may never attain their dreams. many western women act fake and dumb or abrasive as a result of negotiating away that fear.

as males, we are taught to 'be realistic' and that a dream that you cannot work toward may only cause stress and disappointment. intelligent self improvement and the grasping of opportunities is the only way forward for us.

>> No.3845674

Most of my friends are male, and about four of them have read one or both of the books I suggested. They all said it was interesting, and none of them were offended or felt singled out.

>> No.3845689

what about a guy? Can a guy choose to be a stay at home dad? What if his wife wants to as well?

...that's the kind of thing I'm referring to about ignoring the male perspective. As a guy, we're constantly made aware of how limited our options are. The "you can be president if you really want to and work really hard!" lie they tell us is bullshit, and we know it. When it comes to strictly enforced gender roles, guys tend to be the ones with very little deviation from what's expected of us.

>> No.3845703

What the fuck do you expect women are what 95% of commercials are targeted towards, they are spending zombies.

Ever seen the corporate schill Doctor Oz pimping $100 baking soda rollers and scaring the shit out of gullible liberal women saying their entire family is going to die from swine flu and apple juice?

Ever see Oprah getting overly emotional about trivial spin doctored shit when shes not doing an hour long car commercial?

Here's a fun experiment ... watch the news with a woman and ask them to tell you their take on what they just heard while gauging their reaction ... they take everything as fact instead of figuring out its all propaganda,FUD,public interest and marketing... from Bedbug hysteria to 1-800-got-junk underwriting hoarders (they love this fucking show for some reason)

they are easily manipulated, most know a man with a wallet and they know how to pussy whip ... they are taught this from birth.

>> No.3845705

If feminism is against stay-at-home moms, then who raised babby? My sister works at a daycare and it sounds like they're dumbasses raising kids en masse. One girl just got fired for drinking on the job. lol feminism...

>> No.3845708

YES. A guy can. In fact, that's what "queer theory" is about. People in general and gender roles as performance, in the case of men AND of women. I specifically mentioned stay-at-home women because anon was asking about his "moe" or whatever.

>> No.3845719

I'm not supporting regular feminism. I'm supporting queer theory, which is actually about equality for people regardless of their genitals, as opposed to popular feminism which is kind of sexist against men.

>> No.3845722

>Society programs women, from birth, to think that the ONLY thing that matters is for men to find them attractive.
it's not the only thing that matters and it's critically stupid for broads to behave as if it's the only way. the problem with western society for women is that... first of all i don't think they were given the proper instructions in life to encourage good critical thinking and also, for some reason, you guys in the west seem to have permitted the assholes to win.

in america, you don't have discussions, you have debates. a lot of 'being social' around here is just antisocial dickwaving, from both the women and the men, and if you go on a completely ignorant tirade driven purely by emotions, you are complimented for having 'passion.'

it's fucking dumb. america has a pervasive dumb culture.

in most other cultures we encourage our peers to be happy but in the us we seem to be... idunno... cannibalistic? if you live in a big city and you're NOT a needlessly hyperaggressive cock by nature, people look at you as if you're weird. a lot of what we call the 'bad influence of society' is just people taking the words of assholes seriously over their own critical thinking and good nature.

>> No.3845723

Not samefag, but I'll be reading up on this now.

Wait... you don't think this is hard science, do you?

>> No.3845724

No. Sociology isn't a hard science. I personally think it's interesting and valuable, but I'd never try to claim it was hard science (unless I was trolling).

>> No.3845728

Where are you from? I hate that about America too but I don't have much to compare it against.

>> No.3845732

There is a sect of feminists who want to legislate away any physiological differences between the sexes. This is retarded.

We can never make men and women "equal." We can only strive to give them equal opportunities. I believe that affirmative action is detrimental to this.

>> No.3845733

Are there any femanons involved ITT or is it just neckbeards and their weird theories?

>> No.3845738

What do you mean by "legislate away any physiological differences between the sexes"? How is it different from giving them equal opportunities?

>> No.3845739

I'm a woman, and I'm the person who was talking about queer theory. Unless "Judith Butler" is a neckbeard, it didn't originate with a neckbeard either.

>> No.3845744

Mechanical engineering major, currently annoyed with dumb women, dumb men, and trolls.

>> No.3845750

How can you tell who's dumb and who's a troll?

>> No.3845755


>> No.3845757

They try to make the "blank slate" argument against any and all anthropological evidence. And when men and women are found to be better or worse at one thing or another, they feel the need to correct for it. No matter how hard you try, your baby boy simply won't be as interested in dolls as a toy truck.

>> No.3845760

On average.

>> No.3845761

>>3845722 cont.
with regards to broads, you all let the jealous bitches and assholes 'shape the debate.' you're either sexually desirable or somehow subhuman -that is, not relevant for social communication- and even the desirable ones can be isolated.

the funny thing is, a lot of 'white' guys i talk to about this subject will immediately touch upon the individualistic nature of american society, as opposed to 'being japanese' or what have you. it's funny because most of the world is not like the americans -the americans aren't the normal ones here- and in the american pursuit for personal glory, it seems you've cast aside many potential strengths and avenues for happiness.

the situation with your women is only a small part of your social problems.

>> No.3845763

Over the internet, the lines are blurry.

However, I know stupid when I see it in person.

>> No.3845769

Okay. I'm the anon who was supporting Butler's theories. Were you calling me stupid? If so, what gave you that impression?

>> No.3845778
File: 57 KB, 440x442, GTFO I'M DOING SCIENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science and math

/b/ is that way

>> No.3845783

mhm... reading up what I can now of Gender Trouble. The problem I'm seeing is that she's using a lot of presumptions regarding the construction of gender. For instance, she brings up the "incest taboo" yet only seems to relate it to how the identity of "women" is constructed.

So let me share an anecdote, and I really really don't want you to feel sorry for me here, but it'll illustrate my point.

When I was away at college, there was a group of campus feminists putting on their version of the Vagina Monologues... where women came up and shared their stories of victimization as a means of openness and empowerment. Me personally, I'm a rape/molestation victim, I was physically abused by pretty much my whole family when I was young, I've been falsely accused of sexual harassment as a means of vengeance because I refused to do a girl's design project for her in a class where I was TA, and I'm now disabled.

In discussions of who gets to talk, they'd talked about it like anyone could go into the group and share. However, when I asked, they said they'd prefer if I didn't go. I asked if it was because they didn't want a male speaker, and they said no, citing that they had one. When I asked who, turns out that male was transsexual and identified as male.

I realized that they didn't want anything to do with empowerment or openness, but they wanted a place where people went up and talked about how men had done bad things to them.

I fear that definitely with feminism, but even including some queer theory, there's a distinct lack of acknowledgement of men being victimized by our "patriarchy", and the end result is women grabbing the spotlight and an ignorant view that all males are privileged and never have to deal with adversity.

>> No.3845787

I wasn't calling you stupid or a troll because you're going into more detail than "herpaderp men iz smarter women get back in the kitchen."

However, it irritates me to no end to see a dumb woman, or just as bad, a woman with real potential who wastes it on something stupid like going to college for four years for music. On that note, I also know plenty of guys who are either dumber than a box of rocks or intelligent but waste it because being smart isn't cool. I take more issue with the women though, as they have the nerve to complain that they're not being paid well and they're sitting on their asses all day answering a customer service line.

>> No.3845794

That's not a problem with the theory itself. That's a problem with individuals who use it as an excuse to be shitheads. It's like using Darwin as an excuse not to give to charity because "survival of the fittest, amirite?" Sucks that people were jerks to you.
I'm a woman, and am working toward becoming a medical assistant to keep myself alive while I become an RN, and possibly eventually a hematologist. I hope hematology isn't something you consider a waste?

>> No.3845802

Probably agree with OP, know a LOT of stupid girls.

>> No.3845811

but how much of a waste is it really? Aren't they just getting more cultured and pretty since they'll likely just become a housewife anyway?

I don't know the actual statistics though. What percent of women get stuck in shitty jobs instead of getting married?

>> No.3845813


could you give some details of the abuse, as graphic as you can

>> No.3845821

Drop the "may" or you'll stagnate.

>> No.3845822

I love you bro

>> No.3845824



pick one

>> No.3845826

I guess what angers me most is that feminism is viewed as a holistic view of gender, when they are a women's rights movement. You're absolutely right, it's not a fault of the theory... but that theory is very specifically feminocentric. There is a distinct lack of understanding of the problems men deal with (which are often similar or the exact same as problems women deal with) and I get treated like my entire life has been Cloud 9 because I was born with a penis. Worse yet, as a male (before I got the social authority of being 'disabled' instead of just being a 'white male') people who support these theories treat me like it's my fault when I had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.

Maybe the theories aren't flawed, but feminists (and queer theory advocates) act like they're presenting an enlightened full picture of how modern society works, when they're actively ignoring anything that affects men.

>> No.3845839

my father used to scream, punch, and slap me; my brother used to do stuff like come up behind me and punch me or put me in a headlock, I also could never go swimming with him because he'd hold my head under water until I was drowning, then when I came up coughing people were laughing at the brothers who were "playing" and would say things like "boys will be boys"

>> No.3845847

err put me in a headlock until I blacked out***

>> No.3845848

I wasn't saying studying music itself is stupid, but studying in music while complaining about under-representation of women in hard science is.

If that's what they're going for, then more power to them.

>> No.3845853

I think queer theory as a concept does a much better job discussing that than you're giving it credit for. In fact, a lot of feminists when it first came onto the scene seemed to have a problem with it because it basically said that "look, the way society enforces male gender roles is bullshit, too. And this heteronormative crap." It pretty much covers everything. The idea is that normative behavior isn't actually the "default" for everyone, and it basically explores how roles are formed, to what degree gender roles are products of biological sex and to what degree they're products of society, etc. It doesn't just apply to male and female gender roles or solely to sexual orientation, but applies to everything involving gender and sexuality. That can include whether you prefer to wear men's or women's underwear, who you sleep with, whether you want to be a stay-at-home parent or get a job, or even whether you like vanilla sex for procreation or BDSM or whatever else. "Queer" just means "outside the norm," and basically the theory is that people don't start out "normal" and get weird, but that since "normal" varies from culture to culture, perhaps people develop based on partly biological factors and partly social factors, and gender roles, "normal" behavior and such are, at least in part, just a performance. Which isn't to say that no one falls naturally within the range that is considered "normal" by society, of course.

>> No.3845868


and the rape/molestation...

>> No.3845880


>> No.3845885

I think trucks and tanks and airplanes and robots are cool, i think dolls are fucking boring and i don't give a toss about shoes. I was never taught that thats just how it is.

>> No.3845896

I like robots. I also like pro wrestling, and Gilmore Girls. I enjoy science and I like to read literature. I like cooking, but I hate shopping. Love purple. Hate pink.

>> No.3845912

Damn good PPV last night. DAT ENDING.

Raw starts in 4 minutes. Is your body ready?

>> No.3845935

It better be. Maybe we'll find out tonight who's behind the conspiracy? Who the fuck re-lowered the cell?

>> No.3845942

lol I watched this shit in middle school

>> No.3846328


Men and women's brains are *hard-wired* differently from birth, not to mention actually different in the size and development of cognitive brain structures, corticolimbic pathways and operating under very different cycles and amounts of hormonal neuro-steroids. All of this leads to strikingly different behavior patterns.

No amount of "herp derp gender as social contruct" BS can change that.

>> No.3846341

Women tend to act stupid for the sake of trying to act 'sexy'.

I am a female and I have to agree that men tend to be more intelligent and easier to deal with.

>> No.3846347


Thank you.

>> No.3846356


Me and this guy know you are gay.

>> No.3846358
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I noticed you made a pretty big claim there Mister, but you didn't provide any source other than a blog?
If you where logically driven wouldn't it be more prudent to offer up to the masses something that's actually substantial and not just some individuals opinions? where is the study for this stuff?

>> No.3846426
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>Men don't tend to care about unimportant things like appearances

>> No.3846585
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>> No.3846628
File: 3 KB, 98x103, hur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no science behind any of this shit, the genes for the brain are not contained within the sex chromosones, this whole discussion, the entire thought process, is just fucking stupid

>> No.3846631
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>mfw I remember this episode
>mfw those glory days

>> No.3846683
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Have fun.

>> No.3846711
File: 148 KB, 550x550, dn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks hormonal changes in the womb affect the neo-cortex
did you bother reading any of that shit?

>> No.3848067

thanks for admitting this

The worst part about being in America is that girls try to act "stupid bitch" instead of "cute" like in asian master race.