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File: 116 KB, 447x477, Paper_450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3841431 No.3841431 [Reply] [Original]

Aerodynamically speaking, what is the best paper aeroplane?

>> No.3841435

Like this:


>> No.3841440


Correct, because wind coming down the side of the plane from the front towards the back end experiences a constant slope (at least roughly), also the three dimensional model oscillates up and down correct?

>> No.3841445

long and thin with most of the mass being concentrated on its achiral axis. the center of gravity should be in the ratio of phi with the shorter end being at the front

>> No.3841449

is there a picture on google I could find of that?

Also, what about one for distance and/or performing tricks?

>> No.3841476
File: 111 KB, 640x480, JKRQ-4GH-HPage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3842415


how the shit sould I fold that !

>> No.3842507
File: 20 KB, 420x336, paperairplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too complex, the best paper aeroplane is the standard one:

>> No.3842517

compress the paper to form a spherical diamond, fire into orbit around the sun on a trajectory least likely to impact another object

>> No.3842551

Only for people who are shit at origami

>> No.3842552

EK! you dun got banned?

>> No.3842554
File: 7 KB, 500x281, World-record-breaking-paper-airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken Blackburn has the world record with this design

>> No.3842564

nonsense thats just a sheet of a4

>> No.3842569
File: 15 KB, 476x485, dontfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3842574

well it may be a3 or another size folded but still its not aerodynamic and if it holds the record its only because it was windy

>> No.3842579

it is A4. you're either counter trolling very poorly or are one of he stupidest people i've ever met.

>> No.3842585


>> No.3842597



>> No.3842601

yes it is a 4 thats what i said the first time. its not aerodynamic. theres no way it holds the record. it maybe stays in the air but it cant be propelled through the air

>> No.3842602

Then admit you are wrong.

>> No.3842604

Fake and gay. You don't witness the plane until it finally comes flapping down. They made it such a short time so that nobody would query it. Why do you think nobody has managed to beat this record with the same style plane?

>> No.3842607

Admit that you've lost. Go on. This behavior isn't getting you anywhere.

>> No.3842612

Moar Evidence:
The website with the Video is Ken Blackburns website. Check out http://www.paperplane.org/paero.htm

>> No.3842615

>implying either of these links confirm the video wasn't a hoax

>> No.3842617

Where is the evidence to suggest that your assertion is true?

>> No.3842618

>They didn't film the plane until the last 5 seconds before it landed

>> No.3842619
File: 32 KB, 422x500, catwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking people will argue about anything, won't you? Fucking Special Olympics, I swear to God. A bunch of retards squabbling over whose snot is greenest and most sparkly.

>> No.3842621

Anyone wanting to make that plane:

>> No.3842622

>implying Guinness would have hoaxed it.

>> No.3842626

>implying half of the guinness book of world records aren't fake.
>implying you didn't use spell check to spell guinness

>> No.3842628

OK confirmed for retard over here. There are heaps of GWR that are hoaxed. Do you really think they send out some 'official world record scientist' to examine every claim? Most times they are happy with a few witnesses if it's something relatively minor (such as the paper plane example).

Learn something about the world, jesus christ fuck....

>> No.3842630

>evidence to back up your assertion
>Guinness is the name of something, it requires a capital letter
dave, Dave.