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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 460x519, foetus-a-5-semaines-9-millimetres_7695_w460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3838731 No.3838731 [Reply] [Original]

That's your face, 3 weeks after fertilization.

>> No.3838734

Actually that's pretty much my entire body.

>> No.3838735

I was fertilized?

>> No.3838736

>dat feel when getting a blowjob from a fetus

>> No.3838740

Look at all those stem cells.

>> No.3838742

irrelevant garbage

>> No.3838749

im 12 and what is this

>> No.3838754


Sorry, I'll go start a thread about particle physics so you can continue to avoid thinking about how you'll never get laid.

>> No.3838761

You seem upset.

>> No.3838791

irrelevant fat faggot.

Development of human fetus is extremely complicated, and still we haven't found all of it. So it's not SCI enough.

But fucking homeworks are. Goddamn, summer was better than this.

>> No.3838799

So many logical failures in one post.
Please kill yourself, since education doesn't seem to be an option.

>> No.3838808

You do not have to be so horrible. You could correct him.

>> No.3838819


>fat faggot

are you actually six years old or what

>> No.3838822

Sorry, I'm only discussing with people who I think they are able to understand my arguments.
If someone proves he is incapable of keeping up with the debate AND goes ad hominem, I don't need to take him serious.

>> No.3838837

Irrelevant to what?

>> No.3838877

OCD anyone?

>> No.3838887

I don't own an Oxford Classical Dictionary.

>> No.3838891
File: 18 KB, 555x555, creeper-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't not do it

>> No.3838897

the resemblance is uncanny!!

>> No.3838907

If you did, you'd know that irrelevant means "something which is not applicable or pertinent".

So in what way is fetus face not applicable or pertinent and to what?

>> No.3838917


Apparently you couldn't not into grammatical structure either. Cool double negative, bro.

>> No.3838923

>So in what way is fetus face not applicable or pertinent and to what?

Well, since this is a /sci/ board, it's not really pertinent to science as it, y'know, isn't saying anything related to science; it's just stating something.

>> No.3838926

/sci/ is meant for discussing scientific concept and theories. Simply posting an image with an inane comment is what you do on /b/.

>> No.3838929

New anon ITT.

Get fucked. OP's pic was interesting. If this board weren't faggotry, we'd be posting more embryonic development pics.

>> No.3838941

Get the fuck out of my 4chan, pedobear.

>> No.3838948
File: 8 KB, 199x256, Ackbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3838960

>Well, since this is a /sci/ board, it's not really pertinent to science as it, y'know, isn't saying anything related to science; it's just stating something.

It's stating something yes. It says "this is what your face looks like as a fetus". Science related. Some people didn't know.

>/sci/ is meant for discussing scientific concept and theories.
>/sci/ is meant for discussing scientific concept and theories.

/sci/ has no description further than "science/math". What you have is wishful thinking.

>> No.3838968

Don't try to defend your shitposting. You're wasting your time.

>> No.3838978

Nice comeback, but I'm not OP.

>> No.3838980

Your post has greatly contributed to the quality of /sci/. May I suck your cock?

>> No.3838984
File: 215 KB, 2658x2298, 1313198190151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, I'm REALLY on the internet!

>> No.3838986

>implying I have a cock

>> No.3838993


>> No.3839004
File: 30 KB, 353x360, babies_in_trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you're afraid this will turn into a debate about abortion?

Chew on this: That baby had to die to photograph it with an electron microscope.

>> No.3839013

>implying it's a baby

>> No.3839015

I'm against abortion. Whoever is too stupid to avoid conception should have to deal with the consequences.

>> No.3839043

But if they can't raise the kid, it becomes a problem. It's not a contained "punishment".

>> No.3839048

Contraception is not 100% affective. Sometimes abortion is necessary if she is not ready to become a mother.

>> No.3839049

So? Haven't you heard of evolution?

>> No.3839050

>implying I didn't think that was a penis when I first saw this picture

>implying my penis doesn't have a face

>> No.3839052

How about not being a slut?
How about having sex for the only purpose of having children?

>> No.3839056

Oh boy... Here we go.

Inb4 200 posts

>> No.3839060

The kids don't die, numbnuts.

>> No.3839061

But people enjoy having sex because it feels good. Most of the time they do not choose to do it with the intention of creating a child.

>> No.3839063

lol your troll powers are weak. you fucking dumb bitch.

why are you on the internet for any purpose other than doing work to earn money to survive?

>> No.3839070
File: 37 KB, 406x480, 1300732480565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3839073

everyone's so grumpy on a sunday.. relax, it's the sabbath. praise jesus

>> No.3839074

Explain how this is related to my post.

That's bullshit. Sex is reproduction. Having it "for fun" is a form of decadence brought to us by zionist meda.

>implying I'm trolling

>> No.3839075

It doesn't matter whether you like abortion or not, it has to be an option so females aren't forced to get a back alley abortion.

>> No.3839082

Not everybody is a Christian.

>> No.3839085


If you don't have a uterus.. I'm going to need you to STFU.

>> No.3839086

you didn't even reply to my post because you know your logic is flawed.
troll fail :(

>> No.3839092
File: 6 KB, 200x149, 50412_305975622444_146827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise guise, lets use dah stem cells from our sperm to like make stem cells.

>> No.3839095
File: 74 KB, 829x621, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sex IS fun.
That's a fact, and it's got nothing to do with zionist media (lol) or decadence.

>> No.3839101

You don't need to be Christian to be against abortion.

Why can't females just be rational humans who anticipate consequences of their behaviour?

An uterus is not a license for living irresponsible.

I cannot sufficiently reply to you unless you show flaws in my logic.

>> No.3839105

cool avoidance.
are you even trying?

>> No.3839114

That's what low-level beings actually believe. I am human and I want to be more than an animal.

You still dont' tell me what I"m avoiding.

>> No.3839119

Humans are animals.

>> No.3839130

hear hear.

A brave new world awaits us.

>> No.3839131

lol he thinks he is better than animals.

your only purpose is to procreate. try it sometime you kissless virgin, it's fun

>> No.3839135

Yet we claim to be more.

>> No.3839141

we are, and more.

>> No.3839146

We are unusual in that we are the most intelligent animal species on the planet, and have built amazing things. We are animals nonetheless

>> No.3839156
File: 241 KB, 319x475, 1233127543023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3839162
File: 64 KB, 540x720, 1317463772191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now we're getting into philosophy!

>> No.3839166

Are we the only rational animals? I mean, how do we gauge the degree of rationality... Can't ask Professor X to go to work on a gopher

>> No.3839183
File: 16 KB, 494x371, too-funny-lol-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying humans are rational

>> No.3839186


being an Asspie is not a license to define 'responsibility'

>> No.3839192


Dolphins are very intelligent. But they are rapists and sadistic killers.

>> No.3839193

>implying I defined anything
>implying you gave a definition

>> No.3839197



>> No.3839203
File: 25 KB, 350x350, parasitic_sociopathic_disgusting_tadpole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit about killing babies?
The well being and happines of an adult human is always more important than that of a baby. Babies don't have dreams and hopes and loved ones, hell they aren't even smarter than dogs until they are few years old, and even then, they are stupid as fuck.

The only reason we tend to care about babies any way is the fact that we have evolved to do so, without the biologial programming, babies would be treated like the worthles parasitic shitstains they are.
Reproduction is inherently disadvantegeous for the individual, as it robs energy and time to the purpose of raising just another vessel for your genes, but so what if it has your genes in it, what does it matter.
You aren't your genes, and the world ends anyway when you die, for you atleast, because of this, I for one, don't give two shits about the future generations, and intend to spend my time on earth entertaining myself, indulging in the pleasures of life and perpehaps pursuing immortality.

It is not our problem if our grandchildren have to live in post apocalyptic world, only thing they share with you is your genes, and once again, I'll have to ask, does it matter?

>> No.3839213

Sorry to disappoint you, but you don't understand the word "irony".

>> No.3839215


>implying I'm not a trained Logician capable of deriving inference

also: you are in timeout until you
1) grow a uterus
2) STFU about matters that do no concern you

>> No.3839221

I live in a society where I'm surrounded by stupid whores. So I'm directly affected.

>> No.3839228
File: 26 KB, 341x268, 1316389309092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3839230


you used reason (however little of it) to create your post implying humans are irrational.. you're a human... put it together

>> No.3839245

I think you're mistaking me with another poster. That's the problem of posting anonymously.

>> No.3839249


And you want to be surrounded by fucking whores WITH CHILDREN you will have to pay for. Great logic.

>> No.3839260

Why do I have to pay for them?

>> No.3839264


no. Your misogyny and OCD are YOUR problems. Women choosing not to carry unwanted pregnancies to term should be no skin off your ass.

>> No.3839277

Now that's irony. MY misogyny and OCD shouldn't be YOUR problem.

>> No.3839297


Child welfare, healthcare, education, increased criminality (since children of whores are disproportionally criminal) etc...

I would rather pay them for abortion than that.

>> No.3839307

Since I am a real human and not some sub-human scum, I should be able to acquire some decent money and to leave this area without having to pay for any of these.

>> No.3839318


Why are monkeys violent?

Because they're fucking monkeys that's why. Same shit goes for humans. Even the most intelligent people in the world will do stupid shit occasionally.

>> No.3839325


I couldn't help but thinking

WHAT IS A MAN when I saw that picture

>> No.3839380


they aren't.. You posting stupid shit on MY /sci/ is.

>> No.3839389

wh... what's with her eyes?

>> No.3839401

Why are you so buttmad that you have to come back 19 minutes later just to insult me?

>> No.3839411

Abort Abort

>> No.3839458

best troll thread ever apparently lol i never would have guessed it would descend into life vs choice based on the original post :P

i kind of miss science vs religion threads at least they were obvious from the get go

>> No.3839462

>atheist thinks he can debunk superior christian logic

>> No.3839589


you keep track of the TIME between posts.....

hahaha... do yourself a favor : either learn to recognize who I am by my grammar.. or just shut up

>> No.3839604

humans are the only mammal that sometimes has sex for solely reproductive purposes.

>> No.3839647

so if you're too stupid to avoid it, you totally should rise the child and all. Fuck yeah, stupid parents.

>> No.3840425


Hows about you accidentally knock up a girl whose kid you don't want and see if you still sing the same tune.

>> No.3840439

You DON'T "accidentally" knock up a girl.
We are not animals. We are conscious human beings, able to plan our actions and equipped with free will.

>> No.3840518

Prove it.

>> No.3840531


you are big bag of messed-up.. I recommend you leave 4chan for a board where there are people who actually care about your emotional turmoil.

>> No.3840537

Okay, you disproved me. You are a sub-human retard and thus a counter-example to my statement. It makes me sad.

>> No.3840540


aks about his gender identity problem while you're at it.

>> No.3840546

He didn't trip on a carpet and have his dick magically fly into a vagina,and oscillate a hundred times for no reason.

>> No.3840552


see, you just lost track of who was talking to you.. and now you're probably going to get a ass whooping for no good reason... and I will laugh.

>> No.3840555

We are on a science board here. I assumed I was talking to intelligent people. That's obviously not the case anymore after you entered the thread.

>> No.3840560

Nice to hear that I can make you laugh.