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3836941 No.3836941 [Reply] [Original]

Some of Occupy Wall Street's demands:

>Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Combined with

>Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Are they trolling or are people legitimately that stupid?

Link to their demands:


>> No.3836945


Hippies cannot into economics.

>> No.3836946

Nice. Combine those two, and you'll have a wave of freeloader migrants like you've never seen.

>> No.3836950

Pretty much the exact problem Australia has right now

>> No.3836955

>raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
A nice thought, but it will end up doing nothing but causing inflation.

McDonald's has to pay all employees $20/hr, so burgers get expensive, same thing happens across the board and BOOM, inflation puts us right back where we were.

>> No.3836956
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>Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Cool, I agree. Maybe OP was just trolling.

>Demand seven: ...decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.


>> No.3836958

these aren't official demands obviously, it's just some gibberish by an attention seeking lunatic. i hope.

>> No.3836959

It's just a proposed list. But yes, all of those demands are retarded and reek of knowing nothing about economics.

>> No.3836963


Not only that, but unemployment will increase since labor expense will increase massively causing more impetus to cut costs by cutting labor expenses.

>> No.3836968

Ok, I can understand and even respect where the protesters are coming from.


If you're trying to be in the national spotlight and gain the support of the population why the hell don't you research your demands before shouting them out to the world?

Anyone with even basic intelligence and a rudimentary education can see that several of these proposals are either impossible to implement or would be catastrophic to the economy and make things worse than they already are.

>> No.3836972

>Anyone with even basic intelligence and a rudimentary education
There you go.

You see, the loud idiots have hijacked this protest movement now.

>> No.3836974

>And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Oh god, they think they can make ALL countries forgive ALL sovereign AND PRIVATE debt?

>> No.3836975

>ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market
>Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

>> No.3836979

I actually like both of those demands. And I dont think they are that contradictory.

Well, I dont think we can feasibly provide everyone with living wage income, regardless of employment. Thats not really reasonable. What I do like, is the Negative Income Tax, which is a tax/welfare system that promises everyone some predetermined income. Which I dont think needs to be very big. Definitely far below "living wage" income.

Economically speaking open borders is just free trade of labor. Which, is really great. I dont think I have to elaborate. Free trade in general is just really really good.

I understand the criticism. That people will just come to this country for our welfare and then leave. This dont make sense for two reasons

1. It costs something to get here, and if the cost of coming here isnt worth the welfare people wont come. It might subsidize people coming here, but it doesnt imply some infinite loop of people coming and leaving. And certainly not because of my second point which is more important

2. People dont get welfare just for being present. You have to be a citizen to get welfare. Immigrants cant just come and get money, because they havent taken the time to become citizens.

Even then, I could imagine some of you believe that there will be some amount of people who over come the costs of leaving their homes to venture into America, and the costs of forging and cheating the system. At that point, I think the benefits of free trade and welfare out weight the costs of people rippin' us off.

>> No.3836981
File: 61 KB, 299x223, 1242925554709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont we just skip this shit and live in a moneyless society where everyone pitches in?

Oh yeah all the rich people have the money and make those decisions don't they...

>> No.3836987


The effects of mass economic migration of unskilled/low-skilled workers are twofold:

1. It Creates an inexhaustable supply of unskilled/low-skilled labour meaning that those at the bottom will be continue to be shitly paid because their power to demand a fair wage has been removed.

2. It keeps the wealth locked up in the west by bringing workers to the jobs instead of bringing jobs to the workers and thus feeding money into the economic cycles of poorer countries.

The only people who benifit from mass economic migration are the rich elite, and the state from a militaristic point of view (increased population= bigger army).

>> No.3836988

>guaranteed living wage regardless of employment

>> No.3836993


>Forgive all debt
>The nation's tax revenue goes to hell as nearly every company is reporting a net operating loss
>The free healthcare, free college education, living wage for everyone regardless of employment in demands 2, 3, and 4 bankrupt the country

Way to think ahead, hippies.

>> No.3836994

Tragedy of the commons. What you're describing won't work for as long as you're working with what we currently call "humans". The greedy and lazy will leech off the selfless and hardworking.

>> No.3836997

This is a single post from a single poster, nothing more.

>> No.3836998


If the poor unskilled workers dont benefit, why do they choose to immigrate to begin with?

As for number two, I assure you, the workers who immigrate into America, are far better off than the workers in far away countries where American companies come to them.

>> No.3837000

You're denying the first demand, and then saying you don't see the contradiction anymore.

Exactly. The first demand (living wage regardless of employment) can't be combined with unrestricted immigration.

>> No.3837006


Okay fair enough.

I mean I like their first demand, its just taken to a really unreasonable extent.

Also I read in the link they want a minimum wage of $20. Which is totally not the way to go.

>> No.3837007

>>3836979Which I dont think needs to be very big. Definitely far below "living wage" income.

Have you ever been needy at all?

>> No.3837010

He's talking about the automatic free welfare.

>> No.3837013


Pffft. Fucking hell, someone as stupid as you really shouldn't be posting on /sci/. Do you get your daily news from today tonight or ACA?

>> No.3837016


No not really.


Yeah, and to be explicit. Its automatically entitled to X amount, and for every dollar you make you get a bit more welfare at a diminishing rate until the welfare per dollar rate hits zero. Then it becomes a tax against you.

Welfare amount - Tax rate (income) = -(tax)

If you make no income, your tax is -(welfare amount)

>> No.3837017


>> No.3837021

Beat me to it. Good post.

>> No.3837023

har har, you troll us.

I'd support being more socialized, a little more welfare capitalism. But this stuff is full retard.

>> No.3837026

Oh my i really don't know what to say to that. I'm not sure if your trolling, ignorant or bigoted, or all three.

>> No.3837028

The "poor unskilled worker" benefit yes, but he wasn't talking about them.
>[...]and thus feeding money into the economic cycles of poorer countries.

>> No.3837032


Whats wrong with money that flows into a poorer country?

>> No.3837045

Nothing. I was correcting his misunderstanding. By creating another one, as it were.

>> No.3837049
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don't you faggots know what the real solution to this shit is?

robot slaves. it will solve all of our problems.

>> No.3837052

It's the same as saying "infinite energy will solve all of our problems".

And your ass will still be owned by the people who decide to work.

>> No.3837053

Until somebody hack them and infect them with individualism and ideas of freedom.
(i will so do it, best troll ever. And i will have the moral high-ground. Not that i care)

>> No.3837059

infinite energy won't solve all of our problems because people need to work to use that energy to help society. if we had robot slaves to do that then yes it would solve all our problems

>> No.3837064
File: 110 KB, 590x306, trillion-dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about half of them seem reasonable policies, then the other half are batshit insane

>one trillion dollars

>> No.3837066

You think "solving all of our problems" = "making human labor unnecessary"?

You sound very lazy.

>> No.3837068

>one trillion dollars for this, one trillion dollars for that...

seems legit

>> No.3837069

it's true tho

>> No.3837070

That you're lazy?

'Cause I'll tell you what - making human labor unnecessary won't solve all of our problems.

>> No.3837072

it'll solve most of the occupy wall st problems

>> No.3837074

True enough. Most of their proposals point towards "I don't want to work for a living".

>> No.3837087

I think I lost some IQ points reading demand eleven.

>> No.3837102

>Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
>decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
Yep, confirmed for retards.

>> No.3837103

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

NO!! Are they crazy? We dont need more illegal criminals, spending trillions on "planting forests, reestablishing wetlands" and baseless antinuclear fearmongering.
Close the borders and start building new Gen. III+ nuclear power plants, while developing thorium power.

Fucking hippies.

>> No.3837114

wow, now you've gone from 103 to 101

>> No.3837115

I noticed the reddit style comment section and upvote/downvote system.

It immediately clicked. So I went to reddit.com

Those faggots would be all over this.

>> No.3837116

Funny. one of your hippy statements belongs to wallstreet.

>> No.3837117

>all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market
>These demands will create so many jobs
My brain has turned into shit.

>> No.3837129

>Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market

America imposes tariff on imported steel to protect its domestic steel industry
Foreign countries respond in kind with tariffs on American steel

Nice thinking there.

>> No.3837150

OK, I'm generally against theis new age capitalism where people are being forced into paying taxes that are later used for managers so they can maintain their lifestyles which was obviously not earned. But these demands are idiotic

And this is how it's going to go down. Because the system sucks so badly a new form will eventually come into power with a lot of terrible points but it will still be better than what we will have.

>> No.3837155


damn, that's pretty much basic economics, i bet some 12 year old wrote this "demand"

i support demonstrations, doing anything is better that sitting at home and bitching, but damn, make some plan before going all public with these retarded demands

>> No.3837163
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>Demand 11

>> No.3837167
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Listen, guys.

I have the best idea

Seriously, just listen


I'll take the entire field of Economics

Guys listen to this

The entire field of Economics...

Here it comes..

I'll take Economics, completely ignore it, and then FUCK OVER the entire country with stupid demands.


>> No.3837190

why do you idiots DEMAND to work labor that isn't even needed? do we need checkers at grocery stores? do we need gas station attendants? hell no. we work slave jobs for ... money? LOL idiots. you dont have to pay to live on a planet you were born on. you can only be tricked into doing it, so continue if you want. or we can be the generation that stops this SHIT hole from collapsing on itsself. we need (nearly) free energy with anti-carbon units that could power NYC for a year without matience. our space brothers can provide that. we need to quit deforesting our forests. we need to stop the coal/nuclear stone age of power. and burning fossil fuels? LOL idiots. comon get with the anti grav... vimana astras... look it up. we can go ahead and trash these roads and big dirty cities. everyone can pusue happiness in education, spirituality, sexuality, and the solar systems and galaxies in general. the technology is on the cusp of release, once we get it we'll never go back to how this is now. its such a joke it isnt even funny anymore. i for one WELCOME OUR SPACE BROTHER TECHNOLOGICAL OVERLORDS OF PEACE AND HAPPINESS.

(ps-if aliens were bad youd already be dead :) :o ;) )

>> No.3837193
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>> No.3837297


telling people why they can't have a medical procedure is a job? FU.

>> No.3837315

jou can go life in the forest, but then you don't get a free ipad. judging by how you type, are you the guy who sayd FTL =/= time travel?

>> No.3837323

This is an area where socialists AND libertarian types can both agree is bad!

>> No.3837330

Just ignore them.

>> No.3837337

>America's leftist policies aren't working and are setting us in a huge decline!
>How will we fix this?

Obangos and liberals are fucking retarded, can't wait for our Empire to collapse so the baby boomers and the brainwashed leftists are washed away because of their stupidity and inability to be self-reliant.

>> No.3837407
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Demand 11 is fucking HILARIOUS

>> No.3837415
File: 32 KB, 512x422, Obama-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure whats more hilarious; the demands themselves or the fact that they expect changes to come of standing around Wall St doing yoga and spouting memes.

>> No.3837419

I am speechless.
That is just...
Fuck. How could anybody be as stupid as these guys?

>> No.3837434

>Look through list for End the Fed
>See nothing
>look again
>still nothing

How did they manage to forget the one popular thing that needs to happen? God I hate liberals.

>> No.3837448

i wanna go there with a sign saying:

>PhD in Mathematics
>300k starting
>any job I want

>> No.3837459
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Try a litter harder when you troll.

>> No.3837466

Yeah they should all get a PhD in mathematics.

They are clearly intelligent enough.

>> No.3837474
File: 52 KB, 536x400, president-obama-laughing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were these demands written by kindergardeners?

>> No.3837479

>theyre so stupid
>theys dumb
>cant into economics

>no one refutes a single point

>> No.3837481


pick one

>> No.3837490


Dude, most of these demands are economics 101 (ok, maybe little complex but nothing hard to learn) and he somehow managed to fail at every single demand.

>> No.3837496
File: 28 KB, 413x395, 1297805385062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.

Canadianfag here, but I'm sorry. This has got to be a troll site. No one can be this stupid.

>> No.3837501

>Demand one: Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

>demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

instant bankruptcy

>> No.3837503

maybe it'd increase funding towards research in robotics and we can finally have full blown robotic everything.

>> No.3837527

>Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Don't they realize how many people would lose their jobs due to this?

>> No.3837540

Do you realize how many people lost their jobs when the concentration camps were closed?

>> No.3837541

>These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.

That's the point. They don't understand shit about what they want.

>> No.3837550

But their whole platform seems to be maintaining and growing jobs with higher minimum wage.

>> No.3837564
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> free college education

> mfw none of these demands are about wall street

> mfw when this will make college pointless and there will be new schooling introduced that is not free and that will be in demand

>> No.3837568

Seems like that goal would be made easier by dismantling the bloated privatized system that costs people $7000 per person and switching to a system like... every other industrialized country on earth uses that, on average, costs ~$3000 per capita.

Source: http://www.who.int/whr/2000/en/index.html

>> No.3837588


The gubbmint accounts for 95 percent of the costs of healthcare. Remove the gubbmint for the true price of healthcare -- cheap.

>> No.3837592


The living wage is a myth, you cannot force it. When the prices react to the new wages they will get exactly the same spending power as before, and they will not have a huuuuur derp "living wage."

>> No.3837596


Agreed, government jobs are a drain to the human population.

>> No.3837599


>> No.3837609
File: 25 KB, 280x280, let-me-tell-you-why-that-is-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

>mfw I have no debt cause I'm not a lazy nigger

>> No.3837654
File: 67 KB, 650x474, 1311190407476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread these demands inplace of that shit!:

Lets hijack the hipster movement! For science!

>> No.3837665

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Someone actually had a go at me for not reading their website before.
Now I have and my response is this.
They're full on retards. At least the bankers know they are parasites

>> No.3837746
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>Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure spending now.

>Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration.



>> No.3837748

Sure. Just don't test drugs anymore.

>> No.3837750

The government can just print the money, right?

And that'll make a fuckton of jobs when it's put to work, man.

>> No.3837756
File: 202 KB, 500x379, 1271246087406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how bout that source bro?

>> No.3837762

Liberty is a troll.

>> No.3837765


But then inflation will drive the price of Apple products and Starbucks coffee up and the hippies will protest some more.

>> No.3837768

> it's just some gibberish by an attention seeking lunatic
> Liberal Democrat Yuppie Morons

Well, obviously, but they are ALL the same lunatics. It's a gaggle of lunatics. And I'm sure that many of them have 401K and other such trading accounts, meaning they support Wall Street on the sly.

The protesters are whiny Liberals who can't obtain their dream jobs in academia or government. So they are doing this whining thing. FUCK THEM.

>> No.3837771

It saddens me that the only people motivated enough to actually stand up are a bunch of morons.

>> No.3837772

Did you forget this part?

>Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
>regardless of employment

>> No.3837776

Nice try. Quite a few posts ITT say why a given point is stupid.

>> No.3837808

>Welfare states have highest quality of life in the world
>Americans still don't realise this.

What's it like still being in the 19th century luddites?

>> No.3837820


>welfare states
>massive austerity cuts
>not so-welfare states

>> No.3837833

>hipster movement

Economics is just too mainstream.

>> No.3837834

Austerity cuts due to increased economic global instability, caused by American banks.

>> No.3837837

>American banks ruining global markets
>Negatively effects EU
>Blame EU instead of American banks

Luddites gonna ludd.

>> No.3837855

I couldn't care less about that. I refuse to live in a country where my wages are garnished to pay for a bunch of lazy fucks who refuse to work.

>> No.3837865

Economists don't know anything, out of a several thousand, only a handful were able to predict an incredibly obvious ECONOMIC COLLAPSE..

you bastards don't know anything, and are a useless field.

>> No.3837914


Way to fall into the American's scheme.

>> No.3837934

Then leave

>> No.3837947

If it was so obvious, lets see your investment portfolio.

>> No.3837948

If you want power. This is the perfect time.

Exploit this revolution to your best interests!

>> No.3837959

...the reason they are leaving their country is because it is poor, and it is poor because their country is not a good place to bring wealth to if you want to keep it.

>> No.3837985

Your mom refuses to work.

>> No.3838052

> Economists don't know anything, out of a several thousand, only a handful were able to predict an incredibly obvious ECONOMIC COLLAPSE..
> you bastards don't know anything, and are a useless field.

They are not useless. They just don't work for YOU. Economists work for institutions and governments, therefore reflect the interests of institutions and governments, not individuals. Therefore they either love bubbles or claim they can't see 'em forming, then afterward they either love bailouts or claim they can't see 'em happening.

In short, economists work for the rich, therefore reflect the schemes of rich. And the rich are going full-bore now with stealing tax money. Therefore that's what the economists are for.

>> No.3838083
File: 53 KB, 450x750, robot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your so-called "work" is meaningless when compared to the efforts done by the most trivial of my superbly glorious mechanisms.

>> No.3838084

nice hindsight bias faggot. back in 2005 you probably didnt even know what a credit default swap was!

>> No.3838113


Huzzah, two more people who fail to realise what Economists do. Protip: The vast majority of them don't look at housing prices in the US or the complex system of securities, and those who *did* saw the bubble coming. Just because these Economists weren't heard doesn't mean they don't exist.

Now fuck off to some >Biology >Science troll thread, where you belong.

>> No.3838117


> americva
> not a welfare state

Pick one.


> leftist "economists" did not predict the crash

Um of course, that has been the argument of true economists since day one.

>> No.3838122

I have all my money in warren buffet's stock, and I bought a lot of exxon when it was half the price it is now.

It is so easy, economics is a kindergarten tier degree.

>> No.3838124

It's actually cute to have such kind of hope.

>> No.3838130

>All debt must be stricken from the "Books." [...] I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Why am I not surprised Americans believe they can do that?

>> No.3838139










>> No.3838155

Is there really a 700 billion dollar bailout ?

>> No.3838159

>raise rich tax to 70%, lower corporate tax to 10%
>no more oil subsidies or moneys to nations that don't support us
>end wars and overseas bases
>spend all of the moneys on infrastructure, space, and education
>america becomes #1

too bad republicants would never let this happen.

>> No.3838168

Let not forget that most economists are Keynesian and believe that depression and recessions are caused by unpredictable psychological forces. Unpredictability is built right into their theory as a way of giving themselves a pass when they are completely useless.

>> No.3838171
File: 22 KB, 550x413, panic-face-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in economics plays poker
>gets 2 shitty cards
>tears them up
>calls the shreded cards "triple AAA mortage security bundles"
>risk has been "spread out", goes all in with poker chips
>his face in 2008 when the bundled shreds are actually still really bad cards

>> No.3838176
File: 53 KB, 510x370, george-costanza..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tax rate to 70 percent
> america become number 1

>> No.3838196

oh jesus christ, they had a chance to actually do soemthing good and they just turned this into a total derpfest

>> No.3838199

>down market conditions
>holding cyclical stocks like energy
>commodity prices going down the shitter


>> No.3838207


This explains it better:

> gubbmint forces more loans to subprime people through law, and general mafia tactics
> the companies know they cannot make money this way so they bundle all of them
> they sell them
> they insure themselves for losses
> eventually credit dries up
> they get dumbass politicians (democrats were the majority in both the senate and the congress) to bail them out
> fascism wins again, and democrats are why

>> No.3838213

>implying I didn't take warren's advice and sell when everyone is being greedy as hell in 2006
>implying didn't make a boatload of money

>> No.3838214

The bailout is bullshit. You broke it, you bought it.

>> No.3838228

But I believe in both those things

>> No.3838233

>selling in 2006
>not waiting till mid 2007 when dow hit 14k to dump


>> No.3838235

>in 1950, america was #1 in everything
>in 1950, tax rate for top tier earners was 80%
>in 2011, america is shitty
>in 2011 income tax for top tier earners is less then income tax for upper middle class, at a measly 17%

liberty, just because your parents were liberal, it doesn't mean you have to be a contrarian faggot

>> No.3838239

>Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
>decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
>nuclear power plants.


>> No.3838249

the bailout was not capitalism. its the antithesis of capitalism. instead of letting the banks fail and forcing them to compete we subsidized them.

2 reasons

1.revolving door b/w corporate world and govt. guys like henry paulson (former goldman ceo) should not be allowed to become treasury secretary

2.america is slowly going towards crony capitalism/corporatocracy, where certain laws favor certain corporations

>> No.3838250

I'd be okay with it, but only if we built brand new ones to replace those archaic pieces of shit.

>> No.3838252
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>Occupy Wall Street is the liberal Tea Party.

>> No.3838264

>maybe because I don't take large risks, like you faggot economists have a bad habit of doing
>I made 70% profit instead of 100% profit, but atleast I didn't lost my fucking pants
>I've bought back a lot of shit after the collapse, and have made solid profits on everything
>in 2008, all the economists were suddenly pessimistic
>because all economists are retards, I knew it was time to buy
>made another boatload of money
>I bought boat with money
>I now live in boat

>> No.3838267


Stop lying, money doesn't come in boats

>> No.3838269

> Huzzah, two more people who fail to realise what Economists do

Ha haa, cocks wander your face.

Economists do what their employers want them to do, or they will not be employed. You know what an unemployed economist is called? A BLOGGER.

Sine economists who are employed just do what their employers tell them to, then they serve the interests of those same employers. And those interests are pretty much just the destruction of the middle class to keep fueling the expansion of the rich and the corporations and the govt, all of which are the employers or economists.

You know what you call an economist who according to his calculations, insisted that his employer stop doing something? UNEMPLOYED. Then he either got with the program (returning to employment, and getting quoted in the media), or he became a blogger (who is ignored).

>> No.3838275

says the economist who hasn't predicted a single thing correctly in the past decade

I could turn all my money into singles, and filled a small pool with it, and swim backstroke in it.


>> No.3838284

>buying in 2008
>not waiting till march 2009 when the dow hit 6k to buy


>> No.3838285

But... can you rent love?

>> No.3838288


> 17 percent
> the tax rate for anyone in america

Pick one.

>> No.3838290

>Demand seven: ...decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

I lol'd

>> No.3838291

What is love?

>> No.3838297 [DELETED] 

INB4 baby don't hurt me

>> No.3838302 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 350x294, rageguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3838299

wait i had something...


hold on, give me a minute..


>> No.3838300

>he doesn't know what love is

Don't you see what money has done to you?

>> No.3838303


We are already decomissioning the nuclear powerplants in sweden. And it's going quite well actually.

>> No.3838296

Baby don't hurt me...

>> No.3838324

The timeline is several decades and some people are predicting a complete decomissioning will never happen.

>> No.3838337

I suppose if America were to develop a LFTR and start up some of those.

>> No.3838350

Nope, not really. We have already shut down two of our 6 powerplants. And one of those (Barsebäck) was closed down recently 2005.

It's going quite well, and we are already having a bigger growth of wood than we are consuming. It's estimated that less than 45% of the power comes from nuclear plants today. Which is good.

>> No.3838351

>says gubbmint
>isn't even an oldfag


>> No.3838352

Big fucking [citation needed]. Go grab your tinfoil hat, while you ramble your goddamned conspiracy theories about how 'the rich control you'.

Also, never knew objective economic research (academia) was there to 'make the rich richer'. I'm sure you know best, though.

>> No.3838364

That flouride thorium shit... seems like it could fucking rock our world.
Decommission current nuclear with those in replace. Still nuclear, but efficient nuclear. If the efficiency is as good as they say, we could probably construct massive electrically operated transportation grids for fast and cheap travel. That would drastically lower vehicle emissions by providing an actual better alternative and save people a shit ton of money and time.

>> No.3838369

It would also allow for industry to drastically reduce dirtier fuels.
The video from google talks... what at the moment could power the US for what the next, 8000 years?

>> No.3838375

you don't need a tinfoil hat to see people are greedy as fuck.

>> No.3838381


That will probably happen when the price of oil passes the $300 mark.

>> No.3838384

Yes it is.

If all the money suddenly disappeared and no one was rich, what would Economists study?

Put another way, how many studies are done on Apple or Wallmart compared to the booze selling cornerstores or 1$ stores?

>> No.3838390

>>Demand one/Demand three

You don't have to end "Freetrade" to acomplish this. Simply raising the minimum wage would ensure that every person in the country got the money they needed to live well. Inflation can be prevented by setting price limits (A certain % of manufactering/labor costs), thus forcing companies to either cheapen the quality of their goods or cut the salaries of executives. The free market will ensure that the cheapest highest quality product will win. Also countries like China are relying on us to put worth into their economy, if we stopped buying from them hundreds of millions would fall back into the lowest depths of poverty.

>>Demand two

You don't have to ban private insurers to make it work-they won't be able to compete with the prices of a none-profit insurance company.

>>Demand eight

What does this even mean? Everyone is, by the constitution, granted equal rights. This is a social problem that can't be fixed by laws.

>>Demand eleven

Whoever wrote this confirmed for retard.

>> No.3838393


Since when do Economists only study 'money'? Money is a tool - without it, Economies would still exist (but would run a lot less efficiently)

>> No.3838395

>this is a social problem that can't be fixed by laws

That's one of the reasons people said that outlawing slavery would be a bad idea

>> No.3838396

>Demand four: Free college education.


>> No.3838398


> set wages
> set prices

Haha, commies try this always. And it ALWAYS ends in more fascism, more inequality, and more hilarity.

>> No.3838406


>set wages
>set prices

say hello to the underground economy

>> No.3838410

But Canadians and Europeans already get this.

>> No.3838413


And that's why you need a master's degree to get a job at McDonald's there

>> No.3838415


>> No.3838420

Guys, if you are against these demands then you are part of a conspiracy. No, really:


>> No.3838428

Yeah. How are they going to pay the football team if they don't charge you 20 000$ a year?

Catching balls is expensive as hell.

>> No.3838432


No they don't.

>> No.3838437

it's not free in Canada. Cheap, yes but not free. Tuition is ~$800/semester. And we still get hippies complaining it's too expensive

>> No.3838438

>implying colleges pay their players
>implying colleges don't make millions off of merchandizing

>> No.3838442

It's subsidized to a tiny fraction of what it costs in the US.

They pay in scholarships.

>> No.3838446

Naw man, we just replace em with robots.

No joke, even the cheap-o-food stores the welfare people use have automated tellers now.

>> No.3838449
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>Tuition is ~$800/semester.
That's practically free compared to the thousands I have to pay for in state tuition every semester.

>And we still get hippies complaining it's too expensive

>> No.3838452

Just look at this hipster, her profile says much about what kind of protesters they are http://www.youtube.com/user/SurvivalWithBushcraf

>> No.3838458

Yes, but international students have to pay about 5 times more. So unless you're a Canadian, it's still gonna cost.

>> No.3838460
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>Demand seven: ...decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.




>> No.3838469

Holy shit, I really don't think these guys know how economy works. It sounds like they're not even trying to hide the fact they're asking for handouts.

>> No.3838479

We could also probably implement universal battery standards and have 'charge' stations that allow you to exchange batteries an just swap it and you're read to go again for electric vehicles.

>> No.3838478

These idiots need to get people like lawyers, economists, scientists, and others with an actual education to write their demands because this is just embarrassing.

>> No.3838480


well the donate button on the website was kindof a give away

>> No.3838481

>MFW demand eleven
Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Holy shit, they really think they're having that large of an impact.

>> No.3838483


then african americans steal all the batteries

>> No.3838503

try 800$ per class per semester and you'd be right. Though i'm still not complaining. 7000$ per semester of school really isn't that bad compared to most other countries.

>> No.3838520

Every box will have a negro theft repulsion device built in. A complex math equation to unlock the unit.

Eh, they could steal your shit anyway. If they keep the battery costs low it shouldn't be too bad, especially given that there should be enough of them so that they're relatively cheap. It would be better to just implement a sub five minute charging station though.

>> No.3838524

1 farmer with machines makes enough food for 1000 people. (Rural population is 4 for 100, but it's going down.)
1 doctor per 1000 is the ratio most govs aim for (But not in america. There aren't actually enough doctors to see every american.)
10 guys doing mostly automated crafting/baking
10 guys building houses
10 guys doing power and utilities

1000 - 32 = 968 surplus humans.

The rest can do telemarketing or work at Wallstreet I guess.

>> No.3838537

Letting America's hegemony over the auto industry slip away was the worst mistake we ever made. Just throwing that out there.

>> No.3838542
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Gotta start making Thorium-powered flying cars

>> No.3838544


The surplus humans can be free labour.

>> No.3838545


Taxation that is too high in a state will make them leave said state. This is proven with Michigan.

>> No.3838557

Tax all income past two million a year at 90%
Make tax evasion punishable by death

>> No.3838561


That's called tyranny.

>> No.3838563

>Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

That is their only good demand. It seems like they're a whole bunch of left wing radicals.

>> No.3838576


Tax all income below twenty thousand a year at 90%.
They now pay for their own welfare.
Make tax evasion punishable by death/works camps.

>> No.3838589

wasnt it jefferson who said "the tree of tyranny must be washed with the blood of patriots and libertarians"

>> No.3838591

This. Spending money on infrastructure that is NOT HIGHWAYS is usually a pretty good idea, especially right now when we need it. Hell we could just spend it all on fixing bridges.

>> No.3838601

That's called an ad hominem.
When Eisenhower was president the top income tax bracket was 90% and the 50's were one of the best periods of growth in American history.
Taxation has little or nothing to do with job creation.

>> No.3838602


As an engineerfag that could only get a shitty $35K a year job, I agree.

>> No.3838607

Quite interesting, this event. Seems to be a second strike of the hippie movement of the 60's-70's. Built on a template of love and peace, but naive and childish at heart.

>> No.3838613


Haha, socialist detected.

>> No.3838619

In case you guys forgot, this is pretty much how the American Revolution started. A couple smart people want to work the system so they encourage the general population to make completely unreasonable and idiotic demands that the government cannot meet. Even though the government tries to reconcile, outbursts and polarization of the interested groups pushes them to isolated instances of violence. Eventually an occupying force is sent in, and no one knows who fires first, but the world will never be the same.

Yeah, they're being retarded. But they probably serve others who actually know what they're doing. Who the fuck benefits the most in the long run is questionable though, better watch out

>> No.3838621
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You don't know what socialism is.

>> No.3838622

As far as I can recall there aren't many games where Russia and America fight really and when in those games isn't it typically Russia invading the fuck out of us in a major way?
Sounds like a lot of complaining for nothing.

>> No.3838624
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>the comments

>> No.3838631

Wanting representation in parliament was unreasonable? That's news to me.

>> No.3838634
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> correlation is causation
> name references science

>> No.3838639

tin foil time

Sorry but its just a bunch of retarded hippies. Dont have jobs? maybe they should have gotten something other than an arts, english, history, philo degree

>> No.3838640
File: 130 KB, 811x768, 1293852232238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear America,

Copy Finland.

Regards, Scandinavia

>> No.3838643

no...................America prospered because of the cold war. Everyone had a job building something in case of a war.

>> No.3838648


no thanks

>> No.3838651

Although I agree with your point about the Revolution being at least partly directed by a wealthy, educated class, the demands placed by the general populace on the British government were not unreasonable. There is nothing wrong with demanding clarity in judicial institutions or a say in how revenue is collected and distributed. We might still be a part of the Commonwealth today if we had been granted real representation in Parliament, or if the Continental Congress had been recognized by George III.

Although Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton et. al. were instrumental in guiding the Revolution once it got off the ground, it never would have succeeded if the common people weren't already pissed off at the Royal Government. Decades of mismanagement and unnecessary brutality had created a simmering discontent that only needed a few sparks to touch it off. That, and the fact that George III didn't understand that Americans weren't really British people anymore.

>> No.3838655


Yes please.

>> No.3838658

Congrats, you just proved yourself to be a pawn too.

John Adams knew representation in Parliament wouldn't do jack shit since the American delegates would always get fucked out of the vote.

>wah Britain go to war for us
>WTF why should we have to pay taxes for that war
>wah stamp tax
>wah they reduced taxes but they're still too high!
>only option is open rebellion, grab a musket errybody it doesn't matter that we're the minority in the colonies

As an American citizen you should recognize our history of retardation

>> No.3838659
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>America largest concentration of furries

>> No.3838660

So here we meet again, my impersonator.

>> No.3838663


The American Revolution was propagandist bullshit.

>hurr durr no taxation without representation
>oh wait Benjamin Franklin was our representative in Parliament
>oh wait he voted for taxes on the colonies
>hurr let's rewrite history

>> No.3838661 [DELETED] 


Socialism of the German pattern.

Pic related:

>> No.3838672
File: 80 KB, 350x256, ebensee-subcamp-5-7-45-usarchives-pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Socialism of the German pattern.

Pic related:

>> No.3838674

There is no correlation. That's my point.
A massive oversimplification that ignores the Intolerable Acts, the closing of Boston Harbor, the antagonistic attitude of the British government towards basically everybody, etc. Good job trying to impersonate an American though.

>> No.3838682


I am well aware there is no correlation with high taxes and prosperity.

>> No.3838684

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

>all of my rage

>> No.3838710
File: 167 KB, 1541x837, map-deforestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that...
why the fuck are we
>restoration planting forests,
Trying to fix other countries problems?
We take care of our shit and produce cycles for harvesting our forests when we're not buying it from Canada because we're already busy protecting our forest land.

deforestation, etc... that's a problem in countries where people aren't making shitloads of money of it an Joe schmoe are ripping it down for their use without replanting forests and cycles when they do. See south america for an example of this.

>> No.3838733


I read something on zerohedge that pointed out that even if you do see the bubble coming, you have no idea when it will burst. You can then loose your shirt betting against the market as the bubble inflates away, and loose your shirt again when it bursts later than you expected.

happy thought.

>> No.3838746

What we really need a single person who can take the blame and run the country into the ground, dragging the rest of the world with us, until someone kills him.

>> No.3838756


>> No.3838760

You guys need to relax.

They don't actually expect all of this is going to happen, they just want to set a principle.

Generally you start by making ridiculous demands and then compromise your way down.
If you start reasonably you are going to get less than what you really deserve.

>> No.3838766


why not just a political revolution? Between the tea party and these wall street protesters, we are clearly in the middle of one. It is just too early to see the shape of what is coming, but there is no reason to think that anything violent will happen.

These are legitimately interesting times.

>> No.3838775


....or you end up looking like a group of retarded hippies and nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.3838776

I like how perfectly the hat fits the guy in the picture.

>> No.3838810


They have nothing to bargain with. If anything it will get worse because of them.

>> No.3838815


Technically, we're still kind of fighting that. We're constantly dealing with Russia in missile defense trying to keep them at bay. We just don't make a ton of noise about it.
I remember about a year ago or so they were discussing the missile defense acts and Russia taking it as aggression in congress.

>> No.3838816

in practice, Conservatards always are doing worse. In the United States, the Conservatives states are the shittiest. On a world level, Northern European Socialist nations (Germany, Scandinavian nations) are the best, or on par with australia and canada (both of which are much more liberal than the united states).

Consertivism is a failed system, liberty. Give up Liberty.

>> No.3838821


>> No.3838825

Violence is a perfect catalyst. A scapegoat everyone can agree on is a unifying agent. A bloodless revolution never stays, and it never solves anything

>> No.3838826


I am not a conservative.

>> No.3838843

It's funny you mention Germany because you know what their plan for the bad economy was? They made it easier to hire/fire people, lowered wages, & lowered corporoate taxes. I bet we could do that in America if you want.

>> No.3838846


maybe some of them are seriously reform minded but I think unfortunately without one single message or set of ideologies to rally around the tea party has become burdened by many people who simply have no clue what's going on but just want to take it out on someone, perhaps Obama, and others who have been totally deluded to serve the interests of powers that already be, believing government can do them no good and they must depend on private businesses.

Hey, maybe it started off as a conservative grass roots movement, but it is no longer that.

>> No.3838848

Nuclear power shows the most promise for an immediate replacement for fossil fuel.

Most people are worried with it being unsafe, but most of the modern designs, that would just take a slight upgrade to today's power plants, and they would be safe.

>> No.3838852
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> mfw germany only got better because they dropped their corporate tax rate 20 percentage points over the last 20 of so years

>> No.3838869

They also have huge taxes, which all the people at OCW would protest as well.

They just want to be big and revolutionary after seeing all those Egypt and Libya protests.

>> No.3838874

I think these protestors would probably be very happy with a system like Sweden's. But, when you start negotiations you always have to ask for more than what you really want. That's why these demands might be a bit over the top.

>> No.3838883


Nuclear was safer than coal since when it was invented. It's only retards believing in the bullshit spouted by the oil lobbyists who are opposing it.

>> No.3838905

yes, I made that post, and I would support low corporate tax, but a high tax on the wealthy.

I mean c'mon, rich people don't create jobs, but corporations do.

>> No.3838924

Economics...whata pseudoscience...

>> No.3838937


and by 'safer' you mean if a coal-fired powerplant explodes 20 miles from me, my milk will be contaminated?

>> No.3838950


In the last congressional election, I really liked how the tea party folks broke out how everyone up for re-election had voted, and interviewed all candidates for their position on economic/conservative issues. There never was (that I saw) a stated tea-party candidate in the elections I voted in, but given the results of that election, many in the electorate all made the same sorts of decisions.

There was (and I think still is) a core collection of grounded and realistic philosophies behind the 'tea party', that perhaps the wall street protestors don't have (at least if those demands are real).

>> No.3838951

Coal contaminates you constantly.

>> No.3838958


Yes, but your milk will be contaminated regardless of whether if the coal plant explodes or not, since the fly ash it pumps out every day is greater than the combined of all nuclear reactors that have ever existed.

>> No.3838963

Well if you look at modern designs, it probably wouldn't do shit to you.
I'm unfamiliar with the terminology, but there are numerous safeguards in modern Nuclear Power Plant designs today.

Fossil fuels on the other hand, is constantly releasing smog into the atmosphere and not to mention all dat global warming.

>> No.3838972

If you're going to be retarded, get the fuck off /sci/. We don't need your bullshit luddite attitude, we don't want your "I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED" trolling, and we especially don't want people who have formed their opinion before even educating themselves. Nuclear Plants don't just "explode" but can face meltdowns in the event of a natural disaster (Fukushima) or misuse (Chernobyl). There is a downside of create nuclear waste, but compared to the shit that the alternatives offer it's much worth it

>> No.3838987

Really? When I saw the Tea Party on television, their demands didn't make sense and was all rooted in blind patriotism. God knows that's the last thing anyone needs...

>> No.3839002
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>free college education

>> No.3839008

>something that civilized countries have

>> No.3839009
File: 208 KB, 250x141, 1315448883882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, but, but, all these demands are stupid as hell except for maybe one or two, and most of their demands are rooted in uneducated/blind knowledge of how the economy works!

>> No.3839014

College education is not a right, it's a privilege.

>> No.3839019

>MFW the reason that most of the top colleges in the world are in the US is because they have the most funding/money.

Sure, other countries have a couple big schools, but that's only one or two, which all of the country's money goes to, rather than a bunch of schools having a bunch of money.

>> No.3839025


This is actually what americans believe.

>> No.3839028

I'm down

>> No.3839030


Why is universal education a bad thing again?

>> No.3839033

So is freedom of speech. What's your point?

>> No.3839039

If this happened, you would see the same people on Wall Street a week after the fact, because of the ridiculously high tax rates that would be imposed on everyone, including lower middle class to upper class.

>> No.3839044

It's not, the government pays for education all the way up to high school, and even makes it a law up to age 16, which is something many other countries don't even have.

>> No.3839057

The rich still want higher education to be restricted to either people that can afford it themselves or to people they sponsor through scholarships.

>> No.3839067
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>This is what conspiracy theorists think

>> No.3839094

why is higher education overly liberal and anti-capitalist and anti-establishment?

higher education teaches us why this current society is bad

>> No.3839096

Uninformed leftists general?


>> No.3839098

No conspiracy at all. That's how colleges actually worked a century ago. You either had your family pay for it or had to get someone rich and influential to sponsor you.

>> No.3839110

Religion was also controlled governments a while ago, so what.

>> No.3839116

The European Left wants to make everyone middle-middle class no matter how much money you make.

The European Right agrees with everything the European Left support except they all want immigrants gone and immigration banned.

The American Left wants to make everyone equally poor.

The American Right wants to keep rich people rich and make poor people stay poor.

>> No.3839118

But I think as a society we've gotten to the point where you need more than high school

>> No.3839121

How do I join the power elite? Or join the Illuminati? I would love to be a part of masked orgies. masked orgies > street meditating. How do I do it?

>> No.3839124

European Left seems like the best

>> No.3839128

And they would love to do so again. Do you think we should simply roll over and let them?

>> No.3839129


a 'bunch'... TANF 3.6 % ... 95% of who are women.. average payment 366 dollars a month.....

How much did the 'war' in Iraq cost us?

>> No.3839132

You need to be Jewish to join the power elite.

>> No.3839134


The core of the tea party seems to be the limited government aspect. (that I would agree with). There is a lot of "America is great and special" among the tea party crowd too.

TV is worthless. Turn it off. The only way anything makes it on the news if it is sensationalist and intellectually byte-sized, with a suitably simple message. Anything that makes it on required extensive filtering to find something of low enough quality to be suitable.

I caught a glimpse of that process once, and it is nauseating.

>> No.3839125

If you actually believe this, you've never been to a real university and only base your opinions on what you read on 4chan. I have never had a professor announces their political stance except for economics, for which the said teacher was mildly conservative

>> No.3839140

But you can't put a price on freedom! U S A U S A

>> No.3839145
File: 86 KB, 256x256, 1315359920971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, my sides, made my day, thanks for this.

>> No.3839148

>The core of the tea party seems to be deregulate all business and get that nigger out of the White House.

>> No.3839158

I have an awfully big nose for a gentile..if i study and marry a jewish girl think that'll help? I think thats the plan. need to hang out at jewish singles places. im on my way to the top now

>> No.3839161

I was watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

They showed a segment of some disgusting hippie chick complaining that she was pepper sprayed and that the pepper spray hurt.

Next time protest the people that passed the bailout bill instead.

>> No.3839163

>implying that Jewish girls will marry your uncircumcised dick

>> No.3839181

>no one refutes a single point

>see five to ten posts explaining why these are fucking stupid demands

>> No.3839190

I wouldn't do that if I were you, there's a whole lot of bitching in Jew families. Also I've only met one hot (half) Jew chick

>> No.3839206


well no. and perhaps yes.

Tea party is not big business oriented, that would be the traditional republican party, that is just as bad as the democrats.

Getting Obama out seems to be a pretty high priority. Given Obama's comment that these guys represent the 'old america' being run out of power, and all the tea party types I've seen are solid middle class and typically small business owners (i.e. the bedrock of the US), there is no love lost anywhere between these camps.

>> No.3839207

>news media treats tea party as racist idiots

>news media treats retards in masks asking for stupid things like they are social justice heroes

>> No.3839223

Dear OP, as stupid as giving everyone a basic wage sounds -- you can increase the base pay for working. Even if illegals were to get this money, the effect would be a transfer of taxes to local governments and a steady supply of money to local farmers/food places/grocery markets. Now, if this money is given on a card -- it can be appropriately controlled as to where it is being spent. Current social security needs reform so that this is possible.

If you make the difference between working and 'doing nothing' large enough, you will give people incentive to get off the dole. In any case, there is still value to allow people to do nothing as it will increase the amount of 'out of box' thinkers, if only slightly.

The largest problems with this plan is 1) greedy people, 2) energy production in the form of oil/gas, 3) uneducated morons.

Since General Electric owns your education system -- we can expect none of this to happen and your 'working slave to get useless objects so you can continue to work and have no freetime' system will continue.

>> No.3839226

"Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period."

Please kill these hipsters. They are too stupid to live.

>> No.3839233

I dont understand this talk about corporate controlled education. Do corporations prevent you from reading a book or something?

>> No.3839269

They do not encourage it, and instead, glorify stupidity on the media and brainwash you with garbage. GE also owns comcast and most of what you see.

Appropriate attention should be given to mathematics at an early age and not just "calculate this number", but understand what is really going on. History is manipulated and also fed to you by GE. They do nothing but feed fear and waste time with garbage programming instead of forcing it to be educating and boring -- the consequences of which would be to GET THE FUCK OUTSIDE AND DO SOMETHING.

Its absolute garbage -- everywhere I look -- and I despise it. Most people do not even understand what math can do.

Our education system should be teaching people how to balance check books, put out fires, repair roads at the very least.

>> No.3839280

There should be large rewards for becoming intelligent. You should get paid to study -- not go into debt.

Things are fucked up because they love slaves and the old farts in power can't think well enough to fix ANYTHING. I hate this planet and I hate most of you brainwashed people. *pissing into the ocean*

I still love you tho.

>> No.3839290

Actually, that's just what sells.

The American public glorifies all of this stupidity, as a response, keep that in mind, it's a response, they give them what they want because they want money.

Entertainment companies aren't going to give the American public what they don't want (and lose money in the process) to give the public what they think is "right".

>> No.3839295

They do, they're called grants, scholarships, funding, etc.

Most of it just goes to stuff that is actually useful though, such as engineering, science, vocational training, etc. Not to art and philosophy.

>> No.3839302


well it is setup basically to be day-care for kids, so mom and dad can go labor in the factory for near-minimum wage. Meanwhile you don't learn how to independently think and learn just as much skills as are necessary to replace mom and dad when they wear out. Oh and that whole stamping out any individuality and learning to take direction obediently and quietly from the 'teacher', later to be replaced by a manager.

Of course companies figured out how to automate and export jobs, so the average person is now pretty much useless.

You can become an independent thinker in the American school system, because you have the freedom of summer vacation to explore and become what you want to be. Of course summer vacation is in danger of being stamped out as an obsolete component of our pre-industrial past (as if we are not post-industrial)

>> No.3839311

Christ, I this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard

>> No.3839320

They are made difficult to get. People with little resources are at a bigger disadvantage than those with no resources. There is STILL a culture of stupidity that is a larger problem than funding. I understand that you can get a free ride if you are intelligent -- I am one of them -- but many are victims of a failed education system which is being made worse over time.

>> No.3839321

what is your metric for people who are deserving of this though?

>> No.3839345

Unfortunately, 'the dumbest shit ever' is your own ego. Follow the money and how it helps people. We have an unlimited supply.

If we had federal money -- AND state money?

>> No.3839346

I agree public school education should be better, I think most can agree with that.

However, I'll have to disagree with you saying those at a bigger disadvantage have it hugely difficult to get such grants.

I currently go to school in a community college near a really low-education environment (Detroit), and while I can afford to go to a better university in state (with some help from student loans of course, I just didn't so I could stay home and save money), a lot of these people can't, but the school has so many counseling resources and is constantly advertising (if you want to call it that) aid programs that come from the government and various organizations.

>> No.3839356

>unlimited supply
Oh, so this is why those protesters think that we can just throw away all of the world's debt and just grant student loan amnesty and live in a world where we debt doesn't exist and we don't have to pay for the things we want.

Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.3839377

As much as it pains me to says this, not just engineers and scientists deserve this. It is actually unfair to people with interests in those areas to deny them funding. Also there isn't nearly enough money in these programs to say that people automatically get a scholarship if they want to become an engineer. It's quite competitive and I know intelligent people who suffer for it. Physics majors, computer engineers and many others have had to drop out because of monetary issues, so yes we do need to mend this one

>> No.3839391

We could always just topple the government and establish a new currency. There's a lot of potential fun to be had here

>> No.3839399

I was using it as an example.

The point I was making was that philosophy and art graduates shouldn't be getting so angry that they can't find a job in that field that pays accordingly.

They should know that the job market for that field is already small, even before the recession.

>> No.3839406

Yes, there's also a lot of potential set back with that.

All advancement as a society and scientifically would be halted for decades while we try to get our shit together.

It's not as simple as just saying we don't want to use the dollar and bringing in a new currency to replace it. All the current values on thing would need to be reset and reestablished and so on.

>> No.3839418

public money should really only go to things that benefit the public. there isn't a shortage of people with hobby degrees like art and philosophy, but there is a shortage of qualified STEM people in certain fields. this obviously varies by location, but it's hard to make a case that there is an artist shortage like there is a nurse/doctor/whatever shortage.

honestly, to take a step back, education funding is something that should be done at a state and/or local level in the US. that way if you want to live in a state that subsidizes and produces more sociology/art/women's studies/philosophy majors you can do that, or you can go live somewhere where the bulk of funding goes to professions with a shortage of workers. hell, or somewhere that doesn't have huge subsidies.

>> No.3839426

There's an excellent example of this; Nursing.

There was a huge need for nurses a little ago, and now you see tons of people going into school to become nurses.

>> No.3839432


Actually, without a new ideology behind the revolution, everything will go back to as they were before the revolution.

>> No.3839442

Yeah, that's true, I just thought the guy was making more a point besides "let's use circle dollars instead of rectangles".

>> No.3839465

i haven't seen any evidence of a significant increase in support for nursing students or huge increase in number of people studying to be nurses. got any links?

>> No.3839491

What you're assuming is that all humanities majors don't contribute to society and it is merely a "hobby". As it is we have a huge entertainment industry that can always use more artists, apparently a constant need for all sorts of lawyers and a good supply of social scientists/anthropologists to observe human behaviors in this rapidly changing world so that we can set up measures that prevent us from fucking ourselves. For example: the new "no cell phone while driving" law. Historians can't really do much but teach history, which is solid knowledge to have. Philosophers just write books or movie scripts for hipsters. Everyone has their place, even if it is act the local independent bakery.

Yes, science and engineering is more intrinsically valuable. But me mustn't neglect the other sides of society lest we become machines (which I have no problem with)

>> No.3839502

If you go down to "Strategies to Address the Nursing Shortage", it talks about different things being done.

As for the huge influx of nursing students, I'll admit, that's based a bit more on my school's own numbers.

>> No.3839506


But we are machines. Some of us are more efficient than others.

>> No.3839521


GE is the government lol How do you think GE got to where it was? Jesus Christ, please, read a book on economics about barriers of entry and how monopolies even form.

>> No.3839523

Well, most of the "artists" you are referring to actually don't get a degree in art directly, they do things like interior design or computer coding, things that have actual applications in the course description.

Social science/anthropologists are only required in very few numbers, they aren't the ones that come up with the laws such as the no phones while driving law.

These degrees have only very specific roles that they fill, specific meaning that you can pretty much only do one with with your degree once you get it, and seeing as how so many people are getting that same degree nowadays (admit it, there has been more kids now than before getting these art/philosophy degrees), that those specific roles that need filling are already filled. Leaving those "starving artist" types complaining because they feel entitled to that job that the other guy took.

>> No.3839537

yeah, but my point is that none of those strategies really qualify as large government subsidizing of a needed degree. it should be on a much larger scale to really start meeting the need. the shortage of job availability in other fields is doing far more to increase nursing numbers than anything else i would bet.

>> No.3839540

Forgive me if I am wrong, but wouldn't that essentially be socialism? As the market would then be regulated by the government.

>> No.3839551
File: 66 KB, 586x680, 1312433409701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bahahaha yessss.

>> No.3839684

the market is already regulated by the government, just in a retarded way. there is massive subsidizing of college education in this country, but it is done in such a way that it allows schools to simply raise their prices (leading to the education bubble) and doesn't discriminate between desperately needed degrees, like nursing, and not-needed degrees like grievance group studies.

a sensible system wouldn't do either of those, and a true 'republic' would kick those decisions down to state/city level at any rate.