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File: 27 KB, 269x400, The Greatest Show on Earth The Evidence for Evolution Richard Dawkins Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3835377 No.3835377 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point in writing these books? It's like a mathematician writing a book called "Topology: The Greatest Show on Paper".

>> No.3835381


>> No.3835383



>> No.3835387

Richard Dawkins is greedy.

>> No.3835389

I would read "topology the greatest show on paper"

>> No.3835393

What's the point in writing anything?

Obviously some people think it's interesting enough to read.

>> No.3835395

Dawkins is kind of an arms dealer. The stuff in his books is intended to be used as ammo by the readers against the opposition. I highly doubt that the expectation is that the opposition is in fact reading his books and being deconverted.

>> No.3835402

I link to this book when I'm arguing with creationist, but I've never read it myself. It's TOO dumbed down. I prefer academia stuff.

>> No.3835407

For those without degrees in biology, it is accessible, and contains quite a good overview of the evidence for evolution. It is an excellent book.

>> No.3835409

>I would read "topology the greatest show on paper"

Fucking beat me to it.

>> No.3835424

Don't worry, it wasn't too clever to beginw ith

>> No.3835434
File: 96 KB, 1372x755, HAHAHAHOHWOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just leave this here.

>> No.3835440

I'll take the butthurt dweller anyday.

>> No.3835441

fan service

>> No.3835475

As an attendee at some shitty little Christian college, my anecdotal evidence would beg to differ from that image.

>> No.3835477

"Maybe it's Maybelline? Maybe it's Mobius."

Just sayin'

>> No.3835499

What's the point of writing reply to this thread?

>> No.3835509


(Where's the salesman at?)

>> No.3835512
File: 191 KB, 300x411, 1316143961135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only Christians I know (I'm British) who was my age was some girl with giant horse teeth and a whore who said she was a catholic despite being the village bike.

>> No.3835548

Why write any pop science book?

Not everybody has the ability or inclination to go and gather this information themselves. And some people enjoy reading the insights, in plain language, of a brilliant biologist, even if they already know most of this stuff.

>> No.3837502 [DELETED] 

What I hate about these books is that they don't explain revolution, they try to prove it as it is some stoner conspiracy theory.
I mean, do we really need to "prove" it? It alters overtime, as years go by, evolution theories change, just like any other scientific theory.

>> No.3837506

What I hate about these books is that they don't explain evolution, they try to prove it as it is some stoner conspiracy theory.
I mean, do we really need to "prove" it? It alters overtime, as years go by, evolution theories change, just like any other scientific theory.

>> No.3837520

because natural sciences are beautiful. math not so much... animals are awesome... numbers not so much,..,... at least in the popular imagination.

also because evolution is controversial in come circles
was that so hard for you to answer, OP? you must be an idiot. SO many mathfags can't into any other explanation except math.... its sad really.

>> No.3837569

>I mean, do we really need to "prove" it?

Yes, we do. I go to a small college in Tennessee (Cleveland State Community College), where I am dispensing with a bunch of Gen Ed bullshit before transferring to a 4-year.

One of the first questions people ask when you meet someone new is "where do you go to church?" It's the default assumption that everyone here is Christian. I was once talking to this guy in my freshman English comp class, who had said he wanted to have a reasonable discussion when he found out that I am an atheist. That's fine, since I don't really have a problem with Christian types as long as they don't use their beliefs as an excuse to be bigots. Conversation turns to the creation story in Genesis, and he literally said that he believed the creation story written there as literal truth, and did not believe in the "supposed billions and billions of years" scientists "guess" the universe has existed.

tl;dr- Hell yes, we need to prove it.

>> No.3837593
File: 142 KB, 1600x1067, 1314968560475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped reading after the word Christian.
Millions of people killed by USSR couldn't get rid of Christianity. You think science can?

>> No.3837598

Not 'get rid of' but it's slowly being marginalised which is quite right since religion is a personal thing and shouldn't impact on other people's lives through public policy

>> No.3837607


Hmmm. You stopped reading after 10% of the material, then got the message of the passage totally wrong. I wonder if you do that in your studies...

>> No.3837611


i could well believe the creation story,

but time does not matter to god, it would be like watching 13 billion episodes of friends..in human terms.. if it was an episode per year.

so i take to mean six distinct periods of time.

so the term is coined:
breed like houseflies.

..not that god would disregard us like we regard houseflies.

just a concept.

>> No.3837622


I do not understand small town america. Even the pope says it is just a story and the earth is billions. when the jews made there callendar 1500 years ago the started it on the 7th day because it is unknown how much time passed before then.

How can anyone so easily contradict experts on biblical study.

>> No.3837633
File: 29 KB, 500x347, 1302302078926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In your dream world, maybe. 90% of conflicts today are directly caused by Abrahamic Religions.

>> No.3837657


That's a good point I also believe Religion is a personal thing and it shouldn't be imposed on people if they don't want it. It's up to them to decide so long as they don't hurt anyone I think I'm fine.

>> No.3837854

These books aren't only directed towards people studying the subject, but to people merely interested in the subject. You'll have to make an interesting title in such a case.