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3832915 No.3832915 [Reply] [Original]

Just because love is an illusion created by a chemical reaction in the brain designed to make you reproduce, doesn't mean you shouldn't seek it out.

>> No.3832919
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>> No.3832918

Just because I saged doesn't mean I hid the thread.

>> No.3832928

yes it does. it's like a drug that you can never sober up from. youre better off without it.

>> No.3832934

>implying I would be successful trying
>implying trying wouldnt be a complete waste of my and someone elses time

>> No.3832943

>eat lots of chocolate
>same chemical release as being in love
>snort pure cocaine
>same chemical release as having orgasm
>shoot up heroin
>Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all day erryday

>> No.3832946

have a good life of loneliness, you're just using it as an excuse to not do what humans are born to do.

>> No.3832948

You have never been in love.

>> No.3832954

>implying that i don't have love because i don't seek it out, not because i'm a hideous monster

>> No.3832963

humans are born to eat sleep and fuck. 'love' is just one mechanism to motivate you a bit more towards the 'fucking' part.

lol, you have.

>> No.3832967

physically or mentally?

>> No.3832974


physically a hideous monster. mentally, a pathetic manchild.

>> No.3832987

grow the fuck up, most people aren't that shallow once you get past the dickheads.

>> No.3832998

How does being the result of chemical reaction make it an illusion?

>> No.3833005

Love transcends sexuality.

>> No.3833009

i'm a psychopath, what's love?

>> No.3833022

Do you think that 'pure love' can exist, where both parties love each other unconditionally in an almost child-like state?

Like if both people were permanently on mdma or something.

Can two inherently selfish beings create a totally non-selfish relationship?

How does one overcome the 'hedgehog dilemma'.

>> No.3833029

baby dont hurt me

>> No.3833033

Exactly, right? Why bother eating steak or lobster, when you can just eat bread and water every single day? After all, taste is just chemicals. Just live like a drone, as I always say. You'll be better off.

>> No.3833034

Yes it is possible. What is the hedgehog dilema?

>> No.3833037

Haha! Like the song.

>> No.3833042


>implying I can grow out of being a hate-filled misogynist asshole.

>> No.3833044

bread and water isnt nutritionally balanced for a healthy lifestyle, and your analogy fails hard anyway.

>> No.3833047
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>> No.3833057

Hedgehogs want to huddle together for warmth but paradoxically they will end up hurting each other with their spikes... so it's a trade-off.

Used as a metaphor for human beings, most people are afraid of being hurt.

Do you think it's possible to be like that with everyone, or just specific individuals. And how do you think two people can get to that state in a relationship, given the hedgehog dilemma. Who would take the gambit of risking themselves getting hurt completely, in the hope of this 'state' that we only assume can exist (aka we wont really know until we are there).

I know a girl named Harriet, she is pretty nice. Just thought I should say that.

>> No.3833066

you should come to britain, there's a lot of people that do this on a daily basis for their entire lives.

>> No.3833070

Do what exactly?

>> No.3833079

Love is quite rare. Most people never experience it. I think it is only possible to be like that with specific individuals

>> No.3833099
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Love.. Is a burning flame...
And it makes... Your asshole sting...

>That's the actually truth

>> No.3833106

how the fuck do you know how rare or common love is? you probably wernt even in love, you never even fucked him.

>> No.3833157

I agree. It's quite a shame that it is like that though. Do you think that such a form of love would be beyond a 'romantic' level, in the sense that you would love your fellow man unconditionally and it would never be sexual at all (unless it was to be an expression of your love), so it would be between only human beings and nothing more?

It's really difficult for me, to embody this love in every single thought, word, deed. To look at another person and only want them to be happy and to help them out. Like no other ulterior motive at all, just existing in a reality where you are completely selfless.

I dont know if that can exist. It seems every time I try and rationalise such a state, the person should be 'dead' because an organism cannot exist in that way.

We were referring to a specific notion of 'pure love'. Re: >>3833022

>> No.3833177

I already said that love and sex are not the same thing. You can have one without the other, in fact you clearly do.

EK is right in that it is sort of like a drug. It is very very strong. At least it was. I think it is only between human beings, or at least it is for humans. Perhaps other animals can also feel love within their own species'

>> No.3833206

true love is REALLY REALLY rare (when both parties have complete unconditional love for each other), the "love" you usually see, its a convinient "live togheter" thing, when there are implicit or explicit, conscious or unconscious, its pratical.

the other type of partial true love that happens more oftenly is when only one party loves the other, but it is not correspondend.

>> No.3833207

Have children, then tell us all that love doesn't exist or that there's nothing in it for 'you'.

>> No.3833211

Interesting point.

I always used to say 'Love without sex is immature and sex without love is empty'.
However, I think sex is a healthy thing to do in a relationship on the two pre-conditions that:

1. It's an expression of your love not a product of lust/desire
2. You love before you fuck (not the reverse), so to speak

But if those two pre-conditions arent met, personally I am very apprehensive about sex and do not really engage in it. Needless to say, I havent had sex much.

I think love is the most powerful force in the universe, in the sense that it conquers all.

>> No.3833222
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>You can have one without the other, in fact you clearly do.
was that a fucking dig? how 'bout i slap your shit!?

>> No.3833239

>Love is an illusion

Oh wow. Op you are gay. Go for homosecks.

>> No.3833254

Wouldnt it be wonderful if I viewed every human being as my child.
I just want the best for them and will suffer anything, even death... just to keep them alive and happy.

I sometimes get cynical and scream 'Kin selection, Kin selection' from the rooftops.

But I think a person could exist in that way with 0 ulterior motives.

I think I will try my darndest to be like this.

This 'true love' you speak of friend... how does one foster this 'un-conditionality'?
I mean before it becomes 'pure/true', there is going to be partial love existing before it plateaus.

I think the main stumbling block is the hedgehog dilemma.
How does a person love unconditionally in all instances?
How does a person embody the golden rule in all thoughts, words and deeds?

What I want to know is how can a person risk infinite suffering and death just to love their fellow man?

I want to be like this, I just do not the path to follow.
Is it something I discover for myself... Maybe.

>> No.3833268

do not know*

>> No.3833269
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>> No.3833273

I was just using you as an example to show that love and sex are clearly separate. I did not mean to offend you

>> No.3833275

>It is very very strong. At least it was.
DAWWW, so cute.

look him up, fag.

>> No.3833282

fine, whatever, i dont wanna be in love anyway.

>> No.3833291

I do not know exactly where he moved to. I do not think it would work anyway.

>> No.3833308

Maybe after you graduate?

>> No.3833310


It would work if you tried.

>> No.3833335


I do not think so. Everything is different now.

>> No.3834269

Why don't EK and Harriet get together, you'd make a great couple.