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3832251 No.3832251 [Reply] [Original]

anybody here on psychotropic medication? it occurred to me the other day that i may be clinically depressed so i went to a psych and got prescribed bupropion (wellbutrin).

i've only been on it for a little bit but i can notice a pretty profound difference. it makes me feel apathetic to anything because those seemingly random thoughts in my head don't spontaneously appear anymore. in fact, no thoughts in my head spontaneously occur. for that reason, i think it is king of killing my creativity or my brilliance.

i used to be a highly neurotic type that was more or less irritable, but now when i see/hear someone doing/saying something incorrect, it doesn't really bother me. i kind of just nod and smile. in that regard, i guess it helps my neuroticism that people often attributed to me being an asshole.

overall, it takes the edge of life but only because it prevents random distracting thoughts from penetrating your consciousness, which may or may not be a good thing. i don't really feel depressed but i don't really feel anything anymore... thoughts of impending doom, anxiety, and insecurity just arent there anymore.

thoughts? responses? experiences?

>> No.3832265 [DELETED] 
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you found a pill that makes you immune to trolling??

...the world is not ready!

>> No.3832275


i guess you can say that... i'm not even mad anymore. feelsgoodman.mpeg

>> No.3832351

been on citalopram, temazepam, and quetiapine. couldn't notice the difference with citalopram, temazepam felt amazing, made your legs turn to jelly and was a generally relaxing experience. then quetiapine was terrible, lowered blood pressure too much and makes you feel shit.

>> No.3832378


ive taken temazepam before. its basically xanax with euphoria.

>> No.3832392

Why don't you work on fixing the problem instead of hiding it with meds?

Find out what's causing you to feel depressed, fix it. Magic.

Do you even work out regulary? Taking meds is one of the dumbest things you can do.

>> No.3832409


I work out 6 days a week. It's really not as simple as "finding out what's wrong". If it was easy to find out what's wrong there would be no problems left in the world. obviously there are complex problems associated with people's psyche that are embedded in deep layers of the subconscious... some people think that the mind and willpower alone are sufficient to overcome any problem, but unfortunately there are some very real diseases that have distinct neural pathology i.e. schizophrenia

>> No.3832415

maybe wellbutrin is useful as an antidepressent because it reduces the random negative thoughts associated with depression. The side effect of feeling apathetic sounds kinda shitty, but if you're only going to take it for a month or two you're not really losing anything from your life. If you can't stand the loss to creativity, you could try another med, but it'll likely produce a similar result. wait till your depression goes away (for real, not just masked by wellbutrin).

>> No.3832434

I take fluoxetine 40mg daily. I've been on it for 5-6 weeks now. I get random moments of giddiness/laughter which never occurred before. I do feel apathy as many report, but it's a good kind of apathy--the kind where you genuinely don't give a fuck what others think. My sleep has improved as well. I used to be a neurotic type, I I still am to some degree, but my mood is much more serene and care-free. It's great.

I'll also take 200mg-400mg modafinil if I need some stimulation that isn't as extreme as with amphetamines, but still stronger than a typical cup of coffee.

>> No.3832442

Your need to correct people who are wrong is due to you having been psychologically conditioned through your life to associate some pain/pleasure mechanism with the situation you are currently experiencing and your psych medication lessens the intensity of this process.

This is an example, it's not 100% accurate but it outlines the general process. As a kid another kid says "you're a poo poo head" then the other kids start teasing you inducing unpleasant emotions. Next time he calls you a poo poo head you feel the need to correct and argue with him to stop the teasing and you feel relieved knowing you have asserted your social dominance when you win. The process involves a depletion of dopamine and dopamine neurotransmitters when you are insulted which triggers your usual response of arguing, if your dopamine levels are unaffected you no longer have this sensation.

>> No.3832448


do you find that the fluoxitine affects your ability to think? like have you noticed that when you read something you haven't actually read/comprehended what you were reading and need to read it over again? i think the bupropion im thinking is severely affecting my ability to think negatively

does the modafinal help? i heard that it basically keeps you awake but doesn't really help you perform better on things that require critical thinking/analysis

>> No.3832461

None of my meds worked, and I was even on high doses of Ritalin and Adderal at the same time.

Started smoking last week, can't even get nicotine buzzes. Shit sucks.

Glutamate/Gaba drugs work though, l-theanine was ok but I'm easily affected by alcohol and DXM. DPH works well enough too, though like I said, nicotine doesn't get me going.

If I had access to meth or opis I'd probably use/abuse them. As it stands my life is going nowhere and I still have anhedonia, amotivation, and suicidal ideation, as well as sleep and joint issues.

>> No.3832465


id have to agree with what youre saying. i'm pretty sure i have pretty severe depletion/under-activity of dopamine in my brain. i used to be a compulsive drug seeker (still am to a certain extent). i was constantly needing to find ways to activate my dopamine reward system and often times drugs fulfilled that purpose. i used to smoke a lot of cigarettes and drink lots of coffee too. i think my reward system in my brain is pretty friend and the medication i am taking increases natural dopamine levels

>> No.3832466

At first fluoxetine clouded my thinking. But that side effect is gone now, and I feel like my cognition has improved (probably due to reductions in anxiety when trying to learn/think).

Modafinil does actually boost cognition, apparently moreso in low IQ subjects. I'm not sure if the modafinil is making me smarter, but it certainly helps with concentration/motivation.

>> No.3832478

I took anti-depressants when I was younger after my dad died. They made me feel manic-depressive in some cycles and then completely numb in other cycles. I complained to my psychiatrist (drug-pusher) and he just kept telling me to continue with it. After about 2 months of that, I tried to kill myself by OD'ing on them.

So I threw that worthless shit away, and just smoked weed for a couple of years and hung out with friends until I got my head on straight. Anti-depressants are largely dangerous shit, and should be avoided except as an absolute last resort.

Article related:

>> No.3832502

>drugs are lied about and misused
>blame the drugs

>> No.3832520

You may have missed the point. My anecdote was not necessarily about blaming inanimate objects. Just coming to the realization of how badly mismanaged, useless, and dangerous those objects are.

>> No.3832523


So you took one AD, had a bad experience, and conclude that the entirety of antidepressant research is nonsense and should be thoroughly avoided despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

Antidepressants DO work, if you take the right one and if you don't go into the therapy with pre-conceived notions that it will most certainly not work. Self fulfilling prophecies and all.

>> No.3832540

Sounds like he needs to be more...



>> No.3832543

You did not read the article, did you?

>> No.3832560

I did read the article. Second hand articles don't really mean much, mainly because they're interpretations of the author in question. I can point you to an article that supports the use of antidepressants:


We can play this game all day long. It isn't productive. Go to pubmed.com, do some research on the various antidepressants, and then come back and tell me antidepressants don't work using research, not some useless anecdote.

>> No.3832609

Well there are a lot of different influences on dopamine levels, behavior and other factors, it's difficult to go into detail without making errors but there is a lot of information out there.


Apparently stress is associated with naturally raising dopamine levels, you might want to seek thrills as part of the lifestyle changes needed to manage your depression, along with giving up smoking. Not sure whether caffeine is good or bad. Maybe when you're comfortable you can reduce the dosage slightly and enjoy the return of your negative emotions without being overpowered by them.