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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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3831862 No.3831862 [Reply] [Original]

Bad news: Bigelow Aerospace laid off half its staff yesterday, halting development of their inflatable space station modules. This is in response to the slow progress and lack of govt funding in commercial crew transport following shuttle retirement.

The remaining staff is focussed almost entirely on their joint venture with Boeing, working on their CST-100 space capsule for CCDev.

>> No.3831870


>> No.3831894



What, are your fingers broken? Found that on google in 2 seconds.

>> No.3831901


spacenews.com for one

Its not such bad news, I guess. Bigelow's core hotel business is stable, and he can restart things when the economy and commercial crew get going again.

>> No.3831911

HEY HEY! What's the matter, fellow violent simians? This was supposed to be the New Dawn of Manned Spaceflight.

Of course, if free government money dries up for this crap, then it'll wither on the vine. That's all these so-called private space companies are about: Re-inventing NASA's plans from decades ago, as long as free govt cheese keeps flowing.

This is nothing more than a re-run or re-print. Anything that's made, will end up in some aerospace museum with some stupidly encouraging placard on it. There is no acceptable ECONOMIC solution for space transportation that creates a space-faring civilization. We are just violent simians who are only pretending to be philosophers, scientists and engineers, and when push comes to shove, we're just going to concentrate on killing each other over dwindling oil supplies.

>> No.3831926

> it's our job to find sources for the OP's retarded threads

>> No.3831934

I'm surprised Bigelow was as big as it was. People don't want to build space stations if it's too expensive to get into space. I can see them getting a lot bigger once the Falcon Heavy or SLS is finished

>> No.3831936

> he can restart things DERP DERP DERP

Wasn't this all SUPPOSED to be the restart? Derp!

Moron. You sound just like the realtors who keep telling us each Spring that the housing bubble will come back. It's NEVER coming back. Equally so, manned spaceflight is deader than disco. More "deader" than disco, in fact, since eventually the music industry will try to bring disco back as a fad.

ONE DAY after you violent simians gave me SHIT about private spaceflight, and we get this news report. You're a bunch of derping fuckholes. You speak of the science and totally IGNORE the economics. Without economics, NOTHING HAPPENS.

>> No.3831943


you're bringing me down, man! c'mon! this is /sci/ where the light of rationality elevates us from the muck!

>> No.3831945

Well, they say they will resume after reliable crew transport to LEO is available. Just wait for SpaceX Dragon or CST-100 to finish development.

>> No.3831953

jeez, who shit in your cappuccino?

The irony is that this is happening only days after China launched their own space station prototype.

>> No.3831958


It's not a surprise, but still, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.3831975

> People don't want to build space stations if it's too expensive to get into space.

DERPHOLE! When using rockets, it is ALWAYS too expensive to get into space. $10000 per pound? Even $100/lb is too fucking much. You might get away with $50/lb, for people looking to get away.

Until a launch system is very re-usable, or is the Launch Loop, and reasonable costs per pound are achieved, then sustainable spaceflight is a fucking FANTASY.

>> No.3831977
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>Report submitted!

>> No.3831981

>lack of govt funding
If your private business model is relying on government funding.
Your fucked.
Particularly in America now that the bankers have all the money.

>> No.3831984
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The dry mass of a rocket can be reduced by 98%, which reduces the cost by a factor somewhere between 4 and 256.

>> No.3831993

> this is /sci/ where the light of rationality elevates us from the muck!

You mean the darkness of nerd and MIC propaganda that shrouds us from the truth. You can't make a sane investment without knowing the truth. And that's what space development has always lacked: A sane investment environment. It's always knocked fatally askew from government cheese.

>> No.3832010
File: 42 KB, 550x472, kaminabelieve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, the resident anti-semite conspiracy theorist who always shows up in these threads.

In the 1970s, during the last oil crisis, there were lots of people like you claiming that the collapse of society was imminent and that we'd be fighting clan wars over sources of potable water by the year 2,000.

Like you, they saw a momentary obstacle as a brick wall. They were wailing and screeching about how a speed bump of the sort we've overcome countless times in the past would this time be the end of everything. It never is. We have too much momentum and are too clever to stop so easily.

Nor will we be stopped by neo-nazis using doom and gloom proclamations (about how sinister Jewish bankers won't allow space travel and wish to enslave the white man) in an attempt to create, through fear and hatred, more neo-nazis.

It's the people like you we need to get rid of before we go to space. We can't risk spreading that poison to new worlds.

>> No.3832021

> If your private business model is relying on government funding.Your fucked.

Exactly. Nerds on /sci/ and other places just don't understand economics, which is why they fall into paroxysms of worship when a few billion dollars of govt cheese flow into something they like.

> Particularly in America now that the bankers have all the money.

And that's pretty much the end of our civilization. Bankers don't care about anything but more money. Someone once pointed out that that is really just a game to them, and they use money to keep score. That explains a lot about why Western Civ has been literally decimated and is now collapsing into a singularity of FUCK.

>> No.3832028


SpaceX has already gotten all the funding that it was ever going to get from NASA

>> No.3832048

> In the 1970s, during the last oil crisis, there were lots of people like you claiming that the collapse of society was imminent and that we'd be fighting clan wars over sources of potable water by the year 2,000.

But society DID collapse. We priced ourselves out of our houses, our cars, our government. We priced ourselves out of our families and our jobs. We spent ourselves out of our savings. The Great Depression that SHOULD HAVE happened in the 1980s to clear all that up, was instead DELAYED by huge govt and personal debts.

You derpholes just can't face the truth, that your civ depends on a cheap energy resource. And it's heavily dependent on that. Cheap oil funded and fueled EVERYTHING.

But no FOSSIL resource can last. It must run out, and by "run out" I clearly mean it will become too expensive to make use of for common means. And once the commoners are thrown out of the game, a lot of the suppliers will be thrown out of the game TOO, since they operate on VOLUME. So oil exploitation will downsize massively by the end of the 21st Century.

The major form of personal transportation in the USA in the years 2100 will be BY FOOT. After that, the BICYCLE (which will all be locally made and maintained). After that, the HORSE. The engine-driven vehicle will be a distant 4th.

Space exploration will be a distant memory by then. And the Resource Wars will occupy people's attention too much to really complain.

>> No.3832055

hey Mad! gonna go get some cake with moot tonight? I'd come if you brought your underwater experiments for show and tell.

>> No.3832063

> If your private business model is relying on government funding.Your fucked.

Unless you make bombs, guns or tanks for the US.

>After that, the HORSE.

You know much you have to feed a horse?

>> No.3832066


So you're saying in the next 90 Years mankind wont find something as cheap as Fossil Fuels? We'll have Electric cars powered by LFTR's by 2050, deal with it

3/10 for making me reply

>> No.3832087

This. Once the price on oil/coal rises high enough($140/bbl is not enough) things will switch over very fast.

The "green" movement seems to be fairly well embedded in the US, but money works wonders compared to wishful thinking

>> No.3832095

> SpaceX has already gotten all the funding that it was ever going to get from NASA

That's why that disgusting Jew-boy Elon Musk is chasing more of it, eh?

Statement by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Senate Funding to Restore American Human Spaceflight Capability
September 15, 2011


They are ALL after that free govt cheese.

>> No.3832101


Why wouldn't he try to get more money?
And he's an Atheist

>> No.3832143


> So you're saying in the next 90 Years mankind wont find something as cheap as Fossil Fuels? We'll have Electric cars powered by LFTR's by 2050, deal with it

We get electricity from faerie cum and pixie shit? What the FUCK do you really believe that electric generators run on?

Around here, our primary fuels for electricity are coal (a fossil fuel), nuclear (expensive due to pollution) and NG (part of the fossil-fuel problem). Truly renewable sources are negligible.

You NERDFAGS are as totally mentally ill about energy as the religifags are about everything else. You have ZERO understanding of what energy sources look like. Petroleum was like a magic fluid, since it contained so much energy with respect to all previous sources (which were limited to wood and coal). Nuclear looked promising, until we found out that it was so polluting that it was a true horror of Human make. So petroleum is the best we ever had, and from any basic survey of the earth and universe, it's the best that we will EVER have.

>> No.3832151


Fusion is the only possible successor, but is a futile dream since the fusion reaction requires containment that Humans can't attain. It's easy for stars to achieve that, since they have 10^30 grams of mass laying around for containing the reaction. That makes a great star, but makes a terrible fusion reactor for Human use.

We try to make do with solar and wind (since wind is solar-driven, it's ALL solar energy). But those have been artificially restrained by the Energy Lords, who have a very intense interest in keeping man gulping down irreplaceable oil.

Why you yuppie nerdfucks keep imagining there's a magic fuel out there in the universe, is beyond my understanding. That's because I don't spend my time understanding THE MENTALLY ILL. But never fear, this will all fix itself in due course. Energy supplies for the derpfucking Western yuppie nerdbag will just grow more and more expensive, until he's forced to finally turn off his computer (the electricity to run it will be too much to pay for) and go outside to finally see the reality that he covered up for decades with CHANSHIT.

>> No.3832152

>Doesn't know what a LFTR is.

>> No.3832159

> Why wouldn't he try to get more money?

The point is that >>3832028 is a fucking liar. You yuppie nerdfucks are so soaked in your pro-space propaganda that you can't even keep on the SAME message in the SAME thread.

So which is it, derpholes? Either SpaceX is private, or it's a NASA welfare queen. WHICH IS IT?!?! You can only choose ONE.

>> No.3832181

wut? A business can get money wherever the hell they can find it. It so happens that NASA was offering grants and contracts which aligned with Elon's development goals, so he made successful bids. Had that not been the case, he would have probably taken a different development path, going after commsats before developing Dragon. SpaceX is just being opportunistic.

>> No.3832185



>> No.3832208
File: 12 KB, 248x203, ret..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuclear looked promising, until we found out that it was so polluting that it was a true horror of Human make.

>But those have been artificially restrained by the Energy Lords, who have a very intense interest in keeping man gulping down irreplaceable oil.

>> No.3832217

rodin coils ruined TEDx for me.

>> No.3832276

ugh, yeah. that is kinda embarrassing. You'd think folks would be wise to free energy scams by now.

>> No.3832303


Tedx can be run by anyone. Don't let Rodin Coils get in the way of Kirk Sorensen